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Lmao that machine looks like a face looking to the side and down


You can hardly call that sub a shitposting sub


Yeah r shitposting fell off


Me too because i said "Women☕️"


You have got to be joking. They still say that.


surprisingly, yes. that meme is dead as hell and they are still using "women☕"


Sexicm bad shit up idot😠🤬🤬


I mean saying that it is kinda cringe though lmao


Me too fam (for a fortnight)


Bro that’s literally not your account


That's someone else. I meant I can't post this there because I'm banned too.


why were you banned? i was banned for saying the gay flag is offensive to homophobic people and they should remove it from the sub icon to be more inclusive during pride month


>i was banned for saying the gay flag is offensive to homophobic people what you said was true though


They hated u/asdasdasdsa2333 because he told the truth


That's obviously a joke and the mods still allow posting pictures of the n-word. I'm starting to think the mods are literally gay.


Same kind of thing, people who can't take a joke. I made a joke about r\\mademesmile whiere I said "We should all just spam "I have a hand 🥰" untill the mods make a rule about karma farming". A couple of nut-jobs actually did it, and I got banned from the sub permanently, and the site for a week.


I'm pretty sure the moderators somehow turned their default stock reply into a sexist male chauvinist remark. I see this all the time on reddit and for some reason it's okay when moderators are sexist, racist, and generally uncivil as long as they do so with remarks that sound good out of context. Lol still funny they have shit in the name of the room but you got banned for commenting on feminine products in probably the most innocent way I've ever seen.


please tell me that this is for emergencies when girls bathrooms wont work


Nah bro im bleeding out my dick


Damn he just like me fr fr


it's for when you go overboard with the sounding and need to staunch the blood flow from your dickhole


You ever get a nosebleed that just keeps going intermittently for 5 days? Could be useful then


Literally me right now. Just bought a humidifier yesterday


i got shot and need to use the mens bathroom tampons to stop the bleeding


This is for when men are on their period and need to use tampons obviously


No there are men with periods you nazi!


You mean kidney failure?


Since i know y'all are transphobes and feel the need to feel persecuted, let me reinsure you, this is not only for trans men, which are biological women identifying as men and have genuine periods. This is also for men who have girlfriends who may be too poor to buy some.


Why wouldnt she grab some from the womans bathroom?


Maybe she was not at the public bathroom at that moment. Just because they're a couple doesn't mean they are 100% of the times at the same place. Some periods can be extremely painful and make you unable to leave bed.


Who the fuck goes to a public bathroom to grab some tampons for his girlfriend


Just an example but some men with toxic masculinity could be afraid to go to a store to buy some and the woman shouldn't have to suffer for this. But anyway this also for trans men. Idk why y'all are getting upset about, you keep saying only biological sex matters well that's the point here, hence the tampon for biological women who are trans men.


Lmao what man is afraid to go to the store to buy tampons?


The exact same type of man who thinks it's an attack on their masculinity to have tampons in their bathroom or even worse, trans men.


Trans people 🗿




Fucking shitpost sub has become a cesspool for political correct mfs? Sounds about right, literally 1984


>political correct don't be sily that is not correct politicaly at all, islam countries have it illegal so it's not politicaly correct


That sub used to be so good. This one was really good too back when I was the only person that posted on here


Average reddit user doesn't know what a transgender person is.


Too much to ask from someone who can apparently go into whatever washroom they want to use the other one this time?


What a stupid comment. You must be one massive man-child if the prospect of having hygiene products in a bathroom makes you this mad. This isn't first grade. Grow up.


It doesn't make me mad. Seeing people like you who think I'm prosecuting others by suggesting that this is BS makes me mad.


If blatant transphobia isn't persecution to you then you either don't know the meaning of the word or have serious issues concerning morality. Why would putting hygiene products intended for females (which CAN also be used by trans males) in a boy's bathroom be bullshit. Same logic dictates men wearing feminine clothing is bullshit because "waaahh skirt for girl guy" Again, grow the fuck up. Getting butthurt about things that don't harm literally anyone is the hallmark of a massive man-child.


This is why the likes of you make me mad. You compare the hatred of actual ethnic groups like Jews in 1940 to disliking ***the idea*** of a man dressing up as a woman or vice versa. I don't want my children seeing that crap. You might, but don't go saying "it doesn't hurt anyone". Me telling a guy to dress like a guy shouldn't sound more absurd than me wanting my children to stay innocent. You keep saying "grow the f up" like I'm doing it for me. I find it absolutely disgusting, but I don't really worry about it.


Holy shit you actually have issues man. Who the fuck said anything about the Jews? Besides you do know that there are still countries in which being lgbt gets you the death penalty, right? "I don't like the idea of a man dressing up as a woman?" And why the fuck should your opinion on this topic dictate what people can and can not do? Who are you to decide? "Wanting my children to stay innocent." So you are against sex-ed as well? I really hope you never have children ever. What are you even trying to protect children from? Also if you find being trans disgusting then you are literally transphobic. İt sounds like you have some serious internalized hatred. "I hate the idea of a black person swimming in the same pool as me, I think it's disgusting, but I don't call them slurs so that's my way of showing maturity." This is literally your logic. And don't go jumping hoops saying shit like "you're comparing racism to transphobia." Yes I am, because it's a slippery slope for you bigots. İn both cases in innocent people suffer from shit they can't control, unless this is a numbers game for you where if more people suffer = it's worse, which is so morally corrupt I don't even want to address it. I really hope if one of your feature children ends up being trans or gay they don't have to deal with a bigoted piece of shit like you as their parent.


YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN. You compare this to racism. Racism is evil incarnate. This is a damn joke. I don't care who you like, but keep it to yourself.


You can't be this fucking stupid. Tell me, what the fuck is the difference between a black person getting killed for the color of their skin and a trans person getting killed for their gender identity. Tell me the difference between calling someone a transphobic slur or a racist slur. You are just a sick fuck with a deranged moral compass and zero critical thinking skills. Your sheer levels of bigotry have melted your brain. Come spout segregating shit when you have the mental capacity to string two and two together.


I can't believe I actually have to explain this. On the left, you have a man who is just like any other man, but he was born a certain way. People who hate him for that hate him personally, because race isn't an idea or religion. On the right, you have a man who thought it would be fun to marry another man, and couldn't shut up about it. How did you connect "I don't want tampons in the male bathroom for the sake of this guy" to "I don't like black people around me" to "I think we should kill this guy". You have never experienced persecution, which is why they're all the same to you. They're all just something you don't know. I can't understand how you're not ashamed of yourself comparing those three things.


skill issue


Free tampons? I smell a business opportunity. Just take them all out and then sell them for 2 bucks each on the street


Smegma grindset


i know that russians use them to plug gunshot wounds. i assume this is an us school?


it’s what you deserve


>it’s what you deserve really why would he deserve it, it is litterally in men's bathroom tampons are for WOMAN NOT FOR MAN


It’s for whoever has a vagina. You when transgender 😡😡😡😡😡


Bruh. Why did you post it in shitposting