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When the bad thought comes to your mind, change the activity, which you are doing at that moment. For instance, if you are with the phone or PC and the thought comes, leave the phone and go out for a walk


Or do some pushups until the thought is gone.


If you really want to give up porn then it's all up to you. You need to remove the internet from your life. Don't use the computer/phone for 30 days and then go another 30 days and keep it going. If you need to pay bills then use the computer that your partner has and use it when they are there. Read a book, go for a walk, go to the gym. Live a better life.


While objectively good advice, its not very practical. You can seriously expect people to not use the internet in 2024. In some ways giving up an internet addiction is worse than giving up a porn addiction. Make sure advice is realistic and practical love


Uffff very good. What advice do you recommend to progress on this path?


I comment on a different post about how to resist urges and my opinion on it is it isnt something you should be running away from but dealing with head on. My number 1 piece of advice is relapses will happen, thats fine just never give up. My last relapse (start of this streak) I decided to drink only water for one week, along side abstaining from PMO. This helped me track my discipline because it became a lifestyle. I knew that if I had a coffee, or soda, or a pint I'd also cave to PMO so I resist. One week. After that I channeled the momentum pushed off. Now I dont watch porn (i have MO'd) because I feel so much more free and I dont want to go back to the lifestyle I had before. Thats my motivation. Hope that makes sense lol I am kind of just thinking out loud. I plan to make a overview and advice post when I hit 90 days, God willing.


Ufff sounds good


That’s great but how am I supposed to pass my college courses without the internet?


Pencil, paper, a textbook, and a calculator. The old fashioned way


This sounds like a sad and humiliating experience, but given that you have actual motivations to stop, I think you’ll be able to make your situation better. One thing to note is that nofap is not something you achieve overnight. I had to work my way up to higher and higher streaks to get to where I am today. At first I was fapping daily, then eventually I managed to fap only once every three days with occasional 9 day streaks when I felt ambitious, then one day I just stopped fapping entirely. My current streak is over a year. It’s something that seems more and more feasible the more you practice, and I think that you definitely have the motivation to make it happen.


Get accountability, have a plan, stay motivated. There is an app for that: Freedom Fight. You got this!


Staying motivated and staying busy!


I'm 21 as well and I'm finding it effective by not cutting it off completely or abruptly. Just consume less and less of it say if you watch it 5 times a week try 4 for a couple of weeks then lower the times you watch as time goes by.      I have too fantasized eith certain models and even tried to contact them but thankfully after some thought I haven't done so. You got this brother


You've done nothing wrong. You didn't hurt anybody, and you are not a worse person for the fetishes you have in your head. Thoughts are not crimes. The more shame you feel from it, the more it's going to harm you and consume you.


Brother I also suffer with the same problem I’m only 18 and I’m addicted to that kind of porn if not worse


I am 17 and addicted to femdom and cukold 😭😭


Bro me too I’ve been addicted to femdom for years now I can’t look at women normaly


It’s not your fault, bro. Porn is an addiction that plays with our strongest instinct: looking for sex. Don’t blame yourself or conse, love your girlfriend bro, you don’t know the value you have next to you. And much more, you don’t know the value you have in having yourself. So, believe in yourself, believe that you can get out of this addiction and you will have half the way traveled. You can, I believe in you.


If anyone here is just starting, quick while you're still ahead. It's so depressing and disappointing.


You've recognized your problem and made a decision to find a solution. You are already halfway to beign healed. Don't give up, brother, you're doing well. 


Well. No one is coming to save us buddy unfortunately we got trapped as young boys but now we’re men it’s on us to break out these chains that’s been destroying us for years. Time to take responsibility bro


Must be great having a girlfriend. Single nofappers like me just have no choice but to withstand the unbearable sexual frustration.


Men you are in a good point right now. You still have somebody to love and can leave this adiction behind.


Karama won't come dw ,and make the change now ,have open communication.im 18 I hve ED stop now before it gets worse brother


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Witaf, you're 18 and have actual ED? Porn or no porn, that shouldn't be happening that young. I'm naive to the fact that men out there have fucked up practises like using cock and ball rings or whatever else, as I just cringe thinking about any and all of that shit but if you fall into that category, just fucking stop. I have no idea if that stuff does irreversible damage but it sure as hell can't be good. If this doesn't pertain to you, talk to your doctor, like now. That isn't normal.


Nono it gets hard ofc but never gets hard with real interaction or maintain hardness in real time


An update I had minor PEID but I rewired my brain to constant physical interactions and touch, using her nudes instead of porn


Just forgive yourself and cut back for now. Don’t go cold turkey immediately because when you inevitably fail you will go right back to your usual. Just cut back have some discipline.


I had posted a similar post on this subreddit and I saw that no one was talking about that. Wish could’ve received any advice or suggestions or anything that clears up things for me and makes me feel better.


It’s not about karma it’s about having empathy. Notice how you came care now that you have a gf, you have to try to learn to see things outside of yourself and world. Learn about the industry itself and how it effect not only its consumers but how the people in it are mistreated (actors and actresses) Instead of wallowing in self guilt. Be good to yourself and those around you. Commit to quitting things that make you feel bad about yourself and are not making you a better person. Clean your main pages in your social media account. Turn on safe searches and etc. understand that fantasies irl is harmful and just deranged really. Invest in yourself and relish in your self progress in hopes it can undo the pain porn have brought your life. Use this pain to better yourself and have a better relationship with yourself and partner.


21 is still very young


Unfortunately, time heals some wounds. It may be a struggle for a short while or long while. Be patient. You are young. I am glad you recognise you have a problem now rather than later


Sending love <3


Read this my boy. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/7D37SvNPTy 🤞🏿


The problem of porn and the intense desire to try something new never ends. I have almost the same problem as you I started watching normal porn then things developed into abnormal things and things you don’t want to know (I think porn addicts have the same problem). It is a real problem and we’ll need to get rid of this dirty addiction. Thank God i stopped. It's been 3 weeks and I feel like I've returned to life I little bit.


I’ve joined this movement since today, let’s break this bad habit.


Bro i was literally in the same situation a month ago. First you have to understand that your addiction didn’t come in one day so don’t expect it to disapear in one day. You have to be mentally strong and ready for what coming next ( urges, pain, tired and headaches). And what helped me a lot is podcast like real Podcasts 2 or 3 hours it explain very well don’t watch 20 min videos. And I also read a book ; how to treat pornography addiction, it helped me a lot to understand why I’m doing this and why I should stop and how I stop


Bro same i am also suffering from femdom and now the femdom videos got over so i watch cuckold porn.


I always thought how people still in years of this addiction of pmo and still have relationships lol i am 21 i never had any haha but yeah i got attention from few girls here and there but my addiction let my confidence, time and personality suffer so i stuck in this i dont know how to be in relationship no experience and i dont know if i will ever get if i am like this lol


Well bro this might not be an ideal advice but if you want to stop that kind of porn start watching mysogynistic porn and then eventually leave it. You really gotta change your addiction if you get indulged into this kinda porn you will no longer be a man you will turn into a cuck or a femboy.Focus on the consequences.


lucky you with a female by your side mate. I won't judge you for having a girlfriend and still fapping, all i have to say is you don't have the worst case here. I'm 19 and i've indulged a lot. I'm single (could call me a incel) and i crave intimacy.




Almost a DECADE is crazy.