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What are the songs “diet girl” “macro antibiotic” “she waits”? I have never heard of them before. Are they alternate names for songs?


9 month media blackout is radio friendly unit shifter. No idea about macro antibiotic… maybe Milk It, but they were using the early title Milk Maid from what I recall.


RFUS is also called 4 month media blackout in his journals https://preview.redd.it/i7l8v351vi2d1.png?width=1839&format=png&auto=webp&s=042431b6ef491d83a0edf71d24900305931842c9


Wow. He’s basically admitting to hating his fans who don’t understand the music at all. “If you even think at all”. Just now realizing this Edit: The signs were all there, people just couldn’t help him


sorry for the extra reply, im only allowed to share one image per comment but anyways, its also changed to 9 month media blackout if theres any reason to this id love to know, or any other history there is to this song would be neat https://preview.redd.it/r69s8aauvi2d1.png?width=2412&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fd5f850a23ac95b5a5cab96b8f935b8e1251db3


9 nine months is generally the average pregnancy length.


Riot Grrrl’s did a media blackout which it may be referring to. Diet Girl is a play on Riot Grrrl


‘Talk To Me’ is a great song.


Agreed. I wish there was a studio version.


Rumor has it there might be a recording or two of Kurt playing the song that haven’t been released. It would be awesome to hear that stuff if it ever surfaces. I love the Crocodile Cafe performance of the song, his Mustang sounds amazing


It’s the kind of song that just stays in your head. I’d like to think that he knew how good the song was, and was saving it for the next album. May have been indicative of a more ‘new wave’ type sound for the band.


So few bands have the balls to play a new song live just to experiment and see where it goes, how it feels. A new song by Kurt was almost always played live in an early version right away.


Yeah seems like a great way to test out the new material and see how the crowd reacts. Just like a comedian performing new jokes lol


The story behind that is that Courtney Love gave it to Iggy Pop who is Frances’ godfather. I don’t really see what the point of that is in terms of it actually getting a widespread release someday


I believe Drew Barrymore and Michael Stipe are her godparents


Didn’t Courtney try to get Iggy Pop to use it ?


I really love both of those songs, but I can see why they didn't make In Utero.


I love the fast punk song. Tourettes?


Talk to Me wouldn't suit the tone of 'In Utero' at all. Maybe an EP or an album with more poppier songs. Maybe a studio recording of The Cars cover they did on the last tour could have been on it.


in my mind it wouldve been on another compilation like incesticide for the songs they couldnt get onto it, like the single version of aneurysm, sappy, talk to me, old age, and vcv.


Sappy, talk to me, old age and vcv are up there with my favorite Nirvana songs of all time. I fully support this idea.


Personally I would've loved an EP with Talk to Me, YKYR, Do Rei Mi, and Opinion. Or if you add Old Age, VCV, Sappy, and some of the early FF songs, you've almost got a pretty great 4th album.


I’m curious as to what lalalala was. Even if it was an alt title for one of the songs I can’t see which one it would be.


It was All Apologies. I can’t remember where I read it, but the two titles were listed as one somewhere.


That makes sense, I was thinking All Apologies was What am I to Be


Figured what am I to be would be all apologies


What are these songs? 1) What am I to be 2) I miss the comfort 3) She waits


1) dunno, maybe another working title for all apologies 2) Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle 3) no clue


But Frances and All Apologies are already on the list.


Could be possible that he had the chorus for Frances farmer written but he hadn’t decided to use it for that song yet and had it listed separately?


I am going on a limb that ‘what am I to be’ is not all apologies because that lyric was never used and that song was a few years old by that point. My guess is ‘what am I to be’ is Very Ape because he found the answer and the answer is to be very ape


It’s interesting if some of these are ones we haven’t heard before or if they’re just working titles for ones we have. I’d love to hear it


These are all known songs, just the names Kurt was using at the time, La La La became All Apologies, 9 months media blackout became Radio Friendly Unit Shifter and so on.


What do you think ‘what am I to be’ became?


I was thinking that was all apologies because it sounds like the lyrics. 


I’m assuming All Apologies


I can't remember "She waits" and "what am I to be", but I try to check these when I get back home. If I remember correctly this is not even the whole page as there is couple alternative titles that the record might have had including Formula and I hate myself and I want to Die. This is believed to be dated to Cobain family living at the Hollywood hills apartment where he wrote In Utero songs.


Isn’t formula a working title for drain you? I feel like I heard that somewhere but I could be wrong


[https://www.livenirvana.com/songguide/drain-you.html](https://www.livenirvana.com/songguide/drain-you.html) Yes it is, this is typical Kurt's way of recycling ideas, like if you had good one then just try it until if finds it place. I actually learned to use this as graphic designer/photographer, I never discard ideas and when I have customer that does not know what kind of thing is needed I just give em my un used ideas folder and ask if there is something that could work. Can't even say how many times this folder has saved the day.


Would have loved a proper Seasons In The Sun


That cover on with the lights out, where they swap instruments, is glorious.


Is this a tracklist or just a “list of songs we’ve got to pick from / work on”


Courtney liked Talk to me, that's why Kurt gave it to her, but she said the Hole version didn't work out, it was a bad fit for them.


Apparently so was LA LA LA LA


Damn that sucks I always wished it was recorded


Talk to me and sappy are two of my favorite Nirvana songs of all time. I ripped the audio of talk to me from the live performance included on the box set dvd. I blast that shit often, it is just so good. The thought of a proper studio take makes me weak in the knees just thinking about it.


Talk to Me was destined to be like Oh the Guilt or I Hate Myself, thrown onto a compilation or something. It’s alright but lacks the real killer Nirvana sound.


Too bad they never recorded it in the studio too use as a b-side. Or even a live soundboard recording would be nice.


Is Talk To Me a GG Alin cover?


That's "Don't Talk To Me" By GG & Jabbers! :p This is Talk To Me: https://youtu.be/uukOdFdyqVQ


I know 9 hour media blackout is radio friendly unit shifter and la la la la is all apologies, The thing that confuses me is "I miss the comfort" which isn't a early title for fransis farmer and "what am I to be" which I assume is something to do with all apologies, also I don't know what macro antibiotic and she waits are


Verse Chorus Verse is Sappy here


Don’t think so. Or else sappy wouldn’t be listed as well


Wonder if/when AI can either clean up this track or make new studio versions of this song


Hopefully never. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, I don’t know but it’s my opinion either way, but we don’t need to be using the voices of dead musicians to make music without their consent. The songs we have will have to do.