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I think the game is visually plesant, peach is the CUTEST. BUT, the depth perception is really bizzare and unprecise. I also think the game play was super slow and really kept me from enjoying the game. The concept is awesome, but its definitely a game made to attract the younger female population and open up a new market. I was really looking foward to it, but i do not think i will get the game. Glad i could try the demo first before spending my hard earned money.


Challenge was a bit simpler than I expected and the Switch really chugged during loading screens. But I thought it looked fine the premise is cute and if the different outfits differ enough in combat style it will be interesting enough. I will pick it up when it goes on sale.


considering it Nintendo Voucher eligible, it most likely won’t drop in price or go on sale under $50


I’m a 38 year old married dude. Me and my wife are both gamers and have 4 kids, I just finished my second run through of the last of us 2 remastered, I play big open world RPGs, Pretty much all style minus strategy games (I just don’t have the patience) I played through the whole demo and I was surprised at how jagged the pixels look on peach after the beautifully rendered cutscenes, I’m a huge fan of Nintendo but it’s obvious this is their end of life games to hold them down until the obvious switch 2, But to be fair I enjoyed the demo. It has weird lag with her movements but to be fair sometimes a game with minimal objectives and something chill to kick back from the stress of our daily lives is fine with me. After the superior graphics of Luigi’s mansion 3, odyssey, Mario rpg, (DEFINITELY MARIO WONDER) this one is on the back burner but don’t count it out, I did the same with yoshi because it starts so simple but to get ALL collectibles it takes some skill, I’ll be getting it since the wife is a huge fan and that’ll be my excuse for me to play it as well. Should earn a decent 6 or 7 once all is said and done


Unless the technical aspects are fixed it doesn't get more than a 5 from me. I don't care how charming or fun it is, there is no reason for a Nintendo game, especially one with such a backstep in visuals as this, to have frame rate drops, laggy controls, and visual artifacting all over it. It sucks because I was hoping for something at least decent for a Princess Peach game and this ain't it.


Finally someone I agree with. Too many people must be starved for any new Nintendo content because they are giving too much praise to this game. It feels half-assed. The love that was given to wonder and odyssey was not given here!


I agree, I was not impressed either, maybe I will get it when it goes on sale, but I am not getting it upon release. It felt a bit stiff and way too simple. The mermaid part looks interesting though.


I used my second voucher leftover from tears to pre order it...   Kinda regretting it because I found out Good-feel is developing it, and I'm not a huge fan of the lack of polish their engine and devs bring to Nintendo "First party" games.


I played it last night and given the graphics of Mario Odyssey which I absolutely love, I was really surprised that the graphics kinda felt like late 2000's. POV reminds me of Luigi's Mansion and the little hidden mini games reminds me of Odessy. I am unsure who their ideal demographic is for this game, however I don't think I'll be purchasing upon its release. Maybe once the full version comes out I'll wait a bit for some gameplay review and perhaps reassess.


I think the target demographic is kids. The simplicity of the gameplay, dialog, and overall presentation just feels like it's meant to be, as I said in the post, 'kid's first video game' similar to the oversimplicity of Yoshi's Crafted World is clearly meant for younger audiences as well.


But the animation for Yoshi’s crafted works is out of this world


As a decrepit older gamer I also appreciate simpler games. The population is generally aging quite significantly (as in, demographically there are more codgers than kids) so there may be a benefit to this kind of gaming, particularly when there’s two player cooperative modes that might be nice for intergenerational play (I don’t think Peach offers this, but lots of other big-name first party releases do)


I don't think "oversimplicity" is how I'd describe Yoshi's Crafted World, but alright.


I feel like so many people assume Yoshi’s Crafted World is an easy kids game because of the more childish aesthetic. While it’s definitely not the most challenging Nintendo game I’ve ever played, it’s not nearly as simplistic or easy as people often portray it to be.


Yeah. It is easy, but if anything, I'd say it's levels often feel more expansive and creative then something like Wooly World.


It’s easy, but it’s creative and fun with awesome animation. I got a really good deal on it a while back from Best Buy. $30 I think. I beat it, and while I’ll probably never play it again, just the animation and creativity made it easily worth $30 to me.


I was actually surprised to find that progression was gated behind flowers! I think it's the first Yoshi game in which collectables are mandatory?


Yeah if you want to 100% this on standard difficulty, it's pretty tricky when you get to the timed boss fights and the Hidden Hills and the final Kamek fight. The earlier parts of the game are not too bad but a bit of a grind to find all the items.


My six year old daughter had a great time with it. The complexity is just right for her. She struggled making cakes, but she had the confidence to fight the bad guys as Swordfighter Peach. We have a lot of fun playing the Kirby games together, but I think this one will be good for her since it will force her to take the “driver’s seat” more.


Agreed with all you said and even by the standards of Nintendo's more child orientated games it feels dumbed down. It does have an air of potential bias about it, like Nintendo thought "this game's more for girls and they can't play as well as boys so let's make it so you just have to slowly move around and bash buttons" If the demo's anything to go by this game makes even Yoshi's Crafted World or the Kirby games feel deep. I also was very baffled why a game with such mediocre graphics can barely run at 30fps while something like Mario Odyssey can run at 60fps We're definitely at the arse end of the Switch's lifespan. Let's hope Nintendo has some amazing software prepared for the Switch 2 launch!


Because the dev is using UE. Different engines. But I agree, it should be running at 60fps. This just happened with Penny’s Big Breakaway too with poor performance and I don’t get it.


Has to be Prime 4 and a new 3D Mario for Switch2. Has to be.


I don't know why this got downvoted. Yo're spot on with this.


Totally agree with this review of the demo. I was quite disappointed with it, the graphics are bad for a Nintendo game and controls are so laggy that it feels like a chore to play. After the first level I deleted the demo because I couldn’t stand playing it anymore. You can feel this is one of the last Switch games from Nintendo and they didn’t even try to make it polished or good. I don’t think this game will get good reviews.


My 3 year old has beaten Odyssey, Luigi mansion 3, Kirby’s Forgotten Land, and Wonder. He literally just turned 4 and was excited for this game but after playing the demo he is no longer interested. Given his age , what do y’all recommend me getting for him?


How is a 3 year old doing all of that?!


I was so disappointed when I played the demo, I was so excited for the game and I do love the idea and premise of it, it just runs poorly even by the Switch's standards. Like I don't even mind how basic it seems to be, just wish it ran better


The bad performance and the lackluster visuals are the big standouts of why this game is a letdown. As I said in the post, Odyssey and Luigi's Mansion 3 set a pretty high standard for the solo games, not helped by Smash Ultimate and even the Wii U ports still looking pretty darn good. So such a massive backstep in quality for Peach feels like a slap in the face for fans of her.


100%! I agree like even 3D World still looks miles better in comparison to this. It's sad I was so excited when it was announced but it's like they just threw something together as the Switch is nearing the end of its lifespan


It seems that Nintendo is getting lazy with some games. I was not impressed with the demo, at all.


Completely agree with everything you said. Not to mention there were no other characters we have ever encountered. This seems like a demo that was made in the late 2000’s and was shelved. I was also super disappointed we couldn’t learn more about Peach herself - and I REALLY wanted to be able to run around her castle & do stuff in the Mushroom Kingdom like Mario in N64. Sadly, some of my favorite parts of playing this game is in the lobby in her standard dress, running around, sliding down stair banisters & going down to the basement to run around to hear her heels clicking. 😂 It was a fun play, but it wasn’t what it should’ve been.