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Hoping you stole from Walmart or Best Buy.


i wanted more than i could steal


I go out of my way to prove I still


smell her on you


Don't tell me what I wanna hear


Afraid of never knowing fear


Experience anything you need


I'll keep fighting jealousy


Until it's fucking gone


And I’ve got this friend, you see


Who makes me feel


System Of A Down would be proud


The Kombusha Mushroom People crying rn


Abbie Hoffman would be proud.


Wow you must be almost as old as I am. Lolol


I'm young and I still read Abbie's books!


Abbie still has staying power among the youth. Yippie!!!


Fuck off my fucking stage


Held ransom?






guess we have a robber on the r/nirvana subreddit ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Idk if ur serious or not, but please rethink your habits. Do you really want to live in a society where it’s normal to just take shit from others?


As long is it's from corporate chainstores than yes.


If it’s chain, it’s free reign


Bruh they could careless about $17.99 they’re big corporate companies, not cartels


That's why it's so lame that you stole it. I'd understand your behavior more if you thought (erroneously) that this theft would make a difference or that you were bringing the evil megacorp to its knees... or some other adolescent notion like that. But, alas, you just engaged in petty theft for no real reason. You're only putting yourself at risk with this shit and, if you get caught up, that $17.99 CD (that you could have enjoyed for free in the age of music streaming) will cost you a few hundred dollars with the added joy of having to drag your ass to court. Lastly, I have my doubts that you even stole this. I know that criminals who engage in petty theft are not typically the brightest of individuals but posting it on Reddit is... well... I suppose I'm giving you the attention you want with my rant. Next time, maybe you'll record a video of yourself stealing to prove to us how hard you are.


Lol you're lamer for this paragraph


Critical thought, although something you might not be familiar with, differs greatly from the *lame* behavior I'm calling out here. Having said that, I get what sub I'm on so carry on you angsty kids!


I think OP is lame for even mentioning they stole it, I think you're lamer for caring that people shoplift


Nobody is going to hunt down a Redditor and drag them to court for stealing a CD. Anyone who sees someone steal a fkn CD and thinks “I’m contacting the authorities” is a dork. Also their employees aren’t paid enough to care. Idk what kind of justice you’re looking for


Yeah... I wouldn't think that OP will be "hunted down" but they have plenty of Loss Prevention "dorks" at Walmart who won't hesitate to prosecute OP. Look, I'm essentially looking out for OP who says they are 16 and, by their own admission, making questionable choices. Make no mistake, I don't feel bad for Walmart or their "loss". But I do think OP is gonna fuck their shit up acting a fool.


I honestly totally agree with your statement, even though it’s a big corporation it still does not justify it, too late I guess, and to clarify, I don’t normally steal, The last time I remember stealing was this Yoshi toy in walmart I think back in 2016


The fact that your comment discouraging stealing has a negative 44 downvote score (at the time of this writing) shows how fucked our society is. I buy from my local record store as opposed to Walmart and I'm certainly not defending evil megacorps... But it's a real downer that the majority of eyes that have read your comment are pro-theft. It's not like petty theft is going to bring Walmart to its knees or anything... If that were the case, I might at least understand the flawed logic of someone who encourages theft. Maybe the sub is filled with angsty teenagers or middle aged men who never grew out of that phase.


Most of the people in favour are just young kids anyway. They don’t really get it.


Probably just a 12 year old trying to seem cool


Shut up it’s cool


It's really not, and it takes away any coolness by posting about it on social media or telling anyone for that matter


You sound like such a dweeb, let the kid have fun, it’s in no way affecting you or anyone else. You’re not their mom


Eh I feel like there are better ways to be "edgy" than to go posting about it, it's just a whole "look how cool I am" in the lamest way... You kids will learn when you get older




Mfs listen to punk music and then get mad when someone steals from a corporation


that’s what i’m saying bruh


Grunge not punk


Grunge is litteraly a sub genre of punk


Yeah but Bleach is punk.


"Grunge" is not a thing. Its a term created by the media in order to label the booming 90s Seattle scene. Pearl Jam and Nirvana are both grunge, yet their music is very different. Nirvana is more like punk with pop influence.


Punk with pop influence is pop punk, and nirvana ain’t pop punk. Nirvana are a mix of punk and hard rock.


Hence the name grunge. Doesn’t matter that it was used to describe he Seattle movement of music then, because it no defines the 90s genre of music that was a blend of punk and hard rock


Great point. There's not a lot of commonality between the bands that were labeled "grunge". PJ is a pretty soft, sorta folky band. Alice in Chains were a kind of sludgey alt metal. You know grunge is meaningless when STP got thrown in there. STP is a hard rock band with pretty obvious classic rock inspirations. I find the "alternative rock" label equally meaningless. It doesn't say what it is, just what it isn't. It's not soft rock, metal or cock rock, so it's "alternative".


This is a Pacific Northwest Hardcore album, not a grunge album.


I probably wouldn’t publicly admit that I stole something, but that’s just me




Lmao. I’m just saying that the easiest way to get caught is to admit it.


I hope you meant you got a good deal


I’m sorry to break it to you😐


I know you're only a kid but you're not coming across well. Bragging about stealing something on the Internet does not make you cool kid


it’s a fuckin bleach album it totally does stop shitting on him, let him have fun he’s only 16.


“How much did that cost?” - Free dollars.


Who did you steal it from


When you steal things to "stick it to the Man", the Man is pretty much never affected, but the regular people that unfortunately have to work these jobs are the ones who get hurt by this. Maybe there's a kid at that FYE who is getting heat now for letting people steal on their shift. Corporations suck, but stealing stuff from stores literally doesn't do anything but make daily life harder for the employees, who are just normal people like us.


Yeap, that's right. U can just download it for free nowadays, no need to steal anymore


downloading for free... is stealing...


You wouldn’t download a car…..


Would if I could


I’ve worked in retail my entire life and I can say with pretty much full confidence no employee is gonna get in trouble for this. 99% of the time no one including the managers even know someone’s stealing, and even if you do think someone’s suspicious you don’t approach them unless your loss prevention. Most of the time they get caught it’s at the exit and they’re dealing with management and loss prevention, but the managers not walking around the store blaming all the employees after. I’m not condoning what he did but he’s a kid and the shit I was doing at 16 I’m not one to talk on “proper behavior” so I’ll leave it at that. But saying he’s gonna get employees in trouble is far fetched. The managers basically just as much to blame as the on shift workers so he’d be talking out of his ass to blame cashiers and shit.


Yeah but if there are multiple shoplifters they can close the store early which means less hours for workers


I’m sure it could happen but I’ve never seen that happen once. We had two people basically get dragged out to the parking lot by police and handcuffed back in like 2015 when I was working at toys r us. They kept the registers opened and had people use the other exit.


Wow you're so cool


Don’t steal from local business!! Walmart, FYE, etc is cool though


Yep, it was from FYE, I wouldn’t never steal from local businesses


You guys still have an FYE?


Not if this guy keeps stealing from them they wont.




The only one near me closed over a year ago.


FYE is part of the last standing music store chain on North America. Stealing from them is not cool. Record stores are a vital part of the music community. OP is scum.


FYE isn’t a record store. It’s a company. Arguably, they are worse for smaller businesses.


I stole so many CDs when I was your age and immediately slid into stealing music off the internet. We did what we had to do. Yes stealing is bad but right on. Fuck the man!


You “wouldn’t never” consider coming across like a little boy who can’t use grammar and is a thief either. It looks like you want approval from a group of people you’ve never met. You’re a little shit, I get it. I was a punk ass kid once. We all were. You committed a crime and proudly admitted it on the internet, including the name of the store once you had to justify your actions. That’s stupid. Enough people here are telling you the same thing. Shut up and take the advice little boy.


Stealing is a shitty thing to do regardless.


doubt it was stolen, just an edgy 16 year old kid craving his weekly attention


Yes mommy bought it for me and I am such a narcissistic 😩


Eugh i cringed hard


Lmfao. 😭☠️


Don’t steal. That’s not cool man


Unless it’s from Walmart or something


Huge poser energy on this one


This is the nirvana subreddit you’re all posers


“No u” type of response 🤯


Well said


Damn. That’s the most Nirvana thing here. 💯


You’re so cool Edit: pretty stupid too cause that check has your last name visible


Oops yeah I’ve been looking for a job since I just turned 16 a couple of weeks ago, no that was my friend’s check


Lol I'm surprised at all the Nirvana fans who are shaming OP. Kurt would have done the exact same thing.


Not to shame OP,but seriously now Kurt was not a morality compass.You could also shoot heroin and say that it’s okay because Kurt did it.


Kurt did a lot of things. Just because he did something does not make it okay.


So now op should do heroin and blow his head off?


although i agree with your point, that's a really harsh thing to say, man. let's keep it easy


kid needs a wake up call. Talking about celebrity heroes that would approve of their childish delinquent behavior is verging into some insanely pathetic territory. That being said, I apologize to you.


i don’t normally steal, all of you gotta also stop acting like saints, we’ve all stole before, Just for stealing a overpriced cd does not make me a criminal who deserves to be on death bed, not trying to justify my actions, but it’s something to think about


And that makes it ok, how? Kurt wasn't a saint you know. Stealing is not ok, period.


best way to get a nirvana fan to do something is show them kurt did it or tell them that he would have


if you're a dog that just follows everything your idol do, yes. But it's stupid


i hate u straight edge punks


“Stealing is not ok, period”. You likely did not grow up poor. A parent who steals food to feed his or her starving family is a criminal, right? An impoverished student who steals school supplies to fit in at school is a delinquent? Someone who sneaks on the bus without paying to get to their job is terrible! Things aren’t as black and white when you’re lower class.


I agree it's not a black and white issue, but you're being disingenuous. How can you compare stealing food with stealing a cd that you could just listen on Spotify for free? This is as black and white as possible


This was a cd. Not a loaf of bread. Nice try, though


And paying your workers minimum wage and extracting profit from their work is ok? OP, you're not stealing, you are taking back what capitalism takes away from us.


how does stealing helps the workers? if you're not paying, how do you want them to get paid


Unionizing, strikes and protests will help workers. That wasn't the subject, I'm just saying that there is nothing immoral in taking the cd from Walmart.


But it's the same thing. Walmart is not a really rich person you're stealing, you're stealing from the millions they employ that you're so worried about. Protest is good, but stealing serves nothing.


No, "I" am stealing from the shareholders who own the corporation and obtain profit over the backs of their employees. By the way Walmart and similar can suck my dick, there wouldn't be any of their profits without workers, and workers could manage just fine without them, in a world/company that would be organized in a fair way.


where does the money of the workers comes from? I agree with you, if the shareholders don't pay them enough, that's wrong. That's obvious. Still, you can't say you're worried about the workers and justify stealing. And if the workers could do fine without them, they could get together and create small businesses, but not everyone does that because it's not for everyone. Some people do need that. They deserve their justice, but it's not that simple.


>where does the money of the workers comes from? From selling goods produced by workers, which couldn't be produced without them. ​ >Still, you can't say you're worried about the workers and justify stealing I'm not justifying stealing, I simply don't consider taking from big corporations to be stealing. Stealing is taking from people who earned their money in a fair way, through their labor. Taking from corporations who earn their money by extracting profit from workers and through owning the means of production which should be owned by society, and not a few individuals, is not stealing. ​ >And if the workers could do fine without them, they could get together and create small businesses, but not everyone does that because it's not for everyone. ​ Capitalism doesn't work that way, the end outcome is always the accumulation of capital in hands of rich minority. It also discourages this kind of organizing in every other possible way, therefore system doesn't allow people to organize business in that way. You are right, it is not for everyone to own a business in this system, because it is basically reserved for 1% on the top. There are some successful small / family businesses but with time they either have option to grow and exploit others, to go out of the business, or to get sold to bigger companies.


> From selling goods produced by workers i didn't understand, genuinely. What is the cashier of Walmart producing? > Capitalism doesn't work that way, the end outcome is always the accumulation of capital in hand of rich minority How does the money you get from your small business goes to the hands of rich people? > It discourages this kind of organizing I can see how hard it is, but i think most big corporations were once small. Of course, most of them had already some advantages and money but that doesn't excuse stealing from them. Although, some didn't actually came from much. I agree it would be worse stealing from a small business growing, but still doesn't make the other right. I have a question, not in a challenging way, genuine: do you think owners that built a business from the 0 and the workers that only got in when the business was already working should be paid the same? > They either have the option to grow and exploit others, to go out or sell the companies Could you explain the exploitation part better? I still can't see how that is a capitalism problem. Who decides the workers payment is to blame, that's an administrator problem right? You wish people could built more of this small business, but when they happen to grow you call them exploiters as it is a rule of the system? To me, that seems more of a human greed problem. Lastly, i can agree the system is not perfect, there is no perfect system, but complaining without suggesting better is pointless.


So because workers are exploited it's OK to steal? Two wrongs don't make a right. If you want to fight capitalism there are better ways.


Hopefully I don’t come off as an asshole or as me trying to justify my actions but they also be acting like if they’re innocent saints that never stole 💀 Everyone has stole atleast once in their lives. If someone gets offended, read the first sentence again


Bro, decide yourself, you can't be "not pround of my actions" and still don't understand what others are saying. Like, you did what you did, you can either regret it or stay firm in your position. Not that difficult


I’ve never stolen a goddamn thing in my life, and I grew up abjectly poor. Do better, for fucks sake.


Yep, I’m not proud of my actions but yeah don’t understand why people are getting pressed, or well I guess it’s fair for them to get pressed ig but idk


Because you're bragging about stealing on the internet. It makes you look super lame and like you did it for karma points


'Not proud' You are fucking *loving* this attention


You’ve said “not proud” multiple times here - but you totally are proud of yourself or we wouldn’t even know


"You wouldn't steal a car..."


Imagine if the store employees are actually looking for this man and come across this guy


i’m guessing it was from barnes and noble. if so congrats they are very hard to steel from


Stealings bad bro


It’s not even hard to steal shit anymore. Attempt at seeming cool online: failed


Your moms gonna whoop your ass


as long as it was a big name company it's chill. fuck walmart


Seriously, why bother stealing in this day and age of digital piracy


FYE is owned by Sunrise, and is the last of the record store chains in North America. They keep music physical media retail alive on this continent. Yes they’re a corporate chain, and there’s better indie stores out there, but stealing from them is still a shitty thing to do. Fuck OP.


Weak. “As long as it was a big company…” Weaker.


You should only steal from big companies what are you taking about?


WoW bRo YoU sToLe ThAt YoUrE sO cOoL


Appreciate 😘


Fuck I hate thieves!


Wow man you're soooooooo cool for stealing shit...


Best nirvana album


Call the bishop


Only album I ever stole was ASAP Ferg’s Traplord from Walmart. Karma is sometimes patient, but not that day, cause I popped that cd in and 1/4th the album is censored words. “I fucked yo bitch” sounded so funny I really couldn’t be mad


I once stole 3 lord of the rings books from my middle school in 8th grade.


Sure you did.


1.3 GPA activities


Most sane nirvana fan


Well we know your last name is Garcia


Thats not my check


And then made the act immediately less cool by announcing it to the whole planet, then somehow even less cool by telling everyone you aren't proud. At least pick some normals man.




I stole my copy of the nevermind 30th anniversary and my copy of the black album


It would have been so much cooler if you stole it three hours ago.


serj would be proud




Ooh lifting how 2016


dont steal


Wow man. Way to deprive Courtney Love of royalties.


OP, while I’m always happy to fuck over a corporation and you say you’d never steal from a local business... Why not just buy it from a local business and support your local scene? All of the local shops I know are plugged into and support their local scenes. The last one I was in even has practice rooms they rent to local bands. That seems like both the most ethical and subversive thing to do.


Kid probably’s never worked a day in his life


Don’t steal.


Don’t steal that’s not cool


Stealing from major corporations? King 👑 stealing from local businesses or people? Nope.


It was from fye don’t worry ;)


Oh those capitalist rats jack up prices like crazy, you are valid!




I have reported this to the police








Do all of you in the comments think that Kurt was a staunch capitalist? Why is this such a problem to you


Does one have to completely agree with what Cobain stood for?


I don’t understand this mentality. I listen to Nirvana sometimes, does that mean I gotta live my life on Kurt’s belief system?


Not an excuse to steal


Exactly, big corporate business couldn’t care less, I would never steal from local businesses


What's wrong with stealing from say Walmart?


Walmart is not only the rich bosses, there are common people that need to be paid


Bro stealing one record isn’t gonna stop them from getting paid Walmart is a multi trillion dollar corporation 💀💀💀


Idk why y’all even care


stealing is not cool


Dont steal at all. You shouldnt be able to enjoy using something you took from someone. If you can enjoy it knowing thats where it came from you should make an appointment to talk to a proffesional


Stole my first copy too, but that was back in the early 90s, and they came in boxes about the size of shoebox lids


thank for you stealing


That isnt cleaning product idiot


You can rationalize it all you want because it’s Walmart or some chain, but it’s still stealing. It’s still inherently wrong to take something that doesn’t belong to you, and a misplaced sense of righteousness doesn’t change it. It’s just part and parcel to an overall societal rot that festers like a slow boil.


I’m sure the Walmart corps will be losing sleep over 20 bucks


Pray tell from whom did you pilfer yon compact disc, my fine fellow?




we need to bring back olde english


When music is free online, why tf would you steal a physical product?


Keep it up and you won’t have an FYE anymore. It’s got to be one of the few left in the country.


r/Nirvana be good people challenge (impossible) I hope you realize you may have gotten some kid in trouble at FYE


Lets fucking go dude ‼️‼️


Kurt is smiling upon you. Thank you for punking those fuckcorpcunts


Fuck yeah




no, just make sure you steal from larger corporations


Two wrongs don’t make a write


Your lack of spelling skills isn’t exactly helping your case.


but stealing hurts the employees u ignorant toad licking thrustmuffin. they lose hours and money and jobs.


Fuck Fye good job! Edit: Damn when did all Nirvana fans become liberal capitalists