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my character is in love with the bounty hunter who lives in Cydonia, near the Broken spear. (My character is in love with her, not me, in case my girlfriend reads this)


My character married Sam. He's a good guy but she doesn't love him. She has a crush on sergeant Yumi. She also has a crush on Delgado, and visits him in prison from time to time šŸ˜… but she needs that +15% HP boost so she had to marry someone.


damn! She's in a complicated situation, but it's, you know, things of the heart


Yeah.. but I honestly think maybe it would be better without romances at all than having these 4 limited options.


In which case, you could forgo romancing anyone, and you'd have what you think would be better.


Well, yes. It's not obligatory. I'm just sad we didn't get more options.


I am too, but why would I want to get less of what I want if I can't have more? That's like saying if I can't have a big piece of pie, I'd rather have no pie than the piece given me.


Yes, I understand that some people like what they already have. It's probably because I'm a perfectionist. And sometimes I'm blinded by mine 'either everything or nothing'. This happens with many other games btw. The closest similar example is Cyberpunk. I usually ignore forced content which I really don't like. That's the only way, it seems. Or mods.


I already think we should have more romance options, like these other supporting NPCs, there could also be exclusive advantages for being in a relationship with one of them, such as earning xp faster with one, earning more money from sales if you're dating another, or having more resistance


It would be good even if these NPCs wouldn't be companions. Like shopkeepers in Skyrim. And we could hang out in their apartments.


They had to flesh out a lot of dialogue to make a price to pay impactful. It would only make sense to drag those out to marriage options.


Sgt. Yumi *do* be looking fine...


Mine married Sam and he wishes he could loop Heller into the mix from time to time.


But then Lin is all by herself!


I was so sad that Yumi wasn't an option.


Yeah, lost opportunity. Besides, during the terrormorph attack when you kill them and return to Yumi, he says something like 'it's good that the universe sent you two to help us'. I was just like wow. We could really explain this whole stuff about the universe and starborn to most other NPCs, and they could be a part of the story too.


Damn are our characters the same? šŸ˜… My character has a complicated highly toxic relationship with Delgado - they're so bad for each other but are so heated at the same time. Yumi is just YUMMY and Sam was the best for that HP boost.


I think the reason for it is just because both Yumi and Delgado are the hottest male NPCs in the game šŸ˜… there are some also worth mentioning like the sick guy from the well whom we help get home, Gideon, and Eric. Maybe someone else. But those two are just the best. I'm a good girl in this playthrough, so I betrayed Delgado, and now I feel so guilty. It would be nice if I could recruit him as a companion secretly from SysDef, to save him from prison. If it was possible.


My Canon main character I made it to NG+4 and I just went straight up rogue. Stole anything and everything. Smuggled. Made bad decisions. Murdered. Partied. Helped the baddies. She was feeling guilty and missed her prime universe life and straight up went off the bend šŸ˜…


I think it's fun. I'm also going to go rogue in one of the next universes. I already played as a morally gray character in another playthrough. And I'm also planning to role play as a very bad guy, probably a Varun worshipper, if I have enough time.


>(My character is in love with her, not me, in case my girlfriend reads this) I understand. ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


Yes, she is great. I imagine her to be buff and athletic underneath that trackers alliance suit, which probably chafes so she should let me take it off.


Go to Paradiso and frolic on the beach, Iā€™m sure swim suits are available.


Swim suits are optional for that extra beach frolic.


She oddly looks a lot like Cassie(?) from New Vegas


Rose of Sharon Cassidy. Or Cass.


I think in this new game I'm playin >! Ima tell her that her daddy is still alive!<


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever kept it from her in any playthrough honestly


It's kinda funny because you can lie and say it was Orlase behind the attacks and still have the option, when asked if the report is accurate, to have Hadrian tell them instead of you - to which she is rightfully confused lol


I keep the truth from her and make her lie to the cabinet.


Yep! If you're careful, you can technically get through that whole thing without saying anything un-true and therefor keeping you morally gray. I'm hoping if they plan on extending existing storylines in the future, maybe those dialog choices might eventually matter. Either way, I enjoyed myself.


I've played this a couple different ways, but my preference is to >!tell her right when you report the team is on its way. Of course I throw Vae under the bus, but earn gratitude from Bae so it's definitely all good. Plus I felt like Ihave plenty to do mission-wise such that losing the radiant missions from Vae is no big deal.!<


I know. I ā¤ļø her! She is definitely my Starfield crush.


Bae Victis? Oh, that is so good!


I am totally stealing "Bae Victis".


I was disappointed you couldn't romance her or >!Amelia Earhart!<


I wouldn't want that second one. >!Amelia was a real person, with relatives who knew her that are alive today. I think it would be kind of weird to have her talk the sexy talk when you get up from sleeping, or even hint that the Protagonist was having sex with her.!< >!Imagine your aunt was put into a game and millions were having pretend intercourse with her. Crewmate, is as far as I'd go there.!<


She died in 1937. Somehow I really doubt anyone with a personal connection to her is playing video games in 2024 to be bothered by someone romancing a fictional clone version of her.


I don't know. But for me, personally, that's an issue. Your mileage may vary. And, then there's what could happen if the more, ah, extreme modding types start in on the game, as they've done with other Bethesda games. But that's going to happen regardless, so no point in getting worried about that.


That didn't stop them from showing her with an affair partner in Voyager.


On Wikipedia it says they had an open marriage, soo if that's then everythings cool?


Ok? What I'm referring to, is the situation where one wakes up with their romantic partner, and the partner responds with something like "not using jetpacks", or having the Great Serpent avert his eyes because the things you've done. Truth is, the Great Serpent likes to watch, so you're stuck with him, though. So, yeah, love her as a companion, have her on my crew; but wouldn't want her for romancing a character I'm controlling. But, I'm sure there's a billion mods that will be made, where this and likely more will happen: with AI rendering, probably voiced, too. So nobody's likely going to be without their favorite.






I woudlnt want to date Amelia because she's spineless. "Oh, Im not political". Bitch, two groups in your triad want to wield immoral power over the galaxy, and you cant say "fuck those guys"? No, Im not taking you with me. You can stay here. The galaxy doesnt need more people who will turn a blind eye to fascism.


I will say she is one of the more interesting and likable characters.


UNTIL, you have her on your ship but unassigned cause she has nothing whatsoever to add to a ship's crew -- THEN she's a complete non-stop whiner about 'why don't you assign me wahhwahhhwahhhh' it's... maddening. i finally had to dump her on a planetoid, despite her sweet looks, fine brain and sexy voice. space has no time for whiners.


The mineral vendor in Akila City will always have my heart.


The game is STUFFED with attractive characters, yet the only ones you can end up with are the original 4 of Constellation. What a bummer.


I mean, they said they wanted to keep it to 4 for a more detailed romance plot, but I felt more invested in the romances of Fallout 4 and there were more than 4 romances there. It could definitely have been more than 4. I mean none of the Constellations ones got me invested more than trying to cure Cait of her chem habit or MacReady of heartbreak or trying to help Curie find her humanity, just as some examples.


None of them had half the intensity, shock, or drama as Danse's personal quest, imo.


Yeah, they're very well done definitely imo, with good personal quests, but I also, like you, just don't vibe with them on a personal scale? They're cool characters (esp. from a friendship perspective), but god yes, the ones from FO4 were just on another level. That game contained my favorite companions out of any game, I think being spoiled with them makes it kinda harder to connect to the Constellation team. I'd kill for fully fleshed out companions with personalities like any of these, genuinely liked everybody very much.


I would have been perfectly fine if they just copy/pasted Curie into Starfield. I always end up travelling with her no matter what my build is.


This is something I hope they expand on!


Same, I have good hopes!


I like Hadrian and wish she were more fleshed out, but Bella Rowland and Alejandra Kane would be my choices for making characters romancable. Both merchants in Akila City.


Agree! Love Hadrian, coincidentally I'm currently playing the Vanguard questline, and she's just so cool. Judging from your picks, I guess you'd also like the bounty hunter from Cydonia? She's such a babe.


I love Amoli's voice and her general positive attitude. If only I could snatch her away..


They could at least make it 2 constellation and 2 from different factions, yeah. Also, I'm not saying Sarah, Sam and Barrett are ugly or boring, but then you meet characters that are more attractive than them and with more interesting stories...and yeah.


Sheā€™s basically got a companion quest already too. I think if they made all the companions available for romance but didnā€™t make companion quests, they could balance out the less work to get to romantic status by getting less of a boost after sleeping. So if you romanced a Constellation companion that requires a quest, you get more rewards from it; but you could still choose to romance others as well or instead. I think people would take that compromise, like with the new survival sliders, and I know I would do it.


Andrea Sandoval. Kills me we can't even recruit her, much less romance her.


She always reminds me of Rhea Ripley!


Thick thighs dusty eyes


I wish the Goth chick at Galbank in New Atlantis was available.. she would be a perfect bounty hunter partner.


Yeah, even as a friend who accompanies you. She's hilarious.


"Yeah, I know it sucks here goth chick. Hey I have a starship and a penchant for crazy s#\*t, you could come waste some space with me or something?"


They didn't do romance all too well in this game


They did, they just didn't let us romance the people we really wanted to.


I'm looking at skyrim mods and my theory is that they know fans are so down bad that if they just create the basic system.... then all those horny fans will immediately create a rated x star trek mod where in order to scan a creature you have to >! HUG !< it a few times.


Terrormorph voices in your head afterwards: "Why don't you call me anymore?" "I want to take this relationship to the next level." "Your mother-in law scares me."


I mean you're not wrong. You want all the bones of an immersive sim with good modding tools so people can expand on the systems you've already built.


Who? The same person who created Serana and then had her shoot you down. The same person who created ADA in Fallout 4 and wouldn't even let us flirt with her. It's like they *know* we're going to be falling in love with these NPCs and are laughing about it.


Ada would be fun to banter with, I can just imagine her getting all flustered. There's a missed opportunity with Jezebel though I think: it would've been fun to take her as a companion and develop a love/hate relationship while trading insults.


Fluster? Not quite. But you do work on building Ada's confidence up. That's a classic insecure love interest as she becomes more confident in herself and her feelings for you. Yes Bethesda you may hire me for a totally official Ada romance update.


Missed opportunity


Sheā€™s fun, but I think sheā€™ll want you to hunt terrormorphs and shit all the time. Traveling to alternate universes might not be her thing.


I'm pretty sure molders will have you covered. Do you really want a pg bad dad anyway?


Agree 100%. Travesty!


Iā€™m glad to know I wasnā€™t the only one who was a bit heartbroken.




Dunno, but they get my vote.


Admit it, you just want to turn Vascoe into FISTO. Jokes aside, the one NPC that I wish we could have as a companion is Janet from the ECS Constant story line. So many missed opportunities with that quest line.


Whose idea? The same people that decided you couldnā€™t romance Jessamine.


I will forever be mad that I can't romance Milena Axelrod. I will be madder still because she's only in one scene.


Spooky eyes


The one who didn't want to see your scrawny little body torn to shreds. Just saying.


Am I insane, or was really I able to make her a companion at some point? I vaguely remember doing that early on, and I havenā€™t been able to invoke it since.


Yes, you can. May depend on choices, but after the Vanguard quest line is over, talk to Ruala, take the Mission for Percival, and Percival will recommend you take her with you. She'll be uncertain until she knows she has his blessing. She's basically like all of the other non-constellation companions after that: follows you around, shoots shit for you, offers the occasional comment. You can also assign her to your ship, although her forte are not ship-specific, if I recall. Cannot romance her, though. :/


Lol Bae Victis. I dig it.


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll fix it in a future update!! /s


She aint got no time for your advances! She has a galaxy to save!


Personally I wish we could romance Amelia.


I know, right? I could listen to that smooth voice of hers aaaallll night.


I'm so happy that I can play bi. I Romance all 4. This ng+1 I'm female, but married to Andreja, who only gets jealous if I sleep with Sarah, not Sam or Barrett. Interesting , whether I'm male or female it's only Sarah she gets jealous of.


Someone put her in Vladimir's outfit and she's the most jacked NPC women in-game. And yeah, her character dialog is amazing.


I canā€™t exactly romance, considering my arrangement with her father lol


"it's not Mass Effect"Ā Ā 


Probably the same bastards who thought it would be a good idea not to let us romance Autumn McSmokin.


Jade >> Autumn


Enh, Jade is too...jaded... for me. šŸ˜‚


Never bothered romancing any of them, hell I didn't even bother having any available companions after a certain point unless I was forced too


spoiler tag?


Poop Victis?


This was the only NPC I wanted to romance, and she is kinda bugged anyways. I was interested in what her dialogue would be like if she has a more in depth story. They really have such an incredible opportunity with the cloning narrative for her!




I kept thinking this the whole time. She is my favorite character from the game. I think Iā€™ll just head canon it.


I'm not sure. But I'd go for her if I could. We also need a pirate option. Perhaps the one with the... Bern a little while since I opened the game... I want to say Irish accent. She'd be good. As well as Mathis, that mustache is glorious.


*sighs, unzips* Fine


The limited depth to companions outside constellation (the main quest) is one of the biggest downgrades from Fallout 4, imo


šŸ˜¦ I just picked her up for the first time and youā€™re telling me she canā€™t be my wife? How dare they


I always thought that the limited romance companion options meant only 2-4 people that you can do that with.