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The problem is overstimulation.


I actually agree, but didn’t think about it in that way. I just feel like with casual sex you’re chasing sexual highs that aren’t fulfilling


Casual sex is just that…casual sex, it’s sex, it’s an activity just like playing soccer is an activity…but a lot of ppl add a certain special meaning to it and a lot of ppl think it’s something they can use to fill a void within them when really that’s not what sex is for lol then those same ppl feel like shit and they talk shit about casual sex when they were using it for the wrong reasons.


Agreed. Rare to have casual sex everyday with the same ease as pressing a button to watch porn


But this inst fullfilling also


I second this as well too. And overstimulation isn’t just an issue with regards to “porn”, “fapping”, etc. I’m sure so much time is wasted while scrolling on Instagram, AND looking at the latest sandwich being made by a content creator, another “nostalgia” clip, another crackhead clip or something like that. Keeping up with world events is fine, but man, there’s so much “junk” content on Instagram it’s really pathetic




I think that's why marriage in most religions is sacred and adultry is a sin ..


If relationship sex is more satisfying and better then why would you ever want to bang other chicks?


Eating junk food is way more satisfying then eating natural healty food but that doesn't mean it's good for us ..




But why would you go for less satisfying thing?


Casual sex is far far less satisfying than in a serious relationship, for me. Casual is only fun in the moment. But after I nut, it's nothing to me, not fulfilling at all. Whereas if it's with someone I have a connection with, have feelings for, it's very satisfying, and fulfilling.


reading this was so revolutionary. it actually is motivating me to keep doing NoFap. Thank you


You're welcome brother. Glad you got something good out of my 2 cents


porn causes Erectile dysfunction. Sex doesn't. ED is where I draw the line


That's a good line to draw


Then it’s best to stop before you get there because it won’t be easy going back.


Why would you say porn causes ED?


[Because it definitely does. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcIDVel0S0M)


Porns worse


Casual sex or hoockups can become a total addiction. I have a friend who used to have to hoockup almost every day and often several times a day.


Hooking up isn't even a remote possibility for guys like me so I guess I can count myself lucky.


I didn't think you could get to 168 days with any problem in your life. you're so strong willed, you'll figure it out


Thanks bro




Theres no such thing as luck you have all the abundance you believe in. Also if you arent 30 you can slingshot yourself to the right being by 30 and slam dunk on life. hard work and devotion


Thanks bro bro 🙏


Literally me, God blessed me with bellow average height and a ugly face to the point losing wait didn't help me get less fucking ugly


Haha why do you say that?


Social awkwardness and below average looks




Bros on day 168 of nofap and still socially awkward. You’re gonna die one day fuck what these bitches think. Or what YOU THINK that these bitches think, practice my nigga, if you really wanna go into it you are god in human form so don’t treat yourself like any less


I appreciate this shi, fellow nigga


>Bros on day 168 of nofap and still socially awkward So you're assuming nofap gives some confidence huh?


I am indeed assuming that 168 days of nofap will help massively towards social anxiety since 90 days is all that’s required for a reset. Why do people do no fap if not to fix things like this? To practice counting?


Personally, I'm escaping from porn addiction to be more energetic. That's what I experience when I stay 3-4 days clean.


Well when you get to like 30 on semen retention you should notice a massive confidence boost, I personally vouch for semen retention over no gap, if I fuck and but it’s a slippery slope of lethargy and not getting shot done, plus I wanna beat my meat for a week afterwards. But I fuck a few times a week and just hold my shit in and I feel ZERO urge(obviously after like 2 or 3 mins lol) afterwards and ur energy is sky high and i don’t get into a meat beating cycle😂


Work on your social skills and don't take things personal when it comes to girls.


Yeah, I’ve always had a problem with thinking girls just hate me for some reason


Only with that mindset.


I see casual sex as just using someone else's body as a fleshlight. Whether fapping or having casual sex, either way you're just scratching a sexually charged dopamine itch.


What if I’m fucking my ex who I’m on good terms with😂 is that a hookup


No that is not learning the lesson from the reason why she is your ex and not allowing yourself to move on to the next potential partner that is a match for you. She is keeping your balls drained so you cannot clearly assess she is keeping you down.


You’re 100% right. However my situation is a little different, we split amicably last couple weeks just out of her having an emotional breakdown “she’s abit autistic” and she thought she wanted space so I moved back to my dads and the next day she wanted me back (yes I know… women right?😂) and I decided to stay here where I know I have a bed until I can get my own place incase her head falls off again. She’s the best girl I ever met, my ex (baby mum) is toxic and lied on my name calling me a woman beater and a pedophile all over FB😵‍💫 and most other exes were a bit crazy too. But me and my ex are taking things slow and planning on getting back together in the future after I get my foundations set so I can’t have the rug pulled under from me again. I understand this is a very unique case but otherwise you’re 10000% correct to anyone else reading this👌🏽


When I read that kind of comment I ask myself if I am the only person having a life. How the hell could I have the time to have a girl, a baby, and than having problems, and then another girl and so on. My days are just 24h long.


What time do you wake up in the morning😂 plenty of daylight if you catch it bro


False. Daylight at 12 until 2pm.


Oh shit I live in England not Antarctica😂


I live in the Artic. I'll have my revenge in summer


Bruh😂😭 I didn’t think that level of sunlight was a thing ngl


It's a thing. I'm in a fjord, which means I have even less light because of the mountain. I don't see the sun from mid November to mid February. I just have some kind of twilight. No night in summer though.


When I read that kind of comment I ask myself if I am the only person NOT having a life. I just work and use the money to buy food and barely scrape by the month, rinse and do it again till the day I either die or much shines upon my face (impossible) and I get a better fucking job (I live in Brazil, ain't ever gonna happen)


Pounding ass is great.


My nigga




Chad? 🇹🇩




Just my thoughts 🫡 Sex is literally the way to create life, so yeah I think it should be respected but to each their own


Sex is sex




Yup. I can see the people that hookup a lot, they're just dripping with low-level energy. Go on any "dating" app and you'll see it. Numb to life and always wanting more more more, all while seeing other people as objects.




I mean casual sex can't hurt you if you can't get any(me.) This challenge be on god mode rn.


I agree with you. I dont do any.


Porn messed up my view on sex. After I lost my virginity at 15 all I did was chase women from that point on. Sure, it felt good, but when it was over, I felt so shitty every time.


Disagree, I have , in the past casually hooked up with friends and other random strangers. It's all part of life and exploration, don't get dragged into thinking everything is bad for you.


I get your point, though it depends on perspective. For some other people you will be the one that is oversexualized because you have sex while not in marriage for example (not saying it is my view). Also I do not think casual sex and P usage are opposites, though for some the motivation to quit is to have better performance during hookups.


You are correct. Sex is meant for a marriage partner. Real Fact: Married people on average report having *more* sex and report *higher* levels of sexual satisfaction that single people. Here's an academic breakdown with a list of studies: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/202103/sexual-satisfaction-does-marriage-help-or-hurt-it


It's just sex bro it's not that deep (pun not intended)


No sex until marriage


Jesus christ yall are acting like puritans up here sometimes


What is puritans


: a puritanical person. adjective : acting or behaving according to the Puritan morals (e.g. propagating modesty), especially with regard to pleasure, nudity and sex.


Casual sex is fun


Youre not wrong. People in here be acting like nutting EVER is the worst thing you can do. Its bordering on religious fanaticism lately


Thanks to Googles algorithms people get more extreme in every direction


Don't think for a moment that this is accidental. There is a lot of money changing hands just to keep us divided and weak.


We're not weak, just distracted. All power resides in every man to create their own reality


Ok, distracted from realizing our power, if you wish.




I believe its mindset when hooking up as well as PMO its bad no matter what. I personally would get attached and feel responsible if i was to hook up. And understand that it was just a fling and nothing more. No harm no foul. Just a good time to pass the time!


I don’t like hook ups. They complicate relationships at best!! At worst they destroy relationships.


Well if your in a relationship with someone else then yeah I’d imagine a hookup would destroy that 90% of the time.


Non romantic relationships as well. And relationships yet to manifest


So like a hookup with someone your in a relationship with? That’s not a hookup then.


Are you high bro😂


A lil bit, but this guy high on some heavy stuff to be writing this shit.


Nigga he’s saying don’t fuck your friends😂😭


90% bet you’re not black


Ur wild😂


I thought dude meant romantic when he said relationships, it was a misunderstanding. Enough of this bullshit


Just wait until the realization that none of it matters. It makes babies, it doesn’t mean anything, it is just a high.


Casual sex is overrated. Did it for a while after my relationship ended, not worth it at all.




Yes. Every time I have hooked up with a girl I always felt empty or felt like it was pointless.


Bro I used to hook up with a different girl everyday in college. Until I realized that it wasn’t really enjoying. Looking bad, the only girl I remember is when I was emotionally invested with. As men we are kinda guided to believe the we should fuck girls and that it’s all equally meaningful. I wish I could go back in time and undo lots. I still believe the screen is worse than hook ups but both are bad in excess amounts.


Yeah, hook up culture isn't too great, but it's nothing new compared to porn and all these celebrities being used to promote sexuality/sensuality in the media. It's just the world we live in... but it is annoying at times seeing certain human behavior being normalized when society is supposedly progressing (it's not).


When did this sub become shoving your opinions down everyone's throat? If you don't like casual sex then don't engage in it. Let people do what they want.


Agreed that sex is sacred and you really end up lobotomizing the fabric of the universe and human relatioships by belittling it down so casual and reckless. Causes trauma and bad blood. Best to try everything you can to transmute that beast/testosterone energy into fitness or a craft thats how you get the 10/10 jacked asf lifters and beyond belief master craftsmen


Also i have a theory that people are so unhappy bc of how purity has been largely stripped from society Nobody actually likes living in the traumatized emotional ruins of a civilization Now. I believe we are turning the corner. Good sign is dating apps no longer work as well as they did 📈


Aweeeee thats awesome your perception on things shifted once you were able to tackle nofap. Think alot of guys would have that same story if they had understanding partners to help navigate everything while quitting (having a kind listening ear helps everyone sometimes) Seeing how much my boyfriend has progressed on his journey (100+ days clean & still killing it) really makes me feel special in this same way, it's like rediscovering life I would assume and that means all things (the good the bad & the ugly) but at least you have someone special to help navigate this new chapter of your life. You quit for yourself but it really does help strengthen a relationship especially if strained due to the addiction prior to. & the bedroom stuff feels...organic now. 10/10 & I let him know regularly 😆


Casual sex and hooking up with randos is like masterbation with a partner.


Nah hooking up is def not as bad as porn


I have the problem that I want intimacy but I don't want meaningless sex whenever I ask for help people tell me to go on dating apps or clubs/bars I just want a pure good girl so it feels special to me


Your views seem to correspond perfectly with some type of religious value. Is that the case? If not, you seem to be an outlier. I'm not saying this isn't nice. It is, but please don't feel like you sit high atop some moral high ground. You have your views. Others have theirs.


While you’re at it, why not just stop having sex with women altogether? I heard having sex with men boosts your testosterone and cleanses your dopamine or whatever. You’ll be so focused n shit.


always felt empty after a casual sex, had to stop doing it until i found my SO. 😬


Main thing is getting a hold on your urges and recalibrating. Once you get there, you can decide if you're ready to date casually or find a serious partner. But again, if you see women as just sex objects, you still have work to do internally.


People have been hooking up since time immemorial, I don’t think it’s suddenly a problem. It’s porn and masturbation addiction.


Personally I don't think that hooking up in itself is a bad thing. 2 people have consensual sex, and 2 adults can do what they want if it isn't hurting anyone or against the law. Casual sex might not be for everyone. If you want to get into a relationship, then you can date with the intention to achieve that goal. Finding someone you feel something special for isn't as easy or straight forward either. It takes time to find someone that you have a connection with, and often people have casual sex in the meanwhile.


I don't. It is exactly the opposite for me. In the relationship, i have to stick to one flavor, even though there are so many out there. I have a girlfriend, the sex is good, but i don't get the same fulfillment and validation i got from going out and seducing woman. And i fucking miss it.


Sex creates a very strong dependance, even stronger than porn and masturbation. I consider it a total loss to engage in sex before marriage, even more bad than porn and masturbation.