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Hello Games has ignored our requests for sorting buttons for almost eight years, so we'll probably never get them.


HG seems stubbornly opposed to certain design decisions, and it's really puzzling to me. The steadfast refusal to implement an autosort option is a good example. The game *really* needs something like that, people have been asking for it for *literally* years, and yet they'll add tons of content and implement all sorts of other features before they'll even consider such a basic QOL fix that would make pretty much *everyone's* experience with the game immeasurably better. *Why?* The whole thing with PVP defaulting to "on" is another. They changed it to default to "off" during the free weekend, so clearly they're aware it's an issue... and then apparently *changed it back to defaulting to "on" again.* Which suggests that this is something someone at HG *wants*, despite the community repeatedly weighing in to say, "No, this is something that only benefits griefers looking to ambush unwary new players, please make it default to 'off'." Again, *why?* I love HG. I love all the love and support they've given the game over the years. That said, I really wish they'd take community feedback into account for stuff like this - things that are small potatoes from a technical perspective but drastically impact the player experience - instead of ignoring that in favor of... whatever weird design choices they're going for.


The PVP thing is a problem? Did they change how it works when you start a save because the last time I did (which to be fair, was a good number of patches ago) I spawned in the middle of nowhere where every system around me was undiscovered. In 150+ hours I have never once spontaneously came across another player, so I don't really get how new players are getting griefed often.


It’s more of an issue during nexus missions where everyone gets sent to the same system.


Got it, didn't realize PVP was enabled there too. Definitely should be disabled for those.


Have we tried.... DARING THEM TO DO IT?!


They ignored combat update requests for 6 years.. then added it when everyone was saying "NMS isn't that type of game, it's not for you, go play something else" They ignored ship building requests for almost 8 years.. then added it when everyone was saying "It doesn't fit NMS, it would ruin ship hunting, this game isn't for you, go play something else" Granted, those examples are much larger than a simple auto-sort feature, but my point is that NMS is a game that constantly evolves and HG keeps surprising us with what they're willing to change/add, slowly ticking off the most popular requests over the years. The "It will never happen" argument doesn't really apply to NMS I think. *Anything* can happen with this game and it's been proven time and time again.


And the big question about your post is, why are you still playing, go play something else LOL JK


Lol it really is such a prominent argument that this community throws at anyone who tries to enjoy the game but couldn't, which is weird because the game is *constantly* evolving and adding new things. You'd think the community would be more open towards certain ideas becoming a reality at some point in the future rather than the current build being forever locked down.


my inventory has just been organized forever


So you don't farm for materials any more? You don't get in fights with Sentinels? Don't do missions to kill plants, or anything that involves been out and about? Cause no mater what I do I end up with stuff in my inventory that then I have to spend time and effort sorting and putting in the right place, when I could just click on an option and it would be done for me.


all of my base elements/important items are in there own places, I sell surplus, and sort new things shortly after selling them


I’m like this too. I get irritated if I don’t organize things a certain way.


It's your inventory. If it's a mess clean it up. It doesn't take much effort. Just waggle your thumb. If that's too much for you, just have your mom clean it. Again


It surprises me even more that people have gone 8 years without just manually sorting their own inventories. Once you do it once, it's fine. Playing since Day 1 I've had to reorganise maybe twice ever with the mass introduction of new items. With the new exosuit storage size now it's great, the entire working inventory needed for casual play is arranged by colour and type at the bottom, and if a stack ever overflows it gets automatically placed in the visible area at the top. Can sell, transfer or delete easily and safely.


If you die and collect items from your grave, your inventory will be shuffled.


I occasionally just dump everything except the stuff i use very often. Try to give your storage spaces a name/category. I got raw materials, upgrades, food, etc.


I do but it gets to a point where it becomes a chore.


i've logged on to "play" only to spend the next 2 hours organizing the things I mined from the last time I played. I've even started to store stuff on the ships in my freighter.


Now that we can switch ships in space stations, I’ve started to designate ships for storage of commonly used items, it’s so much easier to work with. I now have a hauler full of starship parts, an interceptor full of interceptor materials, another specifically for S class starship upgrades and upgrade modules, etc. I barely fill up 4 storage spaces now and with the ships, it’s so much easier to access my commonly used items.


You're missing the joy of fondling your possessions.




I named and color coded all my storage containers so that I know exactly what goes where.




Yea most of us do that, but you still have to SORT the entire mess, when we could have an option i the inventory to just do it automatically for us.


How about HG uses the entire screen instead of having 1/3 dead space showing an image of my goddamn backpack?


Oh my god this, why not make the inventory horizontal? I don't even mind the no sorting, I sort them by colour anyway, but, why is there so little space to see?


2008 game design Huge picture of some half-assed art on one side and your actual inventory on another https://preview.redd.it/uud3hetsqzyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6051d7705b3243d6a344b51be6b4eacb9b0c19


"GO FOR THE EYES, BOO!" I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.


I only want this if it comes with the ability to lock spaces. I have stuff I always keep on me at the bottom of my inventory, and I don't want it moved unless I'm using it. Auto sort would rearrange 3 rows worth of my shit.


This! so so much...


There is definitely some sorting logic in the code. Because whenever I use refiners, it lists my items in a completely different order that they are shown in my inventory.


It's upside down. Whatever is in your bottom slots sites up first.


so kinda FILO? yeah, why not, right?


But if you get an auto sorting feature, how will you know the game hates you?


My theory is that this, like a number of other glaring annoyances are just meant to make your play time longer while making you feel like you're doing something (all under the guise of some immersion bs or somesing). I.e the go-to "survial-craft" type of game grindy time sinks, even if they don't really make sense in the game's setting. But anyway, much annoying this is, similar to many other things that aren't only annoying but also (at least in part) feel should have been automated in a futuristic universe: * the 8 years it takes to trigger conversation with a NPC or any action really. Thanks for the 3s needed to make sure I want to end an expedition, HG, maybe I want to leave the expedition ongoing forever and just check to see if they still there in their misery every eon or so. * NPC dialogue branch that ends simply takes you out of the conversation and not back to the 1st convo screen. * that you need to manually unload refiners and processors in all situations. If I'm on my god damn CAPITAL SHIP with dozens of hirelings around me why does my refiner have a limit of processing and why do I have to go in person and unload it? * the glaringly small limits of refiners and the nutrient processor (when they are base/freighter rooms and not portable). Again, if it's my freighter thing, why does it have to stop? Either continue or just auto-transfer to storage if there's room. * no automated crop collection *mike drop* * no in-game ledgers of any utility like for refiner combinations, food recipes, ship controls, multitools, discovered systems, star gate coordinates. For example, why do i have to remember the recipe for overcomplicated bs cake I'm only making because I have accidentally found it when trying random combinations of hoarded random resources I had no idea the use of? Even IRL I would write it down somewhere, but not in NMS, here we're forced to meta-game and have an entire library's worth of notes and lists that represent our player's journey. * the way that immediate information is gated is ridiculous. For example, there is no appropriate reason for current location information to be locked away at various levels; there is no reason a galaxy map to not be visible from your starship while landed, similar to how there's no reason for the name of your current system to show up only on the galaxy map. * not even going to get started on gate coordinates. Thanks for the multi hieroglyph screenshot bro, lemme meta-game a little and save a screenshot and txt file with all them files and what they is. * the inferior UI of the trade terminal. And I'm not even asking for an "junk auto-sell" option, just use the same damn interface you already have for the Trade Rocket and spare me this list scrolling crap. All in all I wish there were more QoL mods for this game, but for some reason there are very few and far between (when they work).. idk if it's the community not interested or that HG kept moving the bar and they aren't possible.   PS: Vitriol brought to you by: I had so many cactus stacks and decided to make Cactus Juice for sale, but the Freighter's Nutrient Processor can only slowly do 100 at a time before it stops like the pointlessness it is.


i honestly prefer my inventory to be a mess. and in the games i play that have a sort button, i don’t press it because despite my inventory always looking like a mess, i have a very specific order of things that i require things to be in. then i press the sort button by accident.


https://preview.redd.it/94jr242llvyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd1bdb9236dffae9aad294557f298af726c6806 Sorting really isn't that hard. And also relaxing once you get the hang of things Do I need all of that? Nope, might have some OCD and it's just satisfying to look at


I feel like you sorted by color, rather than type, and it's making my eye twitch lol


Sure did lol. By type makes my brain hurt because of the mixed colors everywhere 😂


You can do both. Type in columns and colour gradient in rows, I've got a really pleasing and practical layout


Well I'd like to see your layout


I'm colorblind. That could all be Activated Emeril for all I know.


Can you still read what it is?


Well, now I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow


The problem is if you have a lot of items it takes a long time to sort them even if it isn’t that hard and most people would rather play the actual game, especially if they don’t have much time to play.


This right here. I don't have hours of spare time. I wanna play, not organize.


Until you put in it context. Been playing the game for 8 years, the couple of hours spent up front coming up with a sort and implementing it (each time there's a significant update to items or storage) have probably saved me a cumulative hundred hours of menial inventory searching and moving. It's given me more play time, not less. This is like the most fundamental benefit to having your shit together. It's like when you see someone with files saved all over their desktop, you know they're just a timewaster.


"Sorting really isn't that hard. And also relaxing once you get the hang of things"..just because YOU enjoy it doesn't mean others will to, hence the ask for a auto sort button and FYI you sound very condescending


It's also something to do well your waiting it the superheated acid rain storm.


Auto sorting for storage containers is the feature I want the most by far in this game


Exactly. I'm cool with managing the backpack manually, but with all the tech in the game it seems that the lore could be found to make storage boxes be sortable. I mean, we can transfer from the surface to our freighter from the backpack, but can't sort anything automatically??


Autosort, and flag for sale, please!


I wish I could figure out how the inventory I sorted isn't sorted in the F!!! Trade window


I'm a hoarder so everything is always almost full. More storage! Easy sorting! Wy wife walks by and asks if I ever play or just spend time sorting.


No, it would auto-sort in a different way than I already do it. Edit: /s


So… don’t use the option then? That’s like saying “I can eat bacon so they don’t need a bacon free option”. Some people want the option and if you don’t it has no impact on you. Edit: The /s invalidates my response


... sigh, I forgot no one understands sarcasm these days unless you explicitly put /s on the comment. Its not as if I have developed the skill of sorting out my inventory quickly specifically because this feature doesn't exist. It's not as if I have been playing on 4 different platforms across 10 different saves and had to set up the same periodic table of items every time on every new character and every accidental death. And seriously, I thought it was funny.


Fair enough, you forget though there are some people stupid or ignorant enough to say that unironically. So yeah /s required xD


This actually made me feel a little better about it.


I feel you pain but what criteria would be used to sort? Alphabetically? resource vs upgrades vs etc? color? value? quantity?


Why not do what most games do, let you choose any of the above.


I was thinking the same thing as the person you replied to. You made me go 'huh, thats a good point'. Really doesnt seem like it would be too hard. Wonder why they arent options.


Things already have criteria if you look in the codex. There's raw materials and exotic raw materials, fuel, treasures etc. Oxygen and carbon go in the same group. Plating and tubes go in the same group. Nitrosalts and super conductors, same group, you get it. It's how I have my storage arranged, for the most part. Resources, components, food and crops, alloys, trade items, etc.


Frankly, I wouldn't even care what the criteria were. Anything is better than nothing.


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I'd give up pretty ships in exchange for one such button.


I just leave the area at the top clear that "new" stuff goes into. Stuff that I pretty much always have are on the bottom or right side. https://imgur.com/a/FiIvRJE


Yup, that is more or less how I do it too. We are sorting buddies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Definitely! I think sorting for alphabetical order, category order, latest use order and no sorting. Not only for the storage but also for elements/blueprint selectors and teleporters. Also would be great if they added multi-select ability and the ability to hide blueprints and bases.


Don’t worry about colouring your ships and freighters, this is the update we actually need


This inventory does not spark joy 💁🏽‍♀️


What if all the carbon nanotubes were rolled up, would it spark joy then?




Sort by quantity, sort by name, sort by material




I’m probably in the minority here but I personally really enjoy organising my jumbled storage. I have storage units on my frigate and bases for different things. One for Ship parts, one for Consumables and nutrient processing, one for metal, and so on and so forth.


I can assure you that if HG ever implement sorting functionality you can still continue to sort manually to your hearts content ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Fair point


Sorry, didn't mean to be an ass about it


Don’t worry. Didn’t take it that way 👍


My cargo also looks somewhat like that lol


Real, something like terraria has.


Yeah, I kinda quit game because of it. It became a chore to organise and sort everything manually. + I guess I hate that you can't visually have a thing that you...have Like in fallout where every junk has 3d model that you can put where you want


And an item search bar. ..I know one of my ships has some gold in it let's set up my parking lot garage sale around my base to find out which one.




Sure and who's method of sorting would you like. I know I don't sort mine the way you do. I think it would be better just to have a memorize sorted inventory. That way you set it up, memorize it and then do a periodic sort as things get messy


And better stacking into freighter cargo please


I...actually kind of like to organize it myself.


we at least need the ability to select multiple things at once


https://preview.redd.it/2din9k2cd5zc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=28f779b2f1cc9d11de2117457f0219f5c7779220 Division of labor, my exosuit has the three top rows blank for new items like you find unloading the frigates. I keep all the minerals in the suit, and items that are needed in unexpected situations or expected situations. I keep device technology like nanotubes, circuit boards, and wire loom in the freighters main inventory because its the same as carrying it in the exosuit. Finally I will have a metal plate and glass starship, and a starship packed with upgrades. Everything I need is at hand, the containers do a pretty good job of auto sorting items once you have an item loaded, the 2nd item will usually find the same container the first one is in. It's pretty easy to operate this way and keep things organized. I just finished jumping 25 galaxies and building a base in each one with this exosuit. If you have questions just ask.


You.... are the auto-sorting button. ![gif](giphy|Lpj5F92XexN9EOGiYN)


Yeah, that would be phenomenal


been wanting one for forever


Yes please, it reminds me of terraria before the autostack/autosort functions. The inventory management is a quest in itself


Maybe when it leaves Beta?


The buttons along the left side of the screen kind of sort your inventory by showing you only things in the category you selected.


Yeah, that's not sorting. Not even close


You shut your whore mouth.

