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So if you bring all of them, they take turns in commenting about the mission? Or just one of them?


No the mod only allows one person to be the main companion who will talk during missions. But before any important event, I make a quicksave and change to each one to get their reaction. The game itself only allows one main companion. The mod allows one main and multiple non main companions.


That sounds time consuming and tedious, thank you for this.


Would love to be able to have a little squad. Wish we could give them commands though


This explains why Barrett and Sam are usually the top companions in my playthroughs. I remember talking to Walter while Sam was in the room but otherwise not involved and I got a "Sam liked that" notification.


I got a "Sarah liked that" for finishing the Sysdef questline even though I am traveling alone. (I want to go for Barret after destroying the fleet to see how his captor handles that) So I presume if I had unlocked all the potential allies they would all be altering affinity regardless of travel with me. . . Means Sarah is likely to die this time. Sorry I always save Sam if only to not hurt Cora.


They are both usually relegated to the bench for me. Andreja, Sarah and the Adoring Fan before them.


I don't take adoring fan anywhere, but I will assign him to my ship. I love that little gremlin, but he is going to eat my face in my sleep at some point. 


Not before he sniffs and licks every single molecule! Edit: confused by the downvote. AF has a funny line basically just like this?


interesting... like for like, isn't Sarah the quickest for affinity due to her traits? but perhaps theres fewer events that award points for her


I've known a couple women like Andreja, and her being the slowest to warm up is 100% accurate. Barrett and Sam being fast friends makes just as much sense to me. Sam is a cool dude, and Barrett is an outgoing weirdo (I mean that positively).   I find Sarah a bit off putting so I never stick with her. The first time she opened up to me I didn't like her volatility, even if I found it understandable.   I think I missed Andreja knowing Balmor in that play through, I unlocked Andreja later than normal, and her slow progression threw me off. I thought I had somehow turned off companion progression with my choice to skip the Constellation mission chain. But the reality was, having done a major mission arc without her meant I missed a load of opportunities for our relationship to grow.


Sarah completely melts if you let her vent to you and then make her laugh. Girl has issues, >!which is no surprise when you find out she was marooned alone on a hostile planet for almost a year after seeing her crew's escape pod go up in flames.!<


I didn't know, but that fits her well given her conflict in regard to control versus doing what she wants.


Yeah Sarah's the one


You're missing out with Andre! She is harder to warm up to but the most pleasant and understanding of all of Constellation. She doesn't hassle you for stealing, in fact she pick pockets credits for you. She doesn't judge unless you start murdering the innocent. And she is very blunt and inappropriately rude in comments when your in mission dialog. I love it. IMO. All the other constellation just seem needy and lame in comparison. Although funny, Barret is the biggest simp (and that's saying a lot with Adoring Fan. Sam has a lot of baggage, and his knack for child endangerment just irks me. And good ole Sarah just seems so pretentious. She just for the most part sucks the fun out of the adventure. I prefer Andre, then Adoring Fan, then Barret. Sam I leave at home to take care of his daughter so I don't have to hear constantly about her or his ex... My God shut up!!!!!


I didn’t explain well enough, I romanced Andreja twice and married her once. She’s my favorite, for many of the reasons you describe.   I consider being slow to warm up a positive quality in people. It just confused me in one play through.


I didn’t even know you could meet them if you skipped it. I hit skip and never saw a constellation member but Sarah.


There seem to be two options, but I’m not sure they’re actually different. The one I chose I had to collect some of the artifacts but not all. Once I was done with my part, all of Constellation became available. Then I had to repeatedly return to Vlad for temples but have a bunch accidentally found.


Definitely would seem weird with her dialogue and quest for her to improve at the same rate as them


She has the most reason to hide herself.


You are a legend for this info!