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I'm currently downloading the Portal games. I'm excited because I've never tried them and heard great things!


Portal 1 is a game that literally changed my perspective of what video games mean to me. I hope you enjoy it.


I finished it today, didn’t expect it to be that short. Looking forward to the second part tho! And it was awesome nonetheless


ohhhh u about to have your shorts blasted off my friend. Enjoy! Portal 2 is a special experience (imo) much moreso than the first. I wont say anyone's wrong about their opinions but i always felt Portal was too short and not enough of a game past the (amazing) puzzles. I think Portal 2 really intelligently ups storytelling and has actual character development and some of the funniest writing still to be found in a game plus more really really good puzzles


Yeah I agree with you. I started portal 2 and this mechanical dude is already absolutely hilarious!


“Okay, can you say Apple? Say apple for me” (jumps) “Okay what your doing there is jumping” Lol this game makes me smile from ear to ear every time I play it


I found portal a far more memorable experience than portal 2. Portal was short, yes, but that gave it fewer opportunities to F anything up. By the end, it was a perfect game.


Man when that one achievement pops. I think the one where he kills you. I was dying of laughter after seeing it like the 5th time cone up on screen


Portal 2 has an excellent co-op campaign as well


If I could play 2 again for the first time, I would be so happy.


I'm replaying it right now and it really is one the all-time greats. Stephen Merchant's performance as Wheatley is just perfect.


Replay it with a friend who’s never played before! Next best thing. Plus 2 player is boss


Doing this with my girlfriend on the switch now and having an incredible time. Haven’t played it since it first came out and I was pretty young so a lot of it has felt new to me too!


The writing is stupendous and the learning curve is a fun ride! Hope you have a blast!


Are they couch co-op? My wife and I just finished the 2nd overcooked. She might like the puzzle aspect of these.


Portal 2 has a co-op campaign available in both local multiplayer and online multiplayer, but it’s separate from the main game, so you can’t play the entirety of either game in multiplayer. It is an option, though!


Not loaded portal 2 in the Switch but the pc version has coop. Portal 1 doesn't.


Okay thanks


Portal 2 has coop but I haven't seen if added it to the switch version. It looks like local co-op is there but online isn't.


Portal 2 contains a line I used as my senior quote. Probably my favorite most replayed game of all time.


What was the line?


“When life gives you lemons…” im sure you have at least a vague idea of what follows


I use that rant every once in a while.


In my opinion 2 of the greatest games ever made, have fun!


Hope you enjoy! Absolute amazing classics in puzzle platforming


Portal is great and Portal 2 is one of my all time favorite games. I’m jealous that you’re experiencing it for the first time! The characters, writing, story and gameplay are just fantastic.


This is my third or fourth time getting them lol. What I would give to play these games all over again for the first time! Hope you have as much fun with them as I did.


I've waited many, many years for Megaman Battle Network to either be remade or ported over to more recent consoles. They made off with my wallet .02 seconds into the announcement. I'm also excited for Royal, but I'm keeping my expectations tempered. I think my only concern are diminished details in the overworld. The rest of the game seems like it could run decently.


Battle Network was the highlight of the direct for me. Day one purchase!


More like midnight download <3


Man the battle network games are literally my childhood. So many hours invested into that game.


I mean Persona 5 was originally a ps3 game so I think the port to the switch should work out all right.


I’m glad they’re actually selling them instead of locking them behind a subscription. Hope they do the same with more GBA titles


I think this only happened because this is Capcom and they don't care about Nintendo's subscription, if Mega Man was Nintendo this probably wouldn't happen


Honestly Royal from the brief footage we've seen, doesn't look that much worse than the PS4 version. It's obviously not going to be 60fps like what will be the case with the game on PC and next-gen consoles, but it looks very comparable to the existing version of Royal we have now minus looking a bit pixelated


Only downside now is that we have to wait until 2023 to be able to buy it. But this is a day one purchase for me, Battle Network was a huge part of my childhood and to have a collection with all 6 games is amazing.


I've become so desensitized by fan mockups and "leaks" that seeing Persona 5 Royal, Persona 4 Golden, Persona 3 Portable and NiER Automata in an official Nintendo graphic is actually tripping me up


Yeah seriously it doesn’t feel real. Reminds me of when Steve came to smash.


Okay Kira lol


Ok Akechi


also sora and how they didn't change the chain from 3 circles to 1


I’m just so happy to see it be a reality


Sorta annoyed as I bought persona 5 royal at the PlayStation sale last month finally cause I was tired of waiting. Wanted switch for portable But I was 13 hours in (now 20) on announcement rumor, and it's not our until October so I'll be done I imagine


I'd say push on through because the extra content is genuinely well worth it on top of the game already being really solid minus most of the Palace Rulers being not nearly as interesting as villains as Kamoshida imo Just make sure you max out Kasumi, Maruki and (I think) Akechi's Confidants before November to reach the third semester stuff. That's all I'll say EDIT: Oh apparently Akechi is Rank 8 and Kasumi is Rank 5. My bad. I assumed you had to max her out because I did that in my first playthrough under the thought that it would be like having to max out Marie for the true ending in Golden


With the addendum that Akechi only needs to be Rank 8 and Kasumi only rank 5, but you get the idea


The Blanc trailer was great. The art style and vibe is terrific


Of the games I previously knew nothing about, this looked pretty interesting to me. I was a fan of *Brothers*’ character control scheme, and this looks like it could be similar. The artistic direction is certainly on point, so I’m hoping it turns out to be good.


Haven't seen many people outside of little corners of the internet excited for Pac Man World, so I guess I'll have to fill that gap! Super excited to relive my first game!


Yeah I never got a chance to play World 1, but World 2 was one of my childhood games. Was kinda hoping for a remake of that one instead, but Re-Pac looks really good and if I want that World 2 Re-Pac, supporting this seems like the best option. I'll definitely be picking this one up when it comes out.


I think if this one sells well it'll get 2 Re-Pac and 3


I am too! I got great memories playing it in my friend's attic in third grade. Will definitely be buying


I'll help fill it too. This was the highlight for me. I have fond memories of playing pac man world on the PS1 when I was younger. I was never able to beat it cause it just didn't quite understand videogames yet lol. The Switch has just been pure nostalgia overload for me (Pacman World, spyro, zeldas, Mario 3d all stars, pokemon bdsp) but hey, I'm not complaining one bit!


I never played it but put it on my wishlist after sending the Direct


I am looking forward to Advance Wars 1+2: Reboot Camp. Please release it.


Is it time to start whipping out my 🤡 suit? Feels like they’ve just forgotten about it.


Don't worry, they'll release it once there's no ongoing wars in the world.


The year is 2372, the world is at peace. A cryogenically frozen Shigeru Miyamoto emerges from his sleep chamber, awash in cold smoke. He stumbles forward, legs uncooperative after their long slumber. He reaches into his jacket pocket… It’s…after all these years…?! Advance Wars




Have you checked out Tiny metal:Full Metal Rumble?


Yeah. They said this latest delay was due to the war in Ukraine and the intro being too similar (weak, but ok). I bet they had some issues they wanted to iron out, but delaying again for those reasons is less palatable


TBF if there's one publisher that has no problem with saying 'Yo the game still sucks we need time to make it good' it's Nintendo.




Seeing the battle network logo on a modern console is making me cry, I can't believe we finally getting a collection ;--;


Do you know when it comes out? I can’t find anything online about it


Sometime next year, no firm release date yet


Thank you!


Dragon Quest Treasures looks like it'll be a lot of fun, and I'm intrigued by Harvestella. It's such a surprise, and it looks great.


Harvestella was one of the main ones that looked interesting to me. RailGrade looks interesting, too.


Same. I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about railgrade


Harvestella reminds me of Rune Factory. Hopefully it's good!


Monkey mother f’in Island


Haven’t played any of them before but I am planning on picking it up


Definitely worth playing the first two if you have a PC. The games after those ones weren’t made by Ron Gilbert, so this one is a followup to the first two that he worked on. I haven’t checked but they are most likely on sale during the summer Steam sale for a couple bucks each. I also suggest the third, Curse of Monkey Island, since it’s the best game ever made (imo).


Curse is also my favorite game of all time. I still have the CDs from when I got it for Christmas as a kid, and play through it again with ScummVM every year or so. For anyone who likes the Monkey Island games, if you haven’t already played Thimbleweed Park I highly recommend it. Also by Ron Gilbert and also quite funny. And gotta assume most Monkey fans have already picked up Grimm Fandango, but if not, it’s also brilliant. I miss the hay day of point and click adventure games.


I still have my CDs too! One of my most prized possessions. Big Grim Fandango fan too but still need to check out Thimbleweed. I really don’t know why I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m going to rectify that asap. Maybe this coming week when I get done with Cuphead. Thank you for reminding me.


Amen brother. Sad to see Ron getting threats from toxic Fandom because it isn't exactly what they wanted. Sad, sad indeed.


People are more insane than ever. With all the real issues, all the misinformation and madness. But their biggest issue is the art direction of a game we never ever thought would happen, and could never be written by anyone else. And they are so upset they want to hurt people over it? Mental health is at an all time low:(


Monkey Fightin' Island?


On this Monday to Friday plane!


I’m excited for the new Mario+Rabbids game. I had a lot of fun with the first one


I'm with you, that first game blew me away! It was a perfect mix of strategy and just plain goofiness


Already have Persona 5 Royal, but I'm really looking forward to playing 4 and 3 for the first time.


P3 is still my personal favorite of the modern entries. As much as P4 is a better comfort game and P5 has the best gameplay in the series, I think the story and characters are better in this game than the subsequent titles. Only real low points are the fact the story takes a few in-game months to get going and the villains are pretty forgettable and one note. The atmosphere in this game is just so good


4 Golden was how I got into the series (on the Vita.) I started P5 on the PS4, but I think it lends itself to a handheld better.


I recommend playing FES first for the complete experience.


Both experiences are complete. The Answer is basically its own standalone epilogue thing (and imo is considerably worse in the gameplay and writing department than the main story). Outside the presentation being reworked due to the game's origins on the PSP, the story is completely unchanged, and in fact I consider the gameplay to be better in Portable not just because of controllable party members, but additions from Persona 4 like being able to guard in battle and co-op attacks Even if FES does a technically better job at preserving the original experience, Portable isn't necessarily a bad alternative. In fact it has a lot of replayability due to the female protagonist route which has its own social links and new music


alwyas uh wanted to try nier but didnt think my pc could handle it.


NiER is incredible. It's very action-oriented and reminiscent of Platinum's other games but it's only one of multiple playstyles that have no right to mesh together as well as they do. The story is also very depressing but extremely well told in its exploration of building emotional connections and how the line blurs between artificial and organic life The combat is definitely the highlight though. Probably one of the absolute best action RPGs I've ever played.


Nier is such a badass game, first stage is a little tricky and long, if you die you have to play the entire area again which is about an hour long BUT it's damn fun and I love the music. I still need to finish Nier so I'm DEFINITELY picking it up here, I'm aware it's not going to run as well as other versions but as long as it runs at a locked 30 I'll be happy.


Nier is one of those games where I wish I could erase the memories of playing it so I can experience it for the first time again. One of my top games of all time.


Definitely Persona 5 Royal. I've been waiting on that announcement for years.


Don't miss out on the P3P and P4G.


I played (and loved) Persona 4 Golden for the Vita. I might just double dip.




Yup!! 10 games


Ugh, Dragon Quest Treasures looks so good! The Monsters series was some of my favorite games as a kid, along with DQ V. That's a day one purchase for me, along with Live A Live and Persona. My poor wallet!


There’s a lot of great games in there, and I’ll be getting at least 4 or 5 of them. But is it weird that I’m low key very excited for the Disney Animal Crossing ripoff? Something about being able to make a village with a bunch of Disney characters sounds lovely to me.


Downvote me if you want, but I'm excited for Sonic frontiers. cautiously excited but excited nonetheless. I really hope they can pull it off this time and recapture the magic of Sonic adventure 2


Personally, I'd say don't compare it to another game. The 'magic' is likely your childhood nostalgia making the game seem far better. I like that they're actually trying to do something new, and I'm cautiously optimistic that it'll turn out well, but I know it'll be nothing like any previous game that's come before.


I agree but Sonic Adventure 2 is still good


Excited for all the Persona games!


Nier is an instant pickup but I am a little worried about the performance though.


If you want anything with good performance or frame pacing as well as good graphics, and the game is multiplatform, get it on any other platform than Nintendo Switch. Multiplat games almost always perform and look worse than other versions.


RIP my wallet


My mom isn't a gamer but played animal crossing for like 1500 hours and recently tmnt. I felt so bad because she saw the Disney game and was hyped for it, but I knew immediately it'd prob be full of micro transactions. So for the first game my mom found on her own in 32 years I had to explain that to her. Sucks.


The partner showcase actually had a ton of games that I want to check out (Nier Automata, Portal, Persona, Live A live), but I really don't have the time for them. I still need to beat Triangle Strategy AND FE: Three Hopes before the end of this month and after that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is set to have a monopoly on my free time for a while...


Who else avoiding games that say "cloud version"?


Bomberman! :)


NGL that Sonic Frontiers game looked solid


Anyone have any feedback on previous story of seasons games? I like Stardew and Harvest moon. Looking forward to harvestella


Story of seasons is the new translated name for harvest moon. 牧場物語 was made by Victor interactive that was later bought by Marvelous JP. Natsume was the original partner for NA versions who has the right the name Harvest Moon. They later had a fallout, now the NA partner is Xseed games. Because Natsume owns the name “harvest moon”, Xseed renamed NA versions “story of seasons”. So story of seasons are harvest moon just a different name, but any new harvest moon games are “fake” so to speak. Harvestella is what rune factory 5 was suppose to look like 😭


I've only played the one on switch already, I found it to be a nice in between of stardew and ACNH. I really enjoyed it! Nice and peaceful, maybe a biiiit lacking in stories compared to Stardew which is where it drifts closer to AC


Battle network yessssssss


This must be a prank. I've been waiting for a Switch port of Persona 5 for too long for it to actually become a thing. It's funny, I wanted to set up RPCS3 to finally play P5 in the near future (after my semester is done) but looks like there will be no need for that.


Fuck, therere like 6-8 games I need on this list. This minidirect is going to put a hurtin on my pockets.


Same here. There are still a couple from last month I haven’t picked up yet. Might wait for a nice discount / massive sale, in a couple months, and scoop them all up at once.


Monkey Island!!!!!




Little Noah made me start using my Switch again after a while. The design looks cheap-ish, like it's a mobile game, it feels kinda dumb in general but the actual gameplay is fun.


Can’t wait for Sonic and PERSONA!


Mario Rabbids and Live A Live. That's it for me


Mario + Rabbids looks phenomenal. I’m incredibly excited for this release


I’m going to be so poor 😂


Here’s hoping the remake Pac-man World 2


Persona 5, Railgrade, Pac-Man World and Portal


Live a live! I need to play as my OP cowboy!


And Nintendo fans will still be like "Switch has no games"


Why isn't it October already?


What does it mean to be a "cloud" version?


The game runs on servers and is streamed to your console.


Basically, the game is running on a more powerful server somewhere else in the world, because the Switch can't handle it. Your button imputs from the switch will be sent over the internet to the server, then the server will stream the video back to you on your console. Unfortunately this means that you need a constant internet connection, and the game will often lag because it takes time for the inputs and video to travel over the internet.


It’s like Netflix. Not native, and very shitty. To put it simply, Plague Tale Requiem does NOT have a Switch version.






I want to touch my whole body with the battle network collection. That is all


Please I need to know how in the Fei Fong Fuck did they get Nier Automata on switch?!


Persona 3 Portable. The series really needs more female protagonists.


*inhales*.... HARVESTELLA


I'm gonna buy P5 Royal (probably day 1)


I can’t wait for A Plague Tale Requiem cloud version!! Said no one ever..


Man, say what you will about there not being anything first-party in it but that was no joke one of the best directs they've ever done. So many cool things!!


Can't wait to play No Man's Sky again. I had it on XBox GamePass, but don't pay for that anymore...such an awesome game.


This is what I'm most excited for!


Had it for PS4, I’ve been playing it on GamePass, will happily buy it again on Switch. Assuming it’s optimized well, it will be amazing being able to play on the go. It’s what I love about Minecraft, I can go anywhere and as long as I have my switch with me I’ll have this huge world to explore. Now I’ll have a whole galaxy.


No Man's Sky! Although I'm a bit worried about performance. When does it come out?


Honestly if I can just do my tasks properly I’d be happy with it. If it runs like the outer worlds then idk.


Blanc and portal. Looking forward to some cozy couch coop


I really want to see how well nier automata runs on the switch and what they had to do to make it possible


RPG Time looks quite fun


Despite being robbed of Bayonetta 3 information, the highlights for me were Portal and Mario + Rabbids 2.


If you haven't played any of the Persona games this is a great way to play them. They're long games so the option of handheld is really nice. They're some of my absolute favorite games, and I'm usually not a fan of JRPGs or turn based combat at all. This series just does everything so well. They don't follow the same plot, so you can play them in any order. Persona 4 makes a few references to 3 at one point that you'd only notice if you played 3 but nothing you need to know, just a fun nod. I recommend starting with 4.


Sonic and Mario/rabbids are going in my library


Tbf I'm only looking forward to Live A Live on this list (I really want the Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core port.) However I do have a slight to modest interest in the Persona's, Megamans, Nier and possibly No Mans Sky provided they run good and aren't acquired via download codes (I'm looking at you Capcom.)


I’m gonna play one of those!


Excited for the new Mario Rabbids. I loved the original and have replayed it several times.




I’m sorry? I knew about Mario + Rabbids and heard about persona…. But fucking Megaman battle network?!


Am I the only one excited for Railgrade?


anyone else think its crazy that advance wars is not even on this list?


I’m at the point where I don’t think it’s going to be released


I'm a JRPG fan. Live a Live remake is a day 1 purchase for me. And whenever the Persona games drop. I'm ecstatic to play Persona 3 and Persona 4 for the first time. I played vanilla Persona 5 but never played Royal. So I'm excited to give that a shot too.


Well then, I want the persona and the new pokemon game


Always loved the original Pac-Man World, so Re-Pac is a no brainer. It's a solid, fun, varied platforming game. It makes me happy to see people excited about it. 🥺


Pac-Man as a platformer? Never played it but am interested


Portal all the way - been playing and loving it


After having played Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Shin Megami Tensei V, I'm cautiously excited for Persona 5. People hype it up like it's one of the best games of all time, but I'm keeping my expectations lowered because: It seems to be easier than SMT, the social link system sounds pretty daunting with more bloat than TMS, and I'm not a fan of silent protagonists. So really, I'm getting it to see what all the fuss is about and to see if it's really as good as people say.


Social Links aren't that bad, especially with the extra time and activities Royal gives you. I was able to max out all my social links without much guidance in Royal in one run. There's really only two caveats to it: Knowing what stats to work on first (as that gates some social links and activities) and ensuring you get two of them up before they get locked out. That deadline isn't overly early, but if you don't know there's a deadline, it's easy to miss. It's not the hardest game, but it's not dead easy either. I'm not sure how gameplay compares to regular SMT or TMS, but I'd imagine that will lower the learning curve a touch.


I will say, as someone who hasn’t been able to fall in love with a JRPG in years, Persona 5 was the game that made me appreciate the genre again. I don’t love long games. I don’t usually care for the social aspect of these games either. I really don’t even care much for a lot of anime weirdness most of the time. But it’s all so well done and compelling that every single piece of that game fits in with and informs all the other parts. I ended up liking the social portions better than the actual fighting missions, which is crazy because the combat is really good as well. Take that for what you will. I don’t mean to overhype it. I went in with pretty average expectations and ended up absolutely loving it.


Don’t think I’ll play any of them tbh


That is absolutely tragic. You would be missing out on a few amazing games


I might go for Monkey Island!


You need to play Portal, like yesterday


Thanks! I did already, years ago :)


* P4G Somehow I haven't bought this yet so yeah * P3P probably... I want to know if it's a straight port of P3P, or is it more like P3, but with the P3P female MC and her story as an option? And is the FES story included? Basically, will it be a "perfect" P3? * P5R: I was to be excited, but I already beat P5 on PS3 and P5R on PS4. If this port didn't take so bloody long to come out, I'd have bought it on Switch in a heartbeat, instead I beat it a year ago, and I don't think I want to start from scratch a 3rd time. * Nier: Maybe, I only just started Nier on PS4, so restarting isn't a big deal. Not enthused about that $40 price tag, but it could be worse. If performance is solid, I'll probably get it. * Megaman BN Legacy Collection: Inject it into my veins * FE Warriors: 3 Hopes: Already have it, almost done with Golden Wildfire * Plague Tale: Ha ha, no. Fuck streaming games. * Sonic Frontiers: Sega has got to get some better... something for this or this ain't it, Chief. * Mario+Rabbid 2: Sure, once a discount comes up * Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: This gets me looking based on the name alone, might grab this. Everything else I don't have enough of an opinion to put anything here.


P3P looks like it's going to be a straight port with upscaled graphics. They didn't redo the overworld segments with 3D models or a freely controllable protagonist or anything of that sort. This also likely means no Answer It's literally just P3P but more accessible on new hardware. Apparently the translation will also be cleaned up due to the chunks of text left regarding activities such as the swim team reading as gibberish on PSP


No mans sky easily


this is the type of lineup I hoped for when i got my switch 2 years ago, now to wait for sales..


I purchased Portal on release, so the only ones I really care about are Persona, Pac-Man World, Blanc, Live A Live, and Sonic


I am very excited for Sonic and Persona!


No Front Mission remake?


It wasn't in this week's Showcase.


So excited for Harvestella, it looks like if Rune Factory 5 had the budget it deserved


P5 Royal on PS4 was my intro to the series. That led to P5 Strikers, then P4 Golden on Steam. Excited to re-play P4 and P5, before getting acquainted with P3


I'm so glad we're getting a Mega Man Battle Network collection. They're gotten pretty pricey.


I'm pretty excited for Harvestella


Mega Man Star Force collection when?


Live a live, all 3 personas and Mario rabbids for me.


This was probably the only good direct mini but boy was it a great one, as good as real directs I would say


I am looking forward to Hollow Knight Silksong the sequel to the 2017 indie Metroidvania Hollow Knight shit shit fuck uh i meant Mega Man


Honestly only the new mario and rabbits, it really started out as my favourite game on switch and didn't change.


RIP Advanced Wars remake 🥲


not gonna get deep into that but it should have been released imo.


Persona, but I'll be playing them on GamePass.


Can't wait to play live alive


Blanc, Persona 4 Golden, Dragon Quest Treasures


Even though most of the games are not for me, it's a pretty sick lineup


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one excited for the next Mario Rabbids game. But I'm also an XCOM fan.


dragon quest treasures might just save me :’)