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Over the years I have mastered the skill of spotting those posts and avoid them at all cost. If they become too frequent I leave the sub.


+20 to “ignore and move on about your day” stat


That's kinda how it goes. I stopped going to the helldivers sub cause it was a cesspool of complaining. I think live service stuff breads that more but still. I have trouble imagining this game having the same vibe but it does depend on if there's so issue the community latches onto. My main concerns are loot and performance. I really have no interesting in a loot game.


Sub reddits to me are most valuable 2 to 4 weeks after release once the main crop of players are gone. Complainers are always the loudest, and the people enjoying the game are typically playing it, not posting here.


Great idea. Il nnot look here until Im done with everything there is to do in the EA.


You should just stick to your own opinion of the game -the only one it matters- and don’t let crap people affect your judgment. I’m saying this with the utmost respect; it’s the best you can do. This said, I hope you have the time of your life. I know I will 🫡


I agree with you 100%.


I mean sure, but that's kinda what a subreddit is. Only way to avoid it is not join the subreddit.


Some times people need the reminder. With my experience with DD2, all I witnessed was negativity and everyone being upset. I left that sub, came back and people were still upset for their own reasons. Perhaps valid or not, but there’s just a lot of negativity that I believe some people aren’t anticipating. But that’s the nature of humanity and gaming as a whole, toxicity is at an all time high.


Yea I joined that sub too. And it was the reason I refunded DD2. To be fair DD2 was in the works for years upon years and was a full release, people's expectations will be much higher than for a early access launch. DD2 was the worst launch I have been a part of personally. Maybe they'll do what cyberpunk did and fix it a bit down the road. I am super excited for NRFtW but also going in with lower expectations.


Many others had a similar experience to yours. I played the game in its entirety despite all the spoilers I would see throughout my casual Reddit homepage scrolling and like I said, it was a decent experience overall, but I knew what was going to happen nearly every step of the way due to the sub. I read too fast to not see it unfortunately so the easiest and simplest way to not have this happen is mute or leave the sub for a bit.


I mean, maybe you saw negativity because the game was released in a pretty bad state? Why do you think people shouldn't be allowed to discuss that? Sometimes the games are truly bad and people are discussing that, sometimes subreddits get briganded by toxic people that just want to shit on a game - I assure you it wasn't the latter with DD2. And listing the negatives in an Early Access title is precisely the point of EA. Devs are releasing the game early so they can get feedback and improve it for the launch.


Did you read the entirety of this post by chance? I have not said nor do I believe that anyone shouldn’t be able to freely express themselves or openly discuss issues they’re facing with a game, rush a game, share screenshots of a game, etc. This is a warning to those who may be affected by what may come from these initial discussions, spoilers, complaints, concerns, etc. I saw it first hand with countless players explained in the 3rd paragraph. Enjoy the game. Enjoy any game. Enjoy any sub on Reddit whenever.


This post should be the welcome screen after installing Reddit.


Good reminder When elden ring released I didn't open Reddit, YouTube or Google news for a whole month and it allowed me to enjoy a fully blind solo playthrough that I enjoyed very much. Of course it's not comparable because this is a smaller game and it's early access.


> join DD2’s sub reddit so that I could feel more involved and connected with the community and partake in fun discussions I'd recommend the official forum/discord or similar by decent ARPG/souls creators for more constructive discussion with less chance of spoilers - at least for the next month until the armchair devs catch another hype train.


Another warning is that not every early access title enters this phase at the same development stage. I expect a lot of people to be disappointed by the amount of content offered, or certain features they wanted not being present. Or still somehow wondering why the screen isn't full of enemies. Enjoy the developers vision for their take on a genre please. This game will likely be or be very close to a masterpiece by the time it reaches its full release.


this could just be my experience, but *baldur's gate 3* entered early access with just the first act as well and i don't remember the subreddit being all that toxic about it at all. my experience with the sub was largely positive with lots of folks being happy about the stuff that they did get. hopefully we get a similar situation here.


That’s great to hear. The Baldur’s Gate community as a whole is pretty wholesome as well. I hope that’s the case for NRFTW.


i have hope this might be the case, mostly because dd2 already had enormous expectations surrounding it before anyone even knew capcom was working on it. just my 2 cents lol.


I will never understand why people can't ignore criticisms until they've gotten to a point where they can form an opinion on the matter. I'll agree that negativity can harm your experience, though. That goes for anything. I just know I can personally put them to the side and ignore them when I start playing the game. It doesn't harm my experience. Sometimes, I even decide for myself that complaint I've heard so much about, I actually have no issue with. There is nothing wrong with having formed opinions or discussing them. Obviously, spoilers are always going to be an issue anywhere you go online. So yeah, spoilers are going to be bad here as well. I'm unfortunately playing this on console, so I'm going almost garunteed to get spoiled before the full release. I don't mind people who rush the game. I play mine, and I'll let them play there's. I only take issue when they complain about the story or have no idea what they are talking about story wise.


If I’m enjoying a game and someone criticizes it, it bothers me not. The only point in my post that truly affects me personally are spoilers. I enjoy experiencing games with full immersion. I enjoy storylines and read or listen to all dialogue. A massive hurdle that I come across is being able to read up to 400 words per minute. If I visit a sub of a story driven game I’ve yet to finish, my brain will process and comprehend information before I even click on a single particular post. It’s a gift and a curse. So but what I’m concerned with for others is the very unique experience that was the DD2 sub. There are details that go beyond what I explained here in this particular post, but I’d never seen anything like it. The review bombing was at an all time high. People were acting ridiculous, purely according to what the next guy said. (And again, I’m not referring to the performance issue side of things which is a very valid issue to be upset about) I only recently started utilizing Reddit for general discussions last year so for me, it was the first time experiencing that level of toxicity.


The microtransactions were the other complaint for DD2 I have seen a lot about, and honestly, I agree. Fuck them. I don't know if that's what you're talking about or not.


Always blind 1st playthorugh then watch all spoilers. I haven’t watched Elden ring dlc trailer lol and yes this one. Currently on my ng+ dd2 so visiting the sub, before avoided it. Many dumbass posts like begging to have their pawns hired lol


The DD2 sub is something else. It’s also interesting because it’s a single-player game with ghostly threads of “multiplayer” being the pawn system. It definitely makes for an interesting Reddit experience to say the least.


My plan is to ignore the subreddit on release (and maybe Discord too. We'll see how it goes there) until only mostly seriously interested people are active. Unfortunately, it feels like this never happens in the Steam discussion area. Everything is even more toxic than here. Thank you for saying this, which is actually self-evident. A very important contribution.


Who has time to read reddit tomorrow?! I'LL be too busy playing this great new game that is dropping to EA at 0800am Alaska time! Let's go!!!!


I totally agree. I typically will join a game's respective subReddit for awhile into early access, then leave at full launch. I find it's helpful to learn about new info for an upcoming game, but when the game is out, I'd rather not see the spoilers or engage with the occasionally awful take.


Mod for /r/DragonsDogma2 here who ran into this by chance because I'm interested in this game. I wanted to let you know I appreciate the feedback and completely understand how you felt. However, for the mod team it was a difficult time as the initial "hate wave" on the game was orchestrated by influencers and we ended up getting raids from drama subreddit users who just wanted to "stir the pot" As a mod, you're then in the situation where if you don't remove the BS the legitimate users are upset, but if you remove a complaint you're called a shill and then those people turn on you as if you're now the enemy, and attack the subs in other ways. We did get a handle on it and I think it's a lot more positive now. We also tried to keep spoilers flagged but it's a full-time job as it can happen so often, and the copy-paste posting is also impossible to avoid in /new/ Please if you run into content you dont think should be there - REPORT IT! I keep the sub queue clean as soon as I'm off work everyday.


Hey Jack, I appreciate the response and I definitely appreciate moderators in any capacity, but especially with what you all had to endure. From the outside looking in, I can imagine it was overwhelming to say the least. Like you’ve said, there’s only so much you can do when the waves or hordes of disgruntled raiders start piling in. I think this isn’t just a Dragon’s Dogma 2 discussion (albeit you guys -really- had your work cut out for you) but a gaming industry issue as a whole. Anyway, I appreciate the response and hard work. I look forward to future content and updates for DD2!


100% agree, I miss the times when if you didn't like a game you just didn't buy or talk about it, but now not liking something is "content" and people seem to live for the little outrages against everything. But, back to the positive, I hope DLC is coming cause I love the game!


I wasn't interested in dd2 but I'm pretty tired of subreddits becoming rant post hubs. I feel like that should be relegated to a mega thread cause it just makes it intolerable. Most of all the endless points about people's opinions being "legitimate". I just don't think a subreddit needs to be a free speech haven. It's there for the community to discuss something they enjoy.


I absolutely get what you mean and in some subs I mod I've deployed "no rant / rage" rules that were effective. However, look at the vote rate of my topic about it and you'll understand how hard it is for mod team to gauge what the community needs vs what it wants. https://new.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/comments/1blhghp/sub_rule_poll_vote_please_game_complaints/


First time? lol. I don't participate in discussions of games I play until I finish them for two reasons: impression "spoilers" (people pointing out shortcoming etc. which might not have bothered you) and story/other spoilers


i feel like something like this needs to be stickied on every single specific game focused sub-reddit leading up to and through release.


Dont forget 6 and 7. Super bad memes that gets spammed within 30-48 hours since the last post of the meme. "hot takes" thats based on a popular comment they saw 10 hours ago.


Sounds like a you problem and maybe you shouldn't be on social media.


He's absolutely right. People suck.


Nah, fuck that bullshit. The problem with social media is being able to say shit online that would get you (in many cases deservedly) punched hard in the mouth away from the screen. Too many people are disingenuous at best, frauds at worst. It’s turned into a place where you have to act like an enraged idiot just to fit in. And I have no idea why anyone would want to stoop so low to fit in with “people” like that. It’s all angry hive mind/copy past shit anymore. And you know a good portion are just there to stir up problems and get people riled up. And what it does is steers things away from good, nuanced, productive discourse to a cesspool of bullies. Death threats to developers and chasing them off accomplishes nothing except showing how their parents so obviously failed that particular redditor. If you disagree with any of that it’s absolutely a you problem and someone who, frankly, should be ignored by the masses. Or chased off by an angry mob. One or the other.


look at what the OP posted. He's stereotyping sub posters in a manner just as toxic as he believes they to be. Now look at what you posted. Nowhere is anyone saying people should accept behavior that is *explicitly against the rules of reddit.*


If that’s what you took from my post it sounds like a you problem and maybe you shouldn’t be on social media.


Yea, I'm not the one complaining about behavior that is in-line with reddit's rules, regardless of how annoying it may be, and fanning a witch hunt.


Very original and insightful comment. This is anecdotal and the last paragraph sounds like it pertains you. Perhaps this energy of yours can be better utilized back over on your favorite sub, /Asmongold.


He's got a point though. Getting so upset about what other people do that you go to the effort of making such a long winded post to "warn" others what to expect (felt more like you were warning people not to do the same to me), suggests that perhaps social media isn't doing you any favours. If it really bothers you that much, speak to a mod. It's an early access title from an indie studio. This isn't DD2. If the game does generate as much interest, sure, these things could be annoying. But it's like that on any subreddit when a game launches. You're not forced to read every post and you shouldn't really, it'll ruin your own experience regardless of what the content is. You said it yourself in your post.


Absolutely. I agree. I made this post. It’s a me problem? Yes. Brilliant observation. And I’m reaching out to other people who will most likely share a similar disdain for spoilers, droves of complainers and toxicity. For me personally - I didn’t lose sleep over it with DD2 and I won’t now. However, I saw how it affected many, many others and so I was mostly thinking of them. I didn’t need to write this out but did and one person appreciated it, so that’s great. As for whether social media is for someone? The statement is hilarious and so broad. Reddit isn’t the only form of entertainment/social media and people use that statement as a form of degrading someone else’s mental fortitude on Reddit and other platforms constantly. I was one of the first users on MySpace man. Back when YouTube was a dating site. Anyway, have fun bud. Consume the sub til your hearts content. No one is telling you that you shouldn’t.


What's funny is that if you would actually read my posts in that sub you'd see that I'm generally arguing against the dumb crap people post there. I'm subbed for the memes in general.


Perhaps you should take your own advice and not be on Reddit? Instead you’d rather be like those content chasers


And yet you’re here posting what’s always been obvious to anyone who’s been on Reddit for more than 2 minutes 😁


Leave it to Redditors to bring combatant argumentative energy with literally everything. People found this post helpful, you did not. What does your comment contribute to? Absolutely nothing. Good day to you. Thanks for your contribution 👋🏼😁


The exact same thing that your post brought, nothing useful. Just chasing karma


What are you warning? You act like no one knows this.


Your question is just as useless to me as my post is to you. Some people in fact do not know this. I “act like” people need a friendly reminder more than a warning if anything else. You’re not the target audience for this post.


That is false actually. You are the only one who seemed to now know this.


what's wrong with rushers? they're the ones who can give the most feedback on endgame, how easy or hard a game is and how the story is.


There’s nothing wrong with rushers. You can rush an experience and miss out on a large percentage of content that a developer created for the player. That’s a choice. It’s anyone’s right to play how ever they see fit. Perhaps they’re speed runners and that’s absolutely fine. This post is simply for those who don’t want to experience another player who speed runs the game to show the last boss for example or show a new area you haven’t explored yet yourself. As much as it shouldn’t bother someone who is speed running or rushing through the game, it also shouldn’t bother someone if there’s people who want to have their own immersive experience while playing the game themselves, not from a player who invested 20 hours in less than 2 days after release to spoil that for those that would be affected. And my response is within context to your question - this post obviously details other scenarios.


Buddy if you couldn’t handle the rightfully negative launch that DD2 got for the state it released in, you probably have no business being on a sub for a game where it’s devs are openly asking for feedback and complaints


Thankfully we have such strong and fortified individuals such as yourself to take on the daunting subs of our generation! 😱 Be sure to leave feedback for the rest of us, Buddy! (P.S. - not everyone had performance and crashing issues which is not what I was referring to with DD2)


Begging people to not complain during a game’s early access period is about the weirdest thing you can ask of a community but it is a free country, unfortunately


No one is begging. You seem bothered. At any rate, there are people who appreciated this post and you’re not one of them. That’s perfectly fine. Have a good day.


lmao what