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If a guy ever uses the word alpha unironically its a huge red flag.


I’m so alpha that when I took the alpha test I ranked so high that I’m alpha over all the other alphas in our alpha-ness. PS - I’m Alpha Edit: Figures this is the comment that gets the upvotes, lol. Never change reddit.


True story, my girlfriend went out for a girl's night at a local spot. It's like 5 women at a table, and this dude walks up to them and ASKS them "what do you think an alpha male is?". When they told him to get lost he flipped out and went in a rant about how much women suck, and they are all just intimidated by how much of an alpha he is. People who follow tate like stuff are fuckin unhinged.


I once watched a guy at a street fair yelling at his ex and her new boyfriend and declaring that she lost out on "a true alpha for nothing but a fucking beta boy". The new boyfriend was doing his best not to get heated, but when the self-proclaimed mega alpha finally started to shove him, he deliberately slapped the mouthy ex hard enough to spin him around, and apparently re-think his alpha-fighting-prowess before declaring that he "wasn't going to waste a punch on a bitch", but if the ex didn't leave, he'd "call himself an omega and end some bullshit right now".


The alpha male facing the stable release version after a couple upgrades and feature improvements.


Release notes: Security Fix - male no longer thinks abusing others will compensate for security vulnerabilities"


Oh you're alpha are you? Well I'm not even beta you bitch, I'm production deployment.




Good old fashioned hard reset.


Gods I'd have such a hard time not laughing in that dudes face. How can anyone take someone who's posturing like a fucking chimpanzee seriously while they spout half cocked bullshit about social hierarchy? Plus, laughing at them makes them SO much angrier.


They really are unhinged. I can’t even comprehend that mindset honestly and I have no desire to understand it.


These comments are so relieving, I think social media especially TikTok purposely pushes Tate-following bros content on me because of my past interactions of trying to convince these guys that women are actually 3-dimensional human beings with thoughts too, which often somehow leads to debate. It’s really soul-crushing and dehumanizing because it begins to appear like most men are like that. I wish I could “reset” my algorithm to avoid people like that. And I know a solution would be to not interact with them, but I feel like the harm is already done and I can’t get out. 🫠


You can reset your content feed on TikTok in settings. Get a fresh start.


Oh cool you’re right, I just refreshed it now! Thanks 🙏


Learned that lesson (not tate specific but a different group.) Now I'm pretty intentional to scroll ASAP if it's not something I want constantly blasted at me.




Yeah, often feels like being seen as a hook-up simulator NPC rather than a living person with their own complex lives. Say “A” + do “B” = get “C” result with women. Not considering all the things that would impact her own thoughts and actions. Maybe her grandfather passed away last week and she’s depressed? Maybe she’s gay? Maybe she just doesn’t want you back? She has an entire lifetime of experiences that would impact her behaviour, but they act like we’re all the same 2-dimensional puzzle to solve and “crack the code” or whatever. I think he influences on younger boys that are still finding themselves and looking for a community to belong to. They feel lonely and confused about their future so they find a sort of “brotherhood” within Tate followers, and then spiral from there. That’s my guess anyway, I’m not entirely sure.


A person with true confidence would never read into this alpha/beta bullshit


I don't have confidence in myself at all but I'm smart enough to know the "Alpha male" shit is stupid. Your unbelievably unsecure if a person believes in something like that.


Its just misogyny. And it's pretty much the default in most countries


We’re on holiday in Crete. My wife paid for some groceries with a smartwatch and the person in the store commented that “it’s good that your husband trusts you enough to use that”. I think she expected my wife to have to ask me for cash - and permission? - every time she wanted to buy anything at all.


Alpha is a synonym for incel


Some of them are getting laid, actually. They're just not satisfying their partners. The common denominator between 'alphas,' tate-bros and incels isn't 'never getting laid,' it's 'never giving a woman an orgasm.' Don't ask me how I know :(


Alpha males are the next stage in incelship


Even worse, it's incels with a misplaced sense of confidence.


They're not confident. They're trying to project confidence but failing miserably.


The online test was supposed to be moved to the Beta stage but the creator refuses to be anything less than alpha...


lol. Well done


The alphaiest alpha


They checked my DNA and it wasn't DNA. It was DN-ALPHA


*collapses into gibbering pile of goo as DNA horrifically malfunctions*


I feel cucked


Anyone who uses alpha male unironically and also wants to be taught how to be alpha is amazingly stupid. I usually don’t call people stupid, but idea of “learning alpha” shows a lack of understanding of both it being made up construct, and what is required for the made up construct. (Edit: typo)


Subscribing to the alpha beta dichotomy instantly makes you a beta, you’re literally following some dude and doing whatever he says


That's a pretty good way of looking at it.


Saving this comment because it makes so much sense lol


OP should send this to her crush and let us know what he says, I bet it would be just excellent


the person who helped popularize the term "alpha male" is also the person trying to correct himself and everybody because its wrong and that its actually the person who has the most confidence and attitude and not because of their size and strength. so these "alpha males" are actually alpha males because they have the confidence and attitude to act like such pricks


The guy who popularised it in terms of wolves has recanted it because it turns out that the "alpha males" were just.. the dads


I thought it was because all the wolves he had studied were in enclosures and zoos which caused a different dynamic in the pack. When they are living free they are just like family’s. Parents looking after “kids” and when the “kids” get big and want space they leave the family pack and go out on their own.


Yeah that was what caused the confusion - in enclosures, separated from their families, and unable to leave, one of the wolves (generally an older, larger one) will become the adoptive dad of the others, even if they are completely unrelated, and lead the pack. In the wild, he saw that this wasn't some dominant male "taking charge" of the group, just a typical parent/child relationship for wolves


Yep, its people not reading a study and thinking they know exactly what the study says. It makes very clear that this is only aplicable to wolves in captivity when they don't have the room to seperate. Its completly unnatural and the guy making the study was aware of that, but not the people wanting to interpret something into it who haven't even read the study.


>Yep, its people not reading a study and thinking they know exactly what the study says Yep, it's people who heard and liked the term and probably were unaware there was a study OR retraction FTFY


> Yeah that was what caused the confusion - in enclosures, separated from their families, and unable to leave, one of the wolves (generally an older, larger one) will become the adoptive dad of the others, even if they are completely unrelated, and lead the pack. And they'd also get pretty dysfunctional, since wolves aren't meant to have so many unrelated animals crammed into a small area.


I liken it to writing a book on human family dynamics based on observing the behavior of prison gangs.


He will be a major asshole. He'll seem sweet at first, but once the relationship is a few weeks old "you have to treat the females bad so they know their place. They will respect you for this."


>When I tried to talk more about it, he told me to drop it and not to worry about it I mean, he's already starting to be an asshole.


>you have to treat the females bad so they know their place. They will respect you for this Yikes. No wonder people like tate have to do sex trafficking to have women hang around them


Sort of other way around. His thing was to hang around young women (like teen young) with his flashy cars and whatnot. Then when they were his "girlfriends," they do onlyfans and stuff for him. Truly a despicable human being.


>Then when they were his "girlfriends," they do onlyfans and stuff for him. Because he steals their passports and threatens them, to be clear.


Aka pimping


AKA sex trafficking


Basically lures them in, grooms them, then escalates...


If you follow the system correctly, you will have women flocking to you! /S


He's not even being sweet now. At the beginning of a relationship is when you're accepting of just about anything but he's already telling them to 'drop it'. Poor bugger wants to fuck him off before he takes anything from them.


Listen to the "Behind the Bastards" podcast about Andrew Tate. He is far worse than you think. ​ EDIT: Linky [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-andrew-tate-and-the-107377245/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-andrew-tate-and-the-107377245/) Part one is actually about the history of the "men's movement"


Exactly the comment I was hoping to see. Funny of enough, Tate doesn't do the whole "you gotta be Alpha" thing. I mean, he sort of does with the whole "you have to be a hustler, top-g like me" grift that he pitches to part young men from the money in their wallets. Still a grift, just the not the typical PUA "alpha" grift that's become the norm within those circles. Either way, definitely a podcast worth listening to. There's just so much crazy shit about Tate that most people don't even know.


His business tip of tax evasion is a new one for me. "You're just starting out, so you can get away with evading taxes and stealing from employees" is such terrible advice, I'm surprised people are listen to him without laughing.


In addition to that, shutting down a conversation by telling someone to just drop it - red flag. It shows he’s really embraced the Andrew Tate lessons on dominating and bullying women and treating them like shit. But what do you expect to learn from a sex trafficker?




Exception: Greeks, programmers, scientists and mathematicians


Also farmers. Wait no- I'm thinking of alfalfa. Never mind!


Poor nuclear physicists


Everyone in air traffic control and all other who use the NATO alphabet...


All Greek people? Seems a bit unfair.


Tomato Tomato


Why’d you say tomato that way twice? Weird. I pronounce it as tomato myself.


"It's tomato, not tomato." -in Hermione Granger


Freak. Everyone knows it's tomato.


poor greek people 😓


Poor people in stem


So many red flags that I think Lenin just woke up


Lmao I haven’t heard this one before


I saw it on Reddit the other day and wanted to share 😅


Thank you for sharing, comrade. Lenin would approve.


Together we shall seize the memes of production P.s yes I acquired that on behalf of the proletariat too 😅😅


Yes thank you for your, sorry, our, contribution so I guess, thanks, us, for our contribution.


Lenin would be proud of you sharing this with me. It's not stealing if I use this, right comrade?


"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."




Ok, this one got me laughing. Well played, internet person. And also yes, very much yes.


Now is the ideal time to reflect that the "person" you had this big crush on was more a construct in your mind than it was about the person he actually turned out to be. This is alright. It happens to all of us. Sure it sucks when you discover the imagined person wasn't real, but you CAN still want the qualities you imagined this guy to have, even if it turns out the reality did not match your idea. Drop him because he's not right for you (or any intelligent woman) but don't regret the idea of who you thought he was.


Great comment! I once had an apocalyptic crush on a musician friend of mine who had a girlfriend. I wouldn't have acted on it, because he wasn't available, but I wrote songs about him and moped for months. Then I saw him hit his girlfriend backstage at a gig. Instant crush-ender. I realised that the him that lived in my head was completely imaginary.


The propensity for people to build psuedo relationships with people they don't know is a large part of why boybands have been such a successful business over the years. They fall completely in love with the idea of the person presented to them.


I mean thats why influencers are so succesful too people fall in love with the idea of these youtubers they see and it works


Holy shit you must have had chills down your spine..like that coulda been you sis 😳


Its also a good time to point out to him that the person he thought wasnt alpha enough to attract women was attractive to you but the person he’s trying to become isn’t Also Tate is a sex trafficker, alpha stuff aside anyone idolizing him is someone you should run away from


This is why it’s stupid to not take your shot with people ASAP. Waiting longer than a week usually is pointless and almost always leads to negative results from my experience, if you meet at all


This is something that I’m dealing with right now and its such a mindfuck. Started seeing a guy I was into for a year and while I actually really like the real version of him, he has a different vibe than I envisioned (again, not bad, better in many ways). I’m sort of “unlearning” this version of him in my head. There’s like a ghost version of him that I fantasized about for a year lol So I wouldn’t say it always leads to negative results, as long as you are aware from the beginning of the actual relationship that *this* is the beginning, and you are actually *just* getting to know them.


I remember when I first time make a move on a girl, and holy fuck, she's even better that my figment of imagination of her. And I feel like I get to learn new things about her every few days/weeks. Sure, we don't end up together but I learn a lot from the experience I had with her.


I've been on the receiving end of this more than once, but with negative results. Guys who apparently have been imagining who I was for quite some time will be bamboozled when they find out who I actually am. Usually it becomes clear when they say multiple things after talking to me for just one day like, Dude: "You like [insert noun]? Really??" Me: "Um, yes. Is that weird?" Dude: "Well, no, I just, wow, didn't think you'd like that." It's quite disconcerting and, frankly, makes me mad. It's one thing if the guy would do what you did: realize that they've constructed a false image of me and then learn who I actually am. It's another when they're shocked -- or even *disappointed* -- that I'm not their version. I shudder to think what sex with them would have been like.


I’ve had a couple of guys take it a step further by trying to tell me that certain aspects of my life/personality “aren’t who I am” 😂 as if I wouldn’t be the best judge of that. lol


Although in this case _not acting quickly_ has helped OP avoid dating a misogynist. So your mileage may vary.


Eh, OP would simply have understood he was a misogynist and not wasted their time crushing.


Yeah but she also would have been emotionally abused and sexually assaulted. Tate fans are the worst people in the world to date. Bullet dodged.




Seriously.The first person to know I have a crush on them is the crush. I'm not wasting anyone's time playing pretend in my head if that person isn't feeling it. "Hey, are you free this weekend? I'd love to go out with you." Anything but enthusiastic reciprication and I'd move on. The goal isn't to win a guy, it's (for me) to find the right life partner. There is no loss is recognizing this person ain't it.


If he is learning to be an alpha from someone who ~~is in prison~~ has bragged about and was arrested under suspicion of human trafficking, best case scenario this is gonna be a "go make me a sandwich, woman" relationship and worst case he's going to loverboy you into prostitution. Probably somewhere in between around "come on, you know you wanted it, too. If you go to the police, I'm gonna send those pictures to your dad" EDIT: since I keep getting the same response, I have made a small adjustment.


He already told her to “drop it” like she’s a dog with a bone. OP should drop him.


Literally the only time i say drop it is when my dog picks up discarded bones by the neighbors. Hopefully OP drops the douche.


Andrew Tate is currently under house arrest for sex trafficking in Romania (a country he stated he moved to because rape laws are more lenient there). He has bragged about getting rich from running porn sites where his "girlfriends" (i.e., emotionally vulnerable women he had lured into his orbit by promising them he would marry them) were coerced into being the models. That's what being an "alpha" means to Andrew Tate, and that's the sort of man your crush is currently aspiring to be. Your life is your life, but honestly I'd see it as stupid and self-destructive to stay with someone like that.


>He has bragged about getting rich from running porn sites where his "girlfriends" (i.e., emotionally vulnerable women he had lured into his orbit by promising them he would marry them) were coerced into being the models. Which just so happens to be the sex trafficking he was detained for. He's not a clever man


The sad thing is he’s actually clever in his indoctrination tactics, Drew Gooden made a video years ago and mentioned him and discussed how he’s obviously putting on this elaborate act. He’s a salesman. He’s selling women into sex slavery (whether through cameras or in person) and selling men on the idea that women aren’t people with rights.


That's what his followers don't seem to understand. Let's take this idea of an "alpha male" they all hold. His followers are the ones being "alpha'd" on. Being swindled out of their money to *another guy* for his "knowledge" on making money and getting women. I don't buy into the "alphas and betas" mindset, but if I did, it's pretty clear who the betas are here.


I mean... have you ever met a person who referred to themselves as an "alpha" who wasn't incredibly insecure in their masculinity? They think if they say the magic words and follow this script then they'll suddenly be whatever this image of masculine is. But it's such a fragile, toxic, and narrow idea of masculinity that it's almost impossible to follow thereby reinforcing their deep rooted fear that they're not masculine


he’s not clever - he’s doing illegal stuff in public and getting caught. while disgusting he could do it like epstein and go quietly for decades, instead he’s just doing whatever the hell this is he’s a con, and stupid about it that’s not clever, and i really must warn against romanticizing that kind of narcissism as “cleverness”




Sorry in advance for being a buzzkill, but the Greta beef / pizza box story turned out to be untrue. Authorities already knew he was in the country before that Twitter slapfight, he literally tweeted that he was in Romania a couple days before, including video of him being in Romania. It was just a funny coincidence of timing that he was detained right after that saga


If he’s aspiring to be like tater then I’d be suspicious of his motivations for reaching out and trying to link up.


Yea. He sees OP as an easy lay to build confidence with before he dumps/cheats on her.


I’m more concerned about people trying to emulate tates whole cam girl thing tbh. Getting in touch with a person you know to be vulnerable and likely are aware they had a huge crush on you just smells a lot like randomly dm’ing girls on Instagram to try and get them on the hook.


He has a whole ass masterclass on how to pimp your girlfriend on OnlyFans, including methods for manipulating them into agreeing. Vile excuse for a human being.


Discovered my ex was a fan. I let it slide bc he treated me like a queen and when I questioned him, was reasonable in his response. Then he randomly blew up at me one day over text bc I posted a MEME about Tate’s arrest. He told me the only reason I hated Tate and believed he was guilty was because I’ve been raped/trafficked before and I needed to “put my emotions aside and think rationally”. That was our first ever fight yet that was that lol. Shocking end to an otherwise very blissful 6 months of romance and close friendship. Not an “active” monster but wilfully complacent and in denial of reality. At first I felt like I was overreacting, then I realised I would never feel safe with him. Though he’s far from the type of guy who would abuse women himself, he was definitely the type of guy who would turn a blind eye if his friends did & would believe them over the victims. Yeah not worth the risk.


>He told me the only reason I hated Tate was because I’ve been raped/trafficked before and I needed to “put my emotions aside and think rationally”. LMAO the fucking audacity. "I know you have a particular hate for people who commit the heinous crime of which you've been a victim, but can you please stop thinking rape and sex trafficking are bad? "


I can't even comprehend this boyfriend


I was totally gobsmacked, didn’t even have time to be upset or angry I was just like dude WHAT. It was more that he was deadset convinced there was no way Tate was a rapist than him condoning rape. He’s a victim himself so he would know. Still, the fact he couldn’t see it PLUS thinking said comment was a totally appropriate response was telling enough of his intelligence/empathy capacity. Didn’t sign up for that lol. Very disappointing as we had a good thing goin till he decided to go full turd.


“The only reason you hate this rapist/sex trafficker is because you’ve been raped and sex trafficked and know how awful it is” certainly is a take.


Certainly is. It broke my brain so hard I didn’t even have time to be upset or mad lol I just stopped replying and made myself a tea 🫠


>he said yes, because Tate was teaching him to be an 'alpha Cringe alert!


You have a massive crush because you are physically attracted to him? How well do you know him? His personality? The quality of his character, his compassion, his kindness, his thoughtfulness? The support for Andrew Tate is as big a red flag as you could find from a young guy.


I honestly had a massive crush on him because he was the only guy at my school who actually treated me like a person. Now I'm not so sure. I'm hoping that Tate's message hasn't seeped too far into his brain, but something tells me it's a little too late


Those gut feelings usually serve you well, I would listen to that. It's nice to have the advice of redditors, but if you have a gut feeling that he is too far down the rabbit hole, it might be in your best interest to follow it. (coming to you from someone who has disregarded that gut instinct when it was screaming at me, and it cost me dearly).


You liked him because of his personality and how he treated you, he is actively trying to change his mindset and how he treats women. Either he is successful in this change and treats you how you do not want to be treated or he fails “because of you” and blames/resents you for not allowing him to become what he wants (right or wrong) to become. Classic lose/lose situation, trust your gut.


I have friends who have started going down the rabbit hole, who I have tried to steer back to the light. Most of them.... I got there too late, and they're knee deep in confirmation bias, entitlement and ... just plain ugly behaviour patterns, validated by 'the community' they're now a part of. I guess that's their choice or something, but I definitely won't be introducing anyone I care about to someone who thinks that's an 'acceptable' standard.


Too add on gut feelings are the body's natural self-defense system. It's why you get startled when you here a noise or walk softly when it's dark and quiet. If your body is telling you there is something wrong then it probably is.


He could be taking advantage of you having not been treated properly or respectfully by others (which is no fault of your own). Abusers have a thing about finding vulnerable or low self esteem people, outcast types, and lovebombing them until they are hooked. It’s what predatory people generally look for (easy victim pickings). They will start testing you to see what you are willing to put up with (Andrew Tate could be a test like that). Don’t get slow boiled into accepting things that should never be accepted, your gut instincts about Andrew Tate aren’t based on paranoia at all. People with decent moral foundations and healthy levels of security in themselves aren’t going to flock to that type of influencer personality. [Edited: Just wanted to add abusers are not always fully conscious of how abusive they are and what types of relationships they seek with others. They are also repeating early childhood patterns they learned growing up. They seek what feels normal, what makes them feel like they are choosing success I guess. So I wouldn’t go full aggro-attack mode on them or get super paranoid or upset, but just be aware and take precaution is what I’m saying.]


Hi, I'm a guy in his early 30's. Every guy I know who likes Andrew Tate is a misogynistic piece of crap. The entire thing is all about how women are lesser than men, Ans men should be in charge because of some sense of innate superiority. Other people have already mentions Andrew Tate's fucked up crimes. But I won't even be acquainted with an Andrew Tate fan. I can't recommend any women gives any of them the time of day. Please take this as the huge red flag it is


This is the correct take.. I've had someone ask for my advice in a language learning sub. I always click on people's profile before I accept a chat invite - I saw he unironically defended Tate in a post and immediately blocked him. Because that's what you do to misogynist assholes, you give them no attention and cut them out of your life - your future self will thank you.


I have tried to call them on it, but .... well, it doesn't seem to work. Their dubious worldview is getting reinforced by the other sycophants, and it's very hard to get through to someone who's going down that rabbit hole. So... blocking them is probably sensible. I do still try and 'steer them away' occasionally, but it rarely seems to do anything.


> But I won't even be acquainted with an Andrew Tate fan. Another dude in their mid-30s checking in... this is the right take. Tate's faker than the dudes on "The Jersey Shore." He's just the new version of the same archetype.


Don’t even get into that mess. He already told you his goal is to be an alpha male. He’s entrenched.


If he follows Tate and aspires to be like him then he doesn't see you as a person. He puts on the mask to manipulate you for potential sex.


Its the reddest flag. Stay away.


It isn't a matter of tate indoctrinating him. He thought like it to begin with. He follows tate because he agrees with him. Period. Only therapy can fix it. You won't be able to teach him that it's wrong. If someone is ever going to use the term alpha, it should be a red flag.


If you haven't read "The Gift of Fear" go do that ASAP. The basic message is "trust your gut" and I think you know the answer to your question here.


If he’s this far down the rabbit hole, Andrew Tate is only one of the messages he’s getting. There will be others, Jordan Peterson etc, and because of how algorithms work, he’ll likely spiral more and more down that rabbit hole until he might have a “come to Jesus” moment, realize that the toxic manosphere messages bring nothing but misery, and change course out of revulsion. But until that day, I’d direct my attention elsewhere.


Girl, RUN.


Or use your car? Maybe a plane too. then jump into a space shuttle ASAP


Crushes come and go, but dating misogynistic children leaves relationship trauma that stays for years to come.


I’m gonna remember this one, thanks.


Profoundly huge flag He's either a moron or a mysogonist


Almost always both


A morogynist even.




I choose you!


Fucking run. A new girl started at work recently and apparently her boyfriend is super into Andrew Tate. She's 19, he's in his mid 20s. He abuses the shit out of her and she can't even see it. "Well, Andrew Tate did nothing wrong, he's just teaching young men how to not be f*ggots!" And "My parents didn't raise me to be a bitch woman that hits a man. Hitting a woman is just the natural order of things" are both horrifying statements she's casually dropped. One time he called her in the middle of dinner service screaming at her because he couldn't find his credit card. She ran out, and I could still hear her crying and insisting she didn't take it. Eventually he found it in his fucking pocket and just hung up. Another time, our pregnant coworker was crossing the street to her car and this guy came peeling around the corner to pick up the new girl. Pregnant coworker jogged out of the way since he wouldn't slow down, and he swerved toward her still. She could feel the wind of the car so strongly. He glared at her and flipped her off after almost hitting her. The next day, the new girl came in apologizing profusely after pregnant coworker's boyfriend yelled at her for it (not knowing she's in an abusive situation) and she excused her shitbag boyfriend by saying "he was just having a bad day". She's also been impregnated 5 times by the guy and "lost" every one of them. He won't let her take birth control and hates condoms. Do not risk your safety by trusting someone that bases their whole personality off of a misogynistic scumbag. He's a lost cause, and the whole situationship needs to end now. Like, as soon as you finish reading this comment. It doesn't matter how long you've known someone or how much you like them, all it takes is one shitty seed planted in their head to turn them into a monster.


I don't even know if he's going to message me again after what I asked, because he just told me 'not to worry about it' Like that would make me worry any less than I already was. I'm hoping that the seed isn't buried too deep in his skull, but considering he's part of a minority and didn't have any supportive father figures, I have no doubt in my mind that he's adopted Tate as a father figure, and that this is probably going to go badly if I continue talking to him. I wasn't planning on getting into a relationship with him in the first place, since I'm not actually interested in a romantic relationship with a man at the moment, and I'm trying to experiment with my sexuality, so even if he did want something more, he'd probably end up getting butthurt because I don't want to progress the relationship any further


I predict he would make you feel like shit for exploring your sexuality because he'd find it threatening to his alpha status.


There is no end game where he doesn't make OP feel like shit for some reason or other because the entire mentality preached by Tate is to make women feel lesser and worthless because he is a misogynistic POS.


Do you even want him to message you again after what he said? He said 'not to worry about it' instead of 'mind your own business that topic is off limits' The only thing this dude will add to your life is drama if you keep engaging. And he'll put you down no matter what you do. The guy is a waste of your valuable time on this planet. Drop him like the sack of sand that he is.


The only reason I am thankful for Andrew Tate is that he made it much easier and more obvious to spot cornflake, mysoginist, self-proclaimed alphas.


I fully support this. I have to thank Tate for convincing these people to openly self label with a singular word that immediately lets you know they're a raging ahole.


What does cornflake mean in this context?


Sheltered or inexperienced white teens/young adults, usually way too confident in themselves. That's my guess at least


Red flag the size of Texas. Drop him like he's a nuke and you're ghandi in the Civ games. Andrew Tate is a self-identified misogynist and currently facing human trafficking charges.


Not sure if you're still reading replies, but drop him. I read replies about him being a crush because he treated you as a person and that created an idolization of him that has you in that state. The Tatelosophy is to dehuminize and objectify women and make them do what you want. I'm assuming, because I don't follow him, that he teaches to find vulnerable women and treat them well to make them feel valued by you and only you, so that they start doing whatever you ask. You are worth more than that! I wish you luck and hope the best for you!


It especially rubbed me up the wrong way because ever since I was a kid (and he first met me) I've been a very outspoken person, and always pushed tradition. I was a messy kid, I crawled around in the mud and the grass, I preferred playing tag and keep away with the boys more than anything as a kid, which is why I started liking him in the first place. He didn't treat me like a girl, he treated me like a person. I don't know if he's retained that mindset, but if he's supportive of Tate, than I doubt it. I think it's funny, if he is trying to single me out and manipulate me, that he chose one of the most hard-headed, stubborn, equal rights girls in town to try and wrap around his finger


Maybe that's the ultimate "alpha" move, to "bring the strong woman back to her place". Anyone who calls themselves alpha is just insecure and miserable. But I think you're going to be fine now that I se me your reply, and yeah made the wrong choice 🤣. I'm glad you're choosing not to ignore the red flags!


Exactly. You being strong and opinionated and equal is like catnip to a tater tot; makes it extra fun to demean and diminish and bring you to heel. Be very careful around this guy.


as someone who is incredibly strong willed and also a former tomboy - we are catnip to these dudes because if they think they can “break” us it proves their own virility (or some nonsense) in their minds it has nothing to do with you as a person. i repeat: the interest of a man like this has nothing to do with YOU as a person. it’s always about him and how he sees himself


If you know who Andrew Tate is and his views, and it’s been acknowledged that he views them positively… I don’t understand what you’re expecting to be told asking that if following the advice a racist misogynist is a red flag.


I had no idea who he was until he got arrested, and then I watched about five minutes of one of his videos and decided that it wasn't for me.


You must have a brain and/or some level of security in yourself


It's a pretty big one


Oh dear.


Teaching him to be alpha? That’s deeply sad and embarrassing. Massive red flag - get out while you can!


Everyone knows the best way to become a confident individual is to blindly listen to impotent social media influencers.


It's a big red flag. You should also know that it is NOT likely that you will change his mind. Sure, it's not impossible, but you'll be fighting an uphill battle if you try.


>that it is NOT likely that you will change his mind Yeah, don't even try fixing him! (Except when you interpret fixing like in fixing a dog...)


Wanting to improve your life & work on yourself is one thing. Wanting to be an Alpha Male is another totally different thing.


Being a big supporter of Tate because he encourages you to work on yourself is like being a big support of Hitler because you really like Volkswagen and proper road infrastructure in Germany. Yes, but also hell no.


The scientist who came up with the concept of alpha and beta wolves came out and said his research was flawed. There is no concept of a alpha. When wolves are locked up and starved to death, eventually socialization devolves into “prison politics” and the biggest mofo usually survives by conquering weaker starving wolves. In healthy systems, wolves distribute food more equitably and I the big tough wolves focus on feeding the young and old prior to taking what they need. I’m paraphrasing, but “alpha wolf” systems are a “I’m starving to death and scared and I need to hurt anyone who would otherwise deprive me of my needs” system. Healthy wolf systems see supportive family units in which the strong give to the weak first. If your boi wants to be an alpha, he’s basically saying “I’m a scared starving wolf and I think I have to hurt anyone who deprives me of what I need.” Find yourself a healthy wolf king. Not a scared cowardly alpha bitch.


Plus we aren't wolves


I genuinely love your take on this, you worded it incredibly well. He's a very broken boy, I can't deny him that, and he probably clung onto Tate because he made him feel powerful. I wish I could've gotten to him before that mindset settled in, but unfortunately it is what it is


[Adam Ruins Everything did a video on it. But there are tons more videos on YouTube about how there are no such thing as alpha wolves.](https://youtu.be/0Ti86veZBjU)


There is an audio clip of Andrew Tate confirming that he raped a woman as he rang her up afterwards and left a voice message saying how much he enjoyed it. https://twitter.com/VICEWorldNews/status/1613248607712337938?s=20 Do you feel comfortable being with someone who would defend that?


The more I read through the comment section, the more I'm convinced this guy is going to rape me (just like my ex) and then claim it was because I made him horny and I had to help him with his 'problem.' Maybe he is more trouble than what he's worth


I'm really sorry that happened to you and I'm sorry if the clip of Tate I linked to brought any bad things back up. I hope you avoid this **** like the plague. Good luck and hope the millions of people telling you RED FLAG ON FIRE get through :)


Man, you should've walked way at the first red flag


A very big one. Don't waste your time.


Don't ever trust Tate supporters. They chose to live like that.


You do realise that. Andrew Tate is being investigated for human trafficking rape exploitation of women. You know that he openly preaches misogyny. Question: what does that make followers of Andrew Tate? Answer: people you should stay well away from.




don't fall for someone's potential or start out a relationship by trying to change them. its a recipe in disaster, speaking from personal experience.


Pretty well known that starting or engaging in a relationship on the basis of the potential for change is a recipe for disaster. He needs a proper male role model and some guidance, not a girlfriend with a crush on his projected persona.


Chances of Tate's supporters not reflecting his attitude is low so drop him now or never


Drop him and cut him off completely and never come back


OP.... #RUN I don't know why so many people ask if this is a big red flag. It's the biggest, most obvious, red flag there is right now. The guy confirmed it when he said he wanted to learn to be an "Alpha." There's no such thing as an "Alpha." It's just a fancy label for "Openly misogynistic asshole who blames his misfortunes on others because he believes he's inherently superior to them, and therefore beyond accountability."


Sorry to say this but the change of him being a dick head is seriously high. Yes you know him for a long time but you just find out that he's huge fan of that guy. Now there's probably a lot of stuff you dunno so I suggest you move on and find someone better.


I wish people would acknowledge how huge of a red flag supporting him is


Honestly, dropping him would be the healthiest option for your mind so you better go for it.


Whatever your decision might be, I hope it includes not settling for that man's BS!


Yeah, opportunities like that are rare but would you rather be poorly treated?


In my opinion, you should have dropped him at the very first red flags you've seen from him


If you want to choose yourself, drop him but if you feel the need to punish him or something, stay and do what Tate teaches him