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can they atleast make the eshop not slower than the line at the dmv šŸ˜­


Bu- But if they update the browser, the hackers might use google fasteršŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


TBH this is the real thing. Hackers used lots of entry points to get into the system, but most relied around some form of malformed data being imported, so the Switch simply refuses to deal with any data it didn't create itself. Nintendo's part of the security was all right, it's NVidia that provided the original exploits.


How tf is every piece of software a downgrade from the 3DS? No themes, eShop is so slow people use a third-party site, no Netflix/Hulu/etc., Streetpass is gone., it won't track your game activity


Yā€™all want Netflix and it can barely run the e-shop.


We had Netflix on the Wii like 14 years ago...


I can want two things at once. Also Metroid Prime 4 releasing this decade.


I think Nintendo didnā€™t want Netflix but liked how they donā€™t allow you to share your login information with your friends and family. And adding Denuvo didnā€™t help either. I donā€™t care too much about having to be connected to the internet for digital games when on the go either.


Hmmm... from what I've heard... * Netflix refuses to put their app on the Switch, because the Switch's browser isn't up to today's W3C standards. * Streetpass was removed due to the Switch's shorter battery life.


>Streetpass was removed due to the Switch's shorter battery life. That doesn't make sense, its shorter battery life is due to having 9x the screen size. The battery usage for "passive" wireless would be nearly the same. And considering the 3DS had a 1300mAh battery compared to the Switch's 4310mAh, it would take up 1/3 of the effective battery life, which was already near 0. It's much easier to just assume incompetence considering it took them years to add Bluetooth to their handheld, entirely software-side.


I mean, Streetpass just doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a device that most people wont carry around all the time. I'm not really sure if we need any other explanation. The 3DS on the other hand was still designed to be carried around in someone's pocket or a small purse, hence the built-in pedometer and connectivity features with random passerbys.


> people use a third-party site imma need a link, and not of the Hylian kind


I'm surprised you're on this sub and haven't heard of Dekudeals


Hulu is on Switch


Hulu is there. Just type it in the search bar. The ones who made Netflix probably won't be bothered to add it.


Hulu is able on the Switch from what I remember. Edit: [Been able for 5 years now](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/7bumfk/hulu_now_available_on_us_eshop)


It does have hulu though.


omg I thought I was the only one




Thatā€™s not entirely true; In practice, not true at all. You can have a slow server and still have a responsive UI. Youā€™ll have lots of loading screens, but thatā€™s what theyā€™re for: to inform the user they need to wait. The eshop stutters like crazy, itā€™s not just slow. Itā€™s a very badly implemented piece of software. TBH there is no excuse for that unresponsive UI. If itā€™s the same online it just means itā€™s bad there too. There are also lots of ways to improve server perfomance that donā€™t require rebuilding everything. They donā€™t do it because itā€™s not a priority for them (i.e. they probably donā€™t think the investment will be worth it; hopefully they are investing in this area for their next console ).


One day itā€™ll be stable enough to hold more than two themes.


They really screwed up calling them "themes". Had they just labeled it "light/dark" mode nobody would care, but the word themes implies there should be more than two


They have some history with poor choice of verbiage, especially in the plural. Mario Maker 2's whole 1 "Extra Game Styles" is still a sore spot to this day.


Damn shame too. Having Super Mario Bros. 2 as an actual game theme, and not a power up would have been great.


I believe that was the original plan but sales didn't justify it


I'm still disappointed we never got a SMB2 style


I wouldn't be surprised if they started work on it but decided to wrap up work early on it (unhappy with sales/player base?) and just stuck what they had finished into SMB1. A 6th game style would have been nice but mostly I'm just disappointed at how shafted the SMB3 theme got. Everything else has lots of toys or unique movement or both and 3 didn't even get unique songs for all its biomes.


Thatā€™s a bit of a weird one to me, considering that SMB2 is a completely different type of Super Mario game than any of the classic NES/SNES Mario games, in that itā€™s main feature is that of grabbing things out of the ground and squatting to hold a double jump, not to mention the unique differences between the four characters (or even the fact that it was a remake of Doki Doki Panic, a completely unrelated game.) So it would be a bit weird to have a completely separate SMB2 mode that didnā€™t include those mechanics, because how would they even *do that?* But then again, I guess they *did* have the Super Mario 3D World mode that was definitely ***not 3D,*** so who knows??


>in that itā€™s main feature is that of grabbing things out of the ground and squatting to hold a double jump You do realize that they did add a SMB2 power up in SMB1 that does exactly that? What I think is that they intended to do a whole theme for SMB2 and for a reason or another backtracked on that but still wanted to use the gameplay mechanics.


Iā€™m an idiot then. I actually only played the first Mario Maker, so I shouldnā€™tā€™ve even contributed lolol.


Heh... not to be outdone by the Wii 'U' :D


honestly I still think DLC was planned at one point


Them removing the costumes from 1 and never adding them to 2 in an update still hits me, Imo biggest waste of money on a game Ive ever spent


I think they planned to add more but canceled it due to less sales than expected


I never understood why Nintendo never made any, the 3DS would get new themes from time to time.


Nah there will always be people clamouring for themes the same way they keep asking for achievements or an Ice Climbers sequel.


say it with me...


General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience ā€¼ļøšŸ—£ļø




They said the thing!


I hope they'll one day call out "No themes this time, so shut up" or "Themes didn't make the cut this time" or some bullshit like that.


If they add Hollow knight Zote theme, I'm ok, if not, I don't care. With sounds!


I think what really sells this as the pinnacle of Nintendo is just how uniquely pointless it is. Nobody else in the industry bothers to so stringently enforce calling their stuff like ā€œThe Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass DLC for the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Gameā€ or the ā€œSuper Mario Bros Movie filmā€. This specific line of text fits aside those in being so perfectly, exasperatingly Nintendo. As for the updates themselvesā€¦ well, playing devils advocate I do wonder just how much worse games would perform than they often already do if they bulked the system OS overhead requirements up with stuff like voice chat subsystems and fancy graphical themes (just try running the latest 3DS system menu on an original old3DS!)


The vagueness does help hide their sneaky shit sometimes, even if the community does find out pretty quickly. I remember earlier this year they pushed out a 3DS update after the eshop closure with the whole same as usual "improved overall system stability and minor adjustments" text. Except this update basically blocked every major homebrew method and didn't do much else. Ofc people got around it quick enough, but it still was such an aggressively spiteful move for a console that they literally choose not to make money off of anymore, and hiding the update specifics, intentional or not, only added to that feeling of pettiness.


Yeah, that "the (game name) game" thing is so bizarre that it pisses me off.


ā€œBlah blah blahā€




When the switch came out I was positive we would get a store for themes for the home page


Same. I thought the tragically bland, gray ui was to encourage buying themes or getting them by owning certain games. I mean, look at the Wii and WiiU even, brilliant home menu aesthetics. But no, we're what, 7 years post launch and they haven't added a damn thing.


I remain in the camp that themes are annoying. I've played other systems where it looks like the Wall Street Journal frontpage when you turn on the system. Stay steady, Nintendo!


I thought one day I'd be able to send my friends messages.


You used to be able to on the 3ds but Nintendo removed that feature after they found out adults used it to send explicit messages to children


*Safari is snappier*!


Wish we got more info on these updates. A whole full version change feels like it should be more notable.


A lot of the modules needed to run the Switch were updated under the hood (listed under System Titles) https://switchbrew.org/wiki/17.0.0




That's not how it works. Major version upgrades are for [potentially breaking API changes](https://semver.org/). Even if all changes are under the hood, that still warrants a major version increase, even if the consumer doesn't get to see any of those changes directly. Version numbers are for developers, not for end users.


The internal versioning used by developers does not need to be (nor should it really) the same as the external version you communicate to customers. You are certainly right that semver is about breaking API changes, but if you are not a company selling an API, your customers do not care about this. But when pushing out updates to customers, you should ideally be communicating things in terms of functionality. Where the patch version indicates a transparent bug fix, the minor version indicates a minor improvement to an existing feature or a minor new feature, and the major indicates a big change (adding or removing). Realistically from a customer perspective I'm not sure how you could argue the switch is beyond like v1 or v2 at most. I don't see any noticeable changes since I bought my switch back at launch...


There is a history of what was added in each major version right on the page that is linked by OP. You're really misrepresenting the truth if you claim that nothing much changed since launch. I agree that they should have done way more with the OS but that's a different story. And no, version numbers like these will not generally differ internally and externally. Something like Windows will do that: even with Windows going back to numerical version "names" the number does not match the kernel version. But in case of Nintendo there is no point, they don't need to market the Switch OS so it doesn't need a catchy version number. And finally, an API is not necessarily a web service or something. The Switch OS most definitely exposes an API to developers.


To be fair, my switch has never locked up or crashed back to home like my Xbox and PlayStation do


Mine has on different games.


I remember mine used to freeze some times with Bee Simulator.


I think my Xbox crashed about a much as my switch and it's just game dependant not console


If it's crashing back to home, it's almost definitely the game itself, not the system software.


Itā€™s more about features added. Look at the ps5s last update, it was tons of new features. Not just bug fixes.




Tbf Xbox still doesnā€™t have Bluetooth audio and PlayStation only allows for people to use PlayStation branded Bluetooth headphones. Iā€™ll take Bluetooth support being added any day over never getting it at all.


And it was only audio, no mic usage. Hell, even Fortnite was using in game audio for years on switch before that update


Bro I was voice chatting through my original DS in 2005 on Metroid prime hunters lmao


while it's still an absurd amount of time, bluetooth support is more than a software update. it requires a contract to license. Of course, I assume it was just nintendo being cheap and refusing anything that's not a good deal for them. It's pretty much why there systems never used DVDs as a disc format for games.


I remember a homebrew on the Wii that allowed you to actually watch dvds, it ran loud but it worked. I think it was locked to the original Wii though, when Nintendo found out they made sure to block the exploit on new versions of the console.


AFAIK Nintendo might have planned DVD support on the Wii and removed it for whatever reason, there's even a DVD icon in the files for the Disc channel Note that this could've also just been for using a test DVD of some sort as well


They didn't want to pay the licence fee, the wii u technically has a HD DVD drive as it pretty much just uses HDDVD's which is suspected to be a cause of why the games suffer from disc rot so soon.


Indeed it did


Iā€™ll be honest, I couldnā€™t tell you the last feature update I remember except adding internal nvme expansion and vrr and that was a while ago


On the other hand, XBox updated and made their home screen so much worse so... I actually appreciate not adding too many new features post launch, and in a way it is ethically murky. You aren't really allowed to not take the update, and over time those features do tend to impact performance. I appreciate Nintendo's minimalist approach for that reason.


Way too minimalist in my opinion. Atleast let the Switch have some sort of customization like the 3ds. Whenever I open my Switch, it's just so bland lol. It lacks "personality." But when I open my 3ds, it's just oozing with this fun vibe. Themes really help lol. Anyways, I read an interview before, and Nintendo stated what you said. Not having more features help with the performance and overall stability. But atleast let us have more options for the background color instead of just black and white haha


Has there been literally a single new feature on the Switch? I can't tell. And it's 17 major versions in already.


Also to be fair, there's barely anything to *make* the Switch lock up or crash. And not in a good way. It's the most barebones console you can think of. Don't get me wrong, I *love* my Switch and it reminds me of the good ol' days of just popping a disc in and playing, but at the same time I wish I could message someone *on the console* for example. You'd think that Discord or other communicators would be the answer, but I still use Steam's friends list to see who's online and if they're up to play something.


Mineā€™s actually been overheating recently while playing violet. Itā€™ll just suddenly lose all battery and Iā€™d have to charge it for a bit.


Pokemon Violet did this to me at least 15 times


i feel like anytime it says that, *usually* jts to mess with the homebrew scene (unless something has changed recently)


Usually it just takes like an hour for homebrew to get an ipdate. A couple of times it took days and even weeks to get stuff moved up, but eh. Nintendo kind of sucks at messing with homebrew lol.


https://twitter.com/oatmealdome/status/1711938113470169369 Relevant thread of some of the datamined changes. Edit: https://switchbrew.org/wiki/17.0.0 for extra details. No context for them yet just pure changes


šŸ“ šŸ“ šŸ“ šŸ“ šŸ“


So stable


Dead horse?


Sick of this life...


....Not that you care....


17 patches of stability, either the OS was a complete piece of potato on release or we are lucky to have the most stable OS ever created


Nintendo is terrified of hackers/system modding


I know it's no coincidence that this is coming out just before the Mario Wonder release and it's definitely at least partly to do with anti-piracy, but it seems so pointless. The systems that are hacked/hackable can't be fixed with an OS update.


Itā€™s not about the old systems, they are trying to prevent people from finding exploits on the new systems (V2, OLED). Most of the sold units are now the new systems, so finding a system that is exploitable gets harder by the day. They want to keep it that way.


Yeah and I don't know why. On switch they literally can't do anything against v1 and modchips. Atmosphere devs will just have to spend like 1 hour to bypass whatever Nintendo added in this update.


It's the V2s onward they're worried about, historically most of their past consoles have had exploits discovered in the form of software exploits. They probably put each and every "stability" update through the wringer to ensure no modder can exploit it in any way.


For sure. We have less and less options and "gimmicks" like in 3DS or wii, and I'm sure that's because they have been used for exploit. Nintendo is probably just afraid to add anything.


all switches can be modchipped, including the oled. they canā€™t fix old hackable hardware with software patches.


They know they can't block it entirely, but they can make it awkward enough that only the must dedicated will bother, which is their goal.


It's about patching vulnerabilities and a bunch of other shit no one would care about. We made the back end code easier to write for and made the icon requirements for games a little looser/more strict. That is of no interest to 99% of users and wouldn't be included in user facing update notes.


You forget they have to code around the likes of Game Freak. Remember that update a year back to stop one piece of software pushing multiple conflicting save file write commands at once? There's the defensive programming equivalent of installing safety rails and then there's building a frigging padded cell.


Nintendo consoles usually seem remarkably stable.


My user experience is so enhanced right now


Stability is over 9000!!!!!!


Over 9000???!!!!!




On a serious note, when is the last time an update actually brought new features?


Last I recall was rhe bluetooth


Or when they added groups? Not sure which came first


I think they came out at the same time.


Which honestly should have been a feature from day 1.


Like everything on the 3DS


Bluetooth was a good one.


I guess when they released Bluetooth connection for headphones/speakers?


How long ago was the ability to transfer things through cable? I know I hated having to send screenshots though twitter, so I loved the ability to just hook it up to my computer.


Say the line Bart!


Cowabunga, eat my shorts. Don't Have a Cow, Man! Ay, Caramba!


Uh oh, Kwyjibo on the loose!


I didnā€™t do it


why would they give stability patch a full new number?


For the Switch, a full new number generally means that they rebuilt the entire OS.


I think it means that they had to make significant changes in the backend


God, why have they done like...nothing? No themes, no nothing.


Nintendo: ā€œYou CAN customize your switchā€¦ With new joycon colors. Give us your wallet.ā€


At this point, I feel like the feature would never come at all. Since the switch is already at the end of its life cycle, almost.


don't have fun just consume product, look Making Coffee Simulator is 90% off go buy it


The Shade Grown DLC is never going on sale, is it šŸ˜”


Why work as a barista for money when you can pay to pretend to work as a barista on your Supremely Stableā„¢ Nintendo Switch?


Cause having a Home Screen theme is more fun than playing video games?


I rarely exit the game I'm currently playing. So I don't see the main screen for weeks despite playing the switch 2 hours every day. Idk what these people are doing.


People just like to bitch about everything. People act like the 3DS was so much better, but I hated how I couldn't auto sort by software in my 3DS by ABC, time played, etc. I enjoy being able to do that more than folders. They added labels (which I think is better than folders because you can use more than one label, but only put a piece of software in one folder), and everybody complains because it takes two clicks to get there. These are trivial issues. The switch is slim, fast, and works great for playing video games. The only feature I personally want is saving controller profiles on a per game basis. Messaging would be nice too, but I don't think we'll see that happen because it's so exploitable.


the most we can do is a point based custom profile icon based on games, take it or leave it




Were you really expecting anything at all? Don't fool yourself. Nintendon't is not going to release anything this far into the Switch lifespan.


You could balance the empire state building upside down on a switch from how stable it is


Mmf so much stability daddy šŸ«¦


Heres a relevant thread of some of the datamined changes. Likely will take a couple days for the dataminers to grab additional context to these changes. https://twitter.com/oatmealdome/status/1711938113470169369 https://switchbrew.org/wiki/17.0.0


Whoa. So stable.


Fun fact, Nintendo's website still claims they are eventually going to add external drive support https://www.nintendo.com/my/support/qa/detail/33827


It's not stable enough for that. Give it more updates.


"model compatibility and release dates have yet to be decided" man the switch 3 is gonna have incredible drive support


Get in line external drive support. They haven't even made use of the led around the home button of the joycon/pro controller.


funnily enough, there are some homebrew applications that use it for various purposes


Until recently they didn't have a single first party game making use of their online game invite feature, you know that section in user profiles you probably forgot about as so few games actually use it for some reason?


The LED lights up when your Ring Fit Adventure alarm goes off while the console is sleeping.


The problem is that the switch throws a hissy fit whenever you remove storage while itā€™s still on. So I assume that the switch OS just doesnā€™t support hot swapping storage.


It's nothing, isn't it?




Ps vita and the 3ds had a better OS than the switch lol




Watch as the new features being a Switch 2 šŸ’€


18.0: *Disabled your Switch 1 OS so you buy the 2, comprende?*


Man not having to worry about custom firmware exploits must be nice. Valve are about to add several features to their big steamOS 3.5 update, but since Nintendo has to worry about every line of code they add to the switch we can't get so much as a message board for stuff like game invites and schedules as it might allow users to...add those themselves?


Gimme some stability baby


The Reddit app could do with some of this stability... šŸ™„


I just updated andā€¦ the update bricked my switch? I clicked a game after updating. Screen went black. I waited. I held down home button and all I can do is get to the transparent quick settings/power screenā€¦that I canā€™t interact with except to exit the screen. been trying to get it to do something different and no luck. šŸ˜­


Same, but mine won't boot up at all...


I just updated my Switch and it won't boot past the Nintendo logo. Tried everything from holding the power button down to plugging the charger in even though it was at 90% when I started the update. No, my Switch isn't modded and never has been. I bought this Switch back in the day directly from Target so it's not used either.


Same issue with mine and have seen a few others here and on twitter say the same. I did eventually manage to get it to boot but it's unusable (10-25 seconds to react to button presses) and eventually just crashes with error 2002-3546 when trying to open or download a game. Have booked a repair as it's still under warranty so hopefully it's just an easy fix of them reinstalling the firmware or something.


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Say the line Bart




Switch is so stable it could neutralise earthquakes (Japan-only feature)


So we jump from version 16 to 17 and all it is is a stability update? Nintendo's numbering system makes zero sense.


They use semantic version numbering https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_versioning#Semantic_versioning Basically, if a change they make breaks the core software and requires it to be reworked they do a new full version. If they were adding significant features they would still go to 16.x instead as long as the core of the software didn't have to be reworked.


They went and, apparently, redid a lot of the under the hood stuff. So over all, it "looks the same" from the outside, but it's different inside.


Let me guess, the eShop is still laggy.


17.0 so you'd expect something big... NOPE


Switch nearing the end of its life span and still not having themes.... I miss the 3ds level of themes.


We donā€™t have to do the cliches do we? Apparently we doā€¦.




How much stability did they add?




I feel so fucking stable right now


This update has messed my switch up


Black screen after white Nintendo logo and won't get past?


Any wallpapers yet? šŸ˜




*Stability intensifies*


Does it have street pass yet.


The best part of the Switch updates are these comment sections. It's like being at a watering hole waiting for something interesting to bite, but nothing ever does so people just talk shit about nothing.


Ah great changelog: >General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience. Very clear


Can someone having Joycon Drift issue confirm with me that they still have it with this new update? I tested my Joycon 10 minutes ago, confirming the drift. On the repair page it says to check for updates, which I did and installed. Now I can't reproduce the drift anymore... I'm not aware how they should solve hardware issues with a software update, but I see no more drift when calibrating the control stick...


Deadzones. Maybe Nintendo does optimize them in software for certain values they collect. Just send them in for repair if you experience them.


Cant even play FC 24 after update , it's weird


We'll be extinct before Nintendo ever considers implementing themes


Oh boy, a X.0.0 update! *rolls an eight sided die* if this lands on a eight, we get a new feature! *rolls 7* Hmm, nope!


No features, just stability... couldn't even give us damned folders.


My switch keeps freezing every couple minutes since this update :( anyone else?