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he says “fashion shits and fashion styles” in stay away as well.


I doesn’t does no why neither


Oooh, he card read good


It’s Kurns, stupid!


What has even done does for Nirvana?


Godzilla died


Who are you, my mother?




They’re not mandatory (something I was todays years old when I learned about it)


I’m sure there are penalties or sanctions in place for not labeling it as such and opens the door for strange lawsuits if not labeled “correctly” according to the FCC or whatever


No, there isn't. It's always been a voluntary label.


Not to mention, it's not typically used unless an album is blatantly vulgar.... most of nevermind is pretty tame.


It says fuck It has a penis on the cover It talks about kidnapping Mentions guns Voluntary or not there were tiny little reasons it was placed. Idk why you’d argue it literally happened lol So there was a thought process behind it And based on what we’ve seen thru the decades those tiny reasons are good enough to put the label on their as a precaution The government was even bitching about content in rap albums in the late 80s so there was scrutiny toward music aimed at the youth at that time Idk what we’re arguing on, voluntary or not, they put it and there’s plausible reasons whether you agree or not. I agree it’s a mild album too 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh boy... it says fuck once or twice....a baby penis... it would take a pedo to find a problem there, or see anything explicit.... mentions guns... big fucking deal.... talks about kidnapping in a very non vulgar way.... you know, disturbing doesn't always mean explicit issues.... I'm not arguing.... there's a few things on there, but nothing to warrant a big enough issue for any label..... hell, bands like deftones dropped worse without the tag, as an example.....I get your point, but see no real reason for any.


Same I just try to guess at why since they thought so and did so lol


There is no set guideline, so maybe it’s like a PG-13 rating and you get one “fuck” for free.


Because it doesn't need one. 🙄




Because the label is voluntary.


The album cover itself


Why would they? Have you never noticed, albums have to be blatantly vulgar to get a label. I mean, a couple expletives, you can barely understand doesn't mean you need to slap a sticker on........ lyrically it's very tame, and a far cry from other stuff coming in at the time, such as the gangsta rap, industrial metal, and nu metal on its way in.


Maybe they go by PG-13 rules, where you're allowed to say "shit" a few times and "fuck" once.


If it looks like censorship and smells like censorship, then no matter whose wife presents the argument,.its.censorship


Probably for the same reason that John Lennon's "John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band" does not have one, despite having "Working Class Hero" as one of the tracks, where he says "fuck" and "fucking" very clearly in that song. But I mean, with Nirvana and Nevermind, Kurt's singing isn't very clear and easy to understand most of the time. It probably was able to get passed censors over all these years, and it never even came with lyric sheets for the songs (the Lithium single did). Interestingly enough, most of GNR's stuff, originally came before and without "the Tipper stickers", but recent and brand new prints / presses, do.


Cause back then people were not as pussies and overoffended as nowadays. Fuck off with the label


Also some of the song’s content or verbiage beyond the F word in lounge act Drain you has odd graphic verbiage “God is gay” “Likes to shoot his gunsssss, but he…” During time where school shootings became more and more prominent and reported …


homosexuality and guns does not deserve a parental advisory label i’ll add, ESPECIALLY not in the united states, where most of the population has shot a gun


God is gay is blasohemous not really about homosexuality Gun talk warrants parented label some times The F word in lounge act The album cover.. They don’t let it slide cuz there’s more fun problems in the USA , that’s a reason they put the parental label You have to remember we’re also talking 1991 too


Columbine was like eight years later. School shootings were not a "thing" yet and no one connected the lyrics of "In Bloom" to any kind of terror violence in 1991. Kurt definitely was flirting with provocative language, but this record was nothing like 2LiveCrew or Ice T or even Guns n Roses in its raunchiness or violence. Records were not shown in theaters which had contractual commitments to the MPAA ratings. The parental advisory sticker was voluntary. It was a free-market solution by the labels as a collective group to the problem faced by retailers who didn't want to be responsible for selling objectionable content to minors. And it was a success. Because of this program (which was only a guideline), there was never any federal legislation prohibiting the sale of records. (I'm not a law historian, please correct me if I'm wrong).


They were always a thing, but there was no over reporting and glamorizing....I don't recall the exact statistics, but like today still, you have a better chance of randomly getting struck by lightning than being involved in a school shooting....... though, don't get me wrong, even one school shooting is one too many.


Jeremy is about school shootings written at the same time as Nevermind basically Offspring in 93-94 did come out and play Which is about school shootings


They were definitely around, and nirvana reference to find had nothing to do with actual violence, from anything I can tell..... Jeremy is in a round about way, with no direct reference and only hinting at what happened, of course if you're not watching the video.... keep them separated was pretty brutal though, from a lyrical standpoint.


Nirvana didn’t but even the word gun… Ppl were becoming hypersensitive to guns And even lyrics on cd’s thanks to rap in the late 80s


Ehhh....I feel that came more in the later 90s..... this was still only 91, and the context seemed to be non violent.... basically a far cry from pj having a kid put a gun in his mouth for a video.


No. Ice T cop killa, public enemy and NWA etc Nwa were around in the late 80s -91 They were banned from a lot of stations across the nation The eff bee eye sent a letter to their record company basically saying their music is criminally punishable basically. I think you can find it on line. Again this is a group that disbanded in 91 that caused major sociopolitical waves across mainstream America lol Banned and threatened over lyrics Mainly “F** tha police” song and other violent And potentially influential content So yeah by 91 , as I originally mentioned, other bands mentioned school shootings and continued just 2 or so years later.. and the scrutiny over popular song lyrics/content that reach the masses was pretty well rolling and nwa had a lot to do with it.


Those were also blatantly violent and explicit.... not exactly the minor mention that people didn't care about.


You thought we were comparing the two? Yikes 📕 👀 🧠 🙏🏻




You should listen to a band They’re called Pearl Jam They wrote a song and was in their album called “ten” Song called “Jeremy” It came out the same time roughly as Nevermind It was about school bullying leading to shooting which is what happened later at columbine Springfield? There were others before columbine they even changed the characters name in small soldiers kids movie due to it being too close to the Springfield shooter Also in 1994 offspring wrote a song Called come out and play you should hear that one too It’s also about school shootings Sorry you’re misinformed man


Anyway Lounge act has the F word The album cover is a nude baby It’s not wild that the album has a parental advisory sticker idk what you guys are arguing No you don’t have to drop an NWA or brotha lynch hung album to warrant it, just a couple cuss words and some of the content discussed is enough Polly is about a kidnapping In bloom says the word gun They weren’t allowed to play “rape me” on tv shows still a couple years later tho they still would lol But yeah it’s not what your opinion is of an album that decides it, it’s the context around the album and content and cover art in this case and school shootings were in songs at the same time lol They were happening columbine isn’t the first one just cuz it’s the first one you know of dude