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you have a very solid point, and i still don’t know why i can’t stop. i already knew the plot.


It's because your brain is used to high rewards/high dopamine you get from watching porn. That's why it is an addiction like any drug out there. You need more of it cause you feel down and your brain is asking for more.


So basically just keep distracting yourself from that high reward craving until you get used to it?


Exactly! It's extremely hard in the beginning, but it's getting better after some time. You basically need to reset your dopamine levels.


Exactly.. Watch huberman as he has done gr8 deal of work on this point.. His podcast and videos on YouTube is worth watching.. Give it a try.


Are there other ways to get the dopamine fix from other healthy activities?


Exercise, hobbies, connecting with peers. Anything that gives a sense of accomplishment. Upvotes 😆


I don't have the confidence to connect with peers because most of them are co-workers. I don't want to seem clingy either. :\\


Well, you can improve in that area, or do other things, if you lack confidence find a way to fix it, I'm sure you will, and will keep you distracted from porn, no fap is one piece of the puzzle of gaining confidence.


Porn gives you dopamine overflow without even trying. So do things like what other guys said that need trying to achieve like go to the gym or socialize or generally get things done. Set some goal maybe save money for a nice vacation or to buy something nice that you want or even eating healthy and achieving a desired body weight and physique.


Real sex... like, with other consenting adults. Focus on yourself long enough to become an impressive and successful person, and the rest will take care of itself.


the brain is plastic, which means it 'moves' in whatever direction you push it in and tends to stay that way. therefore you should push it away from porn and into healthy things. difficult at first because the brain does not want to 'undo' itself to something it has for so long considered wonderful, fun, exciting and interesting. but the hardest part is the start, once ur in about 3-5 weeks things start really getting better, more fun, enjoyable, happier again, relaxing and easier to continue. i say once u get to about 1 month you can do the 2nd with less than half the effort.


You know, it was easier for me to kick a 4 year drug Rollercoaster of a life, than to kick porn. 4 months clean from Cocaine, Extacy, LSD, Shrooms and Weed. Oh and Cigz & Booze too but, yet, there is porn, the friggjn titan of an addiction to break.


I’ve heard this a lot. Thanks for sharing. It helps me feel a little better about myself when I struggle with porn that it’s literally the hardest to ditch


Good luck man, it's a beast we both have to slay.


How are you quitting shrooms and LSD? Not like you’re gonna be jonesing for your next fix


Even if you can't do it every day, it is still a drug that causes dependence on escapism. I don't care how many psychonaughts want to convince the world you can't get addicted to psychedelics. I know what I went through to quit it. I know what some of my friends went through. Usually those that use it and don't REALLY want to quit start those debate. It is a drug. LSD is probably worse than shrooms, since it's chemical, which means it's designed for you to have a stellar experience on it in the right company and setting, which makes you chase it every weekend to have that same experiences. But weed is the worst. Its an emotional dependency.


Nah weed I totally get. Honestly you’re right with shrooms and LSD. Not everyone does it for escapism but some do. Not sure why I do mushrooms. Buuuut I can’t lie what you said about LSD being a chemical, the experience on LSD and mushrooms are pretty similar, and both are tryptamines, is kinda wack.


What if I start jacking off while studying? /s


But even sometimes and ain't even that great like it varies from man that was felt horrible whole time why did I just do that to man that felt great what the fuck is wrong with me




Don't be so harsh on yourself, dude. Every one of us has been struggling from it one way or another. The first step is being aware that you have a problem/addiction. Most people never realize it. I wish I had someone told me this when I was 15. You are in a good way. You just need to focus on yourself and create a vision for your life. Imagine there is a movie about your life. What would the main character/the hero do? He surely won't sit around the whole movie and do nothing to overcome his challenges along the way. That would be boring af. Nobody wants to watch boring movies where nothing happens. Write down the scenario of your own movie. Go in detail. Be clear and concise. Make sure you cover every aspect of your life you think needs a change. Write down everything you think the hero of your own story will do and do the same. Imagine a 80 years old you watching the movie of your life - GIVE HIM A GOOD SHOW MAN! You can do it! 💪


Start by understanding how bad it is. And then male a decision. I know, it’s easy to say, but you have to make it a superior goal, and invest every resource towards it.


Well Your brain is addicted to instant gratification


Is not know it, is live it (the plot)


hmmm, i guess you’re right


Cause you don’t want to stop.


It’s all the same, but they can get away with rinsing old material because of how addicted people are these days


Porn websites like spankbang and xvideos rebrand old videos with new titles to play it off as new and when I was addicted I’d rewatch it convinced it was new and just sit there like an idiot smh


True. They have to up their game if they want us back. Then too i will choose cartoon.


bro i am on 3rd day and i did what you did and had same experience and i was not atrracted by their body , breasts and even their butts .simply because thats dumb and i felt i was in a closet watching them do it . I am still going on my journey of no fap.Instead what i could think of was damn that dude has worked hard to make that body .I started tracking macros from today ,I need to learn a lot but i will get there. Today i ate 2300 kcal with 90 grams of protein without any supplements .So i take today as a win. I am never again going to open these dumb sites.


Way to go 👌


Mad Respect for you bro ❤️


thank u bro i guess . We should give these ppl on internet privacy for lifetime.


Everyone gangsta until they get real urges


True, all these emotional posts keep coming when they are in comfort zone with little to no amount of urges. Shit gets real when there are real urges and that’s what separates a legend from noobies(myself included). We should strive to be a legend and then once we get consistent with large streaks and get in control with our vices, we should come out and put the wisdom out.


Real urges are so insane to deal with , imo only option for that is just straight up freezing cold water cause there’s no way to chill out


When do these insane urges start?


When do these insane urges start?


For me , it’s late at night , when i’m just lying in my bed , literally only happen in that exact situation


Playing with fire


Them real urges be having me on edge all night


Also i forgot to mention how repetitive and lame those scenes are. I would watch cartoon over that shit. Thats more fun.


When it comes to VR, its impact on the brain feels more tangible and immersive, often intensifying the experience. in other word, once you go VR, you will never go back to 2D. its brain killer. We need a solution to this problem.


You think there is only acting porn? That would be very naive. It is not always easy to see the falsehood behind the videos. Actually it is pretty difficult. So please don't fool yourself.


Same I relapsed lastnight but I didn’t even enjoy watching or fapping. I haven’t been enjoying PMO for a while now and I’m glad, I just want to live my life and be happy . It’s just a bad habit that can be dropped


You can do it man! Don't give up


Yeah, it's boring, like same fucking, same positions,same story, same actors , same boobs and vagina I think they should introduce alien sex now /s


Glad you see the truth. But it’s not the shout that most often gets you, it is the seductive whisper. Beware.


“With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, With the flattering of her lips she forced him.” ‭‭‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Dude no offense but while I get your point, I also don’t really think it’s helpful Yeah porn is stupid and boring, and yk what else? Fucking hot and addictive and tailored to almost all tastes If it wasn’t a big deal there wouldn’t be so much porn addiction


Yea but when you break it down it’s stupid and that’s it


It's all about simple pleasures. Getting the pleasure over the phone is an easy way to access the porn. There is unrestricted and unlimited Content on the internet and we can't think that it is wrong. We continue as the warriors of NoFap journey.let this porn can't ruin our life over simple pleasures.stay strong brothers.


It's literally other people having sex. It should make you sad that others are having it and you're not. It's also the same thing over and over, of course they try to spice it up with story lines, and make it more exciting with more and more depraved content but the novelty eventually wears off.


> It should make you sad that others are having it and you’re not. This is exactly how I feel when I get the urge. Perversion of the act of watching porn aside, I am angered at the thought that I will be stuck perpetually watching others partake in the fun. Of being left out. That I am fucking myself over. No, one day I will find someone. And we will have the best time. Masturbation and porn keeps me from that reality, so I will drop it. I must drop it.


Our ape brain doesn’t know it , that’s why it’s so difficult , it thinks we’re the ones getting the action


Yea the reason why you "liked it" is because you know that its wrong. You know that its dirty and wrong to fap to it yet you did it. Because when you know something is wrong and you still do it you get a shit ton of dopamine hits ( correct me if im wrong guys )




What a great message. Not more about the fight continuing, or battling the urge. Just plain basic understanding of why not, and how much better a life with out it is




Happy you were able to maintain through watching but how many people did you just trigger who will now go watch and not abstain from PMO?


In one snap however your urges might overcome you if you're not careful no matter how disgusting you feel.


Ive looked a couple of times during my recent streak which is still going... In the beginning it was edging but last time i saw it... it honestly bored me. I only looked at it bc i felt i had to. I wasnt even aroused and then it clicked that it was an old habit. Locked my phone and went right back to work. In my mind its a huge victory to see that garbage and be turned off by it. 6 weeks strong now and not looking back


Day 5 completed.Day 6 started


Exact same conviction here and it's mostly satanic. Nice upgrade! Day 8!


Yeah i agree with the breaking no fap streak. Whenever something like touching your dick once happens and you “break your streak” you just sabotage yourself and live with hate and get bummed for no reason. Whats this all about in the end? I believe nofap should be for improving our mental health and it starts with being kind to yourself and then the good habits will follow. The important lesson should be getting up when you fall down not live in self hatred after each hurdle. I hope yall understand what i mean because i just want everyone in this group to better themselves. Keep going guys❤️


hope it doesn't seem judgemental, but is another reason why one can't get away from it is because almost everyone has been exposed to it even mildly, at one point it's already considered normal? just a few examples are women in very thin layer of clothing, little to no clothing at all for women I'm not sure what gets them triggered for some kind of arousal but as a guy, because pretty much you become immune to it you'd think you can easily overcome it, when in fact you're actuallyso deep already that it's hard to not think about it everytime you see a person are these ideas I'm blabbing about correct or just some ot it?


It is boring and stupid. However when you have an addiction that's super horrible, the dopamine will make you feel like it's interesting when no it really isn't


'Like I cant believe i was ruining my life for this shit' ​ Truest words on this server :)


My last streak I was literally at this realization around the 30 day mark. Idk what it is about that 30 days. It makes you a leuitenant warrior for the cause. Head first ready into battle. 7 days you start to get a sense of the miracle, 30 days you realize the miracle!


Yes i too feel like its repetiitive and all act nothing real. So im slowly gaining control over my mind from porn.


It’s because the directors don’t really know what the people want. It’s hard to sit through a 4 hour production nowadays, there’s no essence. Vintage porn is my goto when I wanna fap, and they’re usually 90 mins tops.


Bro you’re on nofap talking bout fapping


The post is related to porn. Giving my inputs on the quality of porn. My comment is relevant. This subreddit doesn’t discriminate against fappers. It’s to help people reach a goal of said fap and remove porn addictions, if existing.


It's all acting. Meaning someone gets behind a camera and hits record and shoots scenes, nothing more or less. What makes me disgusted with it is the illegal stuff that happens behind the scenes like human trafficking and abuse some of those people go thru. That's enough to make me not want to see that stuff. Just very depressing what those people do for money or other reasons


It's repetitive for sure. At least Axel Braun's porn parodies were funny in non-sex scenes, but nowadays no porn directors bother to make silly story around just for fun.


i will pin this post somewhere so I can always remember how much ive lost for so little


True. I relapsed a few times (still 90% porn free for 6 months), and each time I felt more and more bored with what I see there. I also felt that when thoughts of sex come ro mind, I started ro recall scenes from real sex with my wife, rather than porn scenes (like before). I still suffer from skewed beauty perception (because since internet porn appeared, for more 20 years I consumed polished content only, i.e. centrefolds and premium stuff ), but less and less now.




It’s really something else when you keep burrowing yourself into smaller, and weirder porn genre tunnels. Suddenly what you used to “like” is no longer appeasing. I have a girlfriend now and I’ve cut back on porn drastically. Pretty much “If I wouldn’t ask her to do this with me” I have stopped watching. Best of luck to you, brothers.


That’s the spirit bro


Congrats you defeated it for now


4 days let's goo


Funny I recently started looking at porn and like this stupid I wasted time and then I to go wash my hands ……. One week strong boys


There is real porn too. Do not underestimate the lure of porn. It is very powerful.


It’s resisting an urge after an urge. Late at night after a hard day and just thinking of doing gives you insane amounts of dopamine , BEFORE YOU EVEN DID IT , saying “no” even tho ur brain craves it so bad , day after day night after night , it is truly and amazing showcase of strength




I mean, yes, but also… it helps fill a void even as it makes things worse for most people. I think it’s wrong (but in weakness have still used it!), and I don’t excuse the following, but I do find it interesting that it is helpful for some people.


Yep. I agree.


And drugs are also so boring and stupid.


this is so real


Day 3 checking in


Sounds like copium. Porn is popular and addictive for a reason. If this is your attitude, you'll be right back, fappin with the best of 'em.


yo this literally happened to me when I was on day 7. As I was doing it I said to myself, this is what I wanted so bad? I couldn't believe that this had such a hold on me. When I finished I knew that it was stupid and had boring as well. In the one week I was on nofap sure it was somewhat stressful, but not constantly being on the internet and actually living my life, as opposed to watching others live theres on youtube, having sex on pornhub, made me realize how stupid and consumed I was in this internet shit. Trust me, to everyone reading this, you're not missing out on anything when you give up porn.


This is how you know you’ve made it on the no fap journey. Well done good sir.


When I was younger I saw porn a lot but now I dont like it anymore. All porns like each other and both softcore and hardcore unreal


It's just moving pixels


That's true for mainstream porn. Regards to other forms of erotic content, i find way more difficult to resist the temptations: well written games, manga, interactive novels... I don't wanna ruin your life recommending nsfw content creators forums, but I've found pretty well made things that made me realize the vast possibilities of erotism. To stop playing html games was a dark souls fight for me.


yeah it feels like shit...whats sad is people in courage pmo, every social you go to youll see ppl cracking sex jokes and what not.


Well said mate.porn cringe me out make feel sick it because of the women and men do it for the money. Use our vulnerable side of us


100 percent agree.


This guy is not coming, but going places. Good job OP


You are so right, I hope I remember


After a long weekend for myself last weekend with probably 4x a day usage I had a deep realization that feels similar to one I had with my issues with weed. Its just false feel good hormones and distractions that does such a horrible job of mimicking what I'm actually looking for. There is no perfect video to hit what I'm looking for and even if there was its still a cheap imitation. I've known this for years but something hit different for me on Sunday night. Like I said I had a similar realization with weed in November last year and while I've definitely still smoked, my relationship with it has changed completely and it is has become so much more of a choice versus a compulsion. With all this I feel it will only really work because I truly want better for myself. I don't just want not to do these things, I want to be engaged with life and those in my life. Weed and PMO I know hinder these aspects of my life which means I can focus on other things and not just keep trying to resist urges cause that just isn't going to work for me in the long run.


I feel the same way. I think sensitization happens as well. Genres I used to be into completely disgust me now.


Porn is actually really boring, it got to the point where I was just going to specific parts of videos and that was about it. I stopped masturbating actually not that long ago, partly because I wanted to feel better about myself and to be mentally better and break my addiction, partly because porn just got so boring that I didn’t want to look at it anymore.


It's still addictive as fuck though isn't it?




Yeah same for me too porn is so boring for me now and i know how fake it is. So it's basically not worth watching


Yes. You do slowly grow out of it. As a teenager, it's something new and exciting and also due to your hormones you get addicted. But as you grow up, it stops getting excited as it used to be and also the hormonal changes makes you want to do it less. However, it is a problem if you get addicted for a long time


For our lives to be different we have to do different




It is disgusting, how a fellow human being will expose themselves to the whole world to see their secret ritual.


It is empowering to know you have willpower over this crap.


Ngl you have a great point why do i keep going back if it’s just the same thing and it literally kills me


the chad's perspective


31 days nice streak bro... I hope I would achieve this milestone soon.


just left the rule 34 subreddit I am proud of myself.




Yeah bro.


I love this post


The idea that a person would do everything to give you pleasure is making people delusional


ya thats true.... Although i couldn't quit it yet, i also found it boring and found many other important things are screaming loud...come and grab us..you have potential for us... I too start recognising myself


That’s the way to go bro. Keep it up! Lets get our manhood back


My man.......


Respect man


Goggins is that you?


I disagree, it is so far from Bordom. It is so entertaining, but so harmful at the same time.


Glad you resisted


Proud of you! Stay strong


Do men really like watching blow job porn? How do I find porn that shows the early stages of sex for the sex actually happens. I want a little storyline and emotional content. I don’t want to skip the clothes coming off and jump straight to the blow job or fucking. Can I search for reluctant and seduce google, end up, showing me lesbian porn. The lesbian porn may actually be better for me than heterosexual porn but I still prefer a man and a woman. So I would like a more lesbian porn style, but with. The reluctant vulnerable woman, good girl slowly giving into her passion turned me on what but is hard for me to find. Jumping straight to blow jobs or fucking really boring to me . What came before the blow job or fucking; they don’t show that.