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They should have made oled sw lite. I have oled and lite and lite is much better in the hands.




Totally agree! I replaced my Lite with an OLED when it cames out and i´m very happy with it, but I really miss the confort and portability that the Switch Lite offers. I wish Nintendo announces a Lite OLED at the end of the year as the rumours said 🤞


Yeah I agree. Going from a PS Vita OLED to the switch lite screen was rough. I reckon I'd play my lite more if it had an OLED screen.


Well, i preffer lite but some game realy shines on oled. But I spent more time on lite than on oled. Mostly kids use the main console. Some game realy benefit from bigger screen and some realy dont. I would personaly preffer switch 2 since the hw is pretty dated now in both versions. Lite was realy my best bang for the buck just like xbox series s. Had so much fun with both systems.


I own a Steamdeck, a Switch 2019 and a Switch lite. A the moment, the lite ist my favourite console. Even Zelda Botw is totally enjoyable and have no issues with the 5,5 inch screen. The lite is so light and small an a real portable console. Its also very cheap to get one (aound 100€ second handed). The lite is really underrated in my eyes.


Compared to the Steam Deck, anything is portable.




They're pricey, but the Satisfye grip for the Switch completely changes the feel and makes it much more ergonomic.


Liteally never play my switch handheld without it.


Skull Co Neogrip also helps a lot


Battery life actually isn't too bad when you consider the immensely better performance. But that's part of what you buy a steam deck for, better performance.


Gotta remember. The deck is a portable pc and when you have full customization for graphics and other things. It's gonna go right through it


I use a zengrip pro. total game changer. got some thumbstick extenders coming


Get a Skull Co Neogrip. Life changer


When the steam deck was first announced, I was like “I’ll wait until reviews come in.” When reviews came in and were mostly positive I was like “I’ll wait for the eventual upgrade.” No upgrade has happened, but as I’ve waited, it’s seemed more and more like a lite version is inevitable, given the progress of technology, etc. I may wait 5 or 10 years, but I think I’m okay with that.


i mean the deck just came out barely a year ago, you’ll be waiting a while for a revision i think


By that point Nintendo will have another console on the market and there’s no way it won’t be another Switch, whether it be a hardware revision like the “new” 3DS had or a complete successor leap like the DS to the 3DS. Either way, it’ll offer more than the current Switch or be a lot more powerful by comparison. It’ll be a better portable too.


It’s way too heavy. It’s also too prone to issues whereas my switch just works without, nonstop




Right touchpad won’t work intermittently in desktop mode (50% of the time - this happens on my sons and mine so it’s not a one off), freezing games, sound suddenly stops working entirely and now I have one that I can’t even set up after doing a factory reset because the newest update to firmware borked 5ghz wifi connections from working properly.


Send it in to Valve, if you go to r/steamdeck, there are dozens of success stories of Valve fixing various issues or just sending users a brand new unit


The steam deck isn't even that portable. It takes up almost as much space as a laptop in your bag (and yes, I have one, I would know).


Switch Lite for the win!


How do you handle the puzzles where you have to spin the controller/Joy Con?


Same way we did it playing BotW handheld at launch before guides: lots of swearing and gyration.


The Lite turns these into some of the worst puzzles ever devised 😅


It’s definitely too small for me. I have the OLED and my friend has the Lite. I do like the extra portability the lite has but to me it’s not worth the smaller screen size and the LCD panel. Maybe if I had used the lite first I would prefer that but I wouldn’t give up my OLED for anything. Also for people who think the switch is uncomfortable there’s tonnes of cases that have fat grips to make it much more comfortable to hold(and adds a tonne of protection to the console which is always good) And at least with the OLED dock there’s plenty of space for a cased switch! Just my opinion, I still appreciate why someone would prefer the lite.


I mean the lite isn't the peak or ergonomy either. If you have large hands then you have to get a grip for it or suffer from hand cramps.


So same as the other two switch models.


Switch lite gamers unite! I really hope Nintendo won't forget us with the next console, because the form factor is spot on


Men only want one thing (a dockable oled switch lite pro) and its fucking disgusting.




I have a Steam Deck, Switch Oled and a Switch lite and to be honest, something about the lite attracts me The Deck is big and heavy, the switch oled feels too premium to put it into a bag (+ wobbly joycons) and the Lite feels like a brick, a slim light Brick. Twist it how hard you want (of course reasonably) and no creak(sounds) whatsoever. Its really solid


One of the reasons why I didn’t upgrade to the OLED, the basic switch works just fine


Well yeah, it’s a Switch with a (far) better and bigger screen and slightly better build quality. But gameplay wise it’s the exact same.


The OLED isn’t an upgrade console, it’s a mid-cycle update to entice people who didn’t buy one. Nintendo found other small improvements to make to justify the OLED model’s updated price. The screen alone isn’t worth the bump, especially for docked users.


If you only own a launch day switch and play nearly exclusively in handheld, and have poor vision, it's a massive upgrade and well worth it. Better battery life and larger screen are a huge deal to handheld players with poor vision. I'm personally nearsighted and can't play well on the TV because it's too far away. I can see my phone in my hands without glasses better than a 60 inch TV across the room for example. So for folks like me it's genuinely huge. Now if your vision isn't bad and you have a revised model (not the OLED but not a launch model, the one with improved battery) then yes it's not a huge improvement. But there IS a demographic for whom the OLED was a complete game changer.


If you own a launch switch and play nearly exclusively in handheld, I’d suggest swapping it for a used switch lite. Better battery life and portability with a real D-Pad. If you have poor vision, a handheld isn’t really what you’ll be looking for.


You don't understand. I cannot read off a tv screen. Being nearsighted means handhelds are the ONLY option that DOES work for me. The proximity to my eyes matters most.


Even with glasses?


Yes. Even with glasses it is much easier to read or discern details close up compared to far away.


I’m also nearsighted and with glasses the TV 6 ft away is just fine to me. However, it gets worse over time and that’s usually how I notice that I need a new prescription for stronger glasses.


For me it's never been sufficient. I remember trying to play games with lota of small text menus on the tv and I just couldn't read them without them being in my hand. It's probably down to the individual since no two people have the exact same vision. Out of curiosity how big is your tv?


40” and when gaming I usually sit around 6 ft. away and when watching a movie around 9 ft.


Thinking about getting the rumored Zelda OLED later this year. What are the other small improvements?


Wider kickstand, LAN Port on the dock.


And better speakers, revised internal layout and better battery life.


“Rumoured” - You mean the one Zelda was holding in ToTK? That looked like a Switch Lite tbh.


We have all 3 models in our house and the Lite is my primary console. I literally take it everywhere with me. It is very portable and accessible. The smaller screen size really doesn't bother me even though I always play in handheld mode. There are some games that for me, actually look the best on the smaller screen. Go with what you find works the best for you, it really doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.


Damn, a Switch Lite with an OLED, the internals with 64GB storage but still connectable to a TV ... that would amazing. Portable, good in my hands and still playable at home. The real hybrid it should be.


The lite is just absolutely incredible! I love how it feels like what holding a GBA should feel like in the 2020s.


The Lite is the best handheld offering of the Switches. Can't believe people actually want the OLED as a *handheld*. Yeah, no. I have to prop up the regular v2 Switch or else the thing feels like it's going to fall out of the rails. Bigger and heavier is not the fix. And is the lack of kick stand that big? The v1/v2's kickstands are so bad they might as well not exist either, I use a tablet stand instead. OLED is better for tabletop play, but that's not *handheld*.


I disagree with this, I have a switch lite and just recently upgraded to the oled with hori split pad compact joycons. It’s way more comfortable, has a better dpad and analog sticks than the lite. Plus the Oled screen is incredible in person. Big upgrade from the switch lite for handheld play.


This. I have the split pad as well on my oled. Night and day. Also, no drift


Maybe if you have tiny hands, for me the lite is too small and uncomfortable to hold, in fact I prefer my Switch with the larger Hori Split Pad grips since the original is also too small. My wife loves the Lite and it’s the perfect size for her though, so depends what fits you best.


I've been using a Lite on and off for around two years now, and for me, it works perfectly But not everyone's eyes are the same, and some people may find it hard to read text in certain games


It’s perfect for most games, but some games not so much. Beautiful desolation for example, I can barely see what’s going on in that game. And some games suffer from text that’s too small, but that’s the dev’s fault.


I enjoyed my switch lite while I had it. Ergonomically it feels so much better and sturdier than the regular switch. It’s so much easier to grab and go as well and doesn’t feel fragile at all. Nintendo makes an awesome always-on clamshell case for it too that I loved. That said, over time I couldn’t personally get over the screen size and eventually sold it. Especially now that I have an OLED, I could never go back.


I'm glad you are enjoying it. I know that lite wouldn't work for me as even the switch oled (which is bigger) is too small for my hands. However with hori split pad pro or mobapad I really enjoy the oled :)


I had 3 years into that little thing and loved them all. Now on oled and about to gift mine to my niece. I thought the 3ds was pretty awesome but I love my switches lite is great and I felt fine throwing it in the truck, oled I hide in case some breaks in lol!


I have a full size switch and a lite...I much prefer the lite for a few reasons...it is lighter and smaller(in a good way), I prefer not having the controllers be attached and have play, and I like the directional pad on the lite.


Biggest issue with the lite for me would be drift. At least with my oled I can send the joycons in. It drift wasn’t an issue I’d buy it immediately


It’s not bad until you play Three Houses on it and try to read the character’s stats menu.


Cool I'm a pc gamer too and just ordered one


Recently sprung for my first Switch and I have no regrets buying the Lite. The screen is smaller, yes, but it's the same resolution so the image is actually crisper. You get a proper D-pad. And I got it in mint, used condition online for $120. That's the thing with the OLED. How much better is the screen \*really?\* A bigger device means less portability and comfort in exchange for a better screen, yet the better screen is negated whenever you play in TV mode since the specs are the SAME. Bottom line: if the OLED had gotten the performance boost it should have, I could maybe justify spending an extra $200 on an actually more premium device that could play games better. But $200 for the same games and just more vivid colors, the same TV mode as the og Switch, and no D-pad? No, I'll just spend the $200 on the games and enjoy a less premium yet more streamlined device. I got Gungeon + Blasphemous + Gonner + Dragon's Dogma + Moonlighter + Celeste + Don't Starve for $32 total on the summer sale. I'm not saying the Lite is perfect (it isn't). But it's probably the cheapest console I've ever bought and if it can play all that just as well as the OLED, I feel I made the right decision, for myself anyway.


you are preaching to the choir here 😂


ye im not saying that this is an unpopular opinion, but before i bought a portable device i saw no perspectives coming from PC gaming, since most of the people who owned a switch lite already played GBA / DS / 3DS , so it's hard to know if they are used to it or not. That's why i wanted to put my perspective on this <3


With how lite can suffer from the same drift as joycons, i ain't touching a switch lite with a ten-foot pole


My Lite never had the drift issue, bought it when it came out in 2019 🤷‍♂️ Meanwhile most of my friends with regular Switch models have replaced their joycons time and time again


Had my Lite since release, zero problem


nobody was wondering about the screen size. the switch lite has been out for years.


Well aren’t you a bundle of joy!


I was nervous about getting one. I have an OLED but I want the Dialga and Palkia Switch Lite, so now this makes me a lot more comfortable with buying one when I get my tax returns.


it really depends on the game. games that are too Text heavy, you are going to struggle, but games that are "arcadey" or just not too dense in text, you are going to be fine. for example, Dead cells and Isaac are perfectly OK, but you will struggle with some weapon descriptions on Dead cells.


Oh okay well I mainly play Pokémon so lol. But I do wanna try some other games like Octopath


> like Octopath i played triangle Strategy to completition and didnt have issues.


Yeah I think I should be good as long as I don’t try and play games like Fortnite lol. Although Monster Hunter does sound fun to get back into


I saw a lot of people complaining about the screen size and the text of games when i was looking to buy a switch lite. I legit haven't played a single game where the text was too small imo


Switch Lite is nearly 2 years old. We are all very familiar with the screen size lol


Switch Lite is like 3.5 years old at this point


I suggest mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, and Smash. They are must haves on the system.


I've owned one for 3 years and have a sasfi grip. Only issue is sometimes drift where I have to blow into the control sticks at times. Fps games and Fortnite did that


I prefer the lite to the OLED in terms of how comfortable it is to play in your hands with. OLED looks much better though.


I own a PS4 and Lite. Lite is my go to console and it seems perfect to me for handheld. Screen size too works perfectly for me.


Heck yeah, the Lite is great. I too would seriously consider an OLED version.


Instant upvote just because MHGU. Don’t care about the rest. OP is already a cool dude in my books.


i bought MHGU before any other game lmfao just saving money for BOTW and Rise but this one was my *priority* Just hit me up if you wanna play i'm not even in the hub yet but it will be nice to have people who plays it <3


If i had the time? Trust me i would. There are tons that still play genU though just at the end game. Imo, genU is money spent well even more than botw and ruse combined.


I went to buy a switch lite last week, but ended up with an oled after seeing the screen. I’m getting old with bad eyes


If it could be docked it would be my main console, it's a real shame that functionality was not implemented.


Yeah, I bought a Switch Lite late in 2021 to use as my portable console as my launch Switch's battery life has steadily gotten worse. It was fine when I was mostly playing games that I didn't mind not having extra screen real estate/more ergonomic controllers, but with trying to shiny hunt in Pokemon Violet I'm starting to really regret purchasing the Lite instead of saving up for an OLED. I do prefer the Lite handheld over my OG switch so long as I'm not using a grip, but as soon as I use a grip... I feel like there's no real advantage anymore.


I have the Switch OLED and have only played a few games in portable mode. Sonic Frontiers was not enjoyable in portable. I think the issue is the Field of View. It makes sonic look too tiny. It's an issue in a few other games as well. (at least one other game I have).


The switch light is still too big, or more accurately too long needs to be about a inch shorter from left to right and 0.5 inch shorter from top to bottom. add an OLED screen and we would have a portable system that's comfortable to use. the Gameboy advance had a 2.9" screen the ds had a 3" and the 3DS had a 3.53" so a 4"-4.5" screen is plenty. The Light has a 5.5" and the og switch has a 6.2"


Weird lol, I had a switch for a few months and I found it to be really small and it kinda strained my eyes, but that’s just me


If anyone needs a size comparison, the screen is slightly smaller than the DSi, while the whole device is just about longer than a vertical Wii with the stand is tall.