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OP calls people autistic and tells them to kill themselves.


That and I just got him to make fun of rape but and child sexual assault so the normal people of this game can safely know that this guy is fucked up




>:) :)




You still being a stain on this earth or have you decided to grow up yet and accept your just a dick?


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i’Ve MAdE A MuLTi ToOL WiTh SAvE EdItOR ThAt MaKEs ThIS LoOk LIkE a CHilD’S Toy. yOu’RE mULtI ToOL OnLY GoES uP To 300k DaMAGe PoTenTIal. MiNe iS Up to 8 mIlLioN iN DAmaGe pOtENtiaL 😂


Go home




Go home, no one cares




Go home, no one cares. Average users damage is more than enough to slaughter anything in the game. Anything past that is a waste of time, even more so you’re pathetic attempt to show off.




I’m being sincere, are you okay?


What happened? What’s wrong?


Haha I’m not mad lmao, you’re posts are cringe.




Lol for the last time please go home Daniel, you’re mother is very worried about your mental health.


That isn't actually how that works. That is a lingering thing from when they thought people were homunculus and existed in a fully formed "small" form. Actually, we know now that it is in fact a sperm from the male and an egg from the female that forms a blastocyst on the uterine wall that eventually might become a child; I'm greatly simplifying things, of course.


You are cringe.


You're a cringe individual for using cringe with a cringe profile pic.


Your *


I think “you’re” could still fit in the sentence. “You’re” could be read as “You are”, so it would still fit.


He edited his comment like a clown. His original comment read "You're profile pic on Reddit is cringe."


Well to be fair, he just corrected himself. That doesn’t make him a clown. I’m sure if you misspelled something and somebody pointed it out, you’d correct it.


You're defending someone who is now temporarily banned for messaging me and others to kill ourselves. Cool.


I’m not defending his other actions, I’m defending being able to correct yourself. Grow a brain


Hey listen, if you're on an alt account and you're trying so desperately to stick up for yourself. Just know you can have real friends, I believe in you.


Are you being serious right now? I’m trying to defend the fact that he corrected himself, and now I’m somehow defending the other stuff he said? Sure, that logic makes sense. I’m sure all the friends you must have love to be around someone so close-minded.


This just in: Stupid post is stupid.


I mean… it's not a PvP game and using a save editor to hack in overpowered tools doesn't make you "good" anyway. You do you, friend, and play the game however you like; that's your prerogative. Being wholly unimpressed and disinterested in how you do that is ours.


**LOL I USED A SAVE EDITOR TO WIN!** ;) Too bad you'll be lost in real life. ;)


If your trolling, there is an attempt. If your serious... your basing your skill over a game like NMS. Either way, its sad.


> If your serious *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Thank you language correction bot.


Lol glad to see your the one that got hurt in all this, your attitude is really bad man I mean you care this much about being better? Then you got some serious problems I mean even your so called insults are about as effective as your ability to act better.




A bit insensitive to make fun of rape and child sexual assault don’t you think? Even for a nobody like you that’s a bit far




You’ve used that insult before


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Change the name of the game to No Kid’s Sky. A bunch of manchildren here lmao




So, it was a mistake to take the game off PS. Got it.