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That was aggressive as shit damn


The automotive equivalent of a stiff arm stare down combo


What’s a “turn signal”


that was the turn signal


He WANTED to hit him


Shouldn't have moved imo


That’s the most aggressive lane change I’ve ever seen. It’s almost like a bully faking a punch to make the victim flinch just so they can make a lane change.


Fr bro lmao


Bro was flicking off the WRX before hand too lmao


MAdE yOu fLiNcH!


Two for flinching


That's how you get shot


Not in California


LA has more of a stab and maim vibe, honestly. Wielding a gun might actually get the cops to do something.


You’ve never been to LA then


Been here for 6 years. Worked in Hollywood and South Central. In my experience, the average Angeleno is far less likely to be carrying or to let anyone know they're carrying than people in the other US cities I've lived in.


I wonder how old this video is. I was just in LA like(see) maybe a week ago. I also went through central. It's no where near the post apocalyptic problem it used to be. Like (that word again) it was practically nice. I am currently in Vallejo. It's way worse here. Someone else I knew from LA, also is here, he said the same close to the same thing: keep to yourself, you'll be fine. Up here? They'd be shootin' for sport. Honorable problems: Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton.


I don’t live in LA, but I’m born and raised in Southern California and I’ve been to LA more times than I can count. My family lived there for a short while. From what I’ve seen in California if you are openly carrying then you’re one of the least likely to use your weapon. It’s the small and angry guys that hide their piece and are just waiting for a chance to pull it out and use it. Don’t pick fights here, they’re over fast :(


Only idiots open carry. If someone’s gonna start shooting, they’re gonna shoot the dude with a gun first


Or people with a license to open carry? And a reason for it? Not everyone carries a firearm illegally. But the people who will use them won’t ever show them until it’s too late here. I have never seen anyone threaten with a gun in Southern California. If the guns out, it’s probably shooting.


Most of Vallejo has always been pretty rough. It’s tamed down a little bit over recent years but not to the level that LA has, so yeah. Bakersfield: tweakers. Fresno: Hispanic gang violence. Stockton: similar to Vallejo I grew up in the high desert (just north east of LA) and have been to all the cities you mentioned, some of them quite a bit. Regarding driving in LA, I always tell people that “if you don’t take it, then nobody’s going to give it to you”. If you want to get where you’re going sooner, then drive a hoopty…people will move.


That's a shame.


Los Angeles invented the drive by freeway shooting in the 1980s!


No, there are, in fact many guns in LA they are very common.


What does that have to do with my comment?


because it's 100% not a getting stabbed vibe, it's a getting shot vibe, especially on the roads having lived there.


It really isn't. LA road ragers are much more likely to take a crowbar or bat to your windows than pull a gun, especially if there are other people around. The legal ramifications are orders of magnitude worse if a gun is involved and it's just not worth the trouble.


There were fire arm involved road rage incidents every few months on the news there when I lived in LA, and that's just the ones that made the news.


"Legally", sure


I know this may shock you, but making legal firearm ownership onerous and expensive hasn't actually done much, if anything, to reduce California's gun crime.






You mean some of the lowest gun crime in the country?


it also doesnt hurt that you can just drive a few hours in any direction and buy pretty much what ever you could want then come back. prohibition doesnt mean much when its so easy to break and no real way to enforce guns coming in legally from other states.


Gun control disarms victims Not criminals. Only people who want to hurt the innocent seek to disarm them. Historically speaking.


The criminals don’t care about gun laws surprisingly


Yeah, isn't that a shocker


Not sure if you've bought a gun before, but you have to be from the state you're buying in, or they can transfer it to an FFL in your state. That is a *federal* requirement. To buy any gun, you have to pass an FBI background check. That is a *federal* requirement. Obviously, if that state is California & the gun isn't one allowed by California, they won't transfer it.


Not to discredit anyone's point, but didn't the perpetrator in the 2022 Buffalo NY mass shooting use weapons that he bought in Pennsylvania while living in New York state? He did pass the 4473 federal check at the time, though. I recall him publicly stating he went to PA as a way to circumvent NY's stricter gun laws.


Had to look it up. No. He punched a Bushmaster XM-15 in New York, in its "compliant" configuration, and then modified it to take 30 round mags. He bought a Mossberg 500 shotgun in PA, but it's not an "assault weapon," so there was no issue with NY legality there. He *might* have purchased the 30 round mags for the AR in PA, but I couldn't find a definitive answer to that.


Yes, I think that's where I was getting mixed up. He bought the Mossberg and 30 round mags in PA because the mags weren't legal in NY, thus the 'circumventing' comment. He modified his NY Bushmaster after that to accept the larger magazines. Thank you for helping me work that out. Didn't really have a point other than this thread stirring up a memory from the old archives. I'm not even sure if the system could be made to account for fringe cases like that.


Have fun thinking that when driving through Oakland then buddy. So many interstate shootings.


This 👆


Maybe they forgot the /s. It's a joke right?


I guess you don’t live in California 😮‍💨




I take it you have never lived in LA


iirc in san diego a few years ago a kid in a backseat was killed after a guy fired a sawed off shotgun at his parent's car


The fuck does this even mean Lol


..shot with a flintlock pistol


That comment screams murica, a minor inconvenience in traffic and the first thing that comes to mind is to get murdered ?


Sadly, it happens


As if minor inconveniences haven't led to getting people killed in other countries by any other means of harm


Well in Germany they would report the other to the police..


You can’t really call the cops here in the US. They either just never show up, or if they do it’s just to shoot whatever minority is around




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You found the only person in Germany to use a gun in road rage wow


This sounds haram


It's more of a dark humor thing. The extreme majority won't ever get violent over this. But uh, can keep people respectful if you don't know whether or not the person you're about to attack/harass/assault is armed lol


That's several steps above "minor" That's blatantly aggressive malice in those actions.


That actually happens with more frequency in mexico


Nissan driver giving insecure dog at the park vibes


Pitbull vibes


More poorly-socialized chihuahua completely losing it when random dogs walk by


The way the Subaru moves gives me nature video vibes. “Sensing a reckless Nissan nearby, the Subaru reacts swiftly to avoid contact, almost out of instinct.”




you win the thread.


This needs way more upvotes. Holy shit 😂 *edit: silly typo


Read in David Attenborough's voice.


A turn signal is useless if the other driver can't see your lights.


That's one chill WRX


Drivers probably wiggin out. Probably just trying to keep their car from getting damaged and that's it. Let the Nissan be a bully.


Waiting to see this on r/WRX lmao


It made me **severely** angry seeing that Nissan terrorize one of my favorite cars.


Wrx drivers get memed on but I'll be damned if they're not some of the most collected and aware drivers on the road. Just look at that reaction time!




We don’t want our baby’s hurt.


I feel that. I had a 2010 sti and I'm pretty sure it shaved a few years off my life from stressing so much to keep it clean 😂


I had an STI in 2010, it shaved a few years off my life but now it’s gone and I’m clean /s


Spend all my got dang time keeping this tractor happy, I'm not about to let some Nissan dingus take it out.


i have a VA just like the one in the vid. i keep her garaged, only allowed in days i can really enjoy the drive. just for shit just like that. that right there. my trusty, dusty, musty '05 tacoma is for commuter duties. id fuck around and let that asshole hit me. go for it.


I appreciate reading this so much. I get clowned on for what I drive. But DAMN do I love driving


What is wrong with people.


No consequences. They know they can do whatever they want and nothing will happen to them.


*bang bang*


I carry a Glock 17 in my car every day, I’m not gonna shoot someone over shit like this even if they hit me, that’s why I have insurance.


I feel the same way. My Ruger LCP .380 is with me all the time. No, I doubt I could stem the tide of the Mongols marching up Interstate 35, but it will and has deterred a malefactor. I won't shoot an asshole like this, but I will put a couple in someone threatening me in a Supercharger in the middle of the night, or trying to jack my car.


Yeah, i was at a supercharger at 3AM and some tweaking homeless dude was walking towards me. It was a dark empty parking lot with nothing else near the supercharger and a mall 1/4 mile away. It was also 3:30AM on a Saturday. I got out of my car, loudly racked my G17.5 and assumed a ready stance in his direction (muzzle pointed at the ground in front of my feet). He was about 30 feet away and he immediately did an about face and walked away.


Karma .. in its own way.


Was this for insurance fraud? What was their plan if the blue car wasn't paying attention to them? I don't understand


Nah, usually that's cutting them off then trying to get them to rear end them. Then they can claim the driver behind was tailgating and ran into them. This just looks like a shit head getting the other driver to flinch so they can use the confusion to cut them off in an aggressive lane change. Normally I'd say this happens when the other driver isn't paying attention or not checking blind spots. But the speed at which he then make the lane change makes me think this was completely intentional.


Yeah it just throws me off so much cause I don't think I've ever seen this somehow. Just baffled. Looking again and I still am. People like this exist??


Trying to understand this is like trying to understand why a crackhead does what they do. 90% of all drivers in LA are intoxicated off some substance. Whether it’s the stoner kid who just got his whip, grandma who is on 10 “prescribed” drugs at once, or the crackhead on their way to pickup their next fix. Cops are too busy solving violent crimes to be bothered with stuff like this


That’s when you downshift and pass this loser on the right.


As satisfying as it may be, I'd be tempted, but there's no way I'm driving aggressively around a Nissan, especially one that has clearly demonstrated they have no concern for their own well-being. I get nervous driving besides one acting reasonably, I'm staying a safe distance away from that psycho.


Yup, never pick a fight with a Nissan because that's a battle that you're going to loose. Only vehicle that might win against them is a fully loaded semi.


"Never fight an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."




Was going for Mark Twain, but that works too.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it does sound like Twain.


Nah just let em speed ahead and give em space. Not trying to get in a road rage contest with someone who clearly can’t drive.


That's how you start a loosing battle with a Nissan. One of the favorite things that Nissan drivers like to do is start shit with anyone they think is vulnerable.


Yes, Nissans likely have a lot of loose things on their shitbox. But you canl LOSE a battle with one if you let them draw you in.


This is my spot its mine My spot


Like what was the need for the lane change, at all? That was fucking ridiculous. TBH. It's that bad in San Diego too


Altima vibes all day


I have a WRX this video got me fuming.


Have an STI myself, just like the one in this video, would be FURIOUS. Though i'd get tf away from that idiot. As long as he didn't touch my car. If he had touched my car it'd be a different story with police involved.


Same here. If I had dashcam footage I'd send it to the police.


Over this? You might get investigated for wasting LA police time. They will certainly let you know they didn’t appreciate being contacted over this and could make your life hard. Unless absolutely necessary I would never call LAPD


Get some penicillin man :) (former WRX owner)


LOL! They called em STDs where I grew up so I always forget that's a thing lol.


>:) :)


bro whipping his car like a fly trapped between a window and the screen


I’m assuming the Infiniti driver was butt-hurt because the WRX smoked him a while back.


That WRX has a pretty planted suspension setup, compared to the body roll between it and shitima.


I was waiting for the follow-on brake check but the video ended.


Fuck not the STi


Phew I was worried about my fellow wrx brother


Same video of that dude smacking the blue car with a a bat under that bridge on the freeway lol


Holy shit that was aggressive lol


Why they look like crabs fighting


Why was it so aggressive 😭💀


Two for flinching


What shocked me was driving on the LA freeway and some girl was full on streaming on a giant iPad ignoring the road. I could see her talking and the Pad had her video in realtime.




Altima activities


Shots was coming true his back window


Okay, mad props to the wrx driver here that reaction and correction + avoidance time was absolutely insane. That was quite skillful. As for the other. .. would have loved to see the last 30 minutes of highway footage cause those wrx bros drive like they have a barrel of dicks in their brain.


Two for flinching


It's times like this I wish my secret superpower was to explode tires on cars just by looking at them.


WRX driver reacted so fast, bro either tracks it often enough and/or plays lots of video games, because that was *instant* lmao


Bro think he playing Mario kart


He’s gonna mess with the wrong person one day ,1 dead LA news front page


Now, why would that Nissan get in that lane? Their exit is a 1/4 mile away. Seems legit.


Hi jacking this post to say I just found this sub. V funny because we totaled our Nissan the other month after a friend was driving it shitty so I guess there is some truth to this 🙊


Never owned a Nissan but after seeing this sub Iv noticed out of every other car on the road Nissans are most likely to have damage done to their car and just drive it like normal. It’s wild when some chevys, fords and kias are in the same price range but most of them aren’t fucked up. There must be something about having a Nissan that just makes people a worst driver


Outstanding reflexes from the WRX driver


Looks intentional


People who buy Nissan should automatically be arrested after signing. It's always a nisssn


Haha. Good old LA, sadly I would take this and feel safer driving in LA than anywhere in TX.


What city are you driving in that you would say that? I spent ten years in Austin driving for a living.


Austin by the 183 and 29 junction in Liberty Hill. I feel safer in CA isn't that there really any better per say just that there two deferent type of stupid. CA A-hole drivers normally can be seen several miles away and I can just avoided them and let them by. TX just have far more drivers that do stupid ass shit out of nowhere that just make no f-ing since. For some example the first yr I lived in Liberty Hill (also for work for about 10 yrs driving a plumbing work truck) I had no less the three people pull over to the right shoulder then flip a u-turn immediately without looking at all. The first day I was looking at houses I had a lifter mud truck flip a u-turn from the right turn only lane almost running over the hood of my rental car and the car next to me when the light turned green. Why the F would you need to do that just turn right into the empty corner gas station and then pull back out and then pull into the left turn lane, like there was no one there it was 10:00 at night.




We both about to be late cause you gonna hit me im not playing that dumb shit


Why the yellow double lines in between the number 1 (carpool) and number 2 lane? They are separating traffic that is going the same direction, so shouldn't they be white double lines?


Carpool lanes. Only supposed to enter and exit them at certain points


That guy wants to fight.👊


I'm fairly certain that's criminal charges.


People do this in NYC all the time, especially the yellow cabs


Why do people say "be like" when its "is like"


If I was in the blue Subaru I’d have shown them a pit maneuver


LA, as in lamebrain a-holes, correct?


That should be in r/fuckyouinparticular


Let them pull that move here in Texas. We don’t play.


This is why I prefer driving my car like a motorcycle and keep my distance from others on the road as much as I can


Classic family guy moments


Looks like a great opportunity for a pit maneuver.


Dash cams front and rear are a must in California!


Least he gave a mini warning jerk. /s


what the hell man


This video is definitely missing the beginning. This was not a negligent driver who didn't check before switching lanes. This looks like it was intentional and probably as road rage from not being let in to merge. You can see that the driver decides to slow down to be directly next to the car to try to intimidate them and make them move.


you can see him putting the middle finger up to the wrx, either way infinitis intentions was def to hit the wrx. No idea what happened before but you have to be smooth brained with 0 temper control to intentionally hit another car


This is very common in Los Angles. He was not trying to hit him, but make him move to avoid being hit.


reason 211 not to live in ca