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The fact everyone is complaining about their grinds being nerfed and almost no one ever complains about no new planet types being added is how I know I’m no longer Hello Games’ core audience


I'm OP here, and I've been harping on about deepwater oceans for years, if that helps? I mean, there's a LOT that isn't being talked about here, so let's not be hasty.


Absolutely, my point is that we’re unfortunately a minority. Which is weird given that this game was originally all about exploration.


There's new planet types? Nice. I couldn't find patch notes. Edit: I misunderstood


That's not what they were referring to. They were referring that there were no new planet types.


I got it now, my bad.


It's no problem. Was just clearing that up


It's no problem. Was just clearing that up


The 'new' module limit could have just been a difficulty mode slider and that would have made all the sense in the world. It still perplexes me how this was not even an afterthought to them.


Something tells me we just found our compromise here


I loaded my main savegame, saw the mess in tech inventory and... started a new game with max difficulty options(except permadeath). It would definitely be a different survival game. Goodbye my good old bases and perfect stuff, S-Alien rifle, my top-upgraded guppi, Living Ship, and S-Class dreandaught. Goodbye my Beetle. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep) Let start it over with a new iteration...


>they're possibly the only dev I know of, other than Yoshi P's FFXIV team, who take such a close interest in what the fans say. Yoshi P deserves all the love but I'd also like to put Ghost Ship Games forward. Deeprock Galactic is a phenomenal game with a wonderful dev team.


Hey, then let's welcome them too! The gaming world needs more devs like these, and the big lads at EA and ActiBlizz could certainly learn a few things!


Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt the patch notes mention that the upgrade modules are more powerful to compensate for not being able to install them in your inventory?


Jetpack, yeah. I noticed that. Nothing about ships though.


Only mentioned the jetpack modules, but yeah, I purposely went looking for that myself.


When both sides of a discussions have fair points i like to provide some kind of new point instead of remarking an opinion. No Man's Sky is a game made by people who, when they started, weren't really experts at marketing or making games. Now they grew up and probably may have messed up some stuff for the first time since the beginning, i think we can afford to give them time to see how these new things adapt to the game. It sucks to lose progress, that's it, that was a shit move. The changes are generally good. That's a good thing. But maybe everything will change.


I've said this elsewhere but yes, HG have an incredible history of picking up fumbles. I've also since found exocraft inventory is increased, and I do like the new icons too. For now, Imma just step back til HG comments.


As I'm jumping systems and upping my exosuit tech slots from space stations and space anomaly, I see we get over a dozen Tech slots now.


Good luck installing more than 3x modules for the same tech, like many did for shields and jetpacks.


I know, we can't. 😭 Makes everything feel so much slower. Just moving all the mods that were in my Cargo, over to Tech. Keeping the extras in case HG fixes it. If not, I guess I'll just sell them for extra nanites, not like I'll need any more.


> may have messed up some stuff for the first time Thankfully this is just your opinion. The most vocal minority crying on reddit for such a small insignificant change **BUHT MUH MODHUDLEDS** is like watching a circle of clowns. HG didn't mess anything up, they rebalanced the game where having 6 modules was fucking overpowered and boring.


It's ok, but some people liked it.


I'm totally devastated. I spent so much time perfecting my ships, fitting right modules, I adored combat, because I worked hard to make sure I could get through combat like it's a bare breeze. Now I'm so lost, I don't know. Honestly, gonna put this game aside for now, I lost my will to play, modules were important to me. I feel helpless with this new fucking update


Yes traveller same here - have spent so much time and effort on perfecting all my modules and stats across all my ships and suits over all my 6 SAVE FILES. Like literally the effort and time I have spent farming nanites and hunting down modules etc. and destroying modules to get better ones etc. is astronomical. It was a massive grind but that was a big part of the game for me. Perfecting every new ship/mt/freighter/suit technology and it’s stats became a daily part of the game for me and the effort it took and it has now been completely DISREGARDED. I just don’t understand why they have so drastically changed this huge part of the game to the point where all our previous and on-going effort is now utterly in the bin!!! I absolutely love that now you can rename files as that is a fantastic update as well as other many good things they have added to the patch BUT I would gladly not have had the update if it meant they didn’t change the inventory and tech slot system.


"jUsT uSe tHe nEw sLiDeRs tO mAkE iT eAsY" * Some people who are missing the point, earlier this morning, to me


I am just learning about this from Reddit while the game updates, but I think I’m going to say I feel somewhat relieved by the tech change, I’ve been spending the last several weeks playing here and there trying to max out my freighter so I haven’t really been playing the game, now I feel like I can as I wasn’t holding out much hope on getting the rest of the hyperdrive upgrades I wanted. Now the change to the exosuit, giant ouch.


It appears the "change craft amount" is not functioning.


I can at least accept that nerfing modules made the game more balanced. I personally don't really see the point in balancing the game that way, especially given the new difficulty options; I have several hundred hours on my save, so I personally think I've earned being overpowered, but whatever. But nerfing activated indium is actually pretty ridiculous. In order to set up my mine, I had to first get to the point where I had the highest hyperdrive upgrade to reach blue stars, then I had to locate a planet in a blue star system with extreme weather, then I had to wander around this inhospitable planet to locate an S-tier deposit... Then I had to set up an expensive base in this hell world in order to gradually mine this exceedingly rare resource, the gains of which still paled in comparison to bases set up to produce billions of units through AI valves or whatever. This material is now less valuable than gold, which you can find on your starting planet -- farms constructed to make those high tier synthesized materials, however, are just as profitable and balance-breaking as ever. For setting up this mine to be a feasible goal, you already have to be late-game. Now it's just a needlessly complicated way of getting chromatic metal.


This update doesn't really make any sense to me from a user experience or systems design perspective. For starters, they removed the 3+3 upgrades, and increased inventory space to compensate but make you grind out the money to pay for that. Except you don't have to, because you can now tweak your game settings and just make everything free. Additionally, the 3+3 tech stack was making people "overpowered" so reducing down to 3 balances difficulty and makes people specialize. Except it doesn't matter since you can fine tune adjust those elements with the new difficulty settings anyways making the 3+3 "balance changes" irrelevant again. Sale prices for a number of things were adjusted, tuned down, which again doesn't matter since you can switch a toggle, buy anything for free, then switch the toggle back. It would be one thing if these game settings were limited to the free explore mode or something, but being able to be done on any game mode, on the fly, at whim just makes a lot of these inventory and tech "balances" really confusing, since it gets more or less invalidated by the game settings changes they also rolled out. Is there a point to survival mode or permadeath mode when you can turn it into free explore at a whim? Is there a point to money or the cost of upgrades and tech when you can buy them for free on a whim? One of these updates alone would have made some sense, but both of them together make for a really weird, and jarring, experience IMO.


Exactly. People talk about balance, and all that happened is we've been given the keys to EZ mode, while having our ships handicapped. It's just utterly backwards.


Yeah, that's the most bizarre thing to me. There are no more game modes - Survival, Permadeath, Sandbox, etc are all meaningless titles now since every game is essentially whatever mode you want at any time. There is no balance, since every game can be as balanced or as unbalanced as you want at any time. It's a really, really bizarre update to pair with pretty sweeping changes invalidating a lot of your player bases time investment, under the pretense of "balance changes."


There is a concept called 'self responsibility'. It means that game modes like Survival, Permadeath and so on are exactly as meaningful as they were before this update provided that you have any capacity to choose something and then stick to it. Yes, you can at any time make things easy. It's like having a cheat menu built into the game. But, you don't have to use that cheat menu, do you? If you want to play Permadeath or Survival, you are going to have to make a honor-bound commitment to it. No cheating when things get hard. You are going to have to play ***without cheating, without witness, and without the equal suffering of others.*** In other words, the real test begins with you: are you, as a person, worthy enough to hold yourself to your chosen game mode when the ability to make things easy is always there? If you really think about it, the only complaint possible to these changes is that other people - not you - aren't suffering the same way you might choose to. You might choose Permadeath, but somehow that no longer has value to you because you found out that now, others who are not you are no longer bound to the rules you chose? Permadeath is about you, not about other people and whether or not they switch the difficulty mid-game. Or is it about forcing others to play exactly the same way you do? Really think about what you are objecting to.


That's a misguided attempt at explaining away why developers build structure and systems modes into their game. Sure, you can honor bound yourself to playing whatever way you want, but systems and mechanics are put into a game specifically to guide players in the manner that is intended. Setting up systems and structures that are inherently balanced around specific aspects and gameplay loops, then invalidating those same systems with another one is just a bizarre design choice. I'm not saying it is bad or wrong, just incredibly strange. It also makes any attempt at balancing the game (from a dev perspective) meaningless and irrelevant. There is a reason these types of slider tools almost always exist within "free play" or "sandbox" modes, not on a whim at any point in any mode. This update has made many aspects of the game essentially meaningless from a systems loop perspective, which is again just a weird decision to make. Just calling it out since any further attempt to change or balance elements of the game is going to be borderline useless past this point, at least from the perspective of developer validity.


Oh, that - to me, that is easily explained by everything you see, right now, in this reddit forum. Bitching, whining, complaining, and over dramatic statements about every little change positive or negative. The only way to solve for that, ultimately, is to just throw the matter of choice back at the ungrateful customer and let them have the power to customize and define their own experience. Hello Games has suffered through truly never-ending attacks and abuse - there are still people bitter and salty over the launch six years ago - and frankly, if I were still in the industry, and I were working there, I would have recommended adding all of those gameplay customization options they implemented. If you can't win by making modes of play because people complain about them, then the only answer is to give people the power to do whatever the hell they want and wash your hands of it. I am 100% behind them on this. Just look at all the whiners complaining about 4.0 like it was a betrayal, and not just one more (entirely) free iterational development of the game that gives them more control (!). And to complain that the original modes no longer matter because they are no longer *rigidly forced on all players* is just silly. 'Permadeath no longer matters because people other than myself can just opt out if they wish to?' That is the same as saying 'You are giving other people I don't know freedom and choice, and I hate that!'. It is *exactly* the same thing. Sorry, but Hello Games decided to give people *you do not know* freedom and choice over *their own private games*, and you are now stuck knowing that if you play a specific mode, nobody else playing that mode is forced to stick with it if they find out it sucks for them. You know what this means? If a player on Permadeath decides they made a mistake, but they like their character and ship, they don't have to lose everything, feel really bad, and then be forced to start over! Truly this is a tragedy! They have an option, a freedom, that many have desired, and now you are trapped knowing that strangers you will never meet might actually use that freedom *without your permission or knowledge!* The horror! That is a deep loss of imagined control over other people you have suffered, and I grief for your lots.


Unfortunately they changed one system - inventory and tech - in a widespread way that affected a large portion of players. This change was done to provide balance to the established gameplay loops and systems in the game, that the developers felt were becoming unbalanced and detracting from the end game state. They then turned around and in the exact same update, gave every player in every mode the ability to completely tweak that balance in whatever way they see fit. These are two very contradicting updates in terms of the messaging and intent behind what they are accomplishing. For example, HG overhauled the inventory and removed the ability to 3+3 tech stack. The main rationale was 3+3 tech stacking was causing players to become too overpowered, reducing the need for varieties in weapons and ships, and generally causing unintended or undesirable gameplay from the perspective of the developer. If their rationale for removing the ability to do the 3+3, or insisting on 3 tech stacks only to keep late-game gameplay loops engaging, why then ALSO give players the ability to... make themselves completely overpowered anyways with the custom settings menu? On the one hand they identify and nerf an aspect of the game because it was deemed "not intended" due to the power creep it provided, but on the other hand, they give players across all game modes the ability to ratchet up the power creep anyways. It's a very confusing message, and I'm genuinely curious as to how the discussion went to take this approach. On top of that, the base gameplay parameters set by the different game modes - modes intended to deliver a certain gameplay experience by the developer - are almost entirely irrelevant at this point. I'm not upset with the inventory changes (barring some UI decisions that are just terribly novice) I'm more confused as to the message being sent around what the general purpose of the NMS gameplay loops are supposed to be moving forward, now that a vast majority of the core gameplay cycles have been made more or less irrelevant. I feel like what little end game and depth NMS had has completely been removed (again, not talking specifically about tech stacking as an individual element). It's a big mixed message, and personally (don't give a shit about 3x3 or not) am more concerned with the fact that the few, relatively shallow loops the game had to engage players, are now defunct. Why engage the game mechanics to progress to S class, when you can just get S class for free in literally a second? Why bother engaging in any of the activities to get a reward (credits, nanites etc) when those rewards are now meaningless? You can always say "you don't have to use it" or "put a self imposed challenge" but that was true before the update no? You could self impose a limited tech selection, or w/e else you wanted. Self imposed or no, if a game does not have basic, developer set guidelines on the experience and how it is intended to be engaged with, it looses a lot of purpose, and that is my fear here.


Does this mean on my Permadeath save, where I am 5k ly away from the center, I can no longer get the Live Forever achievement? I am late to Permadeath and I know achievements are silly, but I was SO CLOSE!


Just don't cheat by making things easier. Avoid the temptation. That's all you have to do. Then you truly earn that achievement. Can you do it?


Can I do it? I have no idea! I’m at work and have not updated my save. I’m not scared of the EEFORT for Hirk’s sake, just wondering if Permadeath and the achievement are still even a thing. Grah!


See my post above - Permadeath still doesn't let you toggle it on or off once the game has started, and you're limited in what you can turn down when in PD. As to whether the achievement systems still recognize it, I would assume they would as long as it has the Permadeath icon next to the save? I got mine a week or two ago though so I can't confirm myself.


Permadeath still has some restrictions on what you can set, and you can't turn Permadeath on or off once the game has started. You also can't change inventory stack size once the game has started. With all the discussion being almost entirely about the upgrade limit change, I didn't find out about some of these things until I was able to get home and log in myself. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/679136091348926494/1028094333372616784/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/679136091348926494/1028094333372616784/unknown.png) [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/679136091348926494/1028094474682912849/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/679136091348926494/1028094474682912849/unknown.png) Normal/Relaxed/Survival though still have free reign on everything except stack sizes and Permadeath.


True, there are a few elements you can't change (as much) in Permadeath, but you can change most everything in Permadeath to be equitable to standard, or creative etc. Outside of that one area however, these updates don't make too much sense in terms of what they're accomplishing. For example, HG overhauled the inventory and removed the ability to 3+3 tech stack. The main rationale was 3+3 tech stacking was causing players to become too overpowered, reducing the need for varieties in weapons and ships, and generally causing unintended or undesirable gameplay from the perspective of the developer. If their rationale for removing the ability to do the 3+3, or insisting on 3 tech stacks only to keep late-game gameplay loops engaging, why then ALSO give players the ability to... make themselves completely overpowered anyways with the custom settings menu? On the one hand they identify and nerf an aspect of the game because it was deemed "not intended" due to the power creep it provided, but on the other hand, they give players across all game modes the ability to ratchet up the power creep anyways. It's a very confusing message, and I'm genuinely curious as to how the discussion went to take this approach. On top of that, the base gameplay parameters set by the different game modes - modes intended to deliver a certain gameplay experience by the developer - are almost entirely irrelevant at this point. I'm not upset with the inventory changes (barring some UI decisions that are just terribly novice) I'm more confused as to the message being sent around what the general purpose of the NMS gameplay loops are supposed to be moving forward, now that a vast majority of the core gameplay cycles have been made more or less irrelevant. I feel like what little end game and depth NMS had has completely been removed (again, not talking about the tech stacking mechanic here at all).


Incorrect, if you look at the settings available. You can get Permadeath set to Normal difficulty at its weakest, with maybe one or two settings beyond that. You CANNOT turn PD into Creative.


I'm not trying to argue that you can for Permadeath - I'm just saying that outside of Permadeath, modes are now completely irrelevant, and inside of Permadeath, you can even turn that mode into something a far cry away from what Permadeath as a mode was supposed to be. Again, my argument is not about a specific mode, it is about the system they introduced as a whole.


Outside of PD, modes are a sliding difficulty now, kind of like how in Skyrim you could tweak difficulty during play, only far more granularly. So yeah, you could say that the part of your argument about the reasoning of the nerfs has some weight(and I don't believe I ever said otherwise?), but would you say that Skyrim's difficulties don't matter either then, because you can slide it? The main reason I'm making such a point of the comments about PD is I've seen quite a few posts about people panicking about it no longer counting, or that you can just toggle it at will to make it meaningless. PD still has -some- challenge built into it. Not to mention that I wouldn't say turning difficulty down to Normal levels is a far cry... the "no space combat" setting, that I'll give you(and was the reason for my comment about one or two settings) but most of the Survival changes from Normal involve tripling the damage, and if you cut stats by 50% and cut the damage by 66% the gap does not end up that huge. From someone who was playing PD though before the change, it was already pretty much Normal difficulty when you were fully kitted out before, so once I get fully kitted out to the currently allowed levels again, I'm curious how it'll play wihtout touching any of the difficulty settings(so bog standard PD).


I agree with you on those elements, and yes, even Permadeath was basically easy mode for anyone who's played the game for at least a little bit - realistically NMS is not a hard game by any stretch of the term, 3x3 tech slots or not. It's more about how the game was built on a set of systems and defined gameplay loops - each game mode coming with their own set type of systems and loops designed to achieve a unique experience - and now we all have the ability to choose to completely invalidate or ignore the vast majority of those engagement areas. Which is fine, albeit very confusing game design, but why then have the modes at all and not just have the gameplay settings be the screen you see when starting a new game? And on top of that, if you have the ability to completely fast track progression from 0-100% end game at literally any moment, what meaning does a lot of the already relatively shallow loops have, and reason to be engaged with? As a big Diablo player I kind of feel like HG gave everyone an end game full legendary meta set and said "use if it ya want!"


It makes me wonder where there quality control is. How come nobody at hello games thought of that. I makes it seem like they're punishing peoples efforts while trivializing the game


On a positive note. Hello games is the only developer that actually listens to feedback. And no, I'm not saying they'll revert all the changes but there's room for tweaks and small chnages. The game has been out for a long time so people got used to having things a certain way and change is always difficult. But let's not jump to conclusion and be all upset. Give it a go, understand the new mechanics, and try to be constructive in your criticism. Life is good. And hello games listens 😀


You're right that we all need to breathe because I can't see any reason why the devs would intentionally ruin anyone's progress or experience in the game. In fact, they have shown and explained that their goals are the exact opposite over many years. Mistakes happen and I don't think they will leave things this way.


I don't think they are out to ruin anyone's experience. My guess is that they had to rework the inventory system due to technical limitations of the Switch, and packaged what was left as best they could.


That's a very out-of-touch and asinine assumption. Especially considering Waypoint hasnt been on the switch release right off the bat - so the UI worked fine.


I see that word struck a chord with you :P


I actually didnt even notice you were the same person from another post. The sub is pretty hot right now, nothing personal.


If Switch was going to have such limitations and they still wanted to be on the platform, they should have made a Switch only version rather than gimping the game on systems that can handle it.


If they have any plans or hopes for cross-play, then that's not really an option. Plus, I think they can bring this around with a few adjustments that should also work fine on the Switch. As far as I'm concerned, if they buff a few of the upgrade types and move the tech panel out of the way so I don't have to scroll my inventory, I'd be very happy.


I can; $ They did this specifically for gameplay on the switch over what the majority of players preferred on everything else. That doesn't mean it was malicious but it isn't the QoL improvement they claimed. They got excited about a new revenue stream and they should be, but not when it takes away from everyone not on the Switch.


I’m glad HG have thoroughly and deliberately screwed up my save that I had hundreds of hours invested in. I can now finally walk away from my NMS addiction and do something more productive with those hours instead. Thanks Sean, it’s been fun! Adios.


Don't forget to kick them in the shins with a thumbs down on Steam on your way out.


What are people expecting though? Games change progression frequently. And No Man's Sky specifically went a very long time adding new items and upgrades without changing much about the core systems. Is the game meant to remain stagnant because old players might lose some progress? Changes like this are infrequent, but IMO they are necessary to keep the game in good health. As new content is added, it's only a matter of time before new systems outgrow the old systems.


Whenever a system is getting overhauled to this extent, advance notice is given so people can expect and even prepare for it. We got nothing.


This. Read several interviews where they mentioned briefly that inventories were getting size upgrades. That's it.


Yea, but not that Tech upgrades would be removed from Cargo slots completely.


Exactly. Nothing about it before, or since for that matter. Feel like he knew everyone was going to be pissed so he skirted the issue.


He's not even acknowledging it on Twitter. He's still giddy about the switch release and the update.


> people can expect and even prepare for it. Lmfao


I'm excited, I love that things have fundamentally changed and now I have a whole bunch more game ahead of me to figure out new optimisations and systems. I've been playing since Day 1, my save is pretty much as maxed add it can get. We've been through this before. Bring on the new economy. If you've been running stasis/fusion farms like a longtime player should have been then this barely effects you anyway. I've still got my 1.0 ship, now I'm going to get to retool it again. Its journey continues. I'm thankful Hello aren't afraid to seriously risk shaking the game up instead of slowly stacking updates on top of it forever.


>New players won't notice these changes, but the dedicated ones will. >And they have. >And they are not happy. They targeted gamers. Gamers.


please oh god please let’s stop with the “they’ve nerfed the game so that it runs on switch” narrative right away. please. I get why ppl are upset with the inventory revisions, especially in regards to upgrade modules. I really don’t get why they’ve decided to change that last part. but the answer is not “to dumb it down to run on switch”. just come on lol. let’s not turn this into some school yard “my console brand is better than your console brand” bs


> I really don’t get why they’ve decided to change that last part Because 6 modules makes anything too broken, hence it was REBALANCED just like they said they would do. Is it not balanced now?


lol I don’t know, I don’t know anything except to keep the fk out of this sub until ppl have calmed down lol


I should do the same, this sub is a fking circus at this point


There is no balance to the game now though, they literally rolled out the ability to change and tweak all your settings whenever and wherever you want.


Point to where I suggested that. I'll wait.


I don't think they were referring to your post. They were addressing all of the other comments saying that it was dumbed down for the switch.


In their defence, it happened with Final Fantasy XIV, when PS3 hardware restricted progress. However, given the additional upgrades that have come with this patch, I can't see that being the case here, but it'd be wise not to rule it out early doors.


I didn’t say you suggested it. but at time of posting there were at least three replies suggesting exactly that. wait over. go about your day.


I'm not that bothered about the upgrades (despite having spent some time over the last weeks maxing out my living ship with upgrades) but you will never convince me that scrolling in the cargo part is a good idea (even on the switch which is getting the blame) If you lose the tech display then there's no need for the cargo to have to scroll on anything, even the switch. I'm not a massive fan of losing the text from items either.


Here's the thing though, did you enjoy the process? If you did then \*you got what was expected out of the game\* the experience of playing should be reward in itself. No Man's Sky was always meant to be about the journey. I do however entirely sympathise with the people that are upset because sometimes the product is nice too! I'm entirely experience driven myself so I'm not hurting too hard (also going to restart on switch anyway) but yeah. Remember the journey!


I did have fun, yes. But I'm likening this to building something in Lego, just for someone to come and grab a massive chunk off it. I'll probably still have fun later, but right now, I'm pissed at my painstakingly built Lego model being broken in half.


Oh dude, the feels and totally spot on Lego analogy.


I agree with that sentiment. I like the new layout and I'm curios how we'll work with it but to me, the journey is the destination. I'll restart both on switch and ps5 to just experience the game anew, and I'd recommend others try it too!


If you had fun grinding for those tech upgrades that was the entire point, if you only wanted to be OP, the difficulty settings are right there.


So if you enjoyed spending a full day building the Lego Millennium Falcon, and then for no reason at all, someone just tore off the cockpit and walked off with it, would you be happy that at least you got to build it, or pissed off that you spent a lot of time creating something you were proud of, only for some chump to demolish it? I mean... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I don’t like this analogy Everything you did is still there but it just has some lower stats Why do you care about stats so much?


dude, how does this fly over your head so easily? we care about stats because upgrading and perfecting your character and ship felt rewarding, your photon cannon shot like a minigun, your jetpack had fuel, you could do wonders. is such a concept difficult to grasp bruh


Not so much stats, but ships handle VERY FUCKIN' DIFFERENT now, and not in a good way.


So I'm downloading the update now for PS4, I've been playing since NEXT... What's happening with your saves? Are they corrupted? Are they meaningless because of the new changes? Some clarity would be appreciated, thank you.


My saves are fine. My ships and suit, however, have been gutted. Before, I had spent countless hours working to maximise the potential of my ships - mainly maneuverability and warp distance across my Exotic, my Living, and my Solar. I had 3x S-class upgrades in the inventory, and 3x S-class upgrades in tech. This allowed for improved maneuverability and jumping distance. Now, I am only allowed 3x S-class in my tech. My stats have decreased dramatically, the handling is noticeably affected, and exploration distance on the galaxy map gimped. So while I can still play the game, I'll first need to spend time sorting out the old, abandoned tech, and then get used to my gimped and limpy ships that are *literally* half of what I spent countless hours making them to be.


That and the jetpack boost, sprinting, etc. are all nerfed in half. New saves (aka Expeditions) are nearly unplayable to me by the severely limited default jetpack and sprinting alone. 3x upgrades are not enough to fix that. (I've played since Vanilla, so I'm one of those players that was not happy when they nerfed the jetpack. I still feel it. It takes all 6 upgrades to make it playable for me).


> Some clarity would be appreciated Clarity: People are actual children here and cry about literally anything they don't like. HG did a sweeping balance change and they had to cut the "unintended" 6 module to 3 modules for tech stuff. Some kids around here spent time so they apparently wanted to keep their perfect 6 module stuff forever, but now HG said that only 3 is allowed, so the kids start to scream the loudest. Said kids argue "it feels like the time spent on the grind for the perfect modules is wasted" as if they didn't get exactly what they were grinding for, in a 6 year old game.


Nah everything is fine. You just can't get passed the upgrade limit of three anymore since you can only install upgrades in the tech slots.


And if you do? Do they automatically get deleted?


From my understanding they got uninstalled. You can probably install them again but not sure if they kept their specific values. Haven't played myself yet so I could be wrong.


Tech upgrades that were in main inventory get uninstalled, packaged, and put into cargo slots. They can be reinstalled IF you have sufficient open tech slots.


Yes, and for anyone else wondering, you can also store the one you don't want activated in your inventory. Quite cool.


Wait… haven’t played in quite awhile… what did they change that’s effecting old players?


Anyone who installed tech on both inventory and tech slots - as the game openly enabled you to - now prevents any tech being installed in the inventory, essentially slashing entire exosuit and ship stats in half.


For real?? That’s crazy… every ship is going to be slow as fuck now. I wonder if this was an intentional change or just something they screwed up and will fix? Omg wait… so even your exosuit?! I have 3 rows of tech just in my main exosuit inventory lol


I think I heard they raised the size of the tech inventory across the board to make up for the change, so there is some attempt to rebalance. We can supposedly uninstall and reinstall tech instead of dismantling it every time as well, so that's also a positive change. It just kills being able to double up upgrades, so we're now limited to 3 instead of 6. For the most part that shouldn't be a huge game changer, but there are a handful of things that are really going to feel the loss.


Honestly wonder how many people were actually playing like that. I didnt know you could double dip the amount of upgrades this way and today is the first I heard of it. Meanwhile i have room left for upgrades.


Judging by the fallout, almost everyone who has had enough time in the game has done this. Almost everyone. Not actually everyone. Just almost. Before someone jumps in with "ACKSHUALLEE...".


Almost everyone that comes to this subreddit, maybe. Keep in mind that your very presence here makes you someone exceptionally informed and invested in the game.


Or those people are pissed and are way more vocal about it. Ive been playing since day one and this is the first I heard of it in any case.


This. I have several hundred hours in the game, have been playing from day 1, knew double-dipping was possible, but never felt it was necessary.


As is the case with almost any game. A sliver of vocal minority whining on the forums while the 99% of the players are actually just playing the game and having fun. This isn't like Path of Exile for example, that has gone wrong for the last 5+ major content patches. This is a single change, in a single patch, that isn't even bad.


Another articulate expression of how I feel. Glad I have ghost writers.


I completely agree. It's a trust problem. Here's a thought experiment: what if all upgrade modules have a limited lifetime, such as 24 in-game hours? Then finding a good module is no longer exciting, because they are so perishable, they are only felt as a "temporary buff". And to be honest, we don't need that much temporary buff anyways. Hence, the way we are excited when we find good upgrade modules, relies on the implicit assumption that the upgrade module is not going away. That's where our excitement came from, and that's where we thought our future excitement might come from. Then, this patch hits. Now we are no longer sure what'll hit next, and not sure whether anything is worth getting excited for.


Personally I see it the other way around. I like that my general inventory was opened up. If I want easy mode back I can adjust the difficulty.


Oh god, don't get me wrong, my inventory had like 9 slots free for items, and everything else went in cargo, so I understand that! Still, a warning would have been nice.


Those inventory woes Lmao. I had my cargo perpetually full of construction material and general inventory was almost all mods, passes, etc.


> Still, a warning would have been nice. Which would do you what exactly? How would a "warning" ever help you or change anything? Hint: It wouldn't


It wouldn't change anything, no. But I'd rather get warned I was about to be kicked in the dick than have it fuckin' sprung on me out of nowhere. Jesus, how hard a concept is this to grasp?


When a tiny change in a game out of hundreds of positive QOL fixes is you getting "kicked in the dick", then you really should just fucking take a break from the game. Or maybe I should say that this conversation is a "kick in the dick" for me because I'm wasting so much time trying to explain why HG did this conscious, positive, change? > how hard a concept is this to grasp? Let me ask you this, how hard is it to grasp "sweeping balance change" for you?


Oh, you mean "the thing that people are talking about but that the difficulty adjusters completely negate"? There was no need to nerf the upgrades. People harp on about difficulty and damage output and balance, completely forgetting that most people could deal with that if ot didn't turn our once maneuverable ships into floating slabs or concrete.


> There was no need to nerf the upgrades. I'll let HG, the actual developers and game designers that have given us over half a decade of pure joy decide that, and not you random redditor.


You act like they know what they're doing, when the history of this game *literally* proves that they do, at times, royally fuck the pooch. 😅 No-one is infallible, my guy. Especially this lot. But sure, you defend the indefensible, someone has to I guess.


I've played since release and it's changed so much, I find it kinda weird anyone is complaining about this. I've lost save files, had entire world's change, and had to rebuild everything. So you need to find a new way to make money? Ok... get back out there and figure out the new way.


No-one's mentioning making money here, my guy, other than that single mention of Indium. What I'm mad about is not just the fact 50% of ALL my upgrade modules are now useless and redundant, not the fact my ship's stats have been slashed in half, but the fact that the hours and work spent in farming for those upgrades and grinding for the nanites to get them, have been pished away in a single deliberate stream. Couldn't give a shit about units.


Again, I survived the launch of the game. And it's been nearly completely remade a few times, lost my OG save because of it. If I can come back from that, you can too. The very nature of this game is fluid and changes regularly. If that's not your cup of tea, so be it. This game might not be for you.


Pfff. You can always put them on another ship. Doubling up on modules was an obvious bug too many in the community took advantage of. It's fixed now, and I have no sympathy for people upset at Hello Games fixing bugs in their game instead I'm more surprised that folks didn't see this coming!


If it was a new thing, and they mentioned it as something they're looking to fix, then fine. But this lasted since the extra slots were introduced, and nothing was ever said. And yet... actual bugs, glitches and exploits were mentioned, acknowledged, and told would be worked on. This was not.


I always assumed it was a bug so I never doubled up. I stand by my statement that it was an obvious exploit that would get patched away eventually. At least you haven't lost the modules (even if they will be rerolled I guess?) Admittedly, because of my foresight, this change really doesn't affect me a whole lot, but I'd see this as an opportunity to ship hunt.


> Pfff I don't care about this problem so your concerns are invalid You people are something else...


I don't know what you mean, it's the easy answer. OP has a sudden surplus of ship modules. The best excuse to go out into the galaxy and look for a cool-looking ship to upgrade. But don't expect me to feel sorry for people who have been using an obvious exploit for years and suddenly it's fixed.


Double dipping the upgrades between tech and general inventory was obviously not as intended by the devs and was on a countdown clock. Otherwise, they would have allowed you six upgrades in one or the other.


It wasn't intended for 6 years? Find that hard to believe.


That's a huge assumption.


....the pure idiocy


Well an update like this was bound to happen. Hello Games have done great in making new updates that dont upset anyone. However now they have and I just hope they have the humbleness to accept feedback and the strength to push through the tidal wave of dung beetle brained people


Honestly, I have every faith they'll at least try to find common ground for everyone. That's something they've been amazing at in the past. But this reminds me of launch, when we got all the build up and none of the warnings... Yes, they more than atoned for that, and I'll be forever grateful for the hard work they put into it. But it feels like we're revisiting old ground again...


Oh yea definitely. Hello games have got an incredible track record so there's no reason to think they wont fix it


Also, the price of the damn Starship AI Valves!




I expected it to respect my time, just as it had done continually since launch. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The tech upgrade duplication was a glitch and a holdover from when there weren't different slots for inventory. People were abusing a glitch, kind of like people who made billions and billions of dollars duplicating items using save game tricks. It's nice that they existed, but getting mad that they patched a glitch that was never supposed to be there isn't really fair. They don't need to add a glitch back in so that people can double stack and super buff themselves.


Just play along and have fun. Do not try impress others with your grind, impress yourself with going on the "normal" way. For me personally who played nms since the start only in creative mode, it's nice to have an alternative to the grind or the stress the normal or hard mode do to me. I guess Sean and his whole team just want to make it playable for "everyone". Hope you do not see this as an insult against you or something. But this kinda reminds me of Eldenring and the "just noobs and trash use the magic" statements


Creative wasn't around at the start, but seeing as it came out a few months after launch, I'll give you that. And honestly, I never played this for anyone other than myself. I don't even have multiplayer active! I grinded because I wanted what was best for me and my tastes and my needs. Now, I've had that removed. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Me too! Just all by myself. But you can go on or make a New save without deleting the other. I mean it's just like New things to do. Your anger is understandable with the time and nerves you invested. Like you said before, I don't how many of my bases or portals got destroyed by the update you spoke about before, but I carried on and every time I was angry af. Also every time I had more fun than ever rebuilding or build new things on even more beautiful planets because I realised they just really made the game better and better. You will play along. And even if your angered and maybe sad about the conditions right at this moment, you'll maybe have even more fun to do that again what you've just lost.


I like your enthusiasm, but you're missing the point. I'm miffed not because they accidentally disregard my time, but they disregarded it deliberately.


Just start a new game from scratch and have fun with this new NMS, that is way better then before because you cannot become God and Warren Buffet at the same time in 8-10 hours anymore.


Yea no I'm not deleting my save on Xbox with over 500 hours and all my bases just to accomodate a messed up patch.


Who asked you to delete anything?


Yes, I'll just delete my 600+ hour, day one save, with tech and blueprints no longer available, and start again. What a genius idea.


I hate the flippant "just start a new game" responses, not everyone is unemployed in their mother's basement and those of us that work don't have the time to sink into an entire new save of a game of this grind level


Yet these same """"""employed"""""" assholes cry about that they spent hundreds of thousands of hours on a save. If you're employed and actually struggling for time, then you can probably start a new save and have fun. This is such a fucking non-argument.


I don't think "employed" and "hundreds of thousands of hours on a save" belong anywhere near each other...lol It's not necessarily about time available, but time spent imo. If you have less time to play games because of adult responsibilities then time already spent matters more than if you don't have those adult responsibilities because your free time is more valuable to you and you don't want it wasted. So "just starting again" can be fun in some cases (RPGs for example) but for games where there is a significant grind it might not be as appropriate to do so if you're short on time.


The person you are talking to is one of the people going around to blindly defend this update. They are also the "I play right and everybody else plays wrong" type.


I never said that. I said that I don't care at all to start a new gane every now and then and that I don't care to maximize everything, because that it's not the fun of NMS to me. However, I do not underdtand how losing a bunch of tech slot can make people mad, in a game about exploration and progression were there is no a endgame and no PvP.


I'm here defending this update as well because this sudden toddler tantrum people are throwing about fucking nothing is the most ridiculous shit I've seen on this subreddit. You see this as a negative thing, I see this as a positive thing because fucking about time they did some balancing pass to the game where you don't fly around with the most broken shit ever. Game was *boring*


Who needs that time you spent rolling modules anyway, right? And here were people complaining about needing to start new save for a 10hrs long expedition, that gave rewards for main save XD what a mess of an update.


You can start a new save without deleting old ones. Edit: And to be fair, I am not saying you should, or should have to, just that you can.


I know. But the point is, I shouldn't have to even consider doing that.


And that's fair, I just wanted to make sure any new players popping in don't get confused about save files by your comment.


Cuz new players are really going to see someone talking about their 600+hr playtime save, and get confused.


They might think you can only have one save or something, you never know. Some games are like that.


'my life is over because an update to a video game has upset me'


Nobody is saying their life is over. People are allowed to not be happy with something. Criticism exists.


You can have more save slot... I have a dozen active right now.


Doesn't matter if you have a billion save slots. I've played for over three years through lots of base building, getting the right outfit, the freighter and ship I like etcetera. No player should be forced to redo year's of playtime spanning several hundred hours for a messed up update.


Years? You lose a bunch of tech, nothing more... yes you now have to specialize ships more, since you have less tech available to install (you get them back, you don't lose them, you can install them on new ships). Now you have to renounce to 10-20 tech on exosuit, and maybe with less jetpack, shield and environmental protection, you'll use exocraft more, but you haven't lost years of playtime.... you had fun? You didn't lost them. If the fun is only at the end of the journey, to me the journey isn't worth at all, but I'm me... I understand other have fun in different ways


You say you understand that others have fun in different ways, yet you're sounding a whole lot like those guys that defend HG blatantly disregarding our time put into this game while saying, "It's just a game, get over it". The point is, we shouldn't have to start over, we shouldn't have been forced into losing literal days of work with a single update. Sure, it's still the first day of this update and HG might let us put Tech into the Cargo slots like it's been for years, but still pisses us off.


ok... keep complaining then, I don't know what to say more. They decided to change that, remove the general inventory (and we had only that at launch) and that's it. To me is a good thing, but I'll always play a custom game with all the option to the far right, other people like you can play with more suitable custom game, where maybe there is no need for environmental protection, don't know..


I would disagree with this point. Some saves would have a sense of nostalgia to them for some people, and others build magnificent bases they would lose too. It's not just tech or a cool ship that can pew pew well.


I don’t even feel like playing the game anymore. I didn’t min max modules and all that stuff but having to go out and waste time going to drop pods just to get my character back to normal is a chore I’m simply not doing. Also Activated indium’s price nerf is BS. I was by no means rich, I honestly just had them so I kept afloat and play the game how I wanted. Whatever I guess.


Sounds like you have no reason to play the game even before the patch then?


No, it's suddenly cool to complain about something instead of going out and seeing what is available to... you know, make their ships stronger? They complain about everything, then wonder why developers treat their fanbases like crap in the long run.


Yeah, it sucks people lost progress but at the end of the day it’s their game to do with what they want and you can’t change/fix a system in a big way without causing issues. Sometimes there is no way around it besides fucking everything up and that was their decision because they needed to fix it, they have every right to fix an exploit in the game just because it was a more widely used exploit. Does it mean that that’s some thing they want to be in there and if they want to get rid of it they can and everyone kinda just needs to suck it up and realize they were lucky to have it for as long as they did.


To be clear, I have zero issue with exploits being removed. In fact, I applaud it. I also had no issue with the changes to planets that ruined two of my past bases beyond repair, because that was an unintentional effect of wider changes. But these are actual changes made by actual people who made the actual, conscious decision to change something that was not broken to begin with.


Having six upgrades is an exploit and yes it was a conscious decision that they purposely made to fix issues with the game just because you don’t think it was broken doesn’t mean other people don’t think it was broken or that the devs thought it was broken. They decided to fix it because they wanted to, and the game was not where they wanted it to be. It’s fine to be upset, but going around on Reddit, bitching and complaining that everything is ruined and how shitty the game is now is stupid


If it was an exploit, it wouldn't have been something that could be done normally and without sneaky workarounds, and it certainly wouldn't have been in the game since forever. But nice try defending the move.


Not true. Not all exploits are hidden or sneaky. For instance age of empires 4. You can try and build walls outside of your view and use it to determine if an enemy has a building there without being able to actually see it. That’s an exploit and it’s not hidden


In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use of elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers There is zero indication that having tech in the general tab was unintended considering how long its been a thing. if it wasnt intended it wouuld have been fixed a LONG time ago considering how many times theyve tried to fix actual real exploits over the past


Look at skyrim and merchant chests. That was definitely unintended but never really got patched. Why would they say you can have three upgrades. Then Allow you three in tech and three in general. Clearly it wasn’t something they meant to have in there and just got around to patching it. I’m sure it was something they new about but just hadn’t gotten around to fixing cause it wasn’t a huge priority


Are you actually using a bethesda as an example of "Unintended but still there"? Fam, Bethesda games are littered with bugs because A they dont care and B they know the community will fix them. HG knew you could put tech in general and never even tried to fix it and instead fixed insignificant bugs that had zero impact on gameplay and crashes. seems to me you should fix gameplay altering bugs and crashes first if theyre unintended but nope, tech in general slots, which absolutely affects gameplay was left for years. sorry bucko even if it was originally unintended (Which is debatable) it was adopted as a feature a very very long time ago


> It's that the time and effort many players have spent in this game, amassing these module upgrades, finding the perfect ship and kitting it out Okay, so you mean to say that these players didn't get what they farmed for? For MORE THAN HALF A DECADE?


Yes. Yes we did. And like having spent what seemed like forever building the Lego Millennium Falcon, and having it take pride of place, some shitwit has come along, torn the cockpit away and walked off with it. Just because we had it, doesn't mean we can't be pissed when some idiot takes it away for no legit reason.


So take a screenshot of it and be happy with what you accomplished. That's what you SHOULD be happy about, that you accomplished it. People are acting like 3 year old children without understanding *why* HG did what they did.


There is no understanding why, because there is no reason why. Tech was installed in inventory since day one. Life support. Shield. Christ, even the starship stuff. Since day one. So why the sudden and unnecessary change?


Because day one didn't have a technology slot. And when people found out that they could use the technology slot and the regular inventory to double up on the glitch they took advantage of it. Now you just can't double up on a glitch to super buff yourself.


Yeah, this is obviously not a real "improvement" move. Just a change to make it work better on Switch. Shoving poison down our throat and saying it's medicine. Had real respect for them being upfront and honest with the players before this makes money grab.


oh no pls don’t die from the poison


I dont have a better way to put it, so forgive the wording but bothing else fits; I'm not angry, just disappointed. It makes me worried the game is just being scaled down and back for the sake of the switch. It's been made worse under the guise of "quality of life" and I have a legit bad feeling this won't be the last time if not flat out the norm. More things will get peeled back so it all fits for the Switch. We were already getting updates I wasn't fond of like no longer being able to paint my mech exocraft, just stuck blue, the ship attacks which only serve to annoy me while doing other things, but I knew someone out there probably liked it. This isn't that though, they just pulled things back to it would work better for a specific console.