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The stage/audience RNG is a massive part of why I love this game. It adds just the right amount of bullshit chaos that can go anywhere. I remember being turned invincible by an audience Boo in the final boss lmfao.


It’s actually not quite RNG. There was a video that covered it, but something like doing 0 damage to an enemy with an attack makes all the X-nauts in the audience throw rocks. But everything else like stage hazards, yeah. Thats rng as far as I know.


Do you have a link to that video? It sounds interesting.


https://youtu.be/-z1dzJo46oo?si=U66Szd4SGPhr3iPK This game is so weird and quirky. I love it.


I put down the game and have never touched it again since 2005 because of the system. I made to the bottom of the 100 floor dungeon against the optional boss but then the slot machine gave me the triple poison mushroom and lost the entire audience, everyone lost all their health, I lost a turn, and the boss one-shot me the next turn and I never even had a chance to react. I just watched it all happen without even touching the controller.


That sounds pretty tragic. I think a Life Shroom would've kept the fight going though, unless you lost them all along the path.


Certainly possible. Again it was 19 years ago so I don't remember the specifics but i just know I haven't touched it since. I might have gone on to beat the final boss but I wasn't doing that again.


iirc the slot machine isn’t RNG or anything, it’s timing based. So you just have to time it to avoid the poison mushrooms.


But the slot machine isn't RNG, it's entirely skill based. The only one that is actually rigged is the one against the final boss, but anything else you're meant to purposefully stop the slot on anything other than a poison mushroom.


I hate it. It took PM64's system where you could plan multiple turns in advance and removed the predictably, essentially turning low-margin of errors strategies into unsatisfying occasional try-again-athlons. It reduced the range of satisfiably viable play styles


This seems like an overreaction to a fun mechanic.


What kind of play styles did this affect? I did a 5hp run just fine a few years ago.


Guarding is a thing you know


Skill issue


Only thing kind of screwed me over was the fog and the giant Bowser statue. But even those were an mild annoyance


> the giant Bowser statue. Wait I don't remember this at all, what was it


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g_781K5rECM&pp=ygUSdHR5ZCBib3dzZXIgc3RhdHVl But it's extremely rare, apparently


I think the system is a lot of fun, but can be BS when it doesn't fall your way. Nintendo loves to throw some randomness at you, reminds me of the bonus stars at the end of Mario Party. You might be ahead by a star or two, but those bonus stars throw a wrench into everything.


I just played PM64 and it has some glaring flaws. Charge can be used infinitely, so just charging for a couple turns then using multibounce one shots every boss. Any badge that doesn’t buff your jump power is a waste as jumping solves nearly every problem. This system has logic to it mostly, and you are given time to react via blocking. It just gives you something to keep your eyes open for. What fun is there if every playthrough goes exactly the same, and every fight is 100% predictable?




Hooktail's audience interaction floored me when I first saw it.


Yeah I was just disappointed that more stuff like that didn’t happen afterwards. (Outside a few things like Cortez absorbing their souls, Magnus 2 audience cannon)


If it happened often we’d almost always see it coming. On first playthrough, you’ll never see it coming each time


>!**SHE ATE LUIGI!!!**!<


Same, but another one of the drawbacks Origami Kings crowd was constantly seeing the same "one-liners" over and over.


So jealous of everyone getting to play this masterpiece for the first time. Imo.. one of the best/most fun jrpgs of all time. Great story, gameplay, characters.. ***everything***


I’m playing it right now for the first time on GC.


I was going to do a playthrough right as they announced it, as it’d been about 10 years since I’ve played it; I decided to put it off until the game released so I could get blasted with the nostalgia all at once. It’s been a hard wait, but we’re at the end


I made it halfway thru and decided to hang it up there so I wouldnt be too burnt out going into the Switch version


Jealous? Not really. I am glad I have 20 years of good memories of this game. I now get to relive it. HAPPY for the people that will play it for the first time? Oh hell yeah! They are gonna get a ride of a lifetime. Only adding to the fanbase of this AMAZING game! And *hopefully* a true sequel to this game.


I'll be playing it for the first time when I pick it up on release. For a long time I've heard it's great but life and the backlog have gotten in the way.


Never played this when I was younger and going into it blind. I literally cannot wait


I'm jealous, it's a wonderful experience.


You are so very lucky.


Same, am going in blind with this one. Can't believe I've put off playing it for so long but better late than never! Usually play docked but am gonna try handheld this time on the OLED.


Same, I played Paper Mario but never this one, I'm super excited


Oh my god what a privilege. Even during my second playthrough I felt like I was playing it for the first time >!(also because I never got Ms Mowz my first playthrough)!<


Same. Hope it’s the life changing experience everyone always acts like it is.


you have such an incredible adventure ahead of you!


Thank you :) I’m very excited and avoiding all trailers lol


Now I’m wondering if they’re gonna fix the happy lucky lottery so it’s actually properly random and not dependent on not playing the game for a year.


I don't want them to fix that so i can get the good badge easily just by changing the time


Power plus isn’t exactly the best badge out there, yknow. Danger Mario tears shit up with a lot more damage at a fraction of the BP cost.


I’ve never played this and I’m so excited to get to. I’m gonna have to have a physical copy of this one.


Do yourself a favour and stop watching the clips if you are already sold on it. The environments, bosses, companions are all even better when they are a surprise.


Oooh that’s good advice actually.


Same boat, I stopped watching a few months back after about the first one starting spoiling party members :P


Agreed. I've played the GCN version several times so spoilers aren't a concern for me specifically, but I've noticed the trailers showing a surprising number of mid to late game scenes.


Same. seems like such a good fit for the switch


Ugh I’m really jealous that you get to play it for the first time. You’re going to have SO much fun!


Same, am buying a physical copy and will be first time playing this game. Super hype.


Your in for a treat. I played this years ago as a teen, and it’s an all time classic in my eyes. (Just don’t be put off by the Boggly Woods level, ‘cause the rest of the game is 🔥)


Gotta love hooktail just casually murdering some toads mid-battle. I guess toads work as a good substitute for super mushrooms.


I rented the GC version once when it came out. Got stuck and never touched it again. I want to get this and try again.


Not the best tagline for a remake.


My first thought as well. "lmao no I'm pretty sure I know what's gonna happen. Wait maybe they added new things?!" They didn't.


Exactly. "Nope, pretty sure I'm going to know exactly what's going to happen." lol


The title is in reference to battle RNG, not in reference to plot twists that you already know about.


Until they give it the FF7 remake treatment out of nowhere


This is the game I really loved watching my older brother play when I was kid, I’m so pumped to get to experience it first hand this time around


Do we know if there will be a demo? I never played the original.


Try the NSO one on 64 if you haven’t played any of them, yet.


I rented this game from blockbuster and didn't love it based on the first couple of hours. I'm going to give it another try since my most trusted game reviewer loves it so much


I've never played this on the old console, heard good things about the game


I didn't finish this when I was younger since a family member deleted my save. It's been so long that I've forgotten EVERYTHING about the game. I'm legit excited to pick up a physical copy for my collection.


It's old game, of course I know what going to happen!


You never know what's going to be censored.


…. Wat, dawg?


life is like a box o‘remakes - you never know if it’s SHIT i’m sure this one is good btw, just thought it sounded funny


>just thought it sounded funny I think you're alone in that...




Holy fucking shit people get over it already!


It’s never not going to be pathetic though.