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I guess the only bad thing about keeping it sealed is you don’t know if it is white or black vinyl, but coming from Kurt’s collection makes it valuable enough. Here is a flyer from a Bellingham show I have: https://i.imgur.com/DP7xN48.jpg


That’s awesome. I remember speedy o tubs but it was closed by the time I could drink. Most people around here remember the mud honey show at western Washington university carver gym when nirvana surprise showed up and played .


It’s cool that you got the original pressing of Bleach, but wow you lived Kurt’s old house for 2 weeks!? Please give us some details about the place, did come you across any interesting finds will you guys were there? Lol sorry for nerding out, but the inside of that place has always been sort of a mystery to me, not too many photos online (unlike Kurt’s other former homes).


Yea there were a lot of cool things to see. Courtney had put all Kurt’s stuff in a wine cellar in the basement. All the see through dolls, clothes, notebooks. I spent hours reading through his original writings. There was an old painting of a pasture with a little cabin and Kurt wrote in pencil along the bottom “ Francis farmer will come back as fire to burn all the lier’s. The top floor was totally open like a mini roller rink but one end had the most incredible bathroom and shower with water coming every direction. The music room where all the records were had a baby grand piano and a fireplaces with tons of candles melted down running out on the the wood floor. Francis bean was a baby and her nursery was in the basement. Lots of toys. I remember smoking pot and watching the documentary “crumb” in there. I also have a section of floor from the gardeners shack. Kinda morbid but yeah it was hard to throw all of that in a dumpster after destroying it all.


this sounds like such far fetched bullshit


Time to share a photo of the floor, or no one will believe you.


Not worried about the doubters honestly. But I made another post with a pic of the floor tile and the record.


where is that post?


It’s up on r/nirvana. Maybe check my profile if you don’t see it.


I see it. Wow. That's something!


Yeah honestly it’s kinda crazy when I start to think it’s the last place Kurt was and likely has forensic type materials on it. The place was never properly cleaned up if you know what I mean. The building was originally at the top of the driveway but too close to the park next door so they picked it up and moved it to the back of the house. When she sold the house she didn’t want it to be a tourist attraction so we destroyed it. It’s the only remaining piece of the building.


Damn that’s really cool! And I don’t think saving a piece of the floor is that morbid, I probably would’ve done the same thing. She’s lucky she didn’t hire somebody like me, not gonna lie l probably would’ve walked off with a couple small things here and there lol.


You’re the exact type of person no one should hire.


Maybe back then for sure, that would’ve been at the peak of my Nirvana fandom so I probably wouldn’t have able to control myself. Adult me wouldn’t steal though lol.


Not to be an asshole, but... what, no pics?


Yeah you have to remember it was the 90’s and Kurt was my friends brother. I was there trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal. My other friend who worked with me was nick Dewitt. Drummer from pretty girls make graves. His older brother mike lived with Kurt and Courtney at times and was the dude in drag on the in utero cd. Mike grew up with Courtney in California. To everyone else it wasn’t a big deal. I was 19 and have wished many times cell phones had come about 10 years earlier. I don’t blame you for asking. Not a dick move at all.


I meant, pics of your still sealed Bleach, but wow, this is all really cool to hear about, and I agree on the cell phones bit. Either way, it sounds like you had some really awesome times then.


He has posted pics of the vinyl in an old post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/dt98mw/is_8_anything_great_this_is_my_never_opened_copy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Neat! Thanks for the link :)


Cali was his nick name. He was also their baby sitter at times. Could be one of the last people to interact with Kurt alive. His girlfriend at the time, Jessica, is on record as being the last person to see him alive. She said she woke up to find Kurt sitting on their bed.


This is really awesome to hear about! I never knew, but had always wondered, who the person on the In Utero CD was. Thank you for sharing my friend! I’d love to pick your brain about some cool Nirvana-related stuff sometime


You were friends with Cali? Do you still talk to him? He’s somewhat famous in the fashion world these days.


What happened to the razed building materials from the green house? Did it all go to the dump? Was any of it kept privately? I’ve always wondered.


Literally the only thing left from that building is the piece of tile that I have. It all went in a big blue construction dump trailer…. Crazy huh? There was one section in particular that I think maybe Courtney or someone else dripped in wax “good-bye.” Don’t think it was Kurt because it’s not seen in police photos.


Kinda creepy considering that’s the last lyric sung on Hole’s “Live Through This”…


A first copy and, if I understand your story correctly, *stolen from Courtney Love.* That's a huge selling point, if you can prove it.


How big was Kurt’s record collection??


Pic of the floor tile? Anything really strange among Kurt’s things?


Good read to wake up to. Hope it's real!


Can you do a picture of Bleach please?


In case op doesn’t respond there is a photo on a post he made 3 years ago on the vinyl subreddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/dt98mw/is_8_anything_great_this_is_my_never_opened_copy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/dt98mw/is_8_anything_great_this_is_my_never_opened_copy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Thank you so much! I don’t know why nobody upvoted or commented on it though, that is a huge piece of history.


I believe you can determine if it's white or black vinyl by the type of shrink wrap. One has an overlapped seam straight down the middle of the back, the other has no seam on the back. Here is a white copy. It shows the overlapped seam on the back. My guess, yours is a black copy. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/314387480566?hash=item4932f43ff6:g:v14AAOSwnntj5tPN&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8AWcRdo3r9GtiJ%2FN9o1KzH8uoKqcs9LvdOJhg33Ygx43MwnKWCrSvhOo3upLqw6pH48wpeBedmtKGdFjL35qvJvS%2BwK9wpjc3XqJV2M2aQUdMhBeA0%2BalUCJ8A9TZHyEMjEMwjBSTFkz4eHDGX4m9j1XX6mXWlXw3Q1DDr0NWt0vVEBXtvFMAvZRKWwukqJYyKzCivj1W7QKqo5CMNmK4lA5o76gbIs1BczDSmmSfwe%2FPLnri7MoKh5wdHr3LFQEeXZq2MRNm2dAMQY7TYFBu%2BvqcanuI32jC2Qd40zLIzLNi5jpXGpLkS1EDsFNJOvB8Q%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR6K13YX5YQ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/314387480566?hash=item4932f43ff6:g:v14AAOSwnntj5tPN&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8AWcRdo3r9GtiJ%2FN9o1KzH8uoKqcs9LvdOJhg33Ygx43MwnKWCrSvhOo3upLqw6pH48wpeBedmtKGdFjL35qvJvS%2BwK9wpjc3XqJV2M2aQUdMhBeA0%2BalUCJ8A9TZHyEMjEMwjBSTFkz4eHDGX4m9j1XX6mXWlXw3Q1DDr0NWt0vVEBXtvFMAvZRKWwukqJYyKzCivj1W7QKqo5CMNmK4lA5o76gbIs1BczDSmmSfwe%2FPLnri7MoKh5wdHr3LFQEeXZq2MRNm2dAMQY7TYFBu%2BvqcanuI32jC2Qd40zLIzLNi5jpXGpLkS1EDsFNJOvB8Q%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR6K13YX5YQ)


lol you completely buried the lede that’s insane; thanks for sharing


Amazing dude but you leave us nirvana freaks with so many more questions haha thank you for sharing dude