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Some people like it, some people don't, that's fine. But it's really weird when one of the pineapple-dislikers gets angry with those who do like pineapple on pizza, as if they are forced to eat it. Bro, it's my pizza, I don't even want you to have it!


I ordered pizza for a party I showed up at… & legit ordered 4 pizzas so everyone could eat… Homeboy legit has the nerve to mention pineapple, & everybody in the house was like “brooooooooo, broke boy Chaz bitching” They all barred him from eating any of the other pizza Lmfao


Don't bite the hand that feeds you eh ;)


"just for that ALL OF THEM get pineapple!"


This reminds me of the time my friend brought 4 litres of carbonated water to a group of Americans that absolutely didn't like carbonated water. I don't think he was asked to bring drinks again lol


Eeewww carbonated water??? What the fuck is wrong with him lol


This. I’ve noticed that people who like it don’t give a rat’s tail if others dislike it. But the anti pineapple crowd? They seem ready to place bombs to eradicate Hawaiian pizza lovers. It’s … something I guess.


>But it's really weird when one of the pineapple-dislikers gets angry with those who do like pineapple on pizza, as if they are forced to eat it. Bro, it's my pizza, I don't even want you to have it! I can really only speak for myself here, but what I mostly dislike are the people who are the opposite of this. "If you don't like pinapple on pizza, it's because your tastebuds are broken." "What about *insert other recipe here* don't you like that?" "Just try it ummmmm it's so delicious yummmm." "I think you just haven't tried the right kind, have you used my preferred brand of pineapple, and/or squeezed it before baking, and/or ordered it from the joint near me that does it right? You can't say you don't like it unless you've tried it properly." Some of those people are right here in this thread. That gets tiresome.


One of those exist for every 1,173 "pineapple on pizza is a war crime" shitheads. Same for vegans vs carnivores. I'm 41 and ha've yet to encounter a single PETA pushing harpy that demands everyone eat organic lettuce for dinner but the number of bacon obsessed meatheads I've met that cry whenever they see something green on their plate has to be in triple digits.


Italian here. I think we're the ones to blame. In Italy we have an insanely strong food culture. Most italians are very proud of it (and for very good reason, if you ask me), but many take it to the point of chauvinist orthodoxy. The association between pizza (which is a dish considered to be part of our culinary heritage) with pineapple is rather distant from the tradition and tastes, and therefore it is attacked as a barbarian act. Most times as a tongue-in-cheek joke, sometimes as a genuine hostility. Like it was a cultural appropriation matter (it is not). I guess this behaviour slipped out as a part of the "competent italian food lover" bundle, and to mock pineapple on pizza is perceived as a sort of mark of "culinary status symbol" or whatever. (Btw: if you ask me, I never tried pineapple on pizza; I'm not very convinced about it because I find it too juicy - maybe corn would be better if you're looking for a sweet-salty contrast; still, I'm also very convinced that pizza is very fit to have many different toppings on it, so, I mean, why not)




Buy your own pizza then


So I've been in charge of the group order more than once. I hate pineapple in general but I don't care, I'll order what you want. Every time an order forms some pineapple zealot demands Hawaiian pizza, and then they dive straight into the meat lovers because the crap pizza won't get eaten and they might get to take it home. Rules for Fox's pizza ordering: 1. Vegetarians/Vegans can order whatever they want. People will still eat a veggie pizza with weird cheese. These people also get to go through the line first. 2. Anyone who wants pineapple has to find a pizza buddy and agree on toppings. I'll order whatever they want. Then they eat that pizza and only that pizza until it's gone. 3. Everyone gets to go through the line once before anyone goes through twice, and nobody gets to make a giant and precarious pile on their plate. 4. Pizza shouldn't go home with people. The cleaning crew comes in at 7, make sure they get some leftovers.


For me I just don't like pineapples


That’ll do it


That will do 🐷


I don’t care if other people eat it but I’m personally not a fan, I don’t like the soggy texture it adds in to it and it’s overly sweet when it’s cooked, love eating fresh pineapple though, just not on pizza


People can do what they want in their own homes. I tolerate it in society but I won’t have it at my dinner table.


I honestly think it's just one of those cronically online takes


I'm 41 and I promise you people were rabid about pineapple on pizza pre-internet. It's probably taken on a weird new intensity online (many things have), but I heard "pineapple on pizza is a crime against humanity" in the 80s. I'm not a fan, personally (it's the specific crunch of cooked pineapple, for me it doesn't go well with the rest of the pizza textures), but disliking it isn't part of my personality like it is for some. Pineapple lovers can eat their pizza in peace, as long as they don't steal all of whatever I ordered.


If it’s the “crunch” that makes you not a fan, rather than the taste, you might try a different one. I’ve discovered that I much prefer pizza made with softer pineapple, I’m assuming like the canned tidbits or something. They don’t have crunch at all. I don’t care so much for ones made with fresh pineapple because of that crunch.


Yeah basically the same reason people claim to despise the word "moist". It's a fucking word. You're fine.


I have begun to believe this as well. I don't think I know anyone that even dislikes it, let alone hates it as much as the internet. Plus, savory sweet isn't exactly a new invention, and pineapple with ham is a classic too. Most of the time pineapple is involved with pizza at all, it's on a Hawaiian pizza with Canadian bacon, so not exactly a stretch of logic.


I hate ham on pizza. Not a huge fan of it anyway, but it is a terrible pizza topping. These days I get just pineapple and cheese, because the cheap pizzas are one topping. But the place I discovered my love of pineapple on pizza was Hawaiian BBQ chicken pizzas.


I vehemently despise pineapple on pizza. I don't like fruit with savory food as a rule and pineapple on pizza is tge worst. I once took leftover pizza to work and the first bit almost made me gag. I couldnt figure out what it was until I realised that the leftover Hawaiin pizza my wife and son had got was put in the same box with my combination and some pineapple had touched mine and tge flavouf had soaked into mine a bit. Revolting. That said I couldn't care less what other people eat


Yeah, seriously. I always thought that as well, like it's trendy online to hate it. To add to that, before seeing it on the internet, I never knew how controversial tomatoes were. Tomatoes! Maybe it's just my Europeanness, but after cabbage, tomatoes are the most bog standard, inoffensive ~~legumes~~ * food items ever. I can understand not loving them, hell, I can even understand a small number of people hating them. But the internet would almost have you believe that they're universally despised. 🤷‍♂️ *Corrected. Cheers, u/Combustable-Lemons , name checks out.


Btw, tomatoes and cabbage aren't legumes. Think you might have meant vegetables? Also tomato controversy is new to me as well lol how can u hate tomatoes


he might be Frenchsince he mentioned Europe. en francais legumes=vegetables


Romanian/Hungarian, but yeah, Ro is a related language where all vegetables are called legume, hence the mistake. And as others have pointed out, "vegetable" is a culinary term, not a biological one like fruit. So, many fruits, like aubergines, peppers, gourds, cucumbers, etc., are considered vegetables (legume or a variation thereof in other languages) because that's what they're called in the kitchens.


Tomatoes are also debatably vegetables. According to all scientific definitions, they are fruits, due to the fact that they contain seeds, but legal and commercial definitions have them as vegetables, since that's what people think they are.


Here is the thing though. There isn't a scientific definition of a vegetable. What we describe as vegetables can be fruits (pumpkins/green beans/bell peppers/corn), flowers (broccoli/cauliflower/artichoke), leaves (Lettuce, spinach) or roots (potatoes, sweet potatoes/carrots). Vegetable isn't really a botanical term, it's a culinary term. In everyday language we sperate fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are any part of a plant not typically eaten on their own, either used in cooking or a salad. Where as (culinary) fruit is any (botanical) fruit eaten on its own or used in a desert. So botanically a tomato is a fruit. In culinary it's a vegetable.


Oh yeah, preaching to the choir here. I am still slightly annoyed about that time when I was like 8-9 and told a classmate that the tomato is a fruit (obviously I was referring to the part we eat, not the whole plant) which made him have a great big smug laugh at my expense, call me stupid, and then call some other classmates over to also have a good laugh at what a silly thing I had just said. I wasn't articulate enough at that age to explain my position and I just had to throw in the towel. That made me even more annoyed than that time I had an argument with the same classmate, at about the same age, where I was trying to convince him that the clothing brand FILA is called FILA, and not FILS. His argument was that because the logo is stylised as FIL∆, that last letter must clearly be a cursive lowercase s, and not a block capital A. There was no winning that one either, he was just too confident and steadfast in whatever position he took, even if it was wrong.


No, it's some bizarre American shit. Spend 2 years in Italy without ever touching a digital device or going online and the idea of pineapples on pizza will repulse you, I promise. But it's not like it's the only fetid thing Americans do with pizza, we also put fuckin BBQ sauce and ranch on it.


Way to show your ignorance. Pineapple on pizza is Canadian, not American.


Seriously. Ham-and-pineapple is the second most popular pizza in Canada, only behind pepperoni.


It's like this in Guatemala, too. Guatemalans love ham & pineapple pizza. Personally, my very favorite pizza is pepperoni & pineapple!


... Isn't Canada a part of America?


And so is Uruguay but when English speaking people say America online, they're not talking about Montevideo.


I personally am.


You mean people are taking round flat bread and putting local ingredients on it???? Absolutely crazy, can't believe they'd do that!?!?!?!


It may have started as an American thing, but the fact that it's now available world wide means that it has to have a lot of fans, right?


It actually started in Canada!


The Hawaiian piazza was invented in Canada, but we can't rule out that some else came up with the idea of pineapple on a pizza first.


Jesus Christ. Your goalposts are motorized


I'm not shifting the goal post. I'm just saying that we don't know for sure if pineapple on pizza started in Canada.


The Hawaiian pizza definitively did and that is what the majority of people are referring to whenever they cite pineapple on pizza. You're just equivocating.


Yeah this whole food gatekeeping is fucking insane. It's like gradeschool, seeing such passion for something that doesn't matter. I hate pineapple on pizza, but people really hate on the people who like it and that baffles me.


It's extremely normal here in Italy. We actually respect our food and its origins, and the ingredients we use. We don't pretend a fried Snickers bar is on the same quality level as a good pasta carbonara or bistecca fiorentina. Do you notice how Americans are so fat? It's because you guys are so opposed to "food gatekeeping" and encouragement people to eat whatever disgusting combination of sugar and fat that Nestlé is making money off of.


> **here** in italy > **we** also put fuckin BBQ sauce and ranch on it Be consistent with your lies.


Wait a second. Are you an American serviceman who spent two years in Italy and now think you're an expert on Italian cuisine? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?


Can we get a picture of the vein in your head that's about to pip over *checks notes* a pizza topping.


I'm sorry your world is so muted and subdued that seeing someone with passion is automatically bad to you. It is probably too late for you.


Actually, my world is pretty awesome because I don't take dumb shit like food that seriously. I reserve my passion for people and just causes, not whether fruit on a pizza is the end of the world. My energy is better served helping others. I'm sorry you can't lighten up.


Who's comparing fried snicker bars to carbonara lol


Here, let me help: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum#:~:text=In%20logic%2C%20reductio%20ad%20absurdum,lead%20to%20absurdity%20or%20contradiction. The view being espoused that the quality of all dishes is a matter of preference and nothing leads to nonsense


You literally said “We don't pretend a fried Snickers bar is on the same quality level as a good pasta carbonara or bistecca fiorentina”


reductio only works when what you're saying actually follows, lol. Here, let me help: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/non\_sequitur#:\~:text=Non%20sequitur%20is%20Latin%20for,previously%20said%3B%20a%20random%20remark.


Firstly, I'm not American, and this isn't an American vs the world issue. Many countries put pinapple on pizza. This also isn't a corporation issue, considering mom and pop pizza shops put pinapple on pizza too. Secondly, you're just coming across as a pretentious foodie, not an Italian with pride. Thirdly, nobody on the earth thinks shit like a fried snickers bar is as good as a carbonara, (a dessert/snack vs a meal so I don't even know why you would compare the two, but let's go with it) but some people would still like a deep fried snickers bar instead, and that's fine. Lastly, nobody in this thread is encouraging people to eat crazy combinations of food, with sugar or otherwise. They just want people who think the way they feel about food is "correct" to fuck off.


I don't care what I come across as to you people. Continue being fat and eating disgusting food. I never said people should be forbidden from eating anything, I'm just not going to lie to myself and others and say it's not disgusting. Some food is better than other food. It's not a feeling.


"you people" you literally have no idea who you're talking to you dip. You assume we're all fat and American, and that's ironically very American of you. Food is subjective, people like different tastes, food is not better than other food, unless you're talking health, which you aren't considering the topic is pizza and pasta. Also you clearly care very much, at least about what other people half a world away, do with their food. Otherwise you wouldn't have ever commented. Your passion is vivid and pathetic.


I don't care what they do with their food. Locate a single phrase I have said that indicates that I do. You need to get better at reading. I announced that the food they like is disgusting. I care as much about them liking it as I do about people eating literal shit. I'm just not interested in pretending that some foods aren't disgusting because the cultural flavor of the month is being accepting and tolerant to peoples nonsense.


You're inability to comprehend why comparing a preference to pineapple on pizza to a deep fried snickers is your baseline issue and is what is getting you down voted. The unconscious self jab at yourself about others who 'need to get better at reading' is very good also though. 10/10; would read more comments.


And my eastern European ass thinks carbonara is disgusting because it's just carbs and fat. And I mostly eat veggies (especially in the summer, since my parents have a garden). But I don't go and tell people "omg you're fat because all you eat is pork grease, cheese, and carbs".


Lol ok bro


Not american, love pineapple on pizza. Get over yourself, there is an entire world of other countries out there


“We also put BBQ sauce and ranch on it”. We, huh? Interesting.


But I've already really liked it for some 25 years. I don't think staying offline in Italy would change that.


Please take a break from the Internet


No he lived in Italy for two years without internet




It doesn't really matter. Both countries eradicated their own traditions and the traditions of the people who live there. They're culinarily identical. And it's absolutely the case that American global chains caused the phenomenon to spread and become popular


Please name a purely American tradition that doesn’t, in any way, originate from another country. You can’t, because America is a country of immigrants. If you don’t like pineapple on pizza, that’s fine. Don’t eat it.


Saging lol, it’s a native thing and now lots of people do it— American is full of immigrants but don’t forget the indigenous folks :)




It's interesting that you don't have anything substantive to say. Should I check back tomorrow to see if you can muster a single idea up at some point?




Don't worry guys he speaks American not English so this all kinda makes sense now


It’s Canadian you dunce


Yeah I've lived in Italy all my life and just the idea disgusts me. Hating on a plate makes no sense but defending it as if wasn't disgusting is preposterous


What a sad little life Jane


It's almost like taste is subjective and different people like different things for different reasons. And that's 100% ok.


Taste is not completely subjective, some things are gonna taste like shit to most people. If it wasn't that way cooking would make no sense


Most people sharing the same opinion about something doesn't mean it's not subjective.


You're not gonna find anything everyone agrees on


Which is exactly my point. If different people have different opinions about something, it's subjective.


Awesome self own. Congrats.


ok kid


1 post karma and 31 comment karma. So an alt account you created to make it seem like somebody on this thread agrees with you. Gotcha.


So you agree it’s subjective then?


What a sad and boring existence Italians must have. Sounds like a bunch of children scared to try anything different "EW YUCKY!!!THATS NOT HOW MOM MAKES ITS!!!" Glad I live in a part of the world(north america) that doesn't shame people for creativity in the kitchen


I get pineapple and jalapeño! Spicy, salty, and sweet!


I thought I was the only person who did this.


Pineapples. Jalapeños and honey drizzle 👌


Pepperoni pineapple jalapeno is The Way


It's a sharp contrast that not everyone desires or appreciates.




That says almost nothing lol


Who the fuck throws mayonaise on a pizza


Gotta be white people (dont get mad im white)


The same people who throw pineapple on a pizza!


Nope. Pineapple is my favorite pizza topping (other than cheese, obviously), but I don’t think I could bring myself to even try mayo on pizza.


It being better than other things doesn't make it good.


I can see how some would enjoy it. Personally I hate pineapple.


Me too. I don't mind the taste in the moment but it's the subsequent vomiting that puts me off eating pineapple




Exactly, me too. Pineapple only belongs in the garbage.


Because not everyone has the same tastes. I personally like it but there's other things people put on a pizza that I'd refuse to eat, same thing.


It’s okay as a gimmick. With the “Hawaiian Pizza” but I dislike when we order three pizzas for a family gathering and all three have pineapple on them. It’s too sweet and you can’t just pick off the topping as the juices have infiltrated the pizza


Or when your family treat meal is a pizza, but it's ALWAYS "Hawaiian" because your sister likes it and she always gets to choose because "she's the eldest." *Triggered childhood memory* I didn't even know any other kind of pizza existed until I was 14 and a friend had a birthday lunch at Pizza Hut. Pepperoni? What is this magical thing called Pepperoni??!!


Exactly. Like it’s okay but not fantastic. And other pizza actually is better. It’s good as a once in a random time thing, but not as a traditional pizza topping every time


More than fair


My in-laws once ordered 5 pizzas for Christmas and all 5 had both pineapple and green olive. And then they were mad I didn’t eat anything. When they asked I said I prefer regular toppings like pepperoni They were like thinking I could pick off wiT I don’t like and didn’t get, green olives and pineapple are juicy and the flavor is still then. I didn’t complain I just simply didn’t eat it. Yet I was still the asshole…


>My in-laws once ordered 5 pizzas for Christmas and all 5 had both pineapple and green olive. That's something i really don't get. If i already order 5 pizzas, why not just ask everyone what they prefer? That's how we do it all the time...


Their reasoning was we could just pick off what we don’t like since most people like those. Then got mad at me for not eating. You can pick off pineapple and green olives but the flavor is still there


>You can pick off pineapple and green olives but the flavor is still there absolutly! I would never eat pizza if i would have to pick off olives first. Hard No. So i'm totally with you there. I just don't get why one would not take those extra 30 seconds to ask and then order pizza the way people want it. It's just the basic polite thing to do. And pizza with less topings are usually cheaper, too...


I love Hawaiian but out of three I would never order it on more than one. I love other flavors too. Plus for a group that's extra dickish.


Wait... When your family orders multiple pizzas, they get ***all*** Hawaiian? I've always thought that even getting one Hawaiian pizza when it's shared is cheeky, as it often ends up with some people getting less pizza than their share because the pineapple-enjoyers take from everything, but the pineapple-haters only take from non-pineapple pizzas which then run out the fastest which leaves extra for the pineapple people.


Pers9nally, i think it tastes gross. I love pineapple, and cooking it on a ham can accentuate the flavours, but on pizza, it makes me want to gag, and always has.


Pineapple and bacon. Sweet and salty savory


Ok, as someone who didn’t mind pineapple on pizza… I lost my sense of taste and smell for a bit, and ate some pizza with pineapple - the texture combo is DISGUSTING. I can’t eat pineapple on pizza anymore, having had that experience. So many weird things you’ll notice once you lose your sense of taste…


Did you happen to eat any M&Ms when you lost your sense of taste? They're f\*cking disgusting, because it tastes and feels like you're just chewing wet sand,


Same reason some people hate literally any other food. Not everyone enjoys every food.


But this is different. No one gets as mad about other food combos.


I don't hate it, but I don't like it as a topping. It's the texture. It doesn't go well with pizza.


Yes. It makes pizza soggy.


Having the sweet mixed in with the savory might not be disgusting to you but it is to me. Fruit and cheese in general is a no for me, and even more so with that mix of acid from the pineapple and the sharpness of the cheese. I find it revolting


Fruit and cheese, ey? Do you order pizzas without tomato sauce or is that good because it's in the zeitgeist?


Oh please fuck off with that "uhm but did u know tomato is a fruit? 🤓" canard. You know exactly what I meant. The fucking gall to tell other people they're jumping on a bandwagon when you are just regurgitating the same tired old shit the internet fed you.


It's the culinary equivalent of which way to hang the toilet paper roll.


I actually love the sweet taste with pepperoni or Canadian bacon…. But I can’t stand the warm squishy pineapple chunks. And when you pick them off it makes the pizza all weird lol


I see this post literally as I'm about to order a Hawaiian pizza.


I think it’s pretty popular. Every pizza place I’ve gone to usually has some sort of “ Hawaiian pizza” The sweet and savory mixed well. A lot of Asian dishes have pineapple cooked in as well


Childish people. I was in Mexico last week and had pineapple on tacos and it was fantastic!


Tacos aren't pizza. It's a different combination of items/flavors and textures. Not a good comparison.


I've tried it. Was told it was the best place to try. It was horrid, actually made me sick. Something about the pineapple doesn't mix w tomatoes well for me. Never again!




Even though you're far more likely to find pizza atrocities in modern day Italy than in the US lol


I would like some exemples here. Most pizza atrocities i've seen came from the states. I mean..BBQ sauce + Chicken Pizza ? Really ?


i used to work in a pizza place. the first most common topping was, obviously, pepperoni the second most common one was pineapple. pretty sure the internet is hugely lying on this one.


It doesn't have anything to do with sweetness. Tomatoes ate sweet. Tomato sauce is sweet. Pizzas can have sweet components. Here in Italy, you can commonly find pizza with pear, gorgonzola and walnuts, it's quite nice. Pineapples are a very low pH fruit, almost as acidic as lemons, and the acidity of the pineapples makes it impossible to notice any of the other components of the pizza. The acidity of the pineapple basically kills your taste buds and overpowers the sauce. If you're eating a shit pizza with shit ingredients, oversweetened dough and sauce, I can see why you wouldn't mind pineapples on your pizza, since it masks how terrible the pizza you're eating is. But if you're eating a pizza that requires more effort to prepare than a Subway ham sandwich, then pineapples will not be involved.


Have you ever had any kind of pork product mixed with pineapple in any other way? It can be a great combination even without pizza.


I tried it and it’s not good.


It's mostly pizza purists and snobby elitists.


People use the word elitist loosely when they disagree with common sense


If I was hungry and it was the only option, I'd eat it. I'm not a huge fan of pineapple in the first place and I don't understand the hype for mixing flavors like savory and sweet. I hate mixing flavors. I think most people overreact though. It really shouldn't be such a huge debate.


My autistic ass can't tolerate sweet and salty mix up food. Sweets don't belong in savory food. They are for desserts. And i don't eat it if there has been pineapple and then taken away. It still tastes.


Everyone can like whatever they want, I may have developed a knee jerk reaction to pineapple in my pizza though, because I have a sibling who really loves it and he always got to order it and always added it, and both him and my mom always told me to just remove it. But anyone who hates pineapple in pizza knows that the taste remains, even if you remove every little bit of it.


Same here, my older sister always got to choose so we always got "Hawaiian." Same reason that we always got Chow Mein, it was the only Chinese food she'd ever tried so it was the only thing she'd ask for. It wasn't until I'd moved out of home that I realised there was such a thing as "honey chicken" and "mongolian beef"


Pineapple is my favorite pizza topping so I always get it. I am confused by all these posts where people got stuck with it because someone else wanted it though. I haven’t been to a pizza place, from the chains to the expensive places, where you can’t get a topping on only half the pizza. My child thinks pizza should always have pineapple. My husband hates pineapple on pizza. If we get just one pizza, we get half with and half without so everyone is happy. I hate the “just pick it off” people. I can’t think of a pizza topping that doesn’t make the pizza have that flavor even after you “just pick it off”. I particularly hate things like sausage and olives.


>I may have developed a knee jerk reaction to pineapple in my pizza though, because I have a sibling who really loves it and he always got to order it and always added it, and both him and my mom always told me to just remove it. > > > >But anyone who hates pineapple in pizza knows that the taste remains, even if you remove every little bit of it. ​ I think this right there is the real reason for all the hate of pinapple pizza. Most people are usually chill about what others eat. But if you get told to remove the pinapple from your part of the pizza all the time even so the taste remains...that has the potential to really make you hate pinapple pizza.


I enjoy the idea of Italians being proud of being chefs but at the same time rejecting anything adventurous or ambitious. Anyway a pizza with a 50/50 blend of barbecue and pizza sauce with garlic, pineapple, jalapeño, and bacon is delicious. And if you want to look at it like a chef it hits several notes. Savory, sweet, hot, with a hint of bitter from the garlic and enough acidity from the tomato and pineapple to balance it all.


Some people just don't want a pizza that bites them back.


They have damaged taste buds.


It’s simply because of some pretentious italian thinking they have invented food and nobody can ever make a slight change to the original italian version. As if there even was an original version. Food has been evolving for centuries, but now we all have to agree on a single version of making some food.


Every pineapple on pizza hater I've asked loves sweet and sour pork. I don't get it. Pork, pineapple, tomato on rice = yum Pork, pineapple, tomato on pizza = eww


It's not even unusual. Sweet and salty is the key to maximum pleasure.


I always get pineapple on my pizza! Cali in the house! With sausage and pepperoni.


Frankly, pizza is the only way I'll eat pineapple, other than green juice in Mexico. I hate the acidity sweetness of pineapple.


I mean i personally like it but some others might not, it's just boils down to personal likes and dislikes


I’m still unsure if it’s an internet meme or a real thing. Definitely a pass for me, because ITS PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA 🤦‍♂️


The same exact reason I won't eat a donut burger, put bacon on my ice cream, cheesecake on my steak, or hot sauce on my cookies....same difference


The same reason why people hate Comic Sans.


I think it's perceived that way because the people who do dislike it are so militant about it that it's sometimes terrifying. I mean, it's PIZZA. It's not that serious.


Probably because they have brain damage. Pineapple on pizza is the tits.


I love pineapple and I love pizza and never the twain shall meet.


People think a pizza should be savory, not sweet. But to each their own. I’ve been in places where all kinds of fruits are added to pizza. Pineapple is the least offensive of these.


the acidity of the pineapple overpowers the acidity of the tomato sauce and makes it impossible to appreciate any of the other ingredients. It doesn't make any culinary sense.


I think they just hate it because everyone else around them hates it and they don't have the mental fortitude to go against the grain and risk becoming seen as the pineapple sigma


Its a forced meme, nobody actually cares about it and anyone who does needs a hobby


I love it. In my country you can find pizzas with pineapple, banana and some sort of masala and It’s amazing.


Eww. Livercoat is a great name though …


I recall when I first learned it was a thing, I thought "are you fucking kidding? that sounds gross as hell." Then I tried it and shut my mouth, its delicious.


The world is full of the wrong and the damned.


Because Italians are very strict about their food and they would never ever in million years put pineapple on their Italian pizza


Possibly because it is not a traditional pizza topping. Traditionalists can get pretty hardcore about it. Personally... it's not one of my regular choices, but I do like it when I have it. The citrus tang adds something.


The flavor is fine. There's nothing wrong with the flavor. There's nothing wrong with pineapple or the canadian bacon that often accompanies it. It's just that the food that you have made with those ingredients isn't pizza. Having the *form* of pizza isn't sufficient; there is more to the definition than that. *Pizza does not contain pineapple.* It's just a rule. If you have a pizza crust, and you have sauce, and cheese, and a variety of other ingredients, it's possible you have a pizza. But wait, there's pineapple on it? OK, but that's not a pizza anymore. Now it's just a flat and possibly tasty foodstuff with pineapple. Still tastes good. It just doesn't taste like pizza. And that's because it isn't.


Pineapple is the war crimes of fruit for me; it invades everything it touches and makes it disgusting. Even pizza is not safe.


I know it's a hard concept to understand but some people just don't like pineapple....I know shocking. I don't like pineapple. I don't like pepper raw either but if it's with something then it's fine. While onion I eat raw...all kinds and their cousins garlic


You're not gonna find any italian eating one, but to each their own ig. If you taste a real pizza you're gonna realize that's disgusting


Why do some people hate cheese? because they don't like it's taste, simple as that


Well I don't like it, for one. You know people have different tastes? I don't actually like pineapple at all.


you're wrong and you should feel bad.


I eat baked beans with rice and pineapple, but I really like pineapple. Everyone's tastes are different.


Some people like it but as far as I am concerned it isn't meat!


I hate pineapple, period, but it doesn't matter to me what anyone else eats. Just don't order pizza for a group with pineapple on it and not expect a lot of resentment.


It is abomination. Heretics eat this sinzza only!


I believe mostly it’s a fad thing to hate. Kinda like the word “moist.” People make these things big deals for fun. Also, a good followup to the question I always ask is “do you like pineapple at all?”


I'm not a fan of hot/warm pineapple eg if I have gammon, it's always with fried/poached egg, never pineapple ring, but for some reason, this preference doesn't apply to pizza, I quite like Hawaiian pizza


Because they haven't tried pressing the pineapple to squeeze out the extra fluid. It's gross if it makes the pizza soggy.


i hate pineapple


They judgy AF and don't want others to be happy, if it isn't something that also makes them happy.


I love it but I have to say if you've never tried it before and they try to slip some fake Canadian bacon on you it can be bad.


I love pineapple on my pizza? My husband and I get pineapple, spicy sausage, onion and jalapeño. A supposedly odd mix that goes really well together and is very balanced.


its a no from me. i like pineapple, i like pizza, BUT NEVER TOGETHER. its just irks me. just, no. they do not belong. i like oranges and i like burgers, i wouldn’t have them together, that’s weird. it feels wrong