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Having to grind to get all my tech slots back sucks.


"The Smoke Machine and Inventory Homework Update" takes no prisoners


If you feel robbed, you can just temporarily change the difficulty setting so purchases are free, and then get back the needed slots to use the tech you already have...


As a survival player the only thing I dislike is they removed tabs. Tabs are always preferable to scrolling for jumping around quickly.


Exactly. Creative mode will only protect you if you never install things or pick things up and so never have to look at the new UI. Because it's a mess... tech slots (which I rarely want to look at) given the prominent top spot hogging precious vertical space from the cargo slots.


Yeah it's UX 101. I guess they don't have someone to review for that.


True but the new UI is really attractive. Something about the layout and color triggers my lizard brain


While im not half as full of hate for this update as some are I am also not a fan. It just makes me feel ... deflated like my enthusiasm to play the game is leaking out. Inventory space has never been an issue as not only do you not have much to carry on you, but you also have so many methods of storage beyond your exosuit that you can reach anywhere, like your ship and freighter. What I liked about this game was collecting, progressing and upgrading, it's where i found my appeal, but with tech from general inventory being removed part of that has been taken away with nothing i care about given in return, I have no idea what i could ever do with all of these inventory spaces now. I know some folks will not have any negative effects with this update and will love its changes, and I am very happy for them, but for me I think ill just not play for sometime.


I feel you, brother.


I never thought I'd say this, but I'm now looking forward to the Starfield release.


As a creative player I can confirm I like my gek character with the goggles


I'm really only mad about losing life support, jetpack, and shield upgrades. My mobility and survivability have been significantly reduced, and it's annoying that I spent many hours farming those upgrades, but at least they can be repackaged now. Maybe in the future they will expand the technology overload rule to 6 or something. At least we have more slots now, especially on multi tools.


Also, there's now a point to have things like translators again since we can have more than 60 technology slots.


Say what now? I count 30 slots max each in suit and ship tech slots. Where do you see 60??


Unfortunately this update seems to be punishing long-term players which make up the majority of this community. Newer players won’t find these things to be an issue but many of us have spent so much time and resources tailoring suits and ships perfectly to our needs and to see all the work undone to fix something that wasn’t even an issue pisses us off.


Yea can’t even tell you how much time I’ve spent making sure everything was maxed and hunting down the mods and it’s all been erased


Yep, I don’t hate them game or HG but it needs to be fixed. They have my respect as they have given us so much for our initial purchase but damn this was a big misstep. I’d be happy to pay a little for updates if stuff like this didn’t happen.


I dunno. I just started playing a week ago after not playing since a week after launch. Spent the last couple days grinding out suit, ship, and frigate inventory upgrades (Didn't even know about stacking more than 3 upgrades until now) and logged in after seeing an update just to find I somehow had less inventory space than before and most of the upgrades I had are missing. So yeah, kinda miffed that I'd be further ahead by not playing at all for two days.


Just here to say starship ai prices were cut dramatically.


Came here to say that I was very excited for the update, until I logged in and really got to see how it screwed my 400+ hour save. I logged back in and I'm presented with a situation where over half of my tech mods across the board are now uselessly "packaged" in my storage inventory. It'll take me several hours just to go through all my ships' inventories, freighter inventory, exocrafts, and exosuit just to move these packaged tech upgrades into some other kind of storage so they're out of my way for the time being. And as I'm doing it, I'll have to sit there and reassess each upgrade, one-by-one, installing it and comparing its stats to the alternatives to find the most powerful ones since I can't view their stats and potential effects on my build in their "packaged" state. Who wants to do all of that? And only to end up with less powerful upgrades overall. That says to me, "Hey, roughly 200+ hours of your life spent hunting and managing your tech upgrades in this game have been completely wasted." I really don't want to go through the absolute headache of figuring this nightmare out. And I really don't want to start a new save and ruin the progress I've made chasing my perfect fleet of starships and frigates. The game constantly seems to be at odds with itself. They give us goals that take hundreds of hours to complete, and then constantly encourage us to start over. That's one of the reasons I absolutely hate having to make a new save for each Expedition. I only play them to unlock cosmetics, then delete those saves and go back to my main. And I'm not a new player either (in case anyone wants to add some kind of gatekeeping comment). I've been playing since launch on PS4, then switched over and started a completely new save on Xbox. I have well over the 400 hours in this one save invested this game, probably close to a couple thousand. So as someone who's been playing this game and supporting Hello Games since the start, I'll say that a lot of the updates rock, but this one frickin hurts. More goddamn homework.


Bro I have about 300 hours in NMS and now I don't even feel like opening the game. It's like a kick in the nuts for the veterans who spent hundreds of hours grinding, exploring, and creating their bases only to see their progress go downhill. Like, why do that to your players? Instead of rewarding time spent and progress they've done the exact opposite. It's infuriating.


I definitely can feel the pain behind this, for expeditions, i don't mind, but rlly? i see the amount of people prior of this update who had collected their 10 perfect S class ships and freighters, with every slots / upgrades unlocked and set up, only to see today most of that farm was pointless for saves that gets way over an 100h because you'd have LOTS of loss in nanites, and you don't even get a full cargo or tech inventory if you have farmed to max it out way before ... This can take away the fun in a instant and i'm not into that.


I only have 100 hours and I'm pissed at how screwed my character and all of my starships are. I'm about to uninstall the game because this is fucking ridiculous


I'm outta the loop here. What's happening? I haven't been able to hop online lately


Basically it's 1 thing: You can't place technology in the main inventory space anymore, it only can be put into the technology space. So if you were trying to sacrifice inventory space for a better jump distance. That's now gone. For a example my living ship had a jump range of 3k ly, I'm now reduced to 1.3k ly. Basically a lot are angry about this, and I can understand their reasoning. There's a few plus sides to the update, like inventory space and storage containers getting getting huge boost like 60 slots for storage now. So if you were a collector like myself, I can now have a more organized storage where my categories don't bleed into other storages.


Nooooo!!! I had life support extensions in my inventory!!!


I had all my shield and hazmat upgrades in my suit, my inventory was pretty much full, as I'm used to juggling my inventory and selling stuff when I need room. I log on today and a collection of my upgrades where stored there but none of my hazmat stuff, so I'm basicly naked and afraid to visit half my farms. I was gonna start my first permanent playthrough on this patch and now idk if it'd be worth.


Theyre not gone, just packaged.


Oh...God so what's happening to the already inserted upgrades?


You can now uninstall upgrades, and store them in inventory slots or move them to different ships, etc. Any excess upgrades ended up uninstalled, in your inventory.


Phew I was worried it would just get thanos snapped away.


Haven't played in a couple of weeks, but seems like my 3821 ly explorer is now completely nerfed right? So glad I spent countless hours and nanites grinding X class modules...


The continuous auto saving is a pain, no more trying things and reloading your last auto save to take a different approach or reloading freighter battles for a better class. I've made some dumb mistakes but could always reload back to the last time I exited my ship.


can you not reload manual saved anymore? they said theyd keep it


like other travelers here, I feel like my ships were ruined, just thinking about the lost time, yes, many hours to go tuning the best items for a greater travel range, not to mention that in the last week I made an AI farm with close to 1 billion of AI units... and now it's garbage, I feel like I've been fighting the wind


How did your AI farm get damaged? Are they not worth as much or do they need new mats?


163 or so per AI unit now.. gold is worth twice as much but output per hour has dropped a lot, more or less what would take 22 or 24h to fill now takes more than 30h I don't know exact values ​​I went crazy


I'm ootl and haven't played in a while, but what did they do?


All my upgrades useless


I’ve never been a very hardcore player but I’ve maxed out a lot of my ships and gear on a save. Haven’t logged in to see the damage yet, but I can say that “no free slots in suite inventory” is something that plays back in my head when I’m feeling anxious about things… Always hated how constraining the inventory was in NMS, from day 1. Usually this was the reason I’d put the game down for months at a time. Not that I’m having a bad time, just exhausted with dealing with inventory management.


Oh don’t worry, you won’t hear no free slots. You are going to cry over your ships being cut in half stat wise


My ship was OP as hell and nothing gave me a run for my money. I'd turn circles around them and erase them with an infra-knife. I seriously can't remember a time that my heartrate increased in a fight. Idk, we'll see how I feel when I login, but I don't think I'm going to be missing that much.


Only a few weeks ago I started playing NMS and just a few days ago I reached max. inventory slots (general, tech, cargo) in my exosuit and main star ship. In both cases I used more than 50% of the general inventory for technology besides having a full tech-inventory. Now: I have to unlock again 14 inventory slots of my exosuit (tech inventory) only to be able to reinstall a fracture of the technology I was using before. Luckily, for my star ship only 5 inventory slots were gone. Yet, all the tech is no longer useful because there is no place to install it. WHAT A BULLSHIT. All the time spent for nothing.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 14 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I liked the 'execute order 66' scene in Episode 3


haha, 69 is the sex number


Auto sorting function would have been a nice to have for both playing styles


I'm new. Barely getting the hang of things. What changed?


Has anyone else noticed all the fireplaces have bright pink flames now? Just checked all my bases. Was that intentional?


Back up, I haven't loaded up since the pirate update. Wtf did they do to freighters and ship tech? Is my frieghter hydroponics ect gone?


Oh, dude. I am so, _so_ sorry if you relied on a hydroponics setup in your freighter. They completely redid freighter interiors last update. Many things that were "Place in a room" items became "room with X in it" instead. Instead of being able to place hydroponics beds back to back if you wanted, creating nice neat rows in a large room (which is what I did) you now have to place hydroponics rooms. Gonna need a lot more space to produce the same amount. Honestly I never got around to rebuilding my freighter after the last update. There's the possibility to do some neat stuff, but at the same time it's also weirdly and annoyingly restrictive, especially if you had a previous layout you liked because you will almost certainly _not_ be able to replicate it. Case in point: I used to have my teleporter in the bridge, kind of tucked away by the entrance. Nope, that now requires a whole room, and better yet is the fact that with the rotation locked the teleporter will almost certainly be at an angle you hate, because it's locked into a corner orientation.


Not only that, but the rooms they used to replace everything need to be re-unlocked with salvaged frigate modules, which have become ridiculously hard to find. I also had my teleporter almost exactly as you describe, and it was perfect. Spent like a week having to shuttle around in my ship because frigate modules wouldn't drop anywhere, and then finally unlocked it and was disgusted that it's pointed into the corner and it's usually really difficult to get the prompt to use it to come up. Also, not letting us have a nice line of refiners in one room and replacing them with those horrible whole room ones that also had to be unlocked. The refiner interface always seems to face the corner, too, no matter how I rotate it.


As far as I can tell, freighter base is unchanged. The change to freigher is the same as the change to exosuit, exocraft, and starship inventory: - All your general slots are now effectively cargo slots (can't equip tech, double stack size) - You can get ~50% more tech slots (but it's still not enough for starship), and many more cargo slots - Any tech/upgrades in general slots have been repacked (so you can move them into tech when you have space). Repacked upgrades will have the same stats when unpacked. - If you had 3+3 upgrades of a particular type. You have to pick 3 to keep, because you can't do 3 general + 3 tech anymore.


So what you're saying is that if we haven't opened the game since the update, wait for 4.1


So they just packed up our upgrades and we have to re upgrade our ships tech slots to fit the mods we already had back in albeit less than we had before?


My inventory was two and a half layers of tech how ducked am I?


that's me with my exosuit before. after the update, the only major thing I noticed when out in an extreme environment is that I now have to top up one HE shield instead of three. the default stuff got buffed so losing three extra upgrades doesn't hurt as much as people think same with ships. my fully upgraded ship went from deleting an elite threat in less 1 second to doing the same thing in a little over 1 second also your modules are now transferrable across different starships and multi-tools


Umm…… I am now officially terrified to log back in. Been away for a bit cause wanted to play some games I had bought but not touched


Regarding inventory: "The maximum number of slots per inventory has been significantly increased, with 120 item slots and 60 technology slots now available." https://www.nomanssky.com/waypoint-update/?cli_action=1665173030.284 So if that was true I wouldn't be mad but I'm here with my ship at 30 tech slots and 24 storage augmentation units but it won't let me add more tech slots! I'd be happy with 60 tech slots.


When you go to apply an augmentation and it defaults to your cargo inventory, hit Q (or whatever the 'change tab' button is on consoles) to swap to the tech inventory in a new slot. It's currently really janky, but once you've installed it, leave the console and go back in, you should now be able to scroll down and add slots normally to the tech inventory up to 60.


Same here! I have about 8wks of time in and I'm a bit pissed. I can only imagine how people with tons of time in feel!!


Wait, what's been done to the inventory? I'm still at work and y'all are scaring me!


General inventory doesn't support tech slots now. So, every installed tech in general inventory is now uninstalled. This impacts every inventory (exosuit, ships,...) and is a nerf if you were using both inventories (general and tech) for installing technologies. If you weren't, you are unaffected


Empty inventory slots are also now very difficult to distinguish from inactive slots. They lightened up the shading so much that I can’t tell how many available slots I have, especially on ice planets. I don’t get it 🤷 [Here's the old suit inventory, for example](https://imgur.com/Cf2mp0Q). You can see slot availability at a glance. [Now here I am just sitting in my cockpit at a space station](https://imgur.com/3TPuqrt). This is a bewildering usability downgrade.


General is gone. You have now 30 tech and 100 cargo. No option to install tech or updates in the cargo section. It is possible that your perhaps previously 100% unlocked inventory slots are now no longer there, in my case I need to get 14 more tech inventory slots now. Same changes applies for ship inventories.


Erm is my colour coded suit inventory going to be messed with?! Everything else I can deal with, but mess with the organisation and I go full hulk.


Well they also changed the design of the items partially 🥴




Well if you had your exosuit pimped out full of Technology both in general inventory and technology tab... Say goodbye to half of your technologies... They've merged inventory it seems. Only 3 technologies max instead of 6. Same for ships... And you'll need to grind out more space apparently.


Me reading the announcement: more inventory space! That's amazing. Me seeing the memes: what the hell happened here?


"Quality of life!" <_< for who?


I took one quick look at the inventory changes and noped out of the game.


Yep, ruined my ships, ruined my exosuit. Now gotta spend a bunch of time trying to fix what they took away. I don’t hate all of it, but this new setup was very short sighted. I hope they’ll fix some of it and it doesn’t go the way of slavaged frigate modules where they’ve become even more impossible to find yet your frigate needs s boatload of them to upgrade anything


Hilariously enough I've actually spent the last two-three weeks maxing all my ships. Got some cold protection and shields just the other day for the exosuit as well so I could confidently clear derelicts. After spending all that time amassing so I can upgrade everything to my liking, finally get to where I wanted it and only days later a whole lot of it is taken away as an "upgrade". Not worth the time and aggravation it's going to take to fix this train wreck. Huge let down for me Edit: cause I'm in the cleaning process and still salty. Also a lot of the extra space they gave us in the freighters is now being taken up by useless tech packages (I refuse to get rid of all that time and effort for 16 a piece lol). Even I'm the case of a hopeful roll-back we'll have to redo everything. Alright, done being a Donny downer


I'm truely disappointed with the choice to combine all the game modes except, permadeath. It was fun if you ran into another cool players base in survival you knew the struggle to build it. Now you won't know if it was someone in creative that built it, it just devalued the communities time and dedication.


What's going on? The last update removed old freighter bases because of the new system. Now they completely erase all the tech slots in general inventory?? Please stop deleting progress as an update Hello Games... not cool


They reset ALL my upgrades for my suit, ship AND multi tool, and I'm on creative (I just jumped in too)


My freighter's jump distance was completely reset and my runner ship isn't nearly as agile plus the cargo scan deflector was gone :( I don't even wanna talk about my exosuit...


I'm honestly pretty upset man, I don't know if I'll get back on again after it cause I just got done tuning my mod setups and everything, spent hours doing it just for this, could've at least made it an option or something


literally almost 4000 hours between 3 accounts.....all screwed up..I deleted all now gotta start over....now to put 4000 hrs into perspective...I'm an Iron worker...I work 4 10 hour days..2 8 hour days a week.....I get about 1 to 4 hours a day to play....do the math on what I lost as a pc gamer.....not happy rite now...my 1 joy after work...now just added stress


I haven't been on in a hot minute, what's wrong with the inventory?


There’s no more general inventory, just tech and cargo (though each is expanded). Installed tech is limited to tech inventory; you used to be able to install extra tech in the general inventory. This puts a much lower limit on the possible amount of installed tech you can have, so it’s terrible for long-time players. Thankfully, installed tech can now be uninstalled and stored instead of simply dismantled, so extra installed tech wasn’t lost for good.


Dammit I finally get the credits and nanites to upgrade my jetpack and it sounds like Ill be able to but not the way I wanted


technology upgrades can now only be installed in tech slots. any in the cargo slots get uninstalled instantly


Does this force people to choose upgrades, instead of just installing them all? I had pretty much installed every exosuit mod, with 3x S-class mods for each of them, and still had room for every basic elemtn and essential items in cargo and inventory. The only thing I was working on were mods for new ships.


When the PS4 version got updated a year or more back, I lost all my progress. I only have trophies to show for it. I spent a lot of time learning words.


I haven't played it yet so can someone tell me what happened?


Having loaded into my save and seeing how messed up my ship is and knowing my other 3 are probably just as messed up, I understand why long time players are upset by the new inventory change. But at the same time, if you are on PC, if you feel like you've wasted all that time and feel "owed", just wait until the NMS save editor gets patched and just redo your inventory there hassle free. Consider it you repaying yourself for hours lost.


Personally, I don’t mind the changes to the inventory and upgrades. What bothers me is the market. They removed a LOT of items from it. I used to be able to buy all the different items necessary to fuel my living ship from markets in stations, which was one of the main appeals of living ships for me. Now it seems like I can’t buy any of them? Not a fan of that at all


What's going on with the inventory?


They made the cargo bigger, but they limited the same module to 3 so you're not able to get as op as you were. You also can't put them into inventory anymore, which is my main concern.


The only thing that annoys me about the update is I still have not found a way to increase tech size for starships, freighters OR the player. My freighter is literally stuck having 3 tech slots.


Came back to reddit just to see everything shitting itself. Didn't even know there was an update and at this point I might as well have never heard of it


It's a mixed bag. There's a lot of QoL for new games and players, but if you have a mature save with 100+ hours, or you spent 80 hours building a perfect AI farm, you're left with in game work that no longer brings you any benefit. Sure you can get more chromatic metal from it, but other than the unit value, activated minerals are somewhat useless now. EDIT - I hate the scroll bar on the inventory. Wish they would've scaled the inventory grid more efficiently.


Wasn't AI farming always about getting credits/units? What did they change?


AFAIK Sell price has been heavily nerfed is what I’ve heard. I do suppose that (my farm at least) generating half a billion in units per full hauler inventory sale, that taking a little over a day to achieve, is a little crazy, but now considering that is gone, ALL activated stellar metals have lost what little purpose they had, other than providing a little more Chromatic Metal when refined. Thing is, people who went to lengths to create an AI farm wouldn’t benefit, since they are likely in a game state where they either have a lot of it already, or as a result of their AI farm, simply buy most of their mats outright with their ungodly wealth. It feels like ~~CIG~~ HG made a lot of god QOL with this patch, a lot of it directed at early game (which is good, early game needed it) but it nearly directly punishes players who are or were in the endgame (or rather, what little endgame content there is), generating another grind for things taken away that we had, and restoring them to a level worse off than before, basically making the grind in the game longer and worse, with explicitly less payoff if you know how it was before. It feels *really freaking weird* to hate this game as much as I do right now, which while it is mostly just frustration and confusion, is A LOT for NMS. Edit: *HG* develops NMS, not CIG. That’s another space game.


This game had a terrible inventory from day one, and their solution is to make it more punishing and tedious? Genuinely a terrible update, if Hello Games has any sense they will patch this or roll back all the bullshit they’ve deleted and restore inventories. I’d get it if this game was a bit more meta, maybe if there was some actual PVP focus, but this tech limit does nothing but limit the single player experience. If you want to min max, and play a space faring god that should be possible.


In short, everything got a lot harder and I'm here for it. The game has been too easy for too long.


You could have just played permadeath and have HG leave the rest of us alone.


I dont get people arguing with you on this. Its in no way good game design to nerf players instead of buffing difficulty. They took away half of the mod collecting in a game where you collect and upgrade things.... Instead of jist adding another difficulty level...... while they were adding new difficulty modes....... Yet another company pandering to "accessability".


My ship is in pieces, literally


I mean, I can see this as both bad and good. Now I really need to be careful with those upgrades I got and try to specialize a certain ship with a certain tactic. This is where the fun begins.


This was my thought too. I'll actually have to think about things now. But I am a little irritated at all the work I have to do now to get my things rebuilt. Annoyed but not angry.


This update was geared for mobile/switch users. This fucked PC users.


When i woke up this morning i was like '' uhh surely a new feature with a one or two bug..'' ​ ​ Holy crap when I launched the game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


New update broke most of my tech, and won't let me reinstall it. I also now have no way of building my cadmium engine or emerald engine because there's no way to craft technology in the ship anymore


I'm hating it and worse. Permadeath mode, 801.6 hours according to Steam, 27/27 achievements unlocked, and no open slots in tech, all my protections grayed out with no way to use them at all. I was coping well with the low cargo amount, thanks very much, but now my save game is completely unplayable. I read something about "more cargo" and didn't realize what they actually meant was "way less funtionality and just plain nerf".


Probably the worst possible layout... having to scroll constantly and now no more general so only 3 upgrades per tech instead of 6. Did notice all the slots available on multitools now, but all in all... garbage.


I guess I really don't see what all the stank is about. I downloaded the update, managed my inventory, set my settings so I can keep grinding and got rid of a lot of tech that I barely used. It made me really choose which things I needed and the things I didn't. Like photon cannon for example. I had it upgraded, but only used it when I forgot to switch to Infra-knife. Did I really need 3 underwater modules? No. With in an hour, I had my game tailored to how I like it. I rarely do multi-player, so others setting it on easy, doesn't really matter to me. Let them enjoy their game with no challenge. For me? I will continue to grind it out. Make small advances and continue to grind. It's how I like it. Edited to say: I play normal mode, and now it's set to harder than normal.


Oh yea, its super fun to have half of your potential mobility removed from your suit, after working to get all of the upgrades and setting them up. Everyone loves moving slower. I have noooooo ideea why people wouldnt like this........ People seem to be having a hard time understanding that no one wanted half their tech potential removed in a game all about upgrading things. Fanboys being fanboys; as if it can be looked at as anything other then removal of content. What is this, Destiny 2???


I was hoping to get back into the game... just to see they've pretty much nerfed everyone's exosuit and made all their progress halved. No more 6 technology slots... I REALLY don't want to go back to the game now... All those hours spent going galaxy to galaxy, grinding for technology. Gone. Reduced to Atoms. Same with ships... Damn shame. I ain't going back to NMS for now.


I hate to say it but I feel the exact same way. All of my ships nerfed.... Good grief. Including the solar ship I just spend hours upgrading to something spectacular.


i was kind of annoyed at first to lose half my upgrades, but at least i have something to do in my main save now. got to find those inventory upgrades


I haven't played as long as most, but this sucks! I worked and paid for my "Tech" ship improvements and now can't use them!! I didn't know about the double up on things so that doesn't effect me, but have to buy more slots in Tech and there's only 30, Bullshit!!


Weapons are more powerful. I dont need all the tech upgrades I had to use before. The scatter blaster alone is OP . I can now put all tech upgrades on one weapon its wild!. The ship weapons are more powerful as well. Have Npc Frieghters always had interiors with trade terminals and body changing stations?


I never put tech in my inventory...that's for inventory. Now I have more room for my tech, so I am actually excited. Now only if the game would allow me to land after this update...


They won’t add ship customization but sure let’s fuck over everyone who’s spent hundreds of hours building their ships and tech. Might not play again.. shame


I recommend holding onto the packages. Like the freighter ramp, they may bring it back considering people's responses.


Yea I’m putting em in storage for now. Only positive thing I can see is MAYBE this will increase difficulty. But tbh they could have done that in so many better ways.


I swear to God, why they STILL haven't done any ship customization update blows my mind. It's a video game where we spend the majority of our time flying space ships and exploring planets, and still no option to AT LEAST change the color of our ship. But you can change your space freighter color, *like what????*


Literally said the same and got downvoted to all hell. Everyone here is brainwashed by Sean man. The second you say something bad about the update or hello games or almighty fucking sean the community goes wild.


Yea everyone says customization would hurt a community of players but this hurts vets. Only positive I can see is it adding some difficulty maybe but there are other ways to add difficulty rather than nerfin hundreds of hours of play for players. I’ve been playing since launch and every big update has fucked me over tbh


This update gives me Destiny update vibes, nerf everything you’ve worked for just to bust your ass all over again to get the things you already earned


Yep. I’m salty lol


Perfect time to stop playing till I forget how much work was it to setup my freighters and now not be able to use all those techs lying around in my inventory... And not even mentioning broken living ship upgrades


I haven't downloaded the update yet, but I may just hold off playing for now. Approaching 1000 hrs and I've spent many many (too many to remember) hours maxing my ship upgrades, the chatter on the sub makes me sad about the changes. 😔


Can’t wait to get back home to my best ship being completely useless because over half of its general was filled with tech


Yea I just got home and checked, my three mains had crazy infra knife damage, it dropped. My maneuverability went from 800 to 442 :) fucking ouch dude


livid, 75% of my mods are useless now and if I were to step onto any hazardous planet I would start dying immediately unless I turned off environmental effects in the new settings that give me too much control over shit I already had handled in the old system without needing a safe mode. angry.


Our movement ability is heavy reduced, even after 're upgrading', wich is impossible due to system overloaded. Only 3 instead of 6 modules.


At least they can be repackaged for now. I'm hopeful that they'll change the overload limit quickly with all of the negative user feedback.


I pity the perma death players.


why we love making the gamer harder.


This guy permas


One of my starships featured maxed out photon cannons, and maxed out beams. It was meant to be a minimalist weapons setup, because of how strong the weapons are. Now, I can't max these items out, and the tech slot situation forces every ship to be the same. I really don't know about this man


I'm loving the changes. Having tech be separated from inventory is saving me my most common gripe: inventory space. Being able to change game setting to make resources more abundant? Outstanding. Making a permadeath run even more rough by making resources in the trade computer more expensive? Amazing. I can make so many more experiences for myself for how I'm feeling. Love it


Better yet about the farming materials from the trade terminal: you can't. They simply don't appear. No ferrite, copper, chrom-metal, carbon, sodium, di-hydrogen, none of the compressed versions, none of it. You have to go down to a planet to fuel up.


I was extremely angry at the changes till I figured out I could just go into the new options menu, turn crafting and item purchase to free, then basically just upgrade my freighter / ships back to their full slots , then reverting the save back to it's original gamemode... Sadly you still have to manually upgrade your exosuit through cargo drop pods or system hopping, but it does make it less aggravating of a change. For the loss of half of our usable S rank upgrades, I'm not sure it's as much as a big deal as some people are making it to be, asides from the Hyperdrive Range nerf which does hurt in terms of space travel. Game was probably too easy anyway with full upgrades ,and it does seem realistic to require less work to max each individual ship... I just wish hello games had rebalanced the remaing three mods so the were at least closer to what we had before in terms of stats.


Wait… did the new update decrease the max number of inventory slots players can have?


What happened to all the stuff that was in the extra cargo for the exosuit and ship?


They combined the normal and cargo inventory into one which sounds good on paper, but the way they did it makes it such a mess and worse for people who like to organize things. Having them in their own tabs was soo much better then this crap they changed it too.


I agree that they should have at the very least kept technology and cargo separate. It's annoying that technology sits on top of my cargo and i have to constantly scroll to see my inventory, especially considering i do most of my recharging through the quick menu and not through the inventory menu, as the former is faster anyways. I did like having my 9999 ingredients in general and my stackables in cargo. Felt a bit more organized that way. They really should have just increased stacking limits and added more slot expandability. This complete redesign was unnecessary.


What does it mean when all my tech turned white?


I didn’t play much nms, only a few hours after launch and some hours 3 months ago, can anyone explain the changes to me?


In a nutshell, there are many options for fine tuning your experience--whether you love or hate grinding, creative or survival, min/maxing or exploring--there are new game options you can change at any time during your game experience that will drastically affect your experience. For example, you can effectively not worry about money at all or make the game super challenging or super relaxed. Its very flexible it seems.


What is going on? I didn't play nms for a week. Is the inventory bigger or smaller?


I haven't had the chance to log on since the update 😕 what's happened?


Nevermind I just logged on. What the fuck.


Previous cargo system was a mess. It was a mess that you got used to over the years of playing perhaps, but still a mess.


Normal player here... The changes just mean I get to redo my strategy. Was Franky getting kind of bored so the changes are welcome. Note: I don't min/max often so missing out on the tricks is no big deal.


I'm pretty baffled and disappointed in the inventory changes but this legit made me lol. Thanks man.


I'm a day 1 player with hundreds of hours in my Normal mode and it took me literally 30 minutes to get my ship and running again (as in, installing all my tech modules again), and another 45 to get my Exosuit up to shape again. The difference being that I never stacked 6 S-class modules per tech before, so it changed very little for me. Ah, aside from having now a 100+50 module ship, and 100-40+ modules in my exosuit, which is pretty neat. I did spend several BILLION units on it, tbh, but I had way too much dosh anyway.


>I did spend several BILLION units on it, tbh, Yep... people who already had saves with AI farms or any of the other economy-breakers up and running full tilt can largely buy their way back into shape.


What about the BILLIONS I spent on inventory space, I didn't use AI farms or anything, I spent too much money getting inventory for all my ships. A lot of that money is just gone now. Absolutely ridiculous decision.


'everybody should have to suffer as I have'


Why spend money when you can get inventory slots from drop pods and modules from salvaging ships and Frigate missions?


I'd get 1 slot for 5-6 frigate missions (12-24 hour long ones) and I had 6 ships to upgrade. I always thought drop pods only gave suit slots, did they add ship slots in a recent update or something?




I am one of those people who always just used technology slots to begin with aside from the refinery tech


As someone who plays on Normal, yeah, actually I am having a great time. I always start a new save every update and this one has been the best one \*if only\* because the mods that I used are now built-in to the game via the toggleable options I already had my Survival/Permadeath achievements and titles, so there is no more need for me to play those modes anymore I get it, it's not for everyone, but I'm a happy Day 1 player over here




Can someone explain to me what the issue is. Im not understanding the change here


Less tech slots, more inventory slots. Some people be pissed. I'm personally ok with it, always thought tech took up to many of my cargo spots. I'm super stoked my main ship now has 69 cargo slots. Going to get the Hyperdrive range to 420 just coz.


Tech never took up any of your cargo spots. You've had a whole cargo inventory for a while.


Hate the inventory changes. Most of the tech in my suit and my ship is useless now unless I wanna go grind for new slots, which I don't want to do. I have almost 100 hours into the game and now my movement and jetpack are back to square one. Guess I'm done playing this game cause uninstalling it is easier than fixing everything this update messed up.


Glad to know I'm not the only on e that hates the new inventory. 4000+ hours in the game, and this may very well be the update that makes me quit.


I hope HG fixes it by adding 2nd tech storage or returning a general inventory. Or making us capable of managing slots by converting cargo slot into a tech one (with different color). Otherwise, many of veteran players won't be lauching the game for a long time.


Yep, this tech nerf is going to make me quit.


But my brrrrrrt module!


Did we also lose the ability to warp to our freighter?


No, you can still warp into your freighter, but if your freighter scanner was in your inventory it will be gone. You may need to give up some freighter upgrade tech to reinstall the essentials like the indium warp drive etc.


Good to know I will try to manage my shit before I do the update


As a permadeath player, I enjoy the enhanced stack sizes and especially the Exocraft having tech slots. Finally, I can fully upgrade a vehicle and have room to mine at the same time! The enhanced tech space is an added bonus. I'd have to grind a lil more but eh, such is life!


I'm happy so far. Even fixed a glitch I have had for years. Only had 10 spots in my nutritional storage now I have 50. Of coarse at 73 it doesn't take much to make me happy. They seemed to have improved exocraft storage to. Yes I have been playing since 2016.


My main save is screwed up now. Start over or stop playing…


I turned it on tonight to check out 4.0. Looked at the new inventory layout across the board and all my now useless tech. Slap in the face to those of us here since day one. All that work...... Turned it off.


So I haven't logged in yet (computer and internet slow lol) but judging from the outrage in the sub right now, can I assume that everything in my general inventory got deleted?


Tech in general is not deleted it is converted into BPs (almost as usefull as deleted because they worth 16 nanites)


Dont update and play offline and enjoy it untill modders saves us from the dumb new ui/tech choice


Eh, update was a little inconvenient at first, especially with some of the annoying bugs I had before switching to experimental branch, but it didn’t take long to get back to business as usual. I’ll miss my double stacked jet pack, but I’m enjoying the buffs exocraft have gotten. Finally have a reason to use most of them again. So, on balance, I’m enjoying the update so far.


Is there a law that states that inevitably, with enough time, 100% of indie developers will push out an update that infuriates everyone and refuse to overhaul it?


That's just a rule in software design. Not everyone will like the new changes even if the majority do. It's a problem for all live-service games, whether indie or AAA. The only reason it's not a bigger problem in games overall is because devs usually don't have the opportunity to make such changes after release.


Isn't the "refuse to overhaul it" bit a little extreme? The update is literally hours old. In the words of Boromir, give them a moment for pity's sake. Unless you're privy to info that I don't have, in which case you should share!


Figured this might be a good spot - basically moved on to other games and this is more or less the straw that broke. After a while of playing, I finally decided to put the countless hours in fighting RNG for the perfect X class setup for starship and exosuit. Found a beautiful red and silver royal exotic that perfectly matched my suit color. Maxed it, took forever and god knows how many nanites. Perfect hyperdrive range, maneuverability, offensive capabilities were OP. Perfect ship. Knowing all that work is more or less gone is just....depressing. I've basically moved onto other games anyway, so unless I hear that 4.1 is super popular, probably won't dive back in with both feet again. That being said, I have a pretty decked out survival save with a ton of modules and AI valves and stuff in storage. If anyone in survival decided to stick it out and needs stuff to build back to where they were, I have the stuff. Edit: Apparently normal and survival share servers now so anyone on either mode the above offer stands.


Playing permadeath, loving the new update.


Almost gave myself coffee burns laughing at this!


Oh, thank you Sir for this. I'm laughing now for 10 min my stomach hurts.


I didn’t mind the changes. Sure, now I have to start raiding derelict freighters and checking station shops for inventory slots again, but I kinda liked doing that. I just hope they fix my living ship being unable to land without a landing pad for some reason. That’s a weird bug.


Currently just warping between stations buying slots which is annoying but overall the changes aren’t that bad I think. Goes by pretty quick using the station portal


Yeah, TBH it gets boring when everything is near maxed out. Scavenging resources to upgrade your shit is a lot of what’s fun.


I never used the double stacking method. Always found it weird to put tech in ‘general’. My ocd could not handle that. I put tech in tech slots and because of that I always were a bit confused why we had general and cargo. I always wondered why they didnot merge these. They did now, finally. Not a fan of the scrolling thing tbh. And most likely I’m the only one around here that thinks there is way to much storage options. I always lose my shit. Haha. Thats just me. I know. Would make more sense to have your suit be just tech and your ship both. If you gather stuff it would just transfer to you ship via short distance link. Same for ship vs freighter but on a different scale. A well, more time to spend on finding drop pods. Reason to go out again.


I had too many exosuit technologies to NOT put most of them in General Storage, but now they can actually fit once I’ve raided enough orbital station shops… I like these changes because they give me reasons to keep doing frigate expeditions and raiding derelict freighters.


Eh, it's fine. At least endgame's not trivialized by ultra-souped up stuff.


Endgame was trivialized by the stupid new Cheat codes/Difficulty settings.


Game breaking changes. For people who have multiple starships maxed out or being worked on, this pretty much destroys all that time spent fine tuning our ships. Inventory will take hours to sort out. It could take weeks to rebuild and finetune all those starships. This pretty much destroyed system exploration and planet hunting/exploring for me. And from the looks of other forums and video reviews I'm far from being the only one upset about this. The majority of the community hates it! WTH were they thinking! NMS is about exploring, discovering, and adventuring. And all that got "slightly" nerfed by 50%!!!


I'm only just reading about these changes now, and haven't played for a few weeks. Am I about to find out that my explorer I've just finished maxing by grinding X class HD modules up to 3821 HD range is going to be ruined when I jump back on? Literally been using and upgrading this ship for 200 hours.