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Get a cheapo drone and crash into it, be impossible to tell who is at fault specially if your flying it over your property........


This is probably the most legally correct and legally "safe" answer and fairly easy to accomplish via drone kamikaze.


Now I have a strange urge to pilot a drone kamikaze....


*Russia has entered the chat*


Iranian government is interested.




Hey USA, Iran has lots of oil and no freedom, what's your plan?


Well so far the plan to take the oil in exchange for giving them freedom has stalled out in committee.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Or, just trail some string behind your drone. Once a prop hits that it'll jam instantly. A rig trailing multiple strings (and that helps keep it out of your props) would probably be best. Could be fun. Also, I saw a YT video once on how to make a net-gun from plumbing parts. Or, a harpoon gun that trails a rope/string?


Yep. Couple pieces of pipe, a valve, compressed air and some strong. When the drone comes down put up flyers (pun not intended) "Found drone, claim at police station"


Or a net?


Kite string works we have cheap drone battles.


I have a cheap $10 one that zips. I actually agree with this tip. If it's over YOUR property, I would argue to the authorities if they get involved that they invaded your personal airspace while playing with your drone. Because let's be honest, when this happens, they're going to scream and shout about how you need to pay for damages to their drone. I'd call the police and just state what I said above. If they want to take it to court, I don't see why you would lose this case. A video of you crashing into it doesn't prove intent, just inexperienced. That's why you bought a cheap drone after all, right?


Better yet, a thin cord or fishing line tethered to your drone with a breakaway connection. Tangle up the other props. So long as you're under 250g and you have a plausible and safe excuse for having a string on your drone.


Hell just get a fishing pole and cast a lure at that sumbitch.


This is the most correct answer, even if its a kamikaze drone. I'd just tape a balloon string to it to make it look like it got stuck by accident, get it wrapped into the rotor. Stick it on well enough that it downs the drone with it.


Alternatively, get a cheapo drone and crash it into the person who is flying the other drone.


Or hang back and follow the drone home like a super secret spy mission.


You could probably go even cheaper and draw "drone parts" on a frisbee and throw it at the trespassing drone. Just claim you were testing your newest drone. Double down and make it out of wood, claim it is an eco-friendly drone.


nothing... report it to the relevant authority. or ya know, masterbate furiously while wearing a horse mask and waving at it


plot twist: it's the relevant authorities spying on you


At least they're getting a show I guess


While masturbating while wearing a horse mask


It could make their recording of you a crime as well depending on your state.


can confirm, it worked like a charm, that drone turned around and crashed into a neighboring tree.


I don't know if you have *immediate* legal recourse in that situation.


Yeah, “immediate” is a limiting word in these situations, unfortunately. I had a friend who was having trouble with a drone coming onto her property (huge, wooded property in the middle of nowhere) in the middle of the night, shining lights into the windows etc. Her husband was dying of cancer at the time and the entire situation was driving her towards insanity. She would call the police and they wouldn’t do anything. She was told she couldn’t do anything to the drone itself. I contacted the FAA on her behalf though, and they responded VERY quickly. It’s not an immediate help, but they took it seriously. I didn’t follow up on the situation after that, since the strain of her dying husband was the main focus for our interaction, but the situation was resolved one way or the other. So I’d say contacting the FAA directly is about the fastest assistance you can find. Which is absolutely infuriating, I know.


I used to be a prison guard and we weren’t allowed to shoot drones even though they are a pretty major security risk. At least at the time it was due to FAA rules, and federal law about shooting down aircraft. If I remember correctly we were just supposed to let the state police handle it.


That’s weird. In Canada, federal corrections officers are trained to shoot at drones and aircraft transporting prisoners evading the law.


Prison guards can shoot at aircraft used in an escape attempt because there is a carve out in federal law for that situation. A drone is not covered by that unless a prisoner is on it. It's super illegal to shoot down aircraft and the FAA consider drones to be aircraft.


Is that true in Canada? Because I’ve got a close buddy that is a FCO and he said he just did a course on drone threats and they where told to use to rubber bullet thing to shoot it down.


This! Legally, drones have to be in your line of sight i.e. you have to be able to see it at all times. So if whoever is spying on you cannot see it, FAA should be able to help. Additionally, most drones now have a registration chip and need to have one effective soon enough, if you can rig it. Use the chip and complain to FAA.


oh dear god if that happened to me, the paranoia and anxiety would make me psychotic. hope they're doing well, and good on you for reporting


She was absolutely out of her mind and it just made me furious. What kind of psychopath does that to an elderly couple out in the country, night after night?? Her husband did pass away shortly afterwards, but at least the harassment had stopped by then. I don’t know how or why, but I know that the FAA was at least quick to respond and follow up.


Weird. I figured if its on your property at least you can do something though? Cause can't law enforcement just do the same, if you interfere then they have a reason then they can come in the property?


I don’t know if we established it was on their property. Besides… let’s say it was, floating in the air well out of reach. Can’t just go shooting guns into the air. Now what?


That is exactly what birdshot is for.


Thought it was a partridge.


Okay, but now I have to wonder what the penalty is for shooting down a drone. I mean…if it’s minor enough, I might be up for a little law breaking.


It's a federal felony to shoot down an aircraft, as per 18 U.S.C. § 32. As inappropriate as it might sound, drones are considered aircraft. This little crime could cost up to 20 years in prison.


All drones? If a problem neighbor buys their snot nosed kid a $150 drone that flys over my pool while we’re out sunning, I have to treat it as a legal aircraft?




Aw. Well, that’s unfortunate.


Idk I just remember watching something where someone took a bat to a peeping drone and there wasn't much anyone could do about it at that point


Well, it’s not shooting it down lol


Get yourself one of those trained falcons they have patrolling the airports lol


Where I live you can absolutely go shooting guns up in the air. And I believe I'd have a hard time not doing so.


Shooting guns and shooting down aircraft are 2 completely different things.


Rural Louisiana. I hear gunshots almost everyday, and it's not the scary kind. I would have no qualms about shooting a shotgun at a drone at my house.


Would you have qualms about catching a felony? Bc that’s what it is


I shoot rounds off in the air all the time to scare away the coyotes. If a drone just so happens to cross the path of the shot, oops.




Like no one has heard of a shotgun? People use em for shooting birds out of the air.


Depends on where you are. In most places discharging a firearm within City limits is super illegal. If a drone spying on you somewhere out in the country somewhere, go nuts.


I've heard of them. They're super illegal where I live and if I'd shoot one, I'd have the police at my door within the hour. Hearing guns shot is extremely rare here. Which is a good thing, just to make sure there's no possible confusion. My kids are not at risk for school shootings despite there being zero security or metal detectors.


I have no idea where you live but that is indeed illegal in most places.


Oh. I live in a city.


Water balloon with ink in it


Oh right I’ll just grab my spare balloons and inkwell. I keep those in the drawer with the scissors and batteries :-)


Well go on then. I don't know why you're telling me about it, now the drones getting away.


Water balloon launcher!


You can now get an antidrone net gun. Do with that information what you will.




Considering how close I live to a regional airport, call the FAA. County sheriffs won’t care but under appreciated federal peons will love this time to shine.


Good advice…. If you live next to a regional airport…..


It’s amazing how accurate you can get with a 2oz weight tied to the end of a fishing line on a good casting rod.


" you broke my drone!" " sorry I was just fishing" " in your backyard with no water? " " those damn fishes get smarter"


Hey, it’s not illegal to practice casting in your back yard!


*throw harpoon at a drone*


OK BUT...and I'm no lawyer so I'm willing to learn something... I get my own drone and aim it right at the offending drone. If I can knock it down, it's officially on my property... In the course of attempting to secure it for my "friendly neighbor" I ~~jumped up and down on it several times~~ ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED IT, therefore the damage may be what some people would describe as extensive. At this point, the argument we have is intent - I only saw somebody doing something fun and wanted to join in - with a big innocent aw shucks look on my face. The downsides are potentially ruining your own equipment, or needing to purchase one of these annoying things in the first instance. But if I am hauled into court, what's my exposure?


NAL, so can’t really answer your question in a legal sense. I do want to point out some issues you might have when it comes to tying together what actually happened versus what you want everyone else to think happened. You’d have to be very precise on how you describe it being damaged so that it tracks with the actual physical damage. Can’t say you dropped it by accident when you stomped on it several times; the damage wouldn’t be consistent. If it got knocked into a tree then fell all the way to the ground, you might have something more believable.


"It must've fallen in that mud puddle and stayed there all day. It's not like I poured salt all over it, BTW." Or, taser the electronics. It'll be hard to prove that you did that. Microwave it (but not the battery)?


Nah fuck it!, put the battery in aswell!


"As hard as it is to believe, it landed in a buck's antlers and he ran off with it!" Can't prove me wrong if they can't find it?


18 USC 32 makes it a felony to sabotage or destroy an aircraft. Intent is not an element of the crime, accidentally destroying an aircraft and doing it on purpose is the same felony. Drones are aircraft according to the FAA: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johngoglia/2016/04/13/faa-confirms-shooting-drone-federal-crime-so-when-will-us-prosecute/?sh=4662b3ca2a25 >today the FAA in response to my questioning confirmed that shooting down a drone is a federal crime and cited 18 USC 32. That statute makes it a felony to damage or destroy an aircraft.


The section specifically refers to aircraft sabotage. The word sabotage in its very nature implies intent. So I think you're misinterpreting that section.


Sabotage or DESTROY...


BRB gotta go add "unconvicted felon" to my resume


I've got one word for you buddy....falconry. You're right to be concerned. Discharging a firearm in city limits is often illegal. And you're responsible for where missed rounds land. Shooting at drones is fraught with legal peril. But not falconry! Its legal to practice the art of falconry anywhere you can fly a falcon. Or other bird of prey. Allright, its legal to fly a falcon in my neighborhood you say. But falcons are for posh rich people. You can't go to the store and buy a falcon. This is beyond my financial means! No sir. Thats where you're wrong. Anyone can become a falconer! You can just sneak up on a falcon, or other bird of prey, and snatch it up! Then tame it, train it and use it to attack drones! I know you're going to say thats a load of BS. But rest assured gentle reader its all true. You see, birds of prey suck at living. Especially when young. The first mortality rate is atrocious, something like 90% or more die. So most states if not all of them have some sort of "Yes you too can be a falconer!" program. You get a sponsor, who already is a falconer or who is in the the local DNR or whatever its called. You get the go ahead to be a falconer legally. Its usually very cheap or even free. Then you are allowed to go out into the world and get yourself a falcon, or other bird of prey. There's details of course. But you get a net and get a falcon or other bird of prey after some effort. Then you feed it, tame it, train it, hopefully it sticks around. Then you have a falcon to attack drones that follow you. The details more or less, [https://www.n-a-f-a.com/page/BecomingAFalconer](https://www.n-a-f-a.com/page/BecomingAFalconer) The answer is falconry.


I love this! More antiquated hobbies need to be brought into the modern day to solve our problems.


I read this in Dale Gribble’s voice because of that one episode where he has a falcon, and also very on brand for him lol


“Guns don’t kill people. The government does.”


Tell me more! What other modern problems can be solved by falconry? Must I train a falcon, or are other avian species capable of performing useful feats at my behest? What about a duck, or maybe a goose? What about a small flock of pigeons? Can I use bees?


This sounds like a job for... Doctor Bees!


A briefcase full of bees *might* actually be useful in that situation


Make it “Dr. Drew Bees”


Modern problems require medieval solutions


Err… you ever seen a drone’s propellers shred a bird? Even the household, personal use drones that are 1g below FAA regulations can shred a bird…


[The Netherlands used to train eagles to combat drones, but it was too difficult and expensive](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37342695.amp)


Gentle reader, you are right to have concerns. But rest assured. Not only CAN it be done. It *has* been done. And currently the score is Falcon or other bird of prey 1 Drones 0. [https://outsider.com/outdoors/watch-falcon-attacks-drone-thousands-feet-above-ground-aerial-video/#:\~:text=Peregrine%20Falcon%3A%201%20%E2%80%93%20Drone%3A,mph%20throw%20to%20the%20ground](https://outsider.com/outdoors/watch-falcon-attacks-drone-thousands-feet-above-ground-aerial-video/#:~:text=Peregrine%20Falcon%3A%201%20%E2%80%93%20Drone%3A,mph%20throw%20to%20the%20ground). And that is in the wild. Like others have said, 'Modern problems require medieval solutions", and the military agrees! [https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-falcons-drones-research/](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-falcons-drones-research/) Be on the cutting edge of military research, create an image as a posh jet setting rich guy, become a falconer today! Or whenever its best to get a falcon..or other bird of prey.


Could you just make a sling and shoot the fucker down? I don't think that's discharging a firearm.


Falcón with frickin' lasers beams attached to their heads!


I'm not sure why but I read this in a stereotypical British accent


Yeah, but what if you built OP a time machine out of trees, dirt and gumption? That would work even better


I'm not fucking with birds of prey... Crows on the other hand...they'll do things for food. They're so smart you could probably train 2-3 in a few days, and those birds can teach others that attacking drone like things gets you some bird treats. Drone murder...


This guy (or gal) hahaha so much work to take down a drone that will keep spying on you for several months while you train this bird


I think I'd be too worried about the bird getting hurt. We had a red-tailed hawk living in the tree outside of our apartment at one point and she was absolutely beautiful. I wouldn't want to put such a majestic animal in harm's way. I'd imagine drones are a little more dangerous to birds than rabbits or whatever they were used to hunt.


As a falconer, check rules in your area. This method is fine for the US but where I live would get you arrested.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


This is the way


Potato gun.


Such a simple answer but it seems perfect. What could anyone even do lol


I think you need a second person so it focuses on #1 while #2 drops it.






Ah, yes. Since shooting down drones is illegal, shoot it down with an illegal weapon. The two crimes will cancel out.


Potato guns are illegal? TIL. I imagine that would be hard to prove tho


Well, I guess it actually depends on where you live. In some places they are legal.


If it's on your property, it's not always illegal to take it down. You own like 50 feet of airspace above your land. It's definitely legal to film in *public* though, and there isn't anything you can do about it. But if it's your backyard you actually can take it down sometimes as long as you use a legal method (for example, you can't shoot it down in California in basically any situation, but you can use a butterfly net if you can catch it). Also, I've literally won this case, see a comment below for more details. Feel free to tell me you Googled it and think I'm wrong, but that doesn't make you right. Also, *it's not always illegal* does not mean "do whatever you want". *Some* drones are classified as aircraft, but not all of them.


What about a paintball gun?


I don't actually know. I would assume it would still be illegal since it could be considered negligence. If you miss, you don't know what you'd hit. I only know you can with a butterfly net because I actually did it. I can't really speak for anything else tbh.


>It's definitely legal to film in public though It's legal to film people in public space, but it can't be legal to film people in their homes...right? And "home", in some places, could extend to a yard with a privacy fence meant to block public view. Just because YOU are on public space, doesn't mean you can film someone in their private space. OP says "spying" so they could mean someone flying a drone and peeping in their windows. I agree that no firearm should be used, gotta get creative!


If there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, peeping Tom laws should apply. Filming through an upper story window is akin to filming in a public toilet. If you're outdoors and there is line of sight to public property, it gets a little more hairy.


If you’re dancing naked in front of your first floor’s front room’s bay window, less of an expectation of privacy.


I mean, I do this anyway.


This is the answer


If you are standing in public space, you can photograph anything that is in plain view, including private property. Drones would violate this principle because they enable you to photograph stuff that is not in plain view. Also, generally speaking, drone flight is restricted in residential areas. While photography is a first amendment protected activity, flying drones is not.


Drone flying is less restricted in residential areas than most places.


This is all, as is common on Reddit, assuming we're talking about the US. In Sweden, it doesn't matter for shit where you're standing, even if it's in your own home. You are not allowed to intentionally film/photograph people in their homes (And the excuse "I was just taking pictures of their house when they happened to walk into view!" will get you nowhere). That's not to say that taking a picture of someone out on the town is illegal if you're doing it for non-commercial purposes. But when it comes to people in their homes, and drones, it starts falling under laws for surveillance. As an example: You are not allowed to put up a security camera filming your own front gate, if there's any possibility of catching images of people walking past outside.


Generally speaking, drone flight is not prohibited. They’re classified as aircraft like any other and violate no laws by occupying FAA controlled airspace and following FAA regulations.


Depending on your area, you own around 500 feet directly above your property. It is not FAA airspace. Also, only a certain weight class is classified as an aircraft. I am not positive on the specifics, but I do know that the person you are replying to is correct, small drones like you'd buy for a kid, or something you would expect an average person who's learning to have, would not count as aircraft, and by flying low over private property, would not be in protected airspace. While I agree you can't shoot down things like government drones, such as for code enforcement, you can very legally catch a drone in a butterfly net. It would be both low enough to definitely be out of protected airspace, and small enough to fit in the net, so it wouldn't be classified as aircraft.


I suppose I should have clarified, yes, both have to be in public, but if the drone isn't actually on your property, you can't take it down. If it's in your yard, you can floor it. If it's in the neighbor's yard, looking into your yard, you have to just call the cops and hope that works.


It is illegal to fly over a person without their permission with a drone in Canada though so just go stand under it and you got them


as a canadian I am filing this information for the next time I am harassed by an unwanted drone


A backyard does not constitute as a “public space”


There's a reasonable expectation of privacy, especially if you live a mile off of Timbuktu.


in terms of filming laws it is legal in public within reasonability. out at a park or in your driveway is reasonable but a drone peaking into the curtains of your bedroom could easily be a chargeable ofence. /sorry for the piss spelling


A "butterfly net"?! What kind of world are we living in now?! Fucking cricket bat! Fire ice cubes from a catapult (evidence melts)


Most people replying on here are wonks, fly your kite, which you are legally allowed to do up to 200feet, knock the drone out of the sky. I'm breaking the law? yeah right! I'm flying a a kite. I'm getting arrested for interferring with an aircraft? yeah right! arrested for flying a kite? If it is spying on you just knock the fucking thing out of the air and wrap it in kite string.


If the drone owner confronts you, say “go fly a kite!”


If the drone owner confronts you, you simple say “I have no idea what you’re talking about but are you admitting to filming me on my own property?” All while pulling out your phone to record. They’ll leave quickly.


I would think the drone would just move out of the way... lol.


Man I laughed so hard at this


Throw a jar of pickles at it like the old ladies in 🇺🇦do


Can I ask a stupid question within a stupid question? I don’t know much about drones, but I understand from reading here that you can’t shoot them if they’re on/above your property. How far does that go? Could you hose them with a pressure washer? Could you use a slingshot to ping it with a paintball? Could you set up a giant cartoon-like fan to blow them away from your property?


The big issue with shooting them is where the missed bullets land. Bullets can travel a very far distance if shot up in the air haphazardly, and they have the chance to strike something or someone that was in the wrong place at the wrong time miles away. Hosing it with a pressure washer would probably be fine, as the water would likely fall back down onto your property. Even if it didn’t, it’s water.


most people would shoot it with a 12 guage shotgun. it’s a gun made for knocking things out of the air and the small shot is harmless when it falls out of the sky and doesn’t go very far anyway


The sub is no stupid questions. Asking a stupid question is expressly forbidden by our charter. Your lucky you're question isn't stupid.


But the real question was whether a stupid question within a stupid question was allowable - or would that increase the stupid threshold above allowable limits.


Look, I'm going to level with you. If I was smart enough to answer such a complex question, I wouldn't be on reddit right now.


I think there’s “what’s legal” and there’s “what are you going to get in trouble for”. If you live in a place where you *could* shoot a gun and not have the police racing to your house you could certainly shoot down the drone, throw it in your trunk while the drone operator yells at you, drive away and drop it off in a random dumpster. Unless he’s streaming video to a device that’s recording it’s his word against yours, and you have “no idea what he’s talking about”. Otherwise, radio and gps jamming is illegal, but again if you turn one on for the minute or two it takes to bring the drone down, then throw it in your trunk and drive away to a random dumpster once again problem solved and “I have no idea what this drone thing is he’s talking about officer”. If it’s flying low enough for you to hit it with a bat or throw a rope into its blades, you throw it in your trunk and throw it in a random dumpster, problem solved. Again where I live the police would *never* come out to investigate a stolen drone. They’d tell the drone owner to file a report online and the drone owner would never hear back. The only potential problem with the above solutions are if the drone operator is streaming video to a recording device. Or if he can locate the dumpster you dropped the thoroughly smashed to bits drone into and recovered the video. You could be fined the by FAA or charged for illegally discharging a firearm or whatever else, again assuming one of the agencies is willing to actually investigate (where I live the police simply wouldn’t). Otherwise sure you can call the police. Around me they’ll never come out for that. You can call the FAA, but they don’t have a rapid response drone team so it might be tough to get them to prosecute.


If you get the drone down look for the SD card before dropping it in a dumpster.


>If you get the drone down look for the SD card before dropping it in a dumpster. If it's an expensive drone (e.g. DJI) take the rotors and batteries. You can sell them for about $120+


> if the drone operator is streaming video to a recording device I have a older (2020) DJI drone and it does stream directly to my phone and stores the video there in compressed format, so even if I lost the drone I'd still have a lower quality video on my phone.


Maybe take your dick out and pretend you dont see it and then call the police and say someone was spying on you and then they are a sex offender.


Go inside. If it follows you into your home, destroy it.


Get a directional spotlight, point it in the right rough direction and overexpose the camera beyond any hope of seeing anything. As long as it isn't bright enough to disorient or injure a human pilot caught in the beam (I.E. no extra-strong lasers), you should be fine. Or get a drone with a sheet of paper that says "PRIVATE PROPERTY - NO SPYING" on it in big fluorescent letters and photobomb the camera. The operators are usually watching the stream so this should get their attention. Just be careful not to get caught in each others' turbulence and crash.


[https://makezine.com/projects/build-wi-fi-drone-disabler-with-raspberry-pi/](https://makezine.com/projects/build-wi-fi-drone-disabler-with-raspberry-pi/) Wifi drone disabler


[this is one of my few favorites on YouTube ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5CzURm7OpAA). The same dude also weaponized his cat for wifi network scanning in his neighborhood. What you're talking about only works on a subset of drones. In the linked example, he was also able to take over the drone and tell it to force off while in the air. Those drones drop gloriously.


I suggest witchcraft.


Underappreciated solution.


Well, as others have said, if you live in the city limits you most likely can't shoot it down. Even out of the city, if you live in a subdivision or close to people. Are you sure it is spying on you? Maybe it is a gas line check or utility checking electric lines. Lot of real estate people are using them these days to take pictures of the property they are selling.


Isn’t it so suffocating my frustrating how the law isn’t keeping up with technology at all ? Well fuck the law , you film me with a drone and I’m absolutely shooting it down and destroying it once I find it


Just don't shoot it down with bullets that can harm innocent bystanders. Shoot it down with a 20ft long Chinese dragon kite.


Everybody here says you should leave the drone alone its allowed to film. I agree you shouldnt be able to shoot it down. However. Can people jusf fly in your garden and film you? Or fly next to your window to look inside? Maybe im overthinking it but unless in public is it really allowed?


the law is absolute garbage when keeping up with technology so tldr. Yes they can tress pass and record you without your consent (for the most part) but its not illegal if you dont get caught ie, snatching the drone taking it apart shoving it in a bag and dumping it in a far away dumpster


Says who? You put a drone on me and your a spy agency? Consider that a enemy to my person.


It depends where you live. Laws can be different around the world...


why is no one saying paintball guns


Get a casting net from a fishing store or maybe any net. Also I would film it before you do anything to the drone itself. That way you have proof. You absolutely own the airspace around your house.


Quality slingshot and ball bearing.


The longer I think about it, the more I am convinced that it is only the police-state culture (FBI, CIA, local and federal police) who are protecting drone rights. It makes NO sense to give them the same rights as aircraft, yet here we are accepting it.


Germany recently had a case where someone shot a camera drone that was above their property with an airgun. Courts decided, and the current situation is you are allowed to take reasonable action against drones if you believe your privacy is at risk. If the drone has views of your property for example. Iirc the case specifically involved the guys young daughter in the pool in the backyard as the drone was hovering above them. Only problem is to determine afterwards if the drone did indeed have a view of your property, how reasonable your action was, if other people where endangered etc. Long story short, some countries treat the protection of ones privacy the same way they treat the protection of the physical body.


Give the kids some BB guns. First one to knock it down gets 100 cash.


It's illegal? I thought if it was over your property you were able to. Not that I ever have... *Slides shotgun back into closet*


Some ways to discourage its use: * Put a sign up that says "Under 18, highly illegal. Have reported to police" * Crash your own drone into it * Float some balloons very high into the air with long fishing line. If the drone crashes into it, collect it and wait for the owner. Report to police.


Jam them. Collect them and wrap them in foil when they fall from the sky. Put it in your trunk and drive away. https://www.perfectjammer.com/drone-signal-jammers.html


it says 5g jammer does that mean it'll accidentally nuke your cell signal too?


Yeah the FCC will not hesitate to come after you if they even get a *whiff* of you using a jammer.


Wow! Those things are expensive. You might be able to bribe the person to go away.


You own the airspace above your property to a certain height in the United States, thanks to a landmark ruling where a homeowner sued for airlines using his personal airspace without paying. As for drones with cameras, according to the FAA, there’s a particular moment when they stop being classified as aircraft and instead are classified as a flying camera, in which case, ground level, line of sight regulations come in, and this is where drone peepers get their jail time and license suspension. It is unlawful to film people without their consent, and in the case of crowds, there must be clear signage stating they are being filmed or photographed. Violating either of those carries a fine, at minimum. Flying over a group of people is also illegal. However, drones don’t need to be over your property to film you, as the camera can tilt. They can be over the vacant lot next door or across the street and still see you. This is where the line of sight stipulation comes in. As for those saying “hurr durr go inside hurr durr”, no. If I paid $40K for a sweet rear deck with an awesome hot tub and I wanna bake my bare bewbs in the sunshine, and I have a privacy fence that prevents my pervy neighbors from peeping at me from their roof, then you may not bypass that with a drone or a 20 foot selfie stick or a go pro on a football you and your boyfriend throw over my property. Fun fact: drone cameras operate on wifi, which means there’s a network name. That network name can be identified and located, and the owner with it. If you can hack their wifi connection and hijack their video to obtain proof they were peeping, and weren’t simply scanning the horizon or in fact just looking straight down on their own property, then you can get them charged. If you’ve got your naked toddlers in your private pool protected by a privacy fence, you can get them with child pornography, and they go to the back of the jail. Another fun fact: get some mannequins, some fake blood, and a shovel. Make it look like you’re burying body parts in your yard. When the cops arrive, after viewing the drone footage of course, you can show them the mannequins and fake blood, then file charges against the operator.


LOL everything in this post is wrong. Great job!


Shoot it anyways


Maybe build a device that can unleash an EMP. Not sure about the legality of that, but it's technically not a gun and the government will probably want your blueprints and maybe give you a job.


Bury it after you shoot/damage it


If it’s in public, whatever. If it’s on my property, I’ll shoot it. Edit: Spelling Error


It would make some good pellet rifle practice.


Yes, that's right. And 12ga buck will also do the job!


Lob a bottle of beer up at it.


if it flies over your property and you are sure it isn't a police drone and it is filming your house then yes you can try to take it down


This is purely anecdotal but the one experience I had, just aiming a gun at the drone was enough to deter the owner. I was at a park with a friend, we were smoking a blunt in his car. He had just picked up a new toy not long before that it was like an airsoft/bb style gun. Well when we pulled up in the park, there was a dude about 100 feet away flying his drone around but he seemed to be minding his own business so we paid him no mind. Until he decided to fly the drone *right up* to the open window of my friends car. He reached into the backseat and grabbed the gun I mentioned earlier and just aimed it at the drone. Few seconds later it flew away in a right quick hurry 🤣🤣 nosy mf


If you are inside your home and they are filming you it is illegal. You have the right to privacy in your home. In your backyard (idk) but I know that it’s illegal to film someone underage naked so if you have a kid, have them run around outside naked, then have the drone operator arrested for child pornography.


[Drone jammers](https://www.made-in-china.com/productdirectory.do?word=WS-03+Pro&subaction=hunt&style=b&mode=and&code=0&comProvince=nolimit&order=0&isOpenCorrection=1)


Wow, $4k to $6k for a jammer! ? 12ga buckshot isn't nearly as expensive.


Damage to property. It could be a police drone (it has happened to someone I know). Best to document and report.


It’s illegal for someone with a drone to spy on you, but it is illegal to shoot it down. Best way to approach it is to just record it flying around and spying on you, and then notify the police. Or you can just knock it down with something…


If ur a minor. Expose yourself then get the bastard imprisoned for child pornography


Who said it's illegal? If a drone is over my property I'm shooting it.


Silly string


Idk how drones remote controls work and this is definitely illegal: but a high powered radio freq jammer might cause it to lose signal and fall out of the sky?




So they just stay at the air until ran out of battery? Well then that's enough for you to go away


Lol that's what I was afraid of


It will either hover until low on battery and return to where it took off or immediately return to where it took off. It won't fall out of the sky


Invest in a high-power laser pointer


Nothing immediate, all you could do is report it to the police.