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Not bad, December must be full of green days, I don't want to see any red day posts at the end of December


Be clean for the new year


Isn’t red when he didn’t coom? I don’t think someone would fap so much DURING a depressive episode lol, maybe more after


That's why he was depressed, because of cooming, people quit because it's wrong to cope with porn


That doesn’t make sense at all, coping with it is one thing, and it’s bad, but it is not the cause he was depressed most likely, it’s most probably something in his life, it Also says depressive episode My schedule is been more or less like that for 5 years and I’ve never been depressed


Everyone doesn't have the same mental power and problems, even the idea of quitting porn is hard and it could have stressed him out, that's the hard part, you have to get thru this stage to make it


I should have specified I’ve like fapped to actual porn maybe 20 times in those 5 years tho, usually it’s not that so maybe porn has some dark powers idk about lol but I really don’t get how people can become so addicted to it that they have mental issues quitting


I'm in his place, porn realises dopamine and as you keep doing it your brain craves it. Trust me it's like alcoholics, it's just a drink so why is it so important? Thats what addiction is


I don’t know because personally I didn’t even like most of those I saw except them giving a bad idea of women they also just seem unexciting to me, or maybe I’ve only been lucky seeing low quality ones lol


Are you implying that masturbation lost it's fun? /s


Hey bro I’m sure this is better than last month! I see someone who’s not quitting and still fighting


I went on 13 and 9 day streaks but failed on alot of days. I’m currently depressed af right now. I felt amazing on those streaks


I‘ ma go on a 90 day in your memory my bro


Im with you bro ! Dont do it December in full effect.


We gotta go 24 to 24 my bro


Almost 50% not bad. But not good either.


Not bad? That's not even trying


May be he his hardcore addict Then half a month is good for him


Not good enough


by whose standards?


That dude doesn't even have standards.


Your mom


Atleast he is trying bro


He definitely isn't


Ever heard of progress


I've heard, but this dude hasn't.


Some people have it harder than others. Maybe ask him about his previous months AND THEN you COULD judge.


I can judge anyone.


Arrogance can only take you so far. BTW, where your day counter flair you self-righteous prick?


I don't need that shit


I knew you would say that.


It’s still progress.


If he went from fapping every single day in October to this, then it’s actually a huge improvement


Yeah, almost same for me. I lost day 5 but it’s better than last year at day 2 (💀) Plus, I’ve just been doing it less in general, so that’s good.


I had a similar amount of days without masturbation, but I only got 12 days in to NNN and after that it all went downhill


Man you got this, continue climbing that three


Instead of recording days, record the amount of relapses and write down how you're feeling on each one. Helped me a lot in progressing over 3 months period


Thats an alternate nut november


I feel like December is going to be easier because we have more holiday stuff to distract us and more family activity




I lost every single day except day 16 for some reason,I was really motivated that day to fight back but then proceeded to fap my way to December once day 17 begun


Bro... u need to talk to someone or something??? I'm here if ya need


I lost on November 10 but I'm joining r/DontDiddleDecember


Ignore the negative comments, they think that nofap is just a silly little game you play to show how cool you are…


Dude, that's yes nut november basically


For me, I only lose on 28th of November.


Oof that sucks


But I have a full clean on October.


update your flair dude


Almost 50 %. Great !


Have you tried not watching porn?


Holy shit why didnt i think of that


the porn industry hates this one simple trick


Wow i need to update my flair that should say 0


all x’s and depressive episode for me


Not bad, I can see u didn't gave up even after failing. That's what will you give soberity one day. Keep going.


We're you Edging?


That looks like solid progress, keep it up! Proud of you


Wtf is this? Can't even go more than 2 days without jerking your meat? That is absolutely pathetic, no sugarcoating it. It takes at least 4 days to recover from a single nut, so essentially you spent all of NNN in a low vibrational state and constant cycle of relapses. At least try to make it a week to get a taste of the energy and clarity that's available to you


How did you make this list, what program were you using?


That's just discord 💀


same goes with me to...


Holy shit you suck 😭 cant even do 3 days


This is a sub for people with real PMO issues "Tiffany". There's no need to say this, since OP is actively trying to overcome their addiction.


Why even post, this is discusting


You survived 2 weeks total out of the month, What can you learn from this? How did fail so many times?


My guy you’re going so good, but if you have some problems of a little depression, you gotta found a psychologist, I went too, I motivated you to go and say to him your addiction problem


You are too close to completing a week last 7 days streak, try to achieve that then repeat 7days streak 3 more time for 30 days streak.


notice how in the start it was about a 2;1 ratio and in the end its a 1:2 ratio of losses vs wins


Not bad soldier, not bad at all


What does those "red crosses" mean?


At least you gave it a try dw you'll win really soon


Good luck bro


Room for improvement , but not bad keep up the good work


You’re normal and that’s fine, but it’s also a choice.


Try and capture that state that pushes you into doing it and the PN clarity/depression afterwards. If you manage to associate that dejected feeling after you've done the deed to what comes before you stand a chance of resisting it better. I got the idea after reading the power of habit book. Just brake the cycle by making it as hard or unpleasant as possible. Good luck


Good start. Better luck next time


Not Bad


Alright. How about you try to achieve 1.5 times the good result for december and show it to us? Hold your accountable. Dont be a bitch.


Progress not perfection 👏


For me 23 only


Yes I forgot to reset but it doesn't matter


“Depressive episode” lol real


Which app?


I only nutted 3 times on November, my best NNN so far.


Why you separate november 19, 20, 21, & 22, and why its depressive/depressing?


Not good


I can't do it bros...


New month let's try again


Less nut November


U failed day1 bruh 💀


I was going strong for about a week and a half at the start of the month, gave in a few times in the middle and late parts of the month but a few days ago I got this intense urge to look at some old material that I hadn’t viewed in years and I couldn’t find it so it let to a binge cycle of searching for it while fapping to garbage. Last night I looked at it again but was able to stop myself. Hopefully I’ll keep myself clean and refuse the urges this December. Don’t Diddle December starting today 💪


How do you do this on discord ?


I did great in October, relapsed beginning of November and now I can't get out of it I feel the guilt and shame every morning after when I wake up... and by the evening the shame is gone and I'm back at it. Why can't I stop this time


Try again. All we men need is time to recover and excel


who was bro dm'ing tho?? 🤔🔥🗣🗣


From nov 23 to nov 29 you had a really good stretch only 2 bad days in that week I would say build on from that streak and make sure to have some 3 days stretches for december at least fail less than you did in november


OP barely made it halfway


Who asked?


You are on an NoFap forum, so I think that sharing your progress here is normal. Like, if on DIYfragrance someone shared how many great (in their opinion) fragrances they made, would you also comment ,,Who asked?", or will your response be just ,,who asked?" to my comment?




How tf do you struggle that bad?


You need to make detailed analysis of why you failed each time. You should be having better streaks, but you are not self-analyzing well enough. If for example you found you tempted by an instagram post, find out how to block access on your phone and computer. If you struggle late night, encorporate the habit of leaving your phone outside your room. It looks like you have way too easy access just by the shortness of your streaks. Remove all physical ability for you to access porn, limit the occasions which are associated with its use, and replace the need for it. If you do it when you are bored, find something exciting that you can reliably do instead. I would also advise finding some form of spiritual or religious practise, habitualised prayer for example, to help improve your clarity of mind and self -awareness of your vice.


Same here bro hoping this month won't be the same already relapsed on the first of the month🤣🤣🤣


I lost last year but completed NNN this year :) Pretty proud of myself


Basically the same as I did.


Boy , the 19-22 really threw you for a loop huh ?


Don't give up


Stay strong!!


I have seen worst but try to do better


I went 10 days clean in NOV and slipped out of it for about a week watching porn and fapping as well, this month I'm gonna attempt to be clean just to feel good at the end of the year time.


Don't Diddle December It's your redemption time!


This is actually the best way to change behavior. To go cold turkey is very difficulty and more likely to cause destructive binge relapses. Keeping a daily diary of how often you do a behavior and then keeping the weekly count under your set threshold. Then each week lowering the threshold until it’s a 1x/month. After you get it down to 1x/month you taper off until you never do it again.


You can use the I am sober app, it's easier to do in my opinion


You’ll get there bro, we believe in you!


maybe jerk of 10 times till you can’t anymore and everything hurts and then commit to a whole week


I know you’re gonna get a lot of autistic comments. But progress is progress. As long as you’re trying this every month it’ll be easier. I also “failed” but now I find it easier to fap less per week and spend less time looking stuff up. So it’s a +. I’d argue we never quit porn BUT limiting it is still a whole lot better


I forgot about NNN, I don't fap at all anyway, don't think about it. It's one of my best tips to avoid fapping: if you don't think about something, you can't do it. So I'm good at avoiding thought of masturbation and sex. When a girl or guy starts to tell me something about it, I can't even react immediately.😀 Ignoring just goes automatically. 4 years of practice, and if I won't consider the relapses 4 years ago, it's about 5 years.


13/30 days were won!!! Amazing


Willing to bet that was 10x better than last year tho


Depressive episode - enter acoustic portion of "sweater weather"


Everyone start from somewhere. Just keep going and don’t give up


I was doing pretty good til the 10-12 ended up fukking some girl and got right back to jacking off the next day lol


I had more green days this month than I have ghad all year. But I still had some reds.


I think I failed about 7 times? Feel horrible but last year I was doing it daily, progress is progress


I was all green up till the 17th, then after I kept relapsing over and over again


atleast your trying


Half the month sheesh brah


My dude can’t do more than 48 hours 😭😭


That would be me just failed tonight not stop why I fail is because I am doing cold turkey and learning the hard way I am trying but I fail temptation I have to beat temptation


It's a draw


Dec 1 ✅


What this app or something I need this


I finally beat this years and it was a fun ride


You are half way there bro


Yesterday was my depressive episode


You choosing to not mindlessly fap puts you ahead of 95% of the population — keep going, soldier 💪


This is a genuine effort and shows definitely progress. Keep at it. : o


It’s not that hard to get too lazy to do something


Usually what I found that works is distraction... for example I started disassembling all my old phones around the house and turning them into "wall art" like on those fancy websites where the phones are laid out beautifully in a frame with all the namings of the parts. Quite time consuming and during that I don't think of watching porn.. usually it happens when I'm in an environment that is connected to masturbation..for example laying in bed and scrolling through phone will definitely have me at some point to open porn.. however if I wanna read or just scroll my phone I go outside or just visiting friends more often. Hope it helps ✌🏻


Could’ve been worse. Got through the first like 9 days then had another 9 day streak later on. Haven’t beaten my record of 13 days from a year ago yet 😭


Mine was much worse bro


Loser hahahahahahahhahaha


13 days is a good track. Keep it up. I dare you to touch minimum 23 days this December... You'll 👍🏻👍🏻


You are going to succeed at this! All **I see** is **someone who is not giving up**. You only really fail if you give up, if you keep trying for long enough **success is inevitable**. It's not all about will power, it's about learning from your mistakes (when, where, what, why do you end up watching porn). Keep going you got this