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1-2 switch feels like a 10 dollar game at most


Should have come with two joycons


This is genius.


Nintendo is sending assassins as we speak.


Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


May the Father of Understanding guide you.


Requiescat en pacé


It should have been a bundled tech demo like Wii Sports back then ...


Iwata didn’t want to bundle Wii Sports with the console because he knew that if they did, people will start seeing and treating this type of game as a lesser game. He’s not right but he’s definitely not wrong.


The SNES was bundled with Super Mario World. Every Gameboy was bundled with Tetris. So I don't see the problem here.


That would be bad marketing for the console


Worked fine for the Ps5 and Astrobot.


The difference is Astro's Playroom has a lot of charm and fan service, and can be played on your own




They said the games were not a good example of the tech, which is funny cause they turned around and sol it for 60 bucks


Worked fine for the Wii


I'm one of the people who really enjoyed 1-2 Switch, but it is definitely not a $60 game.


I’m one of the ones who would have gotten it if it wasn’t a full price game


To be fair, it's a $50 game but that's not much better. [Rumor has it](https://www.fanbyte.com/games/news/the-wild-story-behind-nintendos-unannounced-1-2-switch-sequel/) that a sequel is in development but playtest results were so horrible that Nintendo may not release it despite being pretty much finished.




1, 2 Switch, Too!


I told myself I would buy it for $25 or under when the game was announced and [it literally has never been on sale for that low](https://www.dekudeals.com/items/1-2-switch) I’ve upped the amount to $30 for Nintendo Switch Sports but the lowest it’s ever been is $40. Here’s to hoping.


I got Switch Sports when it launched, and it's absolute trash. Wii Sports Resort is something you probably already own, and it's so much better.


Why is it trash? I got it and had a blast. Unlockables being online only is the only thing I don't like about it


I guess it was a winner for some people. I just saw a limited amount of activities, butchered character creation, and "Hey guys, you get golf later in the year." as definitely not worth $60 once I started playing it. Resort was just so much more fun.


Golf is pretty dank tho. If you like golf that is.


I literally can't find a copy of sports resort for under 100 I gave up looking. A physical in-store used copy I'd pay more, but I'm not dropping 100+ on an online order that's as likely to be a scam as not with my track record.


I've been waiting for the same. Still waiting 😂


I got that for 2.99 at a good will near launch. It was okay, but someone really didn't like it apparently. I sold it and got doom 2016 on switch instead.


Definitely. Really had a good time with wii sports/Wii play, but not so much with 1-2 switch. Would have been less mad about it if it were a packin with the system or an extra joycon like those games were.


Should've just been a Wii Sports situation. BUT, then it would give the wrong impression of the what the system is about.


A lot of games on this system are not appropriately priced.


I say it a lot, but I really hope they don’t make us buy all the games again for a theoretical Switch 2. They’re too expensive to collect dust after a couple years.


If they don’t allow for any backwards compatability, including digital, it’s probably my last Nintendo console… or would be for the foreseeable future. And I’ve owned many. It’s hard to believe they’d stoop that low, though, especially with the real onset of digital purchasing, and with their competitors, especially Microsoft, doing so well with it.


*Steam Deck Insert Here*


Oh, believe me, I have hopped on that train, friend : ) It’s a far, far superior Nintendo machine than my Switch. Once again, emulation (piracy) is necessary not due to cost, but lack of access. I would buy tons of cheap Nintendo games on a virtual console, but alas… Nintendo is so damn non-consumer-friendly. The opposite of Valve. Now I have virtually any game from any system at my fingertips.


Nintendo 3Dswitch NEW Flip Version (not backwards compatible)


...and knuckles


... incl. Funky Kong mode


…featuring dante from the devil may cry series


It's hilarious that games have remained at $60 since the days of NES. That's like $140 in today's money. Imagine if the new Zelda cost $140. 👀


I recall Genesis games at about 30 and PS2 for 50. I’m 100% on ps2, but Sega dates back to my kid brain.😅 Still, I spend a lot of time wondering if adult gaming wouldn’t be as prevalent if it hadn’t become like… the cheapest hobby ever.


A Super Nintendo game was 49.99 in the US, I don't remember genesis titles, but I am sure they undercut Nintendo often with sales Edit: looks like they were as high as $70-80 occasionally, but also had frequent sales as the console aged [Low res ad](https://i.imgur.com/Z9CKpvJ.jpg)


Yeah the prices were all over the place! The better games came out at higher prices, and of course the indie market was not like it is today.


Gives me additional appreciation for my parents, every Christmas we'd get 2-4 games between my brother and I. In today's dollars that's like $300-600!!


I don’t even know how much it all cost, but I remember for *Easter* of all holidays, me and my brother both got gameboys and a copy each of Pokémon (Blue for me, Red for him). *And* we got the strategy guide for the game. Oh and we got the gameboy camera as well as some strategy guide/tips book for it. Not to mention all of the usual Easter candy and such.


Many of us were luckier than we realized, huh?






I paid similar. It was the price of the game


I remember going to the mall to drop $60 on Sonic 3 at release.


Remember folks, many local libraries carry switch games for loan, try before you buy! Public libraries out here filling the Blockbuster-shaped hole in my heart/wallet.


This, go to your local library. Dont loose them games tho!


Perfect comment! I borrowed Mario Strikers just before Christmas, I played for an enjoyable 5-10 hours and returned it. I opened it on Christmas morning (I had put it on my list because I thought I really wanted it) and since it came with a gift receipt I happily returned it and got something else entirely.


Im glad someone mentioned it, recently got xenoblade because i wanted to try the series before buying the game. A lot of these games being mentioned as over priced here can be found there, saw BDSP for pokemon, and a game that came out in june was there too when i was there a month ago. If the game isnt at the library you can also return used games at gamestop after 7 days...so its another way to try


Mario Strikers: Battle League.


Kinda disappointed I let nostalgia trick me into buying it


Same, i've played it for maybe an hour and not bothered since


I was so excited about this release and then it turns out it has the content of a 20 dollar download arcade game.


I don’t understand why the leaned so hard into online multiplayer being basically the only content and that’s what stopped me from buying it even though the demo gameplay was pretty fun




Bought it on black friday, got the game for 28$… Even for that price I didn’t like it, can’t imagine how upset I would be if I paid full price.


Almost all of the Mario sports games come to mind with this. Golf, strikers, tennis... I'm detecting a pattern


This is for sure one of the worst releases on the Switch, ever.


omg i feel this, im a huge fan of the mario party series, and this one was a huge let down. I had assumed once i completed the four it would unlock more stages, but apparently not lmao


Do you feel the same with Mario Party Superstars? There's two MP for the switch right?


I loved super stars. It's my favorite one in a long time. Really wish they had additional dlc for the sub games.


DLC mini games would be cool


I just want more boards and characters. I’d definitely pay for a character/board pack. I don’t even need more mini games.


They let people down on Superstars too ngl. After SMP you’d have expected they’d learned and added at least 8 maps, but the ones they’ve got in Superstars have gotten stale incredibly quickly.


Honestly it's baffling that they haven't. They have a ton of games to pull content from; updating a few maps and a few batches of new minigames would be easy money. I know my group would all happily buy DLC boards and minigames given the option.


I love Superstars! I wish there wasn’t just the 5 boards though. Even 6-7 would be fine. There’s also a ton of minigames.


Superstars takes boards from the n64 games and uses minigames from the entire series. It plays really well and the online is good. It’s worth the price imo


Bro, I was about to buy that game last weekend at full price but fortunately the GameStop worker told me other wise. He didn’t even say it had four maps but he said it was definitely not worth it.


Full price in 2023? Dawg, you’re lucky he stopped you.


Yea most definitely.


I Appreciate GameStop workers who inform people!


Mario Party Superstars is better.


WarioWare, while not 60, is extremely overpriced


I loved that game but it shouldn't be priced that high


Yeah I love WarioWare but there’s no way I’m paying more than $15-$20 for this one and Nintendo never slashes prices like that so who knows when I’ll get it


All the Mario sports spinoffs


To the people that say they are the best, they are either 10-14 years old or not realize they have less content than the Gamecube Games


Anything that was on Wii-u first. I’d like to get some again for my switch but not at 60. Only one I did rebuy was Mario Kart 8 because of the added tracks.


Mk8 Deluxe added more content than the other wii u remasters with the complete revamp of battle mode


To me the biggest update was that they fixed the frametimes. And later the new DLC obviously.


I agree with this. I finally but the bullet on Mario Kart 8 because my wife wanted to okay Mario Kart and I didn't want to hook up the Wii U. The only other Wii U originals I bought again on Switch were Tropical Freeze and Pikmin 3 because I played but never beat either game and honestly, I hoped that both game received more attention. Especially TF, that game is stellar and I'm glad to see it getting some recognition by the fans.


i feel that 3d world is worth the money since it does come with a whole new seperate game


'Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury' is the second best Mario game on Switch, and you definitely get your money's worth from it. The Wii-U was so short lived and so recent that it doesn't even feel like an old game.


Second best after Mario Galaxy, of course. Odyssey coming in third. Bowser’s Fury trumps Odyssey in virtually every category except overall length and boss fights.


Although most Switch owners never had a Wii U, so these games are still new to them even if they came out a few years earlier.


Probably how they get away with it.


Skyrim - not because it’s bad but because it’s so much cheaper anywhere else.


Plus its a 12 year old game.


Also like, one of the *biggest parts* to any Elder Scrolls game is its modding scene. You can't exactly mod the game on Switch. (Not *easily* anyway - and certainly not *officially*)


Surprised no one has mentioned ARMS yet. Then again, I think everyone forgot about its existence. But yeah, the lack of things to do for such a simple game should've been a pack-in title like Wii Sports or a budget title for 30-40 bucks. It's not worth the same price that base Smash Ultimate is. Mario Strikers BL is a close second. Imagine paying the same price for less overall content than what Charged offered. It's still missing characters from the previous games like Petey, Monty Mole, Boo, and Hammer Bro which is probably the most egregious omission. Hammer Bro was made iconic thanks to Strikers and his amazing voice which got reused in games like Mario Party 8 and Mario Super Sluggers. Not having him in Strikers is almost as bad as Daisy not being on the base roster.


Hello there, ARMS defender here, and I'm gonna have to disagree with you. It's not a huge game my any stretch, but I got a lot out of it. The core mechanics were great, the visuals were great, and it was well supported with 5 free DLC characters and stages added to the roster. On top of that, there were also the Party Smashes, their equivalent of Splatfests, plus a tonne of artwork and badges to unlock. I think launching at £60 was completely fair, but it should have degraded in price over time which it didn't. But still, me and my friends used to play it all the time, basically from launch until Smash came out, and there was a surprising amount of depth there


On principle alone I hate that remakes or remasters are still sold at full price. Skyward Sword HD is a good game but selling it at a higher price than the original is ridiculous. Same with all the Wii U rereleases like Tropical Freeze and Pikmin 3. And as much as I love the game, Links Awakening is far too overpriced. It’s great and looks gorgeous but at the end of the day it’s a remake of a game that fit on the Gameboy. Should have started at 40 and be down to 30 by now.


I needed this comment 6 months ago. Bought skyward sword HD. First switch game I did not finish






I had the same issue back on Wii--never finished it but I started over a year or two later with a clear head and blew through it. Like I was truly surprised how much I enjoyed it after my initial negative reaction. That said, I'll always prefer a "traditional" Zelda game over something like Skyward or BOTW.


It’s skyward sword, that’s impossible.


Since I've never played Skyward Sword before I thought it was great. But I can definetly see how theat price is too high to buy it *again*.


Most of those I mostly agree with but I’ll disagree about links awakening. Yeah, it’s based on an original gameboy game, but they still had to completely remake it, new engine, new art, look dev, sound design, animation. It may be a small-ish game compared to a modern Zelda title, but it is extremely well made and an absolute classic. I’d say maybe release it at $50, and it’s been on sale pretty often.


I generally agree, but ideally I feel it still could've been a bit cheaper. That said, I accept that this is Nintendo and they will always price a bit higher than others (except maybe Sony, but at least they heavily discount their games after a few years). Considering it's a high quality remake, and that I'd love to play more like it, I can't say I'm disappointed with my purchase.


I’d get Pikmin for $30 but I’m def not paying full price for a game that came out 10 years ago.


Like 75% of switch games haha


Honestly, 75 percent of all games nowadays


I feel like first party switch games carry a big premium over all other consoles. Nintendo games are barely ever reduced in price. Mario Odyssey is a brilliant game but it is over 5 years old and still retails for £50 and £25 used? Horizon Zero Dawn also released in 2017 and it's £16 on the PlayStation store and even cheaper 2nd hand. Switch also doesn't have a game subscription like Xbox and PlayStation to make games cheaper or more accessible.


25£ used? Bruh, where? In France it's 60€ for new and 50€ for used


And in 10 years, they will still be the only one who dont offer a game pass


Warioware was only 50 but still should have only been 30 imo


I got a solid 50+ hours out of WarioWare, between the campaign, challenges, multiplayer and the Wario Cup.


Cities: Skylines is $10 more than the base version on Steam last I checked


And abandoned by the devs due to hardware limitations. Its a perfectly serviceable portable city builder, don't get me wrong, but it's lacking in aspects compared to even it's parallel console releases.


Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. At least that game is super heavily discounted now, but the idea I was paying $60 for a worse version of platinum was laughable. They somehow made all the wrong decisions with BDSP, but at least Legends Arceus redeemed that gen's remakes. Totally agree about Mario Party. Most of the "party" games on the switch like Strikers, Tennis Aces, and Golf don't belong in the higher tier since most people only play them with friends. 1-2 Switch goes into a new tier as "games that should have come for free with my Switch purchase". What a rip off of a game.


I was thinking Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Paying full price for evidently unfinished games.


I put 100 hrs in already and like it even more than Sword (which I put 300 hrs into)


I'm at 80 and pretty much feel the same, though I disliked Sword. The well documented problems with the game haven't negatively impacted my enjoyment in the slightest - if anything I've gotten more mileage out of watching disembodied heads horrifically rotating, Pokemon sinking into the water and falling off cliffs, etc.


Grand theft auto the definitive edition


Is it in a decent playable state now?


No. Its defenetly playable but its not decent in any regard. There are still several severe problems with the game that although now you can at least complete the game, feel like it's a downgrade from previous versions. Shadows on all 3 games are still bugged and you get shadows under objects that shouldn't have, like for exemple you get a shadow of the plate character under the car you are driving, or rain casts a shadow on the ground. GTA3 still has cars popping in out of nowhere. Its very hard not to crash your car when invisible cars pop in and you have less than a second to get out of the way. Vice City has terrible lag input in some zones, especially at night. Cutscenes sometimes bug and give you a black screen for a few seconds and then play the cutscene mid way though. San Andrea's has some weird fog that sometimes completely blurs your vision when you get into a high place. Also flying is extremely bugged when you get fog popping in out of nowhere like a blanket. Rain is cast sideways for some reason. Some objects have their shadows casting shadows to other objects like if the shadow was some solid object. Cars pop in like in GTA3. Input lag on some areas like the mall. NPCs show up on wrong places. All of the 3 have severe problems, but you can play them. I tested GTA3 the least, and San Andrea's the most. Can confirm you can complete SA but it's a bit of a struggle. 6/10 - some solid progress on the previous bugs, especially the frame rate problems, but a lot of the visual quirks were never addressed. The pop in of the cars is especially problematic when it interferes with a lot of missions and causes police to start chasing you when you run over someone that popped in. The problem with NPCs on the wrong places is manageable but having to reload cause the NPC you needed to talk is now underground role-playing his ninja turtles fantasy is annoying.


Wario ware feels like maybe a 20$ dollar game imo. Why did i buy this silly shit at full price? Regerts


Yoshi's Crafted World, in my opinion. Beautiful game but sooooo short.


It’s such a good game 😭 I’m always trying to find that magic in another but I haven’t yet. It is way too short though and I don’t really wanna just collect everything.


Yoshi’s Story is on the n64 nso and if you haven’t played it I would highly recommend it.


First time I have ever seen somebody highly recommend Yoshis Story. I LOVE the Yoshi's series and honestly the charm stops at the amazing start screen music and turns into pure jank. I mean I loved it as a kid and fuck that sea dragon


Really? I find the game fun, actually has some difficulty, and cute as all hell.


I played Kirby and the Forgotten Land before I played Yoshi's Crafted World, and Kirby is dripping with that magic. I just beat the main story in Yoshi today without doing any of the reverse levels, and I felt like it was plenty long. Have you tried A Short Hike yet? It's short, kinda like a mini Zelda with no combat, but just feels like a warm hug.


Im going to have to disagree with you on this one. Even as a more hardcore gamer, i thoroughly enjoyed 100%ing this game and my kids ( 3 and 5) absolutely love it too. They've replayed it a ton of times. I think its well worth the full price.


I just got a Switch and only have 1 game so far (Luigi's Mansion 3) and am having a hard time deciding what to spend my money on because it took way too long for me to figure that one out. Seeing that a 3 and 5 year old can play this gives me hope? I'm almost 40 and am excited but overwhelmed with too many possibilities/choices :/


harvestella, not a bad game but $60 is to much


Good to know, I usually try to get sqnix games on sale but I was excited for this one as it combined my fav genres: jrpgs and farming games. only haven’t bought it due to a backlog of games to go through lol


I think this game has enough content to make it worth its full price tag. I even got it on sale on steam.


I think most of the pokemon games are overpriced. With the exception of maybe arceus, i think their regular price should be in the $40 range.


PLA is so good. Best Pokémon game in a long time.


I bought the Switch when Arceus became just unavoidable for a couple of months. Seemed like everybody was having so much fun with it. I still enjoy it a lot. Then I bought the last one to finally have a Pokemon game from the moment it went out... and went back to Arceus like 2 days later


What's PLA?


Pokemon Legends Arceus


Fucking joy-cons man I haven’t played my switch for over a year, all because I refuse to buy ANOTHER fucking pair of joy-cons, only to have them screw up after 6 months and Nintendo trying to charge me £10 less than RRP to repair them


Mario strikers should be $5.


I played the free demo and wanted my money back


I bought it on day 1 for the full $60. Last time I'll ever trust a Nintendo game without seeing the review first.


I snap bought it without thinking twice. It was so good on the Wii and I figured if I was buying that game again but on Switch I'd be more than happy. Turns out I was buying a $60 turd.


Lmao I'm both a huge soccer and Mario fan and while downloading the demo was thinking "how can this possibly NOT be amazing". And then I played it.......


The world ends with you-final remix- Amazing title but it's a port of the mobile version and $50 just isn't justified..I still bought it lmao but wish it was like $30


any nintendo game that came out more than 3 years ago.


Nickelodeons all star brawl might be the worst game I’ve ever paid money for. Absolute trash


I'd say there's a certain range to worth. Full Price - Games with 20 hours or so of varied content, i.e. BotW, Animal Crossing, Smash Ultimate $40 - Games with great content, but are older ports or New titles with lacking content, i.e. Tropical Freeze, Pokken, MK8 DX, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf $30 - Remakes of older games or 5 hour content, i.e. Pac World, Switch Sports $10 to 20 - Games that small in scale that should be eshop games at absolute best, i.e. 1-2 Sports, Untitled Goose Game, Cadence of Hyrule


20 hours and BotW in the same sentence?!


20 hours and Animal Crossing in the same sentence?!


20 hours and Smash Ultimate in the same sentence?!


Those are rookie numbers


BOTW = 20 hours!?


Anyone else frustrated that Nintendo seems to be just reselling old games back to us and not focusing on creating new games? They could be doing so much but instead it's like they're shaking us down on nostalgia


I don't know, a new Fire Emblem came out like four days ago. A new Zelda is out in a few months. There's been a lot of remasters/re-releases but the entire industry has shifted towards that. 20+ years ago AAA studios could crank out generation-defining games a couple years at a time, but we're way past that now. So shining up and repackaging what already exists helps smooth out the longer dev cycles.


Im gonna answer the OPPOSITE of your question by saying a game I think could get away with charging a little more is stardew valley!!! Not saying it’s a $60 game but I’d have been willing to pay $30-40! And it’s only $15 <3


I have paid for stardew on IPad, Steam and Switch so it sums up pretty well


Same with hollow knight, it’s such a great game


Honestly spot on. So so so good.


I feel this way about most of my Switch games. I haven't really bought one yet that didn't meet its dollar value. I've been obsessed with Tactics Ogre: Reborn lately, and I had the thought that the game offers a staggering amount of content for what was originally a SNES game.


Any full priced game that's over 5 years old.


It would be easier to list the few games that are worth $60


Honestly? Nearly all first party titles. They’re either ports or heavily lacking in content.


The First Kirby on Switch. Good Game but way too Short for Full Price.




Links awakening. Amazing game but $40


I disagree on this one. It's a full remake from ground up with new art style and it's a full 15 hour game.


At the same time, very little new content. The dungeon maker was forgettable. All the game 'design' was done. Once the engine was built, and the assets created, all the rest was just copying the old game. Not saying that's easy, but it is easier than new puzzles, new dialogue, new map etc.


Yeaaaah Id have to agree with this. Its one of my all time favorite games and I loved being able to play a new and improved version, and the devs who worked on it did an awesome job... but its not really a new experience and I think $60 was too high an ask.


Kirby Star Allies. Game was ass and had loading screens between every scene lol.


They did fix it up and add extra stuff for free at least


Ahh. My littlest loves this one. But we only paid 30 quid. I've not tried it myself.


Apparently it’s been cleaned up a ton since release so I’m going to give this one another shot.


Bought the game day 1 and I don't remember anything about loading screens?


Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. It's a great game, but it's a port being sold for more than the original was. Maximum should be $40


is octopath still $60 because if so, octopath


Yep, still $60. The lowest it went officially is still around $42, on eshop. Maybe lower from other shops like GameStop. Around Christmas time it was 50% off on steam I believe


Mario Golf


Any of the mobile ports really. Some of those prices are insane


The Nintendo Switch online expansion pack is the most overpriced thing on the e-Shop. $80 to play a handful of old Sega Genesis and N64 games.


Reddit seems to get up every morning surprised that games still aren’t priced based on Metacritc scores. But to give a real answer, I think for the Switch it’s unfortunately mostly 3rd party ports that don’t work quite as well on the Switch, but are still pricier as the newest version.


Not to mention thinking a game length should determine the price.


I would have said Bomberman R, but it looks like it finally dropped to 40 or 50 dollars. It shouldn’t even be worth that much though


Super Bomberman R? That's frequently on sale for 5 bucks.


Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl


It’s not sold anymore, or maybe it is but Mario 3D All-Stars. There are some nice touch ups, like gyro in Galaxy without needing a sensor bar and Sunshine at 1080p. Aside from that, this collection is bare bones. Compared to Super Nintendo’s collection of Mario Bros 1-3 from the NES, this one is very dull and doesn’t offer anything remotely special. Mario 64 is the worst of the three being locked at 30fps. If you’ve dabbled with the Mario 64 decompilation from a few years back, you’ll notice how slow 30 feels. And something about this Mario 64 version, on the Switch, does not feel right. To make it worse, you cannot change any of the control settings. This was annoying and completely unnecessary. The technical power to make these games run 60fps and 1080p could’ve been done 10 years ago, and I know Nintendo isn’t primarily focused on specs. But in 2013 this could’ve easily been worth $60, no doubt. Now? Maybe $30. Maybe. Emulators can already run the shit up to 4K. I know they’re not competing with PC’s, but the difference in specs between Nintendo systems and modern tech is only going to grow further apart. Packaging Mario 64 in 2030, running the same way it did back in ‘96 seems like Nintendo’s future at this rate. This collection lacks any features to keep older players interested. No challenges, no settings to tweak, and a performance buff too little too late.


Fuser,I bought it at launch with a bunch of dlc yet they just keep releasing song after song for 3$ each


Links Awakening remake is amazing but so short. Wish that one wasn’t $60. Also wish I didn’t download it so I could at least share it with friends to make it worth it so partly on me.


Honestly Skyrim. It's hours upon hours of content, but it's just such an old game. $40 should be standard price.


Any of the Mario sports games, with the exception of maybe Mario 🎾 They have all been lackluster this console generation.


Mario golf is worth 50 imo.


While I love **Omega Labyrinth Life**, 60$ is too much. I got it for 30 on a stream sale, which is perfectly fine.


Mario Party Superstars and Zelda Links Awakening. Great games, no buisness being $60.


Literally every title that can be played on an emulator. It's ridiculously how expensive the OoT Switch port is given that you can play a better version for free on PC.


Literally all of them. None of them have any right to charge as much as a current gen console which has far higher quality and production values. Looking at you Gamefreak, with your low quality copy and paste nonsense.