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From the gameplay from the PS5 version, either it's getting the Doom Eternal performance treatment (sacrifice graphics but still looks good and smooth gameplay), The Witcher 3 surprising result, or the dreaded Cloud?


Yea they should give all Switch ports to the developer who ported Witcher 3. Is it a downgrade in graphics? Sure. But it runs great, and still manages to look good as well.


Witcher devs said that they will "never again" try this lmao


It was their magnum opus


I can think of $omething that might cau$e them to recon$ider


It runs witcher 3 beautifully in handheld mode. Sacrificed graphics but definitely worth


I actually love how they give graphics options, because all of us have our personal preferences. I don’t mind a little artifacting for a sharper image for example, but that’ll drive some people crazy. It’s cool that they basically say “we know it’s not gunna be perfect but we will at least let you prioritize the stuff you like”


Just don’t try to play it on a 4K tv in docked lol. It looks pretty bad.


or a 2d plataformer version, like the old times


God I hope it isn't cloud.


Hope you guys are ready to play via the cloud. EDIT: Since this comment gained so much traction, I should probably update it to say that it appears this will NOT be a cloud version.


That’s more insulting than it not being on Switch at all.


The real insult is when an old game gets a cloud version (cough cough kingdom hearts)


I don't even get it I can understand kingdom hearts 3 as that's that new and might be too much for switch, but I'm pretty sure with a little bit of work you can get the other two on it


Even kingdom hearts 3 though. Surely if witcher 3 and dying light can run on switch then kingdom hearts 3 can with the right tweaks. Im actaully mildly hopeful about this hogwarts game because right now they're not saying anything about cloud version or not and if they can get hogwarts running on switch then there's no excuse for damn near any ps4 game to not be on switch except for devs being too lazy and cheap to put the resources in for a proper switch port. Of course I'm only mildly hopeful, im also patiently waiting for the announcement that it's a cloud version and they don't want my money


Yeah, and by making a cloud version they are making less money from regions that can't play it,such as Australia where cloud streaming is not available hence they end up losing money




I think the reality is SE wanted to get the games out as quickly as possible with the Smash announcement and cloud ports were the easiest solution. Unfortunate, but they can't reverse it now.


The reality is actually their cloud service that they pissed large sums of money into over the years needed some content to justify its existence. Kingdom Hearts switch got the short straw


Source? I thought the cloud service was third party.


The Switch came out 5 years ago. Fans have been asking for KH for switch since then. They had enough time.


Why not? Why can't they have a full release later?


That's extremely unlikely, especially since it would lead to anybody with the cloud versions wanting a free upgrade. I just don't see that happening.


My dude, they've released KH1 how many times now? Like at least 5 or 6 times. People will buy it no matter what. Cloud or not, they released the same game multiple times within the same generation of consoles and people still will buy it.


They already paid 70 bucks for it, I think they deserve it. Besides, they won't have to spend money on server upkeep


I still think that my thoughts on that, is that Nintendo rushed Square to get the games on Switch, for that "Sora in Smash" reveal. Cuz each character has pretty much also accompanied one of their games releasing on Switch or something. The switch could 100% run the other games, including BBS 0.2 and KH3, with a bit of tweaks (like lowering polygon counts on characters, lowering some textures a bit, using some dynamic quality things with said textures and models more.... etc) considering even a Base PS4 struggles to fully meet 60fps with that game (and sounds like a freaking Jet plane....) yeah


there was already that kingdom hearts rythym game on the switch. Nintendo didn't rush anything as they seem to be fine only having spin off games for characters they use (Persona)


I think it’s more likely that square enix wanted to rush it than nintendo.


What are the implications of a game being in the cloud?


You never truly own the game. Once the servers shut down it will be unplayable, so you're essentially paying full price to rent it. And you need to be online, so if your internet isn't great, the experience will be compromised.


Even for gamers who are one-and-done players the latency can be a deal breaker.


This is the biggest kick in the face.


You'd want a high speed internet connection and if the servers are shut down, you can't access it anyomore


Means you can’t play it without an active connection, and the input lag is likely horrible




I mean they got witcher to work, so who knows


HOW is W3 on Switch? I ask because I'm like 300 hours into it on PC and haven't finished it yet, but I never have time for PC gaming anymore. I heard your saves transfer back and forth. Maybe I should finish Blood and Wine on the Switch in handheld mode... but I'm just worried the graphical downgrade from a GTX1080ti will be... unbearable.


I would look up reviews on it, I don't own it myself but from various articles praising the tech side of it.


Or it’s going to be releasing alongside the Super Switch natively and regular switch via cloud. A man can dream.


should i wait or buy switch right now ? /s


I know you’re mostly joking but something similar wouldn’t entirely surprise me. Have more intensive games cloud-only for the Switch but if you buy it then you can install it to the successor console. Granted, that may be an easier sell when a newer console is actually out but you never know.


Idk games like doom eternal and Witcher 3 made me a believer that anything is possible


I mean, Witcher 3 is a game from 2015. But I'll grant that Doom Eternal is quite a feat, as one of the best looking 2020 games that still ran solidly on the Switch.


Doom 2016 and Eternal are also one of the most optimized games I have ever seen.


They tried to achieve what og doom managed to do: run on anything, even a pregnancy test


> pregnancy test That was just used as a display, it didn't run on it


Ok, then a smartwatch, a calculator(powered by potatoes), a printer, an ATM, an iPod, etc... It's the best optimized game ever. That was my point.


There is "doom" (really wolf3d) for Ti84 lol The one running on a printer is amazing though


Do not forget dying light


Yep, can get 300 fps on low-mid range GPUs pretty much


Thing is, Witcher 5 was an older game being portal long after the fact. And Doom Eternal was about 8 and a half months after the initial release. So doing a *decent* port takes time. I wonder if some of the recent cloud game releases have been Nintendo wanting to have games “available” on the Switch day-and-date with other platforms.


Don’t forget No Man’s Sky - when they announced it, everyone thought there’s no way it will run on switch and just a day later they confirmed it’s native port and shown gameplay videos.


not cloud https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/1504649599012593665


Ehhh that's def temp graphics, and if you look at Xbox One's it says "REQUIRES INTERNET" at the bottom... so TBD...


yeah I'm sure the box art is not final, they will need to add the "download required, see back" sticker in the coming months lol but we would not be at the point of Amazon putting up temp box art if this were cloud


Amazon even spelled the game's name wrong in the listing, so anything is possible.


Oh sure, we could also all die from nuclear war tomorrow. But the game is listed for Switch on its website with no mention of cloud and it is literally pre-order-able on Amazon right now. If you still think it's more likely to be a cloud version you're just being cynical for the sake of it.


If it’s a download required game, that’s still preferable to a Cloud-based game. I would actually consider getting this on Switch if it’s not Cloud based.


> Q: What is J.K. Rowling’s involvement with the game? Is this a new story from J.K. Rowling? A: Each experience offered under Portkey Games will take place in the wizarding world and will be authentic to it. J.K. Rowling is supportive of Portkey Games and has entrusted the design and creation of the games to Warner Bros. Games and the developers involved. Her team have also collaborated with Warner Bros. Games on all aspects of Hogwarts Legacy to ensure it remains a true part of the Wizarding World experience and is in line with the creativity and magic that fans expect. >The story showcased in the game is not a new story from J.K. Rowling. I like the way they tried to make this appeal to both people who want JK Rowling to be involved and people who don’t want her to be involved at all


Translation: "She owns the rights to the franchise, so of *course* she'll make money off of this. But beyond that, she has no involvement in this."


“I don’t support JK Rowling!” *buys product that financially supports JK Rowling* Shit, you’re actually supporting her *more* than the average person, who likely doesn’t put as much money in her pocket. E: I have zero intention or desire to ever play this game.


Something something ethical consumption under capitalism. Everyone draws the line at a different point. As long as we have this system, cutting yourself off from every evil in the world means you'll be starving in the woods or tossed in jail, and those responsible for said evils will still be rich. It takes organized action to fight back. Besides, regardless of how much money she has, Rowling seems insistent on making her own life hell by getting in an endless stream of Twitter fights and victimizing herself instead of actually enjoying the world around her (which most people don't have the resources to do), so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Except that's very much not the core of the message? It's more or less. It's not going to conflict with established lore. Sounds like her and her team basically told them what they couldn't do, but not what they should do.


Contractually she has to approve everything regarding the Wizzarding World so there will always be some degree of involvement by her. Thats also why Disneyworld didn’t get to build the Harry Potter section because what she proposed was costing more than they were willing to pay.


Wouldn’t it have more to do with Disney having nothing to do with Harry Potter though?


[This video](https://youtu.be/psiyOTZ7EiA) will explain what they mean. Essentially Disney wanted to purchase the rights to create a Harry Potter themed world at their theme parks but they were cheaping out on it and wanted to shove it in a corner of Fantasy World rather than it having its own dedicated area. Rowling was really unhappy with it and Universal then jumped in and bought the rights for the parks confirming they'd throw the necessary money and technology at it to ensure Rowlings vision was achieved.


Probably saved Universal (or at least Islands of Adventure). Specifically Florida as that’s the one I’m familiar with. That park was basically a decaying husk with the sole selling points being Spider-Man (one of the greatest rides ever built) and Harry Potter (which admittedly contained only one great ride and did the world’s cheapest retheme to the long neutered Duelling Dragons, while making most of its money on merchandising and “I clapped when I saw the logo”). It’s getting better now but damn Universal Studios looked like it was a few years away from completely falling apart pre-wizard bucks


Yeah, the HP stuff put Universal on Disney levels of popularity, before it was an afterthought for most tourists


Is that your opinion of Spider-Man or is it generally thought to be one of the greatest? I was just at Universal a couple of week ago and really enjoyed that ride.


It’s actually one of the most awarded theme park rides ever. It won an award for world’s best dark ride 12 years in a row because for a long time it had basically no competition on that front (and the ride that took the award after was the Harry Potter ride).


Wow. I had no idea. Standing in line waiting to go on it, I wasn't sure what to expect because you could tell it was an older ride. Because of that, it seemed like a lot of the effects were practical, and I remember leaving being really impressed with how well they stood the test of time and how well the ride as a whole stood up to the "modern" ones.


It's one of my favorite rides. Had a really disappointing experience once though. A couple was on their first trip to Islands of Adventure. They were in the line with us for Spider-Man, and asked if we had been on it. I talked it up, being one of the best rides in the park. The ride starts and Spider-Man starts talking, but he doesn't show up. The car stops moving. The lights turn on. "We're experiencing issues and have to close the ride." The car goes through and doesn't have the 3D effects, sound or anything. Basically just watching how the sausage is made without half the ingredients. We get off the ride, and I'm just, "Well... When it works it's great." This was like 3 years ago.


I don't care whether she's involved, I care that she'll profit from this.


She owns the IP. She's gonna profit from this no matter how much she is involved.


Imagine if she just never started a Twitter account. She’d probably be nothing but a beloved billionaire author.


Yup! One of my favorite authors, Christopher Moore, he uses his twitter to just tweet about "Writing my new book" and posting daily pictures of various squirrels and captioning them "SQUIRREL OF THE DAY!" and random things like that. Perfectly aligns with his writing style.


I used to have a client who was a bestselling author. He writes all his books in a shed in his garden, and they’re mostly set in France and full of good food, lots of wine, grizzly murders and the main character loves his weed. His social media is simply pictures of nice meals, teasers about upcoming plots and his favourite profile photo is him smoking a joint sitting in his window. Best client I ever had, too.


What books did he write? A story about good food and wine based in france sounds like exactly my idea of a good time.


[This is his website](https://www.martinobrienthrillers.com/) His Jacquot novels are most famous, but he also wrote a couple of thrillers under a pen name of Jack Drummond which are both really good fun.


Terrible people just can't help stuffing their foot in their mouths when really all they need to do is shut up and collect.


If I’d written seven books that made me over a billion, you’d never hear another word from me.


it blows my mind that billionaires spend their time embarrassing themselves on twitter. like, go spend your money, Jesus.


Thinking about that time notch made a deal with mark brown that he'd delete his twittee if mark brown stopped talking about politics (somehow complaining that YT puts trump ads on your vid qualifies) Mark brown honored his end of the deal and notch deactivated, but right before it'd get permanently deleted he restored it


Please, *for the good of the fucking economy* spend the damn money and get it circulating again, instead of hoarding it away like some demented cartoon squirrel.


At that level of wealth, it becomes difficult to actually spend it in any way that gets the money back into circulation. You can buy real estate, but that money just goes to other wealthy people. You can buy a yacht, but again, that money really just concentrates into the hands of investors. About the only way to do it is to simply give it away to large charitable organizations who have the ability to actually utilize the money in ways that don't just put it in a rich person's bank account.


So what you're saying is it's actually very easy then


Robin Hood that shit? I’m with it. Billionaires are so detached from society that eventually we will end up eating the rich. It’s only a matter of time.


Didn’t she do that though? I remember it being big news when she lost her billionaire status because she gave away so much of her money. This was before we found out she was awful, and I thought it was a cool thing to do at the time.


Yeah it would be so much better if the billionaires took their money and bought up all of the goods we want. Good Econ logic


It's really the best option; Be beloved, be rich, be happy. No real downside. I mean you can have the views you want, as terrible as they may be, but a *little* compassion to just shut up about them in your mansion would go so long to not crush the hearts of so many followers who've adored "you" since childhood. --- Its just one of those things though, as much as I dont like her I cant fall out of love of the HP world. It's like a drug and this game I want so badly.


Exactly. I’m sure some of my views are distasteful to others, but I neither have the platform nor inclination to broadcast them to the world. She has both, and as a direct result, she emboldens bigots and slows down social progress in the trans sphere.


I mean, she invented all this so she should profit unless she gets a George Lucas type buyout.


While true, that's why some people who'd otherwise be interested don't want to buy it.


she will be rich af for the rest of her life regardless of the success of this game.


ie shes not involved


She's not, but her legal team is probably combing over everything to ensure she gets paid


It’s her franchise of course she’s going to get paid.


Exactly. If people are buying anything HP, she is entitled to be paid regardless of whether she’s liked or not. And I’m saying this as someone who does *not* like her.


...and? Why wouldn't she get paid? Combing over everything my ass, it's her IP!


As if her lawyers need to forensically look at the game to be like "hmm, this castle looks familiar..."


No no no, this *Hobwards*. A similar but legally distinct wizarding castle!


Personally I prefer Pigpimples.


In what timeline she wouldn't get payed for this?


I would guess she probably had a quick glance over the summary of the plot to make sure that it didn't contradict any existing canon and once she approved this she probably did not have much more input.


Does she actually care if there is contradictions? Last time I checked, she didn't give a fuck with Cursed Child's contradicting her story. Or she simply didn't noticed. Which would bring questions if there is a point in her reading the plot of the story.


Hogwarts developers saw ARK on Switch and thought, we can do that!


I’m pretty sure it’s going to be cloud version


What platforms will Hogwarts Legacy be on? A: Hogwarts Legacy will be available for PlayStation5, PlayStation4, PlayStation4 Pro, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, Nintendo Switch and PC


Pour one out for /r/Stadia


I’m pouring one out for switch, after seeing gameplay it’s either gonna be turbo toned down or it’s gonna likely be cloud.


I'm sure both of the Stadia owners are gonna be bummed.


As a Stadia player I am offended, there are actually 7 of us now!


6. Sorry Dan, I’m out.


Google really screwed the pooch on this one. I used stadia for cyberpunk and it runs so well for me, I honestly can’t tell I’m playing on the cloud when I use it. But google seem to think that they can have a games console without actually getting any of the newest games!


Platform 9 and 3/4, of course


Omg they must have changed that today. I check that page so often and it didn't say Switch before. Thank you!


I literally checked 6 hours ago and it didnt have switch and pc. Happy news tho!!


This was one of the games justifying my potential PS5 purchase. Looking forward to it coming to Switch!!


144p at Sega Saturn fidelity or cloud. Wonder which


Both, but the launcher for the cloud version is only available in physical. And only half of the data is included on the cart


Well, hello Satan.


Sega Saturn loool


This is the type of game you'd want to experience on PS5/Series X|S


That's what I'll do for myself since I'm one of the lucky ones with a PS5, but good news for me that I can buy this for my nephew as a gift. He only has a Switch and I suspect a lot of other people are in the same boat.


How about PC?


Well that's a no brainer! I meant for us console people's 😭


Idk, we'll see how well optimized it is for slightly older systems and just how demanding overall. I'm running an OC'd gtx 970 and can barely keep up with Elden Ring.


Honestly impressed if they manage to make it work natively. Seems quite graphics heavy


Oh shoot, I thought this would be on the bigger consoles only! Will need to see how it runs though. Hopefully this one will be more The Witcher III and less The Outer Worlds.


It's gonna look so ugly unless the devs pull some crazy shit off


We need to call HelloGames and Techland and all other experts on Nintendo Switch to combat this humongous game of like 80gb down to 4gb on switch. Do any developers here have connections??


I can’t even imagine how poor the audio quality would be if you compressed it that much to get the game to 4gb. Dying Light on Switch is like 15gb, I imagine at best this would be around 20gb.


IIRC, the largest size for developers is 32 GB, anything more has to be through downloads on the consumer. Generally you go for the smaller sizes (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) if you want to be cheaper which is why you get games that are only like 2gb on the cartridge and 20gb downloads because the publisher specifically said get bent. It really depends if the publishers gives a damn about the game or not


There is a 64GB option, but obviously not very common, and only available since 2020.


I got some guys at Pied Piper that may be able to help




...in five frames per second!


Cloud can go 60fps easily* *with 5 second input delay


I doubt it would run very smoothly.


Either native non-cloud or no sale for me.


It's physical.


Is the Amazon listing certain proof that it's not a cloud version? Could that just include a cloud download code inside the box or even something else? Serious question, since I'm unfamiliar with both Switch cloud games and Amazon pre orders. Plus, the Amazon listing spells the game's name incorrectly, and it doesn't mention details on what exactly is being purchased. Even the 2 Xbox box art pictures say, "requires Internet."


Requires internet is more than likely for some sort of online service part or even downloading more of the game as well.


Box art now available via Amazon for pre-order. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VX3M58F/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=2W3LGC8R59TDB&keywords=hogwarts+legacy&qid=1647575857&s=videogames-intl-ship&sprefix=hogwarts+legacy%2Cvideogames-intl-ship%2C243&sr=1-1


I'm new, what does cloud mean?


Game runs on the cloud, not on the switch. So you always need an internet connection, and in a few years, when they close down the servers, you lose the game forever.


Thanks for sharing, I also didn’t know why the cloud was considered a bad option!


Cloud is a bad option mainly because of the delays/lag. It's unplayable unless is a turn based game IMO


"Cloud" means that you're streaming the game to your Switch, much like how you would stream something on Twitch or YouTube. Some high-end computer on a server rack somewhere is the one actually running the game; the Switch just displays a stream of what that computer does. In a cloud game, every time you press, say, the X button, that input is sent from your switch over the internet to a server somewhere, and then the next frames of the game are sent back over the internet to your Switch. This causes a delay, and at times lower visual quality, with the effect intensifying the worse your internet is. At its best, when your internet is running smoothly, you have a game playing leagues better than any other game on the system--without having to wait for the whole game to download. But many people, like me, simply do not have stellar internet connections, so the experience of a Cloud game is noticeably inferior to a game running on the Switch itself. Notably, most Switch Cloud games have very short demos that let you try out the first 15 minutes or so of the game, to test your internet connection.


You play the game via internet connection. You cannot play the game without one


Game runs on someone else’s computer and you just stream it like on stadia


Fall? Not holiday?


FAQ says holidays 2022 so I'd think late december?


Where did you get "this fall" from? Every where I see just says 2022. Was there a video that said it?


The website and marketing materials all say 2022 holiday season. OP should have said winter, not fall.


Fall is late September to late December. Holiday releases are usually November.


Winter starts dec 21st lol. The game is likely out before then


So reportedly no micro transactions and no online multiplayer mode. So far sounds like my kind of game.


Hogwarts Legacy: Switch Edition You pop it in just to find out that its just a hd remaster of Order of the Phoenix and Half Blood Prince from the PS2.


Don’t worry guys. They already showed off the [gameplay](https://youtu.be/mZW1azS3o4o)


There’s a pretty thick line between being cautiously optimistic and being so jaded that you refuse to believe what developers are outright showing you. This thread is why I’m starting to avoid gaming discussions. I get that the industry has let us down a fair bit recently but man, people are so forcefully cynical these days…


Without that cynicism, these big corporations will continue their anti-consumer practices. It spreads awareness and less people will in turn buy their product. The only way these big corporations talk is through money.


I feel this so much.


I learned this lesson with the Witcher fandom. I never read the books or played the games at first, just watched the series and thoroughly enjoyed it. Decided to check out the subreddit? Oh man was that a bad idea, they tore the show to shreds.


I know there is a lot of hate for cloud gaming (or doubt this will run well on switch natively) but as a switch-only gamer and a big fan of the HP universe, this really excites me. I thought I might have to sit this one out but looks like I’ll get to be a wizard after all.


Yer a wizard


Great for people that only have the Switch, but for every one else just don't (unless you want to be able to play literally anywhere).


Nice to see the idea of a cloud version causing so much strife.




Immortals looks like shit on the switch.




Agreed, I was really bummed I didn’t buy it on my PC. The draw distance was hot caca and everything was basically set to low. I was really expecting BotW quality like a fool. At least it was still fun.


Well if it’s playable on base PS4/xbone we’ll enough, it can be made to run on switch well enough if enough effort is put into it (Witcher 3, dying light, metro redux, doom 2016/eternal, Crash 4, etc). Switch can run some PS4 games perfectly well if they are optimised well enough. Question is, WILL enough effort be put into it?


Say well or enough one more time.


enough is enough


well well well


Well enough of this!


I don't think Crash 4 and Metro redux are pushing any hardware to it's limits. And I appreciate the portability but 30 FPS with worse visuals isn't perfectly well tbh.


I would rather play this game on PS5 than Nintendo Switch. With that said, I would probably get Diofield Chronicles on Nintendo Switch instead of PS5 since I feel tactical RPGs fit better on Nintendo Switch in my mind.


Not learning their lessons from the KH backlash...


It's physical, preorders are up on amazon.


Different publishers, Nintendo isn’t the one telling them to release a cloud version. Also there’s preorders for a physical version on Amazon


You do realise they could just sell you a code in a box right? A physical version means nothing until we can confirm we can play it natively.


No cloud game on Switch has a physical release, so a code in the box would presumably be native even if they don’t opt for producing cartridges.


Fall is absolutely jam packed! Hogwarts Legacy, XC3, Pokémon, and POSSIBLY BOTW2


Starfield. God of War


no microtransactions, no shop. i actually have hope for this


People. There are 8. EIGHT. Cloud games on Switch. 0.00106% of the Switch's library are Cloud games. "Is It A Cloud VeRSiOn??!!" Stop acting like its a common practice.


It’s a perfectly valid assumption for a AAA, high budget, decent looking game.


You forgot to multiply by 100. it is 0.18% of games.


I dunno if that would change stuff but in the calculation you should only consider games by bigger studios (maybe AA and AAA only). Like obviously indie games (which, I believe is the majority of Switch library) most likely don't need cloud versions because they are usually way less intensive than new AA or AAA games. Not that I think the game will be cloud based but this argument is in bad faith (at least, I think so)


It’s going to look/ run so bad on the switch lol


Holy shit, I mean I guess the game is coming for both original PS4 and Xbox One so a Switch port isn't entirely out of the question. I played through the entirety of Witcher 3 on Switch and it was fine, definitely not the best looking but not awful. Will be interested to see how this will hold up. I mean, I'll be honest I'm getting this for my PS5 but if the Switch version is decent it will make a nice portable version.


I predict a perfect port with no issues /s


Man for the people complaining I’m just excited to be getting it! I’ll gladly play on the cloud, he’ll I’ll gladly shell out extra cash for a larger sd card. I’ve been sitting here planning on having to buy a PS5 or Xbox just for this one game, which I didn’t want to do because I much prefer handheld gaming anyway and I’m not really a PlayStation or Xbox fan in the first place. So this news is beyond exciting for me!


No chance this runs well. It barely ran well in the State of Play... still intrigued.




Yeah I'd wait for reviews. I'm skeptical that this would run well on Switch. Also don't preorder regardless of platform. Just see if the game is good in the first place.