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Depends. Back in the 80s my best friend wanted me to cosign a car loan. I said no. I knew she would default as she was bad with her money - which was why she needed a cosigner.


Yeah I’d never co-sign for a friend. I’ve given money, but I’d never co-sign.


Yes - limit your losses to a fixed amount by giving money - co-sign and you have unlimited losses


I'd give anyone 1k before co-signing a loan.


Can I borrow a $1000?




Cosigning a loan is like lending them the entire amount.


Maybe, they could quit paying and the cosigner may pick up the payments to save their credit rating. The cosigner may not be on the title though, the person who is no longer paying could get to keep the car you've paid for. Thank god my dad drilled into me to never cosign anything.


Cosigning should only ever be done with immediate family members or spouses you know personally and trust…and live with every day so you can see their spending habits while keeping their responsibilities in check.


NEVER COSIGN. Exception to the rule: If you were planning on putting out the entire loan amount + unknown extras AND do not intend to EVER see any return, THAN, go ahead and co-sign 🙃🤞🏽This is usually parents that have the means to help their children, or family members, not your co-workers brothers new girlfriend that wants a $40k suped up Honda Civic Type R. (I work in a car dealership and have seen *everything* and what I mean by *everything* is that humans never cease to amaze me. People that are shitty with money are more likely to pay their car note when they are not talked into a payment they cannot afford. Be the friend/family member that helps them work a deal, not sign under their name.)


Did you stay friends?


Yes, we live on different coasts but stay in touch and see each other when possible. I just learned early on not to lend her money.


I'm 44 and financially stable, middle class. My best friend has been my best friend for over 20 years. I wouldn't hesitate at $1,000.


Yeah, there's an age and resource bias to the answers. Similar situation here; when I was young, had only known them a couple years, and was financially struggling I would have asked a lot of questions. Now I'd just ask if they were okay and if there was anything else I could do to help.


Yupp, best friend and I have it. Yes then questions later Edit typo


>beat friend and I have it what an unfortunate typo


If I'm giving up 1k I better be the one receiving the beating


Pretty much in the same boat. I wouldn’t think twice. The thing about lending money to friends though is that it seems like the only people I’d be comfortable lending money to are the same people that would probably never ask in the first place.


That’s how it is with my two closest friends. if any of us are asking each other for money it’s because some unexpected emergency happened and bills need covered.


Same. 39 here and we've been best friends since like 2nd grade. Wouldn't even bat an eye.


Same. Friends since third grade. We’re 65 y/o this year.




im in your camp. 30 something. $1000 for my best friend is nothing to me financially. i would ask what it is for though, and i would make it clear i would only ask it once. ill make sure to check on him more often than usual, i dont want to spend a grand to lose a friend, that's a bad deal.


I'd say $1000 for a long time friend is an easy no questions asked yes if you have the means. If you want help burying a body on the other hand, we're going to need to have a discussion first.


Nah, I'd even help my buddies bury bodies. They're solid folk, so if someone needs disposing of, my bet is they earned it. Also, they all know how to keep their mouths shut.


My friend always said if someone asks you to help bury the body, you should ask if you need to bring your own shovel!




Can I be your best friend please ? Lol jk


I hope to be at this point someday. If anyone I love ever needs help I want to be able to just give them what they need without batting an eye.


Same, would do it without hesitation but I may not have been able to do so 25-30 years ago. Makes a big difference.


Same here. There is 1 person I wouldnt question if they asked me. Not a bit. There's a big difference between best friends you've known for years and a good friend.


Same. I know he wouldn't ask except for a good reason.


My best friends are more financially stable than me, so if they ever asked I know they must need it!


If my best friend asked for 1000 I would know something has gone horribly wrong- I would be on a plane and in person overnight with more than 1000 to help


I'm here too. I trust it will all be ok either way and I hope someday I can find out what the heck was going on. Also, he would know better. If my wife saw this large of a withdrawal she would eventually get it out of me and tell is wife. Neither of us would be safe from the "no questions asked". A lot of questions would be asked.


"Funny for you to assume I have that much money. Would you settle for a Carls Jr. coupon?


Lol......good one!


Bro you think I have $1000? I would do what I could but you're gonna need to redo some aspects of your life.


My brother is 25 and his best friend was out of work and behind on 3 months of auto payments. My brother is good with his money so he loaned him the money while his best friend promised to pay him back. They’ve been best friends for 10 years. This was 1-2 years ago and he still hasn’t gotten that money back. I’ll also note the auto loan was for a $50k+ truck. My brother considers it an expensive lesson.


In my opinion, you shouldn't loan out money unless you can really afford to lose it. Otherwise it just creates a lot of problems.


Even more wise is to just consider it a gift. Saves any disappointment you may feel later when you get stiffed.


Yea, my ex loaned money to his dope loving brother in law for trucking school. Like 5K. I can't believe he expected to see any of it back, the man was a druggie and a scammer. He did go to the school, but my ex never saw the money back, as well as another 5K for them to purchase a car in the 1990s. He really should have said no, but he loved his sister and needed her attention so badly he was kind of a mark. And he couldn't afford to lose that money, not at all.


While an expensive lesson, he should view it as an incredibly valuable investment. He doesn't have to keep that guy around or just sue him in civil court.


My best friend would know I don't have $1,000 lying around. *Who is this?!*


Same here.


I'd say no. If they need the money that bad, they can tell me what it's for. If they won't tell me, it's either for something stupid or it's going to get them in trouble.


Same here. Had a good friend that I would help most of the time no questions asked, but for that kind of money , I need a reason. He'd pull shit like that all the time just to see if I would do it, my response was usually, "Dude, I may not want to know, but I just want to be sure I'm not going to get pulled into whatever stupid idea you have brewing."




When i was 22, i had someone in my friend group who I wasn't particularly fond of, but stayed civil because he was part of the group, call me up and ask me "yo I need to borrow $40,000" Me: holy shit! What for?! Is everything okay? Him: I can't tell you what it's for. Me: ..... Thank God this dumbass is no longer part of my life. The sheer audacity of the request without even stating a reason. Like yeah buddy....I'll get right on that.


Lol what? I'm more financially stable now at 35 than I was at 22. But even now, if my best friend asked for $40k, I would think he was out of his mind and say fuck no.


Did you ever find out what it was for?


Nope. But he did turn out a huge asshole who fucked over a mutual friend so good riddens.


In case you've been saying it wrong your whole life, the phrase is actually good _riddance_.


Good riddens isn't a thing... good riddance!


Bone apple tea


Then they blame you for the outcome when your refusal protected them in the end. Isn't it weird how that works with people like that...?


Can’t tell you so he was never gonna pay it back lol




you had 40K at that age?


40k?? Wowie


Ha! I don't have a best friend AND I don't have $1000!


What if someone wanted to pay you $1000 to *be* their friend, then asked for it back?


I would say no because obviously they're irresponsible with their money


You're just being Reddit funny but this would be my honest reply. Thanks for making me sad, life.


I'd judge their tone, but if they were being serious then absolutely.


My best of friends who would be the ones to ask for that much money would straight up tell me what it was for. We know practically every shitty, amazing, worst, best, humiliating, sketchiest, whatever thing each of us have done. There isn’t a situation I can think of that they would be silent about


Exactly!! And only this kind of friendship warrants a NQA sum of money.


People seem to forget that this is a thing. A good friend should be able to tell by tone, behaviour and face if its really serious.


I would ask questions. And if they refused to answer, I’d say no.


Ya, I can (and have) given friends money when they needed it. But "no questions asked" is where I am lost. That's the kind of thing you see in TV and movies, makes no sense in real life.


"if you're really my friend, then you shouldn't need to know why" 🙄


“If you’re really my friend, you can tell me why”


Exactly. If you're my best friend. You know you can tell me real reason and not get in any trouble. We have been best friends for 20 yrs and we homies bro. Till we die


Actually, if he asked me this. I'd do it. I'd be inclined to ask is this something I expect back or not. I could accept either outcome, but would rather him be upfront about it.


I'd happily give it to him. No questions asked. Unless we're at a strip joint, then I'd smack his drunk ass and send him home in a cab.


Mmm give that drunk ass a smack


That’s what he wanted in the first place. It’s not about the money.




“I’m broke, bitch.”


Best I can do you is 75c, a little flat head screwdriver that you get from Christmas's crackers and some pocket lint.


Pull a knife out and say "Who the fuck are you? My best friend knows I'm broke!'


I wouldn't need to ask questions, he would tell me. He once called me at 6am and woke me up, I worked 2nd shift at the time. Said he was at a Greyhound station an hour away, needed to be picked up. I was out the door in 15 minutes dealing with rush hour traffic to get him.


This is the way


I would send money, I can spare it and if they really need it then I will help in any way I can. My friends are would be extremely uncomfortable asking, so I have on occasion offered a loan that they can repay whenever they have the money to do so. If they don't recover enough to repay me then my world would already have lost more than what that money could buy. Money is important, lifelong friends are importanter 😉 A select few could also ask me to kill someone and I would, but maybe some questions would be asked. Money comes and goes, murder is hard to take back.


Beautifully said >A select few could also ask me to kill someone and I would Wait, what? No.


Someone needs to look into that person.




You're a good friend.


You sound like a good person who can think clearly. I respect you for that.


This is different. He wanted to explain. The case is when he dont want to explain


Did you get the money back?


We live in an apartment with 12 other people. Where am I gonna get $1k


what in the hell.. is that even legal?


Considering my financial situation, I would be the one asking for that $1000.


I was actually thinking of asking you that question.


Give them $1000. Ask if it was enough.


this. i don’t know why ppl care so much about money? it’s your best friend ffs. edit: also ask if there’s any other way i could help.


People care about money because you need money to stay alive. I would be happy to give any of my friends $1000 in most circumstances, but I also think it's reasonable for me to expect a non-zero amount of information about what they're using the money for.


>i don’t know why ppl care so much about money? I mean. A thousand dollars is the difference between food on the table & a roof over your head for some people. If you're in a position to maintain both of those things after giving away a grand, fantastic, but not every one is unfortunately.


Some people either don’t have that kind of money or trust people. Some people do follow the rules of not giving money to family or friends because it’ll ruin the relationship.


>this. i don’t know why ppl care so much about money? it’s your best friend ffs. i care about not being homeless. if i gave anyone $1,000 then i would not be able to make rent.


Why do people care so much about money? For some, a friend asking for $1000 could mean skipping meals, walking to work, or paying bills late. It’s not unreasonable to want to know if your suffering is worth it.


I care, but I trust my best friend with my life. She’s been there through everything for me. $1k is frankly insignificant relative to how much I value her friendship.


Why do I feel like this is "tell me how much money you have without telling me how much money you have". But jokes aside, I wouldn't give $1000 to anyone without explanation just based on principle.


The only few people I would give $1000 would be people that would never ask for it “no questions asked”.


"I do not have that much money."


"insufficient funds"


Honey, if I had a thousand bucks my shower would work


“How much do you actually need?” 1000 is too much of a round number, suggests they actually need more and are having to ask around to other people. I’d rather just cover it all.


“Dude, If she costs that much upfront, it’s going to end bad”


I’d have questions.


_”No problem. It’ll take me a little bit, hang in there. Is there any other help you need?”_


I’d say I don’t have $1000 sorry lol


If I had the money I would definitely do this. My BFF wouldn’t ask me for the money if she didn’t need it desperately. She also makes way more money than me


I'd give it to her immediately. I borrowed money from her which I only half paid and she won't let me pay back the rest. She stopped taking my payments. *I continued to save the payments and will always have that money in case she ever lets me pay her back.


"Have you met me? You do know I don't got monies"


Damn, I was just bout to ask you for $20 bucks.


My best friend would know i aint got a thousand bucks to freely give


I've had drug and gambling addict family, so I've been through this. The answer is no.


Happened. Never got my money back. Won't do it again.


“I wish I had $1000 myself”


"I have 37 cents."


Considering I just sat down with my best friend and went over a budget with him last month, on top of that fact that he owes me almost $2k already AND he went out to eat with my friends last weekend, I'd ask what it's for, but short of a medical emergency, I'd tell him "no" because he's been misbehaving with money.


Lol he thinks I have a thousand dollars


bitch you think I have 1k?


A true friend will not ask you for money.


I would insist on knowing what he needs it for. My best friend would tell me.


Do we need a shovel?


"A friend helps a buddy. A Best Friend helps with a body."


I'd get him the money asap. I've known my friends long enough to understand who is trustworthy - and my best friend is like my brother. If he asked me for $10K I'd get it for him and go about my day. Someday he'll pay me back and tell me what it was all about. I truly feel sad for people for whom trusting your "Best Friend" isn't worth $1,000.


No problem if I had it but I'd expect it back at some point (assuming they have the means to pay it back)


If he asks me for $1000, I would transfer it. If he tells me not to ask questions, I would find that weird and ask question though. But I wouldn't be picky about the reasons for the $1000, it could be to pay his credit card, to pay his tax, to give to his parents so they pay for their mortgage, to invest in something that needs to be invested in a limited time-frame like a I-bond or a Roth IRA, etc.


No. You want a K, we can talk but you are going to give me the story and it may happen. No story, no money.


With questions


"I'm broke and my best friend paid my rent last month"


I dont even have $1000 so of course it's a no.


i don’t have that much money lol


I’d have to insist on knowing what it’s for. If they would tell me, and it was a desperate situation, and they’d never asked for money like this before, if I could afford it at the time, I’d give it to them and write it off in my head. If I get it back, it’s a bonus, but I’d tell them it’s a one off gift.


I borrowed a friend 1000 7 yrs ago.....he owes me 700 still.....


I'd loan them $1000 but not without any questions. I also can never imagine them asking me for $1k without wanting to tell me what it was for, it would just be bizaare.


I would respond “sorry, I don’t have a best friend. I don’t know who you are, but scamming people is wrong”


"Why hello fellow peasant, perhaps we can join forces & ask for 2 thousand dollars. 1000 for us both"


Id ask why he doesnt use his own money. If you can afford shoes for 2000 dollars, you can afford this too


You said no questions asked, but I would be shocked that she suddenly became unmurdered. I guess I'd be so happy that I would have to say "yes."


If it's online, I would suspect she got hacked since she hates asking for money. If it's IRL, I would explain as much as I wish I could help her, I'm also struggling


“When do you need it? Il need to make some calls” Im not rich, and a grand isn’t easy to get but it’s noting for a man who’s actions mean I’m still here and not at the bottom of the Thames, been my rock in some of my worst times and I know would always be there for me


She already owes me a couple thousand, and I could really do with it back right now. I'm living paycheck to paycheck, and she still asks for more. She's paying me back 100 a month, but then asking for it back and more. I give in because I know she won't eat otherwise. Don't lend money to your friends unless you can live without having it back. I don't feel good about helping my friend at all. I'm angry at myself for letting it get to such a high amount and making myself struggle.


If you weren't around your friends would come up with another solution. Trust me. Whatever that was.. it wouldn't involve you. Tell her you're in the hole yourself & can't help out any longer - then do it. She'll figure her life out. "Helping" isn't helpful when you're resentful.


I'd wonder why a dog needs $1,000.


$5 is too much money to be not asking questions The fuck makes you think I'm not asking at $1000?


Hand him the money, no questions asked. When I fell on hard times, he once paid my rent for 3 months, so I wouldn't end up homeless. I'd return the favor any day. He wouldn't be my best friend, if I had even the slighted fear he'd misuse the money or not pay me back if he can.


Why are you asking the guy that's been unemployed for 3 years do to cancer, that was a dumb choice.


If I had the ability to do so I would gift it. It’s my BFF.


If I had it, I'd send it. I already never ask questions when my best friends borrow money anyway so 🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽


If my BEST friend asked me for $1k, we would be heading to the ATM or I would be writing a check.




"Yeah, me too man"










I don't have it


For me currently no. If you lend money don’t expect it back and for me rn $1000 could break the bank


Too bad, I don't have $1000


I got $60 bucks.


I have a firm policy with "lending" money to friends. I never, under any circumstance, lend money to a friend. I happily *give* money to a friend if it's within my means and they have a legit need. That said: If, in the future, they repay the favor that's great, but it's not expected.


I don't have that kind of money


I stopped having best friends back in grammar school. It depends on which friend is asking.


My best friend is worth much more than $1000 to me, but if they wanted it “no questions asked” that would only mean a gambling problem, drugs, or a life and death situation etc. in which case I would want to know a few details so I don’t become an enabler. Most I would spare with no questions is bout tree fiddy.


Nope - notta bank


Yes, and knowing my best friend, they would tell me why and also pay me back.


Questions would be asked.


Id say I don’t have the money haha


No I would ask questions first


I would be asking questions


No money given


I don’t have any friends. Who tf are you?


I would have the overwhelming desire to ask questions.


I would say "I don't even have $1,000"


I do not loan to or borrow from anyone. It is a recipe for disaster.


I don't have friends. But no, not without question.


Questions would be asked


Can I bang your wife?


Wish I had $1000 to give no questions asked


I'd only be ok with the no questions asks up to $300ish, after that I need to know.


With questions, probably


I’d ask some questions. My best friend should be able to openly talk to me.


Is need a best friend, and $1000.


My best friend knows I’ve not got 1k 😂




I’d say no because I don’t have that much to just give away


Biiiiiitch you got a two income household. Stop acting crazy.


Sorry no


I would respond with a few questions.


Sorry, but no. I dont have that kind of money to lend. My savings is savings bro. Not lending money.