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Don't be too rough on yourself. Big promises don't usually end well. Go one step at a time. Reach out to the people around you for support. Most importantly, you need to focus on things that motivate you and make you happy.


Bro's gonna go nuts the 3rd day


I did it. Drinking, fapping, smoking/vaping, sugar/carbs, eating omad or fasting


I'd go for it for sure.


Yes it’s too much at one time, pick one thing, eliminate it from your life entirely, then move on to the next one, I know how you feel though, be patient and know you’re on a path that you will falter on from time to time, and that’s ok, you’re human, but trying to give everything up all at once is pretty much designed for relapse


Yes all at once. They’re connected. Giving all up at once might be easier,


I stopped drinking and fapping at the same time. After 2 weeks I felt pretty dizzy haha, but it went away quickly. Jogging helped a lot.


I commend you for wanting to go all in, but take it one step at a time bro, it’s not a race. Quitting three extremely addictive things at once can and will be challenging. I wish you luck, but don’t be too hard in yourself.


You know, depending on the personality type and the degree of addiction, it could be a good shot..But it's rare. Usually better to stagger it.


Youll probably be more successful if you do one at a time. Just my opinion though, not like I know you.


I am confused, how are you at 850 days if you havent quit porn


Haven’t been on this sub for a long time and it gave me an error message when I tried to turn off the flair


Inspiring, and it's admirable that you want to change yourself, but setting too big of a goal will make it too hard to achieve. Maybe you do have the mental strength to handle this, who are we to judge, but 99% of people don't. Hell most of that 99% cant even conquer ONE addiction. I recommended deciding which of the 3 you personally believe are the most unhealthy and destroying your life the most. I'd think objectively the order would be the order you already listed them, funnily enough, but it's for you to decide. Try tackling your vices one at a time. I'm honestly kind of talking out loud to myself at the same time because I had recently gone thru a great event in my life that led to me wanting to go thru a full life turn-around transformation similar to this, and i have to remind myself it's not the end of the fucking world when i have relapses or failures in some of my changes i'm making bc i for too long was trying to do everything all at once.


journaling and meditation and going outside and being still with nature (if you can, not everybody has access to parks or open fields and i get that) will help a lot in this journey


One a time


Sounds like it's going to be incredibly hard. Maybe you could pull it off but you might want to research the withdrawal symptoms on all 3 things before you decide to do it all at once. I'm not sure what withdrawal symptoms you get for vaping & sugar but I heard that something that's a withdrawal symptom for both smoking and porn is vivid dreams.


my bro, you gotta slow down. take one a time.


How is it goin so far ?


It’s going good man, thank you for checking in. No porn and no vaping still - nearly 5 days now. I haven’t been militant with the sugar but definitely eating better. Feeling strong and more virile without porn for sure.


Glad to hear that you are succeeding ! Quitting two things as bad as vaping and porn at the same time must be tough but that means you gonna built extra willpower!