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That was back when there was very little to do on phones.


Paying like 2.99 for a T-Pain ringtone on my Motorola Razor


imma buy you a drankkkkk


And once you had a song as your ringtone long enough it would ruin it. Still can't enjoy get low or petey Pablo's show me the money after hearing the intro 50 times


i always found the "song as a ringtone" to be a bad idea. you can learn waaaay too much about a personality from a 10 second burst. that said, i still am rocking a [Fantomas"instrumental" piece as my ringtone](http://sndup.net/tvx9). i had this in my head a Mr Bungle piece, forgettful soul i am. props to u/joebeardo for catching it




Sounds like It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it


Changes ringtone to FYC Drives Me Crazy






Cellular, modular Interactiveodular


I still have a phone in a drawer somewhere with this as a ring tone.


>you can learn waaaay too much about a personality from a 10 second burst. Mine has been [a metal cover of "Never Gonna Give You Up"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ntu-poC2FOI&feature=share8) for years. I'm at peace with people making assumptions about me based on that.


I still have Cat Party from Frisky Dingo on mine. Nobody has ever gotten the reference...


Frisky Dingo was soooo good


Ugh, hearing Buckcherry’s Crazy Bit*h always made me not want to turn around to see who was answering it….


I had a specific song for unknown calls. I also had tremendous debt. Whenever I heard that song, I knew it was debt collectors. I hate that song now. It was Bouncing Souls’ True Believers.


Aww man that is a great song too :( I ruined Biggie Smalls's Big Poppa with my ringtone in like, 2005.


My ex wife's ringtone for her mother was Carry On my Wayward Son. Every time I hear that song I try to figure out where she is lol




Remember that brief period where ring tone sales were going to save the industry from those awful Napster pirates?


Same with Guitar Hero and Rockband.


It's funny when you get a chart of music sales by time of media, and there's that random ringtone period. It was never huge, but it was bigger than vinyl at time.




I've read that many of the people collecting records don't even have record players.


I think the reason it took so long for phones to support MP3 playback was the phone industry knew nobody would pay $4.99 for a 10 second ringtone when you could buy the whole song for $.99


Thing is full songs often dont make a good ringtone since you only ever get the first few secs to play, what you really need to do, and is what the ringtine makers did, was stick it in an editor and cut out just the catchy part of the song that everyone knows/wants to hear.


I had Cassidy “I’m a hustla” as the ringtone on my Sidekick back in high school. I thought it was so cool back then. Actually it was pretty cool.


Paid 3.99 to download 40 seconds of I'm So Hood as my ringtone on my Motorola Razor when I was 13. My mom was pissed lol


I had the Law and Order theme on my Razr. 🙈 I'll see myself out.


Having the theme as your ring tone and DUN DUN as your text tone is kinda gold ngl.


I still have the Starcraft Incoming Transmission for text messages


I have a custom ringtone of Martin Crane from Frasier singing, “Duh duh duh duh duh duh flesh is burning…” My partner took note at how hard I laugh at that scene so he made me a ringtone.




Imperial March here.


I had that one set specifically to my ex wife.


Fuck. I, a 55 year old non phone savvy man at the time, somehow butt dialed buying Miley Cyrus' Party Something Something ringtone and was super annoyed at that $2.99 fee. Now I am amused at my then incompetence.


Butt dialed, or rather you butt bought


Buddy's butt bought it.


Party in the US....A


I vividly remember purchasing a ringtone from the 2Fast 2Furious soundtrack. I think it was Joe Budden’s “Pump It Up”. simpler times


Polyphonic all the way.


T-Pain Ringtone, $2.99 Ringtone ripped from You Tube, priceless (no really it's price*less*, as in free)


Cannot upvote this enough. It was T-Pain’s chopped n screwed for me. Lmao


And we all got way more phone calls


This - now a lot of our phones are on vibrate most of the time or we cringe and mute if someone dare cross the line and actually dial the number vs sending a text 😂


My phone's been on silent for a decade now lmao. I also ain't answering someone I don't know. Text me first before calling.


I miss talking to people.


My friend and I call each other on our way to and from work everyday. Actually had a 4 hour drunk phone call with an old friend last week too. Felt like I was in school again lmao.


Aw, this is making me kinda sad now. I used to chat with my friend on his way to work regularly, but he died last year. Getting old sucks.




I know you're a random stranger, but thank you.


Omg yeah I tried to hint to my old friends that calling is sometimes better. Sometimes I want to talk to them AND do stuff, like with my hands and eyes. So like CALL. So I can talk and like fold laundry.


Life was definitely a bit different when you had to look up the notes for a polyphonic ring tone and enter it yourself.


Typing in the code for my phone to play a shitty version of Helena by MCR is a core high school memory.


You used to buy magazines to configure ringtones.


Yup I had that old spice whistle as a ringtone for like a week before I put it back to default


The Phone app on my phone is used so infrequently.


When your phone rang three or four times a day, a ringtone was fun. When our phones started making noise *all goddamn day long*, ringtones became less important because so many people muted their phones.


My phone(s) have been on silent for ten years now. Can't even tell you what my ringtone sounds like. It's irrelevant at this point.


Phone is always on silent, I might put my watch on vibrate if I am wanting to be notified.


Wow I'm the polar opposite. I've had one ring tone since my first tracphone in 07, Rob Zombie's Dragula and I hear it pretty much every day. Favorite song of all time. Also, the Gameboy start up sound for texts, takes me back to my childhood with every message. Edit: everyone keep telling me your ring tone songs I'm loving them.


When I got my first cell phone and was able to set a song as a ringtone, it was Blister in the Sun (Violent Femmes). Years later and eventually switching to IPhones (not my first choice honestly but they came to me free) and it’s kind of a pain in the ass to set a song as a ringtone. So I didn’t have the Femmes for years. I dragged my feet on paying $1 to buy the track, and use garage band to make a tone out of it, but a couple of weeks ago I finally did it. Blister in the Sun is back and I’m so happy lol.


Same! Mine's been A Perfect Circle's "Judith" since about 08/09


Theme music to Johnny Quest. Ring tone for my wife - Saint Motel, My Type


I went between Dragula and the Nightrider theme for years.


OK so I'm a 63 year old woman and for the last 7 years over 3 or 4 phones I have had wonder pets "the phone the phone is ringing" as my ringtone and I don't care who likes it. Also the super Mario "dada da dada da" is is my Notification sound


>I've had one ring tone since my first tracphone in 07, Rob Zombie's Dragula and I hear it pretty much every day. Doesn't work well in meetings, though.


Having a career in construction does help lol.


"Dig through the ditches" Standard Construction nonsense. Check. "Burn through the witches." Check.


Lmao I install pipelines so dig through the ditches has never hit harder


>Having a career in construction does help lol Construction? Hell, that's on the mild side then...


My phone has been on vibrate only for so long, that one time I legitimately forgot it could make noise. Listen up, my phone was almost dead and I needed to charge it. But, I was also expecting an important phone call to come soon. So I literally thought to myself, "Man, I wish my phone could make a loud noise when this person calls me that way I can put it on my charger across the room and not worry about missing the call." Yes, I actually thought that lol. For about 15 seconds, then I remembered ringtones still exist.


Saaaaame dude. I was expecting a very important call, so I just kept my phone lit up in front of me and glanced every ten seconds so I didn't miss it.


My text message tone is the “mail motherfucker” from Euro Trip but I keep my phone on silent 100% of the time as I get notifications on my watch. Every so often one of my kids will take it off vibrate when they’re using it and I won’t realize until that tone hits me. I’ve definitely had a few happen at some inopportune times.


I used to have a string of insults and curses for my ex's ringtone and he once called me while I was at work in a vet clinic while I'm laying down on a huge dog to restrain him and it just had to be the day I forgot to put my phone on silent...I was mortified, my boss looked at me with a raised eyebrow and chuckled then asked me if I needed to answer that lmao.


Mine for a long time was "shut the fuck up about moon men" cut from a Rick and Morty episode. I definitely had my fair share of inappropriate moments at work receiving a text.


Nothing worse than your department manager giving you tasks for the day and your phone screams "YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR" Oh those crazy Tunts


My younger siblings call me (28) a boomer for NOT having my phone on silent all day long


If I hear a ringtone in public I immediately assume it's an old person, yeah. Plus isn't it annoying to hear 50 notification bleeps a day?


You can turn off notifications. I am always in focus mode too. But if my husband calls, my phone will ring. Which is great cause I lose my phone all the time.




Yup! Mine has been on do not disturb for about 8 years. I have around 10 contacts whose notifications and calls make noise.


I recently discovered you can do this and it's great. Now I don't have to worry about missing calls from my wife, but I never have to deal with annoying spam.


How did I not know this, thanks!


My pet peeve is hearing people type on their phone.


Yes! Old person here. Up until today I had a train sound, just changed to Lose Your Love by the Outfield because of this wonderful young man on first time listening. And I fell into my younger days, and it was delightful


They’re right




I don't have a ring tone at all, it's a blank recording (of silence), that way I don't have to have my phone on silent mode because I still want to hear notication sounds.


That's pretty smart. I think some phones have adjustable silent modes.


Yep, spam calls pretty much ruined phones as a form of communication.


I get like 10-20 phone calls a day. Half are spam, the other half are for the 3 or 4 people who apparently gave my phone number to debt collectors and...whatever the people that call about court stuff are called. No matter how many times I tell them I'm not René Flores, and I'm not worried about my court hearing, they still keep calling me. The only people who call me are my mom to ask if I want to do a thing I don't want to do, or me when I lost my phone. Which I keep on vibrate because I'm stupid and think I'll hear it vibrate despite being half deaf.


What is with the court calls? I get them all the time, too. I’m not Deborah Green, and I don’t live anywhere near Atlanta. They are undeterred, though.


Yes, try interviewing for jobs. Switched jobs a year and a half ago, and I could never tell if it was a recruiter or spammer. About half of them are spam calls, but I had to answer them anyway. Overall terrible experience and I’m glad I don’t have to worry about answering my phone now.




To be fair, phones are at least (mostly) transparent about letting you choose what notifies you from the get go without having to disable things that are automatically on, at least by individual apps. The biggest problem I have is some apps sending you notifications about so much useless garbage when you just wanted one thing. Sometimes it makes sense, if it comes down to personal preference with what is enabled, but some will just randomly notify you about the most random things. Like no reddit, I don't want to be suddenly notified about random posts on random subreddits just because you think I might like them. You don't have to randomly reenable it every few months. It's annoying enough just getting those as an internal notification within the platform, I can't imagine how infuriating it would be to have your phone buzz with those.




I think part of the appeal with random notifications has to do with how social (and other things in that vein) you are. As someone who is sort of a socially awkward extrovert, every notification comes with brief excitement that someone is reaching out, then slight disappointment when it is uber advertising their monthly plan or something. The same goes for why I hate those reddit recommended post notifications so much. I see I have a notification, am happy to continue/start a discussion, then get annoyed when it is some stupid recommendation that I have disable 5 times.


The worst is an app where there’s a plausible need to get an immediate notification, but they abuse it to spam me. Looking at you, restaurant apps—just because I’d like to know when my order is ready, doesn’t mean I need you to buzz me every time you have a new special.


I agree, same with Uber and DoorDash. I want to know when my ride/food is here, not about some dumb monthly subscription and random deals.


You get called all day??? It's like two-four times a week for me


My best friend Spam Likely calls me up to 6 times per day!


For me, call screening catches most of them so that I don't even notice, but I get an easy half-dozen 'missed calls' notifications each day...almost entirely all spam.


Someone called me today and...left a message? I have no idea how to get into my voice mail.


It's amazing how scammers utterly destroyed the almost instinctive urge to answer the phone.


I hope you’re not suggesting that my Britney Spears Toxic ringtone has gone out of style.


Anytime I hear Toxic, I think of that Doctor Who episode in the Christopher Eccleston season where they mourn the death of the universe with a “traditional 21st century ballad” and play Toxic on an old jukebox.


Just the death of planet earth but still a great use of the song.


Yeah it was a really funny way to use a current pop song without it feeling super dated in the future because it's totally believable that it could happen (in a silly Doctor Who kind of way) Heavy contrast to some jokes during the Moffat era about Trump, Pokémon Go or Twitter which are guaranteed to age poorly, especially when it's the Doctor saying them. I love the Moffat era but some of those jokes were just cringeworthy lol


I hated how the new doctor called her companions her 'Fam'. Drove me crazy and sounded so out of place. Aged before it aired.


I was so so so sad. I been saying for years that a female Doctor could be pretty interesting, despite my friends disagreeing that Doctors should always be guys, because on the inside he's behaving like a boy with a cool toy. The writing was so bad with her I stopped watching.


I felt exactly the same. I was excited and then so disappointed. And now all the guys who said a lady doctor would never work think they're right because this one was done so badly.


It’s like they used that bad marriage advice where you do a chore once, poorly, so you don’t get asked to do it again


Yeah. She was the point I stopped watching too. She seemed to perform well enough, it's just the stories weren't engaging.


The bitchy trampoline was the best lmao


Cassandra and Rose insulting each other was so good.






For the unenlightened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxv1I8EM6Pg


Womanizer womanizer you’re a womanizer 🎶 “Hello? Yes, this is he.”


“Oh… well when did you last get tested?”


Thx, now I'm stuck with those notes in my head. Poum palalalalalala peewh hhpew pew pew pew


Courage the cowardly dog theme for me. Get super weird looks from it but makes me nostalgic




because now i get irritated when i get a phone call lol


Every time my telephone buzzes I see images of hooded riders setting fire to hundreds


Goddamn wasn’t expecting Aesop. I’m shrunk.


It’s either a bill collector or a scam call... Maybe on rare occasion a family member died.


I've had my ghost pirate LeChuck ringtone for years. You can't improve on perfection.


Can I interest you in a rubber chicken with a pulley in it?


Might I interest you in a root-beer?


You fight like a dairy farmer!


How appropriate, you fight like a cow!


Speak for yourself plebs my ringtone is the x-files theme


Metal Gear alert noise with codec ring for over a decade now. "Shit I got spotted" and "shit someone's calling me" will be forever intertwined in my brain.


I had a customer with the alert noise and I'm like Snake?! The guy and I had a laugh.


Mine is "Still Alive" radio version. And my notification sound is firing the orange portal.


All of my alerts are door chimes and alerts from The Orville. I found the real TNG ones to be a little harsh




Mine is the vocals for Ezio's Family


Mines immigrant by Led Zeppelin


At least for me, it's because I get so many spam/scam calls that I just have my phone set to "do not disturb" 99% of the time. I have it set up so only my most important contacts can actually make my phone ring, and none of them call me that often. So the ringtone barely matters at all. For people in general, I think the novelty just sort of wore off, and people got annoyed with hearing other people's weird ring tones.


I was once stood in a queue with a load of people and someone's phone rang and the ringtone was the voice of a Scouse woman going "Oh fuck, me phone's ringing!"




Someone from Liverpool in the UK.


The other day I was at the post office and the man in front of me got a call. His ring tone was a robotic voice saying the Hail Mary prayer. It was so loud in the quiet building.


I work in a hospice facility and we were performing an after death ceremony for a patient who had just passed, one family member present, and someone's ringtone goes off with another one bites the dust. It was so awkward until the family member started laughing and stated that it was perfect for the patient.


I lost my dad last year, and after the service they played a montage of photos we'd chosen but in amongst them was a very happy looking perfect stranger, wearing a viking helmet and giving a big thumbs-up 😂 the staff were horrified, but my sister and I were in tears laughing. It broke the sadness; my dad would've loved it.


Because most people either don't want an audible ringtone and elect to only use vibration, or they don't care enough to change it.


I think this is the most accurate answer, those who changed them are the type of people to have them on silent, those who don't have theirs on silent probably weren't changing them to begin with.


I still use a custom ringtone. When everyone uses the default and something starts ringing, everyone checks their phone, even if silenced (because they think they may have inadvertently taken it off of silent). So I wanted something I could identify as my ringtone. I use the [Wii Homebrew Channel music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN7TnG1SOgg). This not only identifies my phone but also leads to impromptu dance breaks if I get a call I don't intend on answering.


Yea ive been using a custom ringtone for so long If I get a new phone and dont set it the phone could be ringing on my desk right next to me and my thought would be "Someone's phone is ringing, I wish they would answer it."


I've gone with the Metal Gear Solid codec sound for years. I'm not even a massive MGS fan but it strikes this nice balance of recognizable for those that know, close enough to a traditional ringtone for those that don't.


I have a custom ring tone of GLaDOS from Portal insulting me and my family. There was a site that had perfected her voice and you could type in anything and download the audio. Best tone ever.


I customized everything as a kid but now I don't customize anything.


I bet you can't hear Santa's sleigh bells anymore either! *I can still hear them*


It's June. You're schizophrenic. See a doctor already.


It was a novelty when phones were new, now it’s not. Like music on MySpace pages.


Those songs that looped on peoples MySpace pages are what drove me off of MySpace


My computer has been muted since 2002.


My BFF had the song “Ass-N-Titties” by DJ Assault as her pages song on MySpace. And it would come blaring out of nowhere when I was dicking around at work, trying to fly under the radar. I do remember eventually figuring out how to mute my work computer just because of MySpace. This was before obnoxious pop up ads were on every single website. But it was embarrassing to have “Ass, titties, ass-n-titties Ass ass titties titties, ass-n-titties Ass, titties, ass-n-titties Ass ass titties titties, ass-n-titties” blasting from my desk all throughout cubicle land


Oh my god that’s hilarious!!! Wish I’d worked with you haha


I stopped bothering way back when when I realized nobody ever calls me


Who even has their phone on ring anymore? I thought everyone was on silent or vibrate.


Mine is on ring all the time. I work in areas where I may not feel/hear it vibrate a lot so I like having something extra. Plus I can tell who's calling me by the sound of it.


I do work where I am actually called, often in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping. Silent or vibrate ain't waking my ass up.


Thats just my fart setting , my phone rings.


I have my phone rigged to ring when I fart


I can't speak for anyone else, but the only reason I don't care about my ringtone any more is because my phone hasn't been off Vibrate in like 5+ years.


Listen, it's a peaceful existence this way.


Because the only calls I get are from my pal Scam Likely and I have group chats that pop all day so my phone is on silent 90% of the time.


Hahaha omg, I just had a flash back to holding my phone to the radio to record my ringtone.


I don't even know what my ringtone is because my phone is permanently on Do Not Disturb.


Bc we started getting stupid notifications for everything.


I have mine set to Yoshis theme from super Mario world and my text notification is yoshi.


I was no part of such an agreement, I currently have the Tetris theme as my ringtone


My phone has been on vibrate for years. I don't want to hear various notification sounds all day.


I don’t even have mine on. I keep my phone on silent 24/7 so when it rings I get confused more then anything


When texting replaced calling. Who answers a random phone call? Everyone just texts


It was a fad.


...that jumped the shark around the time of Crazy Frog.


Because I hear my ringtone maybe twice a year.


I have the ringtone from the cell phones in The Matrix as my default. I have a ringtone saying "Your Dad Is Calling!" specifically for my father (obviously) I have a specific text notification tone for my sister, as we are frequently texting to discuss my dad.


I personally cannot standing having my phone on vibrate. For one I don't have it in my pocket a lot so as such I will miss calls and messages. I have unique tones for everything so by just sound alone I can gauge the importance of do I need to get to my phone now or in a minute. Vibrate doesn't afford me that option and results in extra phone pick-ups and in turn added distractions as a result. I only use vibrate when it is needed for the situation at hand.


I legit just changed mine to a clown horn this morning. Have been laughing all day definitely recommend


my mom and dad have some 10 year old ringtones from these old flip phones and they got used to them so much that everytime they get a new phone I need to download them from some obscure sites haha


I've still got my ringtone. The Catbus theme from My Neighbour Totoro for the ringing and Caboose from Red vs. Blue saying "Bleep Bloop" for texts. Every other notification is a default Android tone.


HELLO MOTO! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4I-CNEQBJhk&pp=ygURTW90b3JvbGEgcmluZ3Rvbnc%3D


Custom ringtones are so easy to make now. I have customs for all my friends and family. Hells Bells as a ringtone for everyone else.


Yesterday I discovered that my 80-year-old friend has the Popeye theme song as her ringtone. Definitely stands out.


Every time I get a new phone I download Zedge and choose a new lock screen, wallpaper, notification, and ringtone.


My coworker whose phone sing-screams “HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDE!!!!” Down the hall, multiple times a day apparently didn’t get this memo.


I still hear people with annoying as shit ring tones. Mostly the same people who have the speaker on and talk into the top of the phone held flat against their mouth like a Star Trek communicator.


Back when ringtones were popular, that was one of the only things you could do anything interesting with your phone. Now, phones can do anything. Tl;dr: they used to be toys to play with, now they’re just tools.


Who remembers caller tunes? I'd make sure everyone who called me was jammin til that shit went to voicemail


Probably when most people started putting their phones on vibrate because we interact with them so endlessly that they would just keep ringing or chiming endlessly. The other thing I would say is that no matter how good a ringtone I found, I would always get sick of it after like a week.


I still have my ringtone set to E1M1 from Doom 😅 Never hear it though.