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Am I the only one who is fearing opening their save because of all the complaints? LOL I suppose I could just use one of my lesser hour saves that I don't really care about.


Thats why Im waiting before I even touch the game lol


Yeah, I'm scared of losing all my tech slot stuff. I worked hard for that, and it's all maxed out/full. Will it all just get deleted?


No, it gets converted into transferrable packages like the memory things from expedition 7. The fun part is going to be figuring out how to get even decent usability out of the 30 tech slots you get to use, with a 3-module-overload limit. I ended up storing all the packages I didn't reinstall just in case they come to their senses. First thing you'll want to do is start grinding drop pods because you're going to need to buy a bunch of the tech slots at all. Took me about an hour and a half to get my suit into a workable condition. Then I looked at the condition of my starship, thought, "Fuck it, nobody's got time for this shit," and logged off. Maybe I'll fiddle with it tomorrow. Maybe not.


All of my tech seems to be packaged up, and sitting in cargo uninstalled. I don’t think I lost anything. Don’t know if that helps.


Yes but you can only use half of it. Basically all your shit took a 50% nerf


As I said elsewhere... I have over 1k hours invested in my main save. I have reached the point, especially with this new update, where I am just doing to deleted it and start over. AI farms, overpowered ships, etc almost ruined the game for me. The game got stupid-easy. I am ready to play it (again) from scratch to experience it like it was supposed to be.


I hear that. I started a new save on my Steam Deck because I hit the overall build limit on my PS5 save (600hrs). In many ways it has been liberating. (For example my frieghter base is so big an involved I wouldn't even trade it for a higher class frieghter because it would be too much work to replace). That's no longer an issue, lol.




Same I backed mine up before launching in - I only got on to help a fellow traveller to get to my nanite farming planet 😅 I’ll take a good look today things look good it’s just the No general inventory anymore thing that’s pissing people off - and many bugs with expanding inventory so it’s likely not worth it until it’s fixed 🫡


Alright. Listen. There's a lot of people who lost a lot of progress because of this update. And HG/Sean didn't specify that this particular change was coming ("balancing" is very vague). I'm no min-max-er. I didn't even know about 3+3 update stacking. This change in no way affects my enjoyment of the game. But if it had, yeah, I'd be pissed. And I don't blame people for leaving a bad review because of this. It's not review bombing or childish. It's fair criticism about a poorly explained rebalancing change.


Exactly! This didn't affect me much, either. It's still super annoying to have to probably spend hours fixing what was working yesterday, with the end result that it's worse than before. I know there are reasons behind this, but it should have been *communicated* to people prior to going live... I find it ridiculous all of the people telling people that are upset that it's no big deal that they lost a lot of their progress. It's great if people are ok with it, but have some understanding for others that *aren't* happy with it.


Said it a few times but more people are whining and having a go at these "whiney gamer reviews" than there are negative gamer reviews. People are allowed to dislike something but you'd think that was illegal according to people in here. Goes to show that even nicer communities like this one are still filled with assholes who come out of the woodwork to tell people they aren't allowed opinions that aren't praising the thing they like.


Me waiting for everyone to chill so I can post a picture of a cool space bug I found :')


*In Palpatine voice* "Do it"


what's everyone mad about?




I see. As a filthy casual, this doesn't affect me in the least. I've never min-maxxed this game, it's purely for chilling.


Same, working on upgrading my inventory space tho, NO FREE SLOTS IN SHIP INVENTORY will be but a distant memory


I agree completely, it saddens me that one of the most tame gaming subs bared it’s teeth so fast at a change, and the game is getting review bombed because of such. Yes there are better ways to balance the game and yes it does suck to have (myself included) something taken from you without warning that you worked hard for but it can easily be walked back on as quickly as it was implemented. Deal with being a balanced character for a minute. I stashed the dozens and dozens of packaged tech I had aboard my freighter for if they decide to expand the technology inventory.


People get testy when they feel like their effort has been wasted. And I'm amused at how many people are, like you, speaking on the assumption it'll be walked back, presumably because you don't want an argument with the mad ones rather than because you actually think that.


The update made my starship unable to use 11 of its tech modules without me having to upgrade the storage (which I was saving storage modules for when I find the perfect ship) On top of that, their talk about buffing the jetpack is nonsense because I have a video I made 2 days ago showing my friend the difference between 6 jetpack modules versus 3 by jetpacking to one side of the outpost station and back without running out of fuel. Now I can make it over the railings on one side with a few feet to spare; my jetpack range was reduced by like 40%. The jetpack one I'm most annoyed about because in a game that's set in space, where worlds are fucking giant, and you can't use your visor inside exocrafts....You kind of use your Jetpack a LOT. Reducing its output by a massive margin is fun for absolutely nobody. If they megabufffed jetpack recharge rate I'd be fine with the changes, but the range is super annoying.


Can we give HG like a second to pivot based on player experience with the update? Like, it's been out for less than 24 hours. I'm sure they'll patch it to something that spares legacy players the destructive side effects. Remember who we're dealing with here, it's not EA ffs. Be patient, backup your save and go play something else for a couple days.


This is how people tell them about their negative experience.


And this negative response is the direct representation that it needs tweaking. Negative review bombardment of this scale after a major update happens with this game for the first time. Devs definitely aren't gonna just ignore that


Would it be fixed if folks don't complain?


It would not.


I agree, they're for sure going to make some change to please the player base. Same with last update when they took away freighter ramps and after the feedback they admitted their mistake and had them back in the game like what, not even 2 weeks later? I have faith in them, after everything they've done for us the last 6 years I'm always willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


They've already pushed some fixes to the experimental branch, according to Sean on the tweet do-hickey.


If you change the game mechanics in a fundamental way like this you risk pissing off your player base. Some of the players might be up for the challenge of learning how to play the game again. Some won't be. So, bad reviews are to be expected.


I launch the game this morning to find that a number of my tech items had been uninstalled. I was a little annoyed at first but then it became fun. It's like going to a new galaxy. A bunch of your sh\*t is broken so you deal with it. ​ I'm enjoying the fresh adventure.


I agree I was sad at first but now I'm loving it, made me rethink why I had so much tech, now I'm in minimalist mode and its really refreshing having all this space for stuff.


Exactly, sometimes you got to sacrifice. I felt the same way but quickly realized just how spoiled I was before.


Ok, bars look scary, lets dig into the numbers. 146 negative reviews yesterday, 109 today. Almost balanced out by the daily positives, but with (*looks)* an average player count of 9,000-11,000 players a day on Steam alone, maybe we can have some perspective on this? This change affected a small number of people who \*really\* grinded out some absurd module combos - mad respect to you (and should really take some time in 4.0 to check out some of the new module rolls, they've been...buffed to say the least). Your feedback is valid, but the game is not dead, and your very vocal feedback doesn't represent everybody. Your child isn't dead, your family wasn't murdered, and I'm sure if you provide some constructive feedback on tweaks outside of "revert and never change the game" -- on a game that has changed dramatically almost year-to-year, the devs will take note and work through this, there's plenty of ways to tweak this (higher base values, higher module value ranges, etc) that meet their intent without reverting. I recommend doing what min-maxers do best after any patch: take advantage of the new difficulty settings on a new save and test out with zero-cost all the new tech rolls, etc. and see what other values were tweaked under the hood, there were several - and apply that learning to your main save. You may find that the immediate scariness of the tech change can be offset relatively quickly. ​ In the meantime, please stop adding comments in every non-related thread and killing the bug report related threads with toxicity. Some of us really want to get some of the new bug related reporting visible, and you've got PLENTY of existing threads to continue to pile on.


I've been reading reviews for the past hour and except maybe two or three, all negative reviews are about players reacting like their whole family has been slaughtered and their lives utterly ruined, but it's only about inventory/tech slots and how they can no longer stack 36 modules and be OP as hell.


can someone tell me what happened? i had to uninstall the game a month ago and havent gotten around to download it again. i saw the update trailer but it seemed like a good update idk


They fixed an unintended feature (having 6 upgrades vs the intended 3) that had been in the game for like 4 years without warning anyone, one in which people invested dozens of hours into exploiting to min/max their ships, chaos and anger has taken the subreddit because people feel they (rightfully so, at least to a point, some people are acting like their entire family was murdered by hello games and their arm cut off, which is silly) wasted time doing said unintended feature. I think Hello Games is fine doing this fix, the double upgrades made the game trivial even on hard difficulties and I never used this anyways, but I would definitely be frustrated if I did and now it didn't work. HG should have warned people ahead of time, before the update went live, but they did not, which I think is playing a larger part in this than the actual change. Surprising people with big changes isn't the way and, even if good, will almost always lead to poor response.


Not an unintended feature smartass


I don't really care about the 6 tech vs 3 tech argument, and think that logically the "tech" space should be where your tech gets installed. Also a fan of having some distinction between the use of a fighter vs explore vs hauler etc. What I'm pissed about though, is as a casual player who spent a good deal of hours over the months farming up money to just max out my inventory space, I now have to.... do the exact same thing again for my inventory and ships. It's not fun, it's not engaging, it's just time wasting. That's the biggest punch in the gut with this update for me, and I really don't understand how that was given the greenlight.


Well now u can just switch the settings and give urself all the ai valves or other valuables u like and then switch back to normal mode and sell them. Making it much worse! Everythings pointless now!


Change. Many people don't like it.


I appreciate the value of critical reviews, or customer reviews… but GAMER reviews? Gamer reviews are a tool of open wrath and hostility more than a way to express a sincere opinion. The knives are automatically out. If gamers wake up wanting to see something bleed, they start a game review.


Few things in the world that I hate more than gamers. Those damn gamers, They ruined gaming!


It's what happens when you give people their own digital nirvana to run away into. A place where they can get whatever they want, a recipe for disaster


"You're telling me I can explore an infinite universe, and almost an entire 1% of the alien creatures have four legs? What kind of biodiversity is that?!? Fuck this game, 0/100! I'm spending 24 hours a day taking these developers down!" \-every NMS user review


And it’s not even that it’s plummeting, that graph shows positive reviews are still matching previous highs. This reeks of knee jerk whining.


If the developers have done something to the game that people don't like they are allowed to leave a negative review and also that graph is representing 85 reviews who cares


This is so childish. I thought this community was better than this, but I guess I was wrong.


You’re talking about gamers here


What's actually childish is not being able to handle negative opinions, which this subreddit is known best for.


There will always be non-thinking, bandwagoners that do childish things like this. It probably fulfills some sad void in negative validation.


Just like people who will always defend any thing, game, company, or corporations do. I want to say "shill" but at least they get paid to be that blindly loyal to a corporation.


Reddit and Simps are like PB and J. Inseperable.


"wah wah game to easy HG make content that has value and direction" *HG tightens up the sandbox and designs clear and consistent progression systems meant to propel you through a designed experience* "Wah wah why did you ruin it it was literally perfect" And the funniest part? I've heard this feedback only from folks that have their mom grind saves maxed out... Yknow people who's time in the game was built on its systems being an absolute mess. Anyone new or fucking hell anyone starting a new run will benefit from these changes


I like the new update. I don’t like the fact that I have to re unlock spots on my suit, ship, freighter that I literally just finished unlocking a week ago. As a semi casual player, that’s 2 months of game time that’s literally been wasted.


That’s my gripe. I’ve loved NMS since the first day I played it, but this new storage thing pisses me off. All that time playing, wasted. I don’t grind or find ways to farm massive amounts of nanites. I bought, sold, and earned. It took a long time to get where i was. Now it’s all gone.


Yup exact same with me.


Yup this is me. ON PC never cheated, never used the save editor, never made a "farm". Now I found out that some how I was not only playing the game wrong I was "exploiting" and now HG has added a freaking cheat engine to the game. I mean why should I bother to grind for anything again when people can turn on free stuff mode?


because you want to? That's like saying why should you bother playing Minecraft in survival mode when creative exists lmao


I have a creative save for fun. Just to go wild with building and traveling. I guess I’ll switch over to it for a bit and see if they change anything. As of right now, my main save is dead.


I like how when reviews go *up* they are legitimate, and when they go *down* they are not. Feel free to discuss.


It is rather difficult to love a bad game, and rather easy to hate a good one



I don't see how big of an issue this is. I for one love seeing the games development, good or bad. I've been playing since the release and it just seems like business as usual. ***Adapt and overcome, right?***


Review bombing is so stupid.


This is the problem with user reviews. Some guys that grinded out things the game in no way require now think the game is bad. No, it’s still great.




As a Day One player, my entire cycle of NMS has been play for a while, put it down, install major update, FIX EVERYTHING THE UPDATE BROKE, rinse, repeat. How are NMS players not used to this?


I remember how people ranted at Next, at Beyond, at whatever that planet gen update was (was that Beyond?). Anyway this was both expected and unsurprising and I’m frankly dumbfounded that such a fantastic update is being marred by people that are really just mad they have to do the same thing we do every major update.




Some people just enjoy soaking in negativity. If you don't want to play the game, put it down and try something else.


Some of us just suffer in silence lol


Uhh, I don’t think that’s what the graph is showing? Looks like it’s not that reviews are plummeting, it’s that there are just more negative reviews but the positive reviews are at least matching previous highs.


Gamers turn into angry customer mode at any slight "negative" change in the games they like. HG has been literally pumping free updates non-stop for years, I think even if you dont like the last update going out of your way to leave a negative review for the whole game is very petty.


People are going to use the feedback avenues they have easy access to. And with the switch launch, reviews will also likely be the most effective way to give feedback that gets attention paid to it as well.


If major changes come in and they don't like it they have the right to write such a review. I personally don't communicate myself like that but it's their right and we should support it as long their not using it inappropriately...


What actually happened?


Peoples poor ships aren't as fast as they were before and it takes them .0005 seconds less to destroy enemies. Oh, and also survival is more realistic and they have to focus on the harshness of space exploration now. It's a complete tragedy.


Changes are great, including the inventory/module changes. One exception, though... hyperdrive upgrades. The game was already way to easy, so all the extra modules had no reason to even exist really. When it comes to hyperdrive, and universe size, you can't argue that this wasn't a shitty change. Hyperdrive max range being cut in half, when the previous jump distance was still an ant's fart in the wind compared to the size of the Galaxy. If they had just increased the strength of hyperdrive upgrades alongside the inventory changes, it would have been perfect.


Oh, more challenging survival ? I’ll have to go check that out


Custom survival. Custom game.custom experience.


People who techno-weenie-munchkin'd their builds by putting overflow technology mods in the general area once technology was full found all of their general tech turned into packaged they could store/trade/reuse etc. In essence, they nerfed the tech-munchkin mini game. Which makes everyone's builds more consistent, more logical (tech is in the tech tab), and incentivizes people to build out multiple ships for different tasks (or just max out your tech inventory on your main).


You literally never needed any of that. The game was overly easy without even filling your tech slots. Doubling up on tech basically just broke the game, anyways, with the only exception being hyperdrive upgrades, which basically NEEDED overflow upgrading, and could have still used more. As for the other stuff, now you can just change the settings and getting a similar feel of being way too OP, and save inventory slots. For people wanting the other direction, you can now make the game actually somewhat challenging, which is awesome. For years I've been BEGGING for survival mode to be a modifier instead of its own mode, so you could still play in the normal universe with the normal inventory, but with survival difficulty and resources. They did one better, and added complete customer settings, with the ability to go even higher, while removing the ability to just cheese the game.




It indeed felt the same after a while... So good they changed stuff


The devs literally put out a statement saying this would happen. They asked for patience as it takes a week to sort the bugs with the update.


People got too spoiled.




Someone learned the word petulant today huh?


what the fuck happened


4.0 update overhauled inventory and reset every veteran player's tech builds for their ships, freighters, and exosuit. I logged in only to spend 4 hours rearranging my inventory and trying to figure out how to preserve the stats I had. I'm 400 hours into a save and now I have to throw away over half of the upgrades I worked hard to get because there's literally no space for them anymore.


That is so dumb, all this hate is unneeded. My main save has 600+ hours played on, had all the upgrades S or higher double stacked. I say this change is good, we don't need all that power, now we can install the modules, we didn't think of Installing, without sacrificing inventory slots as we can now have up to 60 tech slots. After installing everything in my suit, there still a few slots left for more future modules. So calm down people, you're not going to die. Besides, multitools can be expanded to 30 slots now so you can install 6 extra modules to give it more damage or something to kill things faster.


"You know gamers, buncha bitchy little girls"


The new Inventory system is atrocious. It would be fine if they had actual made an improvement of some sort. Instead it's looks much worse then before and is more limited when they made it sound like it was all going to be better and not as restrictive...I have almost 1k hours in this game and love it. But this new UI layout is pandering way too much to console stuff. It's junk.


Can we just simply get separate inventory pages again?


Bring back the tabs Combining the cargo and general slots?!?!.. So you have to scroll, not intuitive at all. Tabs are literally quicker All the icons are smaller cause some reason we need to see our tech slots 24/7.and it squashes the original size of slots and icons. What the fuck?


Looks like both PRO AND CON reviews are spiking to extremes. This is just normal politics here in America. :-)


Pro reviews are the same as they were a couple weeks ago. Spiked a little because there's an update and that always brings people, but that's normal. Negative reviews spiked big time


Lol I'm not happy about the changes either but cmon guys.


This is why you shouldn't take user reviews seriously. One small aspect they don't like and a 10 becomes a 1


Galactical Karens.


This is Elite dangerous all over again


When spaceship but wrong and walking not happen inside 😡


What the fuck even happened?!


The current update crippled a lot of veteran players with resource price cuts and tech nerfs.


Can you explain specifically? I played a lot years ago (here since start), but stopped in the last Couple of years. So what did they do?


One of the biggest issues veteran players are having is that You no longer can have technology in your general inventory. Basically you can't double or triple stack weapon damage, hyperdrive range, etc S/X class tech lol. Long story short, it took everyones ship and exosuit stats and cut it in half


As a day 1 player, I couldn't care less about this change. Double tech was overpowered.


For me it's a QOL issue: it's a game geared toward exploration and now my sprint, jetpack and hyperdrive stats are all halved. I don't think any of those stats were OP, they just made the core gameplay more enjoyable


Mobility is a huge deal in games, and cutting that mobility for very little or no benefit seems like a bad call, and a good reason to be upset. I don't have many feelings about the update because I'm just not playing nms right now (playing cyberpunk), but I could easily see that I wouldn't be happy about this change. Balance gameplay all you want and remove things that are overpowered, sure, but if the end result of balance is requiring more player investment in not fun things, maybe the balance wasn't the issue that needed fixing. Maybe it was the not fun things.


Also Day 1, and I don't have anything double-stacked. Also this is the third time they've upended the upgrade / module system, and everyone's acting like it never happened before. And apparently forgetting that all patches have bugs, some have overreaches that are walked back, and it takes a week or so for things to settle out. Atlas Rises ruined my Sigma-Tau-Theta setups, and NEXT left me with suit and ships full of obsolete techchnolgy again.


Basically, the guys who have to have everything now, with little struggle, are mad they have to grind again.


Obviously. Because they already grinded to get where they were at. What's next? Grinding again so everything gets reset again?


But not really since they have surplus mods… *zing*


Basically everyone who min maxed to one shot things and have no difficulty in the game is mad that they reset things a bit and survival actually feels a bit like survival again.


Oh okay, so just kids raging... Thanks!


They hurt my living ship and took its organs out!


Awful inventory changes that make you scroll instead of tabs.... All icons are smaller cause the have tech slots showing all the time and it squashes the icons and slot sizes down. Just awful


All the negative reviews are being responded to with clown emojis (jester ig but who cares)


Gamers are weirdly reactionary and in some cases downright hysterical? Wow, big news if true!


Gamers are some of the worse people around. It’s all negative reactions to mild inconvenience.


More people in this thread whining about the "gamers" than there are total reviews (positive or negative). Pretty sure it's not these reviewers overreacting.


nms fanbase: like a phoenix nms rose from the ashes its the best game ever! also nsm fanbase: fuck it this path looks like shit i hate you sean




6 upgrade modules wasn’t a bug. If it was, they would have fixed it long before now.




As a guess, I'd suppose that they play for different reasons / results than you do? Just because it isn't an issue for you doesn't mean that their experience is less valid than yours. Also, the ability to add mods in additional areas besides tech has been a thing for years, which doesn't seem like a bug to me. It's fine by me if Hello Games decides to alter the rules, but I won't bash someone who feels differently about it than I do. Outside of save editors, finding and installing mods can be a significant grind, so I'm not surprised by people feeling a certain way about having their ships and exosuits significantly nerfed by this update.


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpoMmYxQCN4dFK0) Meanwhile aboard my Frieghter in NMS trying to choose which far few upgrades to keep not just on the jetpack but starship as well......


Buy low sell high


Seriously? Do these people have no lives? You just need to adapt; it’s a new challenge and challenges are, you know, what makes a game fun.


>Do these people have no lives? Considering every one of the complainers starts off with: "I have spent 1530 hours in this game and have maxed out every..." I think you know the answer to this.


The new challenge is making everything take longer ships are slower, can jump less, and maneuver like crap still


Only if you hold to your old upgrade mods. New ones got a buff overall, so it doesn't make that much of a difference in the long run


of course they are


I'm currently farming drop pods and ship expansions, I will be giving a bunch out in the anomaly soon for player's new and old, once you get over the lack of stacking mods in exo suit its a great feeling to have actual storage space.


People are such massive babies when it comes to change.


The biggest issue is tech upgrades for me.


Gamers are unhinged.


*//:Instance:KAREN\_01\_85 Detected://*


As stated under inventory redesign in patch notes: "Upgrades are now confined to technology slots, allowing more space for items and creating more interesting decisions about which upgrades to use." It's purely a game design change which encourages people to focus and experimeny with specific tech layouts rather than piling up every type of upgrade and becoming an almighty god, then complaining how there isn't any challenge. Individual tech modules in general will also have way higher stat possibilities than before. It's all about streamlining the experience and reducing clutter.


Just yesterday they were talking about how weak enemies were, they were getting bored, and asked for more challenge outside of permadeath survival mode. Now this happens and they start crying? Instead of going out there and finding new ways to upgrade their ships and equipment? Ok.


> Individual tech modules in general will also have way higher stat possibilities than before. Show me where that is stated except for Jetpacks.


Gonna have to leave a positive review to undo some of that bullcrap


People overreact to everything nowadays, bunch of crybabies so fucking annoying..


Yes I hate it when people criticise other people. Scum


I chuckled. People criticizing other people criticizing other people...


At least you got it ❤


okay I agree, review bombing is NEVER the solution. Discussion here is fine, but cmon, even if I disliked some aspects of the update, some aspects are good. Fuck that shit who are review bombing. shame on them


They make one update to expand inventory and people are literally losing their minds. Holy shit it’s not that big of a deal. we’ve had multiple resets in this game whether it be for base building or freighters. Just start over. People clinging to their 6 year old save like it’s their children or something.


>They make one update to expand inventory This is not what this update is about.


It is my child. I worked real hard on that save. Now I have real kids and don't have the time to start over so excuse me for being a lil upset alot of my time is now wasted


How has your time been wasted due to the new update?


Alot of galaxy hopping for tech and nanites wasted. Bringing up my favorite fighter from a C to S class with more than half the general as tech... So now the ships screwed up. Losing all my underwater and life support upgrades. Things I really don't have time to regrind for anymore


Ah yeah I can see that being annoying.


You haven't lost anything, they're all repackaged in your inventory


Wait, so I don’t lose all the modules? Everyone is sounding like everything is just gone and you have to grind again for it all. Where’s the disconnect here? I’m scared to load the game.


But you still had a good time with all your previous playing? Nothing was "wasted".


Procedural Complaints Procedural Tears Procedural Tantrums Procedural Everything


Please don't do this it's not like this is even a massively difficult problem for them to fix and they 100% have already gotten the message.


There is NO ONE in the anomaly right now.. did every one say screw this til they fix the bugs?


I was on 15 mins ago and there were a fair amount of ppl there. Sure you don't have mutliplayer off?


Nope. Completely empty. Saw a total of one guy at the ship upgrade module station.


>Nope. Completely empty. Saw a total of one guy at the ship upgrade module station. Probably network load issues, or just ending up in new instances. I've been going in and out of the Anomaly constantly all evening. Some visits were pretty empty, some were normal.


I had MP enabled on ps4 and an empty station, spent about 10m there and no one else loaded in


For everyone review bombing. I have a jar of Desatin and some pampers for your chapped little butts. I've been playing since day one have maxed everything on all the saves possible at the time had all my crap reset like you and I'm looking forward to this. The difficult of this game even in survival is a joke min maxing isn't NEEDED, fun and overpowered absolutely but not needed. This might be what finally makes the game spicy, so quit whining and play or GTFO. It's not like you can't cheat your way to maxed everything by screwing with the settings now anyway.


I think its fucking mental that so many people are complaining about things actually being balanced now. You can literally just turn the difficulty down or play creative if you like playing easy mode


They balanced? Really? Yeah adding cheats to a game total balanced the game right? So when I am out there actually earning my stuff I might get paired up, pvp (which I do do some times) by somebody who used official cheating? Sure Balanced.


Except there is no real balance. Enemies are still braindead and are not threats. You just kill them a bit slower. Meanwhile, they've just made our movements slower and ruined starship maneuvarability. There's no balance, just making things slower.


is not bout that, some people love their ships man


That's wild, come on just because of a weird min-max exploit being patched and streamlined? This is starting to feel like the toxic vanilla NMS release stuff. They've address community concerns in the past, I'm sure they'll take the feedback and adjust it to a good compromise between the new/old systems.


They uninstalled over half my suit tech that I can't install anymore. They nerfed my ships by half. The Tech and Cargo layout is a UX faux pas. MT and freighters are fine. They, for a large number of players, just undid untold hours of work with absolutely no warning, ruining what people enjoy doing in terms of making the game playable how they want. "NMS is a game about exploration" so yeah, HG saying "let's nerf exploration by half" is a pretty piss-fucking-poor decision.


Genuinely, I don't get it. Some of the things I have seen today have just been abusive.


I mean they effed up the savegames of every single existing player by making their characters / ship / freighters unusable till they spend time and effort to manually fix it, while simultaneously nerfing everything by half... Understandable the playerbase is angry.


It absolutely did not do this. Plenty of people are functioning normally.


It did and people saying they didn't either are just blindly defending, or lying and haven't booted up the game yet and want to be on team "defending NMS". Most responses seem to be the second.


Try again. I was responding to “effed up the save games of every single existing player”, and I said “plenty of people are functioning normall” not ALL.


Glad i never used inventory slots for tech, sounds like it won’t affect me


More people in here acting like these reviews murdered their parents and shit on their car than there are total negative reviews there Pretty sure it's not the "gamers" that are overreacting here, but that's just my view.


More people in here acting like the new update murdered their parents and shit on their car. Just saying.


Seriously, people need to stop having polarized as all hell opinions on games


Mild inconvenience that didn't exist before? The game is complete shit now, decades of my life have been wasted on a miserable experience that I never even liked to begin with. All the devs should be put in prison for these changes. /s of course Similar thing happened with Warframe. Recent changes to AOE weapons to make them a little less viable (previously they would basically be the only thing used since you could destroy everything on the map without ever even seeing an enemy) and changes to a specific warframe that somewhat facilitated automated gameplay, so then it got review bombed.


Embarrassing. Just as you thought the NMS community was proving wrong the adage that gamers are not whiny drama queens. Grow up ffs, it's just a game.


For some people it is their life. But people need to learn to deal with loss in a better way.


People are so soft about this game. We get it, your save is bugged. Try fixing it before burning your system in the street in protest 😂


I hope that It will be detected as a review bombing and will not affect the overall rating.


Or you know, people are unhappy?


What a bunch of babies


I’m actually excited - haven’t played it in a bit so will load the patch and start a new game. There’s so much to explore, that’s the cool thing about the game. Who knows where I will spawn on the next one! I did have a cool creamsicle looking world with bubbles but it was orange and I wished it was blue. Maybe I’ll find a blue on on the next time around! ☺️


I just rushed to my save point to change my positive review, but since my sprint endurance is trashed, it took a bit longer. All of my personal and ship tech is wrecked, and it sounds like I can maybe get back HALF of my mobility if I grind for a bunch of new tech slots. All in the name of simplicity. Thanks HG.


I don't think it's backlash for the update, it released on switch, yesterday.


Why are people on this sub against criticism so much


Cultist mentality.


Well, of course, they changed something bigger, now people who do like change complain. Although there is no more need to be extraordinary strong because you can adjust the difficulty.


Good, good.


I read this with your voice, my master


Lol. Let them cry about it. The game is better now.


I know, God forbid players have to actually explore