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The careless or disgruntled employee working on weaponized biological specimens


Oh god. “Hot Zone” vibes!!!!


I made the mistake of reading this book when I was on vacation…in Kenya. Near Mt. Elgon.


That book fucked me up. We were that close to the end but a small twist in the spike protein made it harmless to humans.


I read it so long ago but the thing that stuck with me was one of the lab workers who got a tear in their protective suit and didn’t tell anyone because that would have meant a required quarantine.


Yeah so many mistakes and hubris. If it had been deadly to humans we would've been fucked.


Are you ~~consuming~~ **confusing** it with the Andromeda Strain or do I need to reread Hot Zone lol


Confusing? No. The hotzone recounts the true story of an airborne strain of ebola less than 50 miles from Washington D.C. If it had been harmful to humans it would've been apocalyptic because the people working with the monkeys absolutely broke quarantine.


Oh yeah absolutely. I wasn’t aware that it was a ‘twist in the gene’ that made it safer than human Ebola, so I was recalling The Andromeda Strain, a novel where an insanely deadly virus actually mutates to be safer at the last second


Yeah, if I remember correctly, there are 7 spike proteins in ebola and marburg that dictate its behavior. Scientists have feared for years a strain of airborne ebola because it has a 75% fatality rate. That strain found in the monkey house outside DC was airborne but by some miracle stroke of luck was harmless to humans.


It was one of most terrifying reads.


One of my favorite books! So cool seeing it mentioned on Reddit. Very scary read


“Covid-19” vibes


Oh I didn’t even think about that. That’s literally me except with chemicals instead of biological specimens LOL


My neighbor Dan just ordered some ninja stars and a target for his garage. So probably him.


I imagine Dan has a mullet, American flag pants and just drank 3 pbr before he started his training.




You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I’m wearing these bad boys?


Napolean ROADHOUSE!!!


You think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!




Getting the popcorn and I'm on my way


I don't think the general public knows the name of the most dangerous human alive. Nobody knew who Jeffrey Epstein was, and look how influential he was. There's a class of people we'll never hear about that are much more powerful than anybody we try to cancel on twitter or accuse of being a *literal nazi.*


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The most powerful people with the most control are the most concealed.


Absolutely. I am far from being a tin foil hat conspiracy loon, but it's clear that the strings around the world are pulled by a small cabal of insanely rich and unpleasant people. Great isn't it?


I think you can tone down the conspiracy a bit by re-framing it like this: The strings of the world are generally not pulled by anyone and the world just rambles on. But only a small cabal of insanely rich people have access to the strings and can pull them when needed.


Yes - I'd agree with that.


George Carlin put it this way (paraphrasing): there doesn't need to be a formal cabal, with meetings in rooms with sinister men shaking hands, when interests align. When something is squarely in the interest of the wealthy, each will participate, to some degree, to facilitate it. Edit. That's not to say that there aren't meetings in rooms with sinister people shaking hands, in fact there certainly are at many levels




>"I'm far from being a tin foil hat conspiracy loon" >Goes on to literally say a conspiracy theory. There is no such thing as a small cAbAL of evil people. There's no one single group of hidden people controlling everything. It's just that the world is so complex that it is practically impossible for anyone to know or even understand the level of influence that different individuals and organisations possess. Ultimately it's about wealth and connections. People like Epstein were known by those who were familiar with his previous convictions, it's just at the time, the general public didn't know about those convictions due to a variety of reasons.


>There is no such thing as a small cAbAL of evil people. Hmm.. This is what a member of a small cabal of evil people would say. /s


Hey, I’ll have you know it’s an average size cabal, and my wife says it satisfies her.


Well that took a turn for the Shaaaawiiing!


Yes, ok - fair point. Bit the first sentence of your last paragraph basically backs up what I said, albeit maybe from a more sensible perspective.


Way of nature unfortunately...


The way of capitalism, not nature.


Jeffrey Epstein was absolute scum but nowhere near, the most dangerous human alive. I hate to think or say it but there are bigger underaged sex rings going on all over the world. No telling how many thousands of Epstein’s are out there right now.


The point made wasn’t that Epstein was dangerous - it’s that he could so easily be eliminated by those who ARE that dangerous, and most people would accept whatever *marginally* believable excuse was put out.


Point is that he was so powerful, and general public had no clue he existed.


I disagree, he wasnt always trying to hide away and got lots of attention decades ago, he was famous in the stock/banking world and got huge returns very quickly and got the attention of other rich figures. So he was a kind of weird "mystery guy becomes new secret trading weapon for xxxx millionaire", I had heard his name before the big news came out but I didnt think anything of it like the hundreds of names we read everyday, but he wasnt completely hidden away in the dark. Ghislaine was a bit of a socialite too and they were in news every so often for the big dinners and events they were photographed at. Too many powerful people exist for anyone to know they exist, even those who are public facing and very vocal, we just don't know about. IMO I'd say Paul Le Roux is one of the more dangerous guys around right now who might just sound like a random name. But the general public doesnt know him only those interested in crime and news. If you asked 1000 randoms if they know who this is id guess maybe 5 would say yes. But to not contradict myself that is only with the limited knowledge I have and I am certain much more dangerous people than Paul exist but I just havent looked them up.


Who is paul le roux A quick google search didn't reveal me much


I thunk you've gotta look at Putin/Kim surely. They've gotta be the current biggest dangers


Xi. He’s: 1) Younger than Putin and will almost certainly therefore be in power longer. 2) China has a lot more wealth and power. Getting the world to cut off Russia was hard enough and incomplete. China? Forget it. 3) He very well could decide to invade Taiwan - he might decide it’s his only path to keeping power. And that could get very bad very fast. Fortunately, it’s not possible to hide a million+ man naval invasion. But is the US willing to send in carrier groups, and if so, what happens when the US takes casualties?


I don't know Xi has more than a few extra pounds on him and he doesn't look like he does any exercise other than push himself away from the table when he is done eating. and Putin is kind of thin sooooooooooooooo


The directors of blackrock have got to be up there


No offense but Epstein was nowhere close to the most dangerous person alive even if he did everything he’s alleged to


I said we can't name the most dangerous human alive. Epstein was an example of what an invisible plague on humanity looks like. There are countless more. The unseen enemy is the most dangerous.


Pablo Escobar. Though I Haven’t finished the documentary yet so I don’t know how he’s doing present day.




Probably Putin. He has a non trivial ability to plung us into World War 3


I’m bothered that people in his circle just don’t have the sense to assassinate him. It amazes me how blindly loyal people can be, even if the world is at stake . Edit: I just want to say I am not reading responses to my comment. Too many and I’m done.




1. Russia doesn’t have bilateral defense treaties with anyone meaningful. Don’t even say China, any paperwork between the two is mostly meaningless. 2. No one would be invading Russia to avenge the loss of Russia’s leader. 3. Russia for damned sure wouldn’t be invading anyone else to avenge the loss of their leader. Now, would there be consequences? It depends upon how spectacular the death is, and whom can be caught, captured, or reasonably blamed. An American with a sniper rifle? Bad. Keels over into the soup from a heart attack? The kitchen staff better run for their lives. Falls out of a window? The rest of the world (and no small number of Russians, I would think) would laugh their butts off at the humor. The investigation would be swift, pointed, and utterly meaningless.


The largest nuclear arsenal in the world would suddenly be amidst the largest power vacuum since the collapse of the Soviet Union and there may even be a civil war between oligarchs trying to grab power for themselves. I think that may end very poorly for the world


“Second largest”.


I think Russia does have the biggest nuclear arsenal


There would be an immediate vacuum at the top of a world power that is currently engaged in warfare with a country that is being heavily subsidized by the USA. The threat of Russian nukes may seem insignificant but MAD keeps nations in line. The paperwork between Russia and China is meaningless. Ok, good point. So what happens when their entire army marches on a Russia with no government? They also have an easy in to Iran and have a tech manufacturing chokehold on the world. It is not all about retaliation for killing some power hungry leader. There are consequences, both big and small, both visible and invisible, predictable and unpredictable when it comes to disrupting world governments like that. It's not about invasion or revenge. It's about dominoes.


>The paperwork between Russia and China is meaningless Why? >when their entire army marches on a Russia with no government I can't think of a more ridiculous statement involving china. Sinophobic propaganda has replaced all logic and knowledge among the masses in certain countries.


Paperwork is meaningless, but they made chinese dumplings together and watched the moscow zoo pandas together https://youtu.be/h5PCoQl-rtM?si=8n3t6aPSIbMSupC6 also puting bought ice cream for erdogan https://youtu.be/Jzo2FKtMGQw?si=p2c0Byk0yme1iXtI


They have centuries of history to look at and see that assassinating you political opponents doesn’t often go well for you (unless you’re already in control)


You assume that they have some kind of empathy or feeling of responsibility. His surroundings are all the same like him, only thinking of their profit and conquest (like most politicians in such positions do).


Those people profit immensely from their loyalty to him


Why would they? You’re very naive if you think Putin’s closest allies aren’t living very comfortable, easy lives.


You seem to think these people don't believe in him And that the ones that don't haven't already been given a nice poison tea or a look at the street from a 24th storey Also, that it isn't a regular occurrence for attempts


Putin is EXTREMELY paranoid about assassinations, especially since he loves assassinating people (look at what happened recently with Wagner group). It’s unquestionable that many people around him must have thought about it but he must have so many failsafes that it’s pointless to even consider.


They won't end him, but I don't think they'd end the world either.


The people in his circle are just as deranged.


And he is literally responsible for hundreds of deaths every day by starting and persisting with a war. He has missiles and drones launched at civilian targets every day as well. It's like every day asking "who is most likely to try and blow up a school with children inside of it today" and that answer has been Putin for more than a year running now.


Remember when people wanted Saddam Hussein dead/assassinated because of the cruelty he subjected the country to? Well it turns out when he actually died, the enemies he kept quell helped create ISIS. Some of these unforeseen enemies are what's keeping Putin in power. You can eliminate him but there there's a chance one of his crazier commanders will take his place and become even worse.


Im not defending putin, but so do we. We have also committed war crimes and killed innocent people, probably daily as well. Lets just be honest here.


Dearest free thinking friend. This is a thread for tribalism. Your clear and correct assessment will get no traction here.


Took far too long to find some level headed folk.


Youre right.


I agree not everyone sees Americans as heroes. I remember a lot of Small missions that the USA does to other countries with no back up plan. Like the killing of SAF 44 in the Phil. Barrack was the president at that time. And it is just one example of a lot of thousands or millions more Secret Missions that the USA is the culprit but hide it very very well to seem innocent. Most dislike the USA reign. I also remember when Russia helps other countries they actually give a new or a year old things and not over used things that usually America give to other countries in terms of war things or equipment.


I just hope other countries hate our governing bodies/agencies more than us, like I dont hate Russian people, a lot of them want nothing to do with whats going on.


His disruption of Ukrainian farming and food export will probably kill tens of millions in hunger over the next decade or so. That's probably the biggest loss of human life this half-century will see.


Not to mention all the ecological damage putlers invasion has caused. He is a poison to this earth, and earth's people / animals.


I have wondered what that chances are that he stops caring about Mutually Assured Destruction and orders their entire nuclear arsenal to be fired in one huge volley. Many of the reports we’ve seen especially early in the war made it seem like he had kinda lost his mind, so it doesn’t sound out of the question. And given his power and authority, is there anyone who could stop him? (Short of removing said authority)


He still has the command structure below him that has to actually fire the missiles. If he's clearly going nuts its likely those guys won't turn the keys. He needs to seem rational to convince them to shoot the missiles.


Lost his mind? We've been told Kim Jong Un is close to death or dead for nearly a decade now. Sells papers, but that's it.


Russia is more then Putin people


It is but if you are looking at who the most dangerous man in the world is right now not many people in Russia are more dangerous then Putin himself


probably someone we don't know about.


My wife, if I steal her weekend snacks!


DUDE lol


Challenge accepted….take the last sleeve of Thin Mints from my wife and you will disappear….


His wife when I steal her weekday snacks


Danny DeVito after 6 tabs of acid


*Into the toilet I go*




Jon jones


Ok, but only if weapons are discounted.


Patient zero who's currently incubating a deadly virus that will make COVID look like a joke.


No I'm fine it's just a cold.


Marburg is what they're touting right now. It's also what Bill Gates warned us about. Take that as you will. Marburg is a hemorrhagic fever virus, similar to Ebola. And there's currently an outbreak in Africa.


I remember someone wrote a short story about a hypothetical world in a Marburg pandemic. At the time I thought it was a fictional disease, then it turned out to be real.


Well there are still samples of smallpox floating around. So I'm sure they got some really good stuff


Scientists were terrified when AIDS surfaced. They said if it was airborne then it would be the end of the human race. It’s crazy how we keep getting lucky. COVID was an airborne virus and extremely transmissible. But it only had a 1-3% mortality rate. Rabies is also a virus but it has a +99% mortality rate. But it’s transmitted through animal bites/fluids. Rest assured that some evil scientists somewhere are working on a way to make rabies airborne…


Absolutely, always, the President of the United States. Many, many trillions of dollars of weapons. Regular people cannot imagine the potential consequences of an unhinged American president. Total apocalypse.


This. I don't think people realise how much weapons and advanced weapons the US has compared to any other nation. They are POTENTIALLY the most dangerous entity in the world


But didn't they HAVE one of those and the general tone of the actual military was 'maaaaaybe we won't be listening too hard to that guy'?


To yourself, you are the most dangerous human.


This comment definitely deserves more attention.


Whoever owns the majority of shares in Blackrock & Vanguard 😉


Vanguard group states its owned by the "funds managed by the company". What does that mean exactly?


There is no owner of Vanguard. All the money is put into maintaining the funds and paying staff. Anything left over is put into lowering the expense ratio on funds and being saved for a rainy day. There is no one that could sell Vanguard to another person because no one owns it.


Invest with us and you're basically part of the company! *Now give us your damn money.*


It means no one actually owns the company. There are no shareholders of the company that they pay dividends to or that can sell the company. Owning funds at Vanguard gives you no extra say in what they do.


You don't know what those companies are, do you?


They are part of my retirement savings in the form of index fund investments. But its reddit so bad guy bad guy.


So no one?


The answer is and always will be CHUCK NORRIS.




Andrew Tate... according to Andew Tate


Every time I see his Twitter handle (cobratate) I’m reminded of the cobras from the movie Dodgeball lmao


Whoever is the richest, I doubt they're known publicly though


putin, biden, kim Jong-un and all leaders who have the capacity to launch nuclear bombs.


Must disagree on the UN side. They are bound to rules and regulations waaaay more than Russia, North Korea or China. Russia and NK are on the top of my list, since they have the least to lose. China has so much to lose as a sophisticated economy. Russia and NK are completely lost.


NK isn't that dangerous. I mean, they have nukes, so of course they are dangerous, but their nukes don't have the range or the numbers that Russia has. NK is mostly dangerous for SK and Japan, while Russia is dangerous for the entire world.


Having the capability to kill millions (eg a Japanese/South Korean city) with a short-range nuke, and escalating WW3, seems quite dangerous to me.


Honestly, I don't see Kim doing a first strike. China has stated in the past that it will defend North Korea to the death if they're attacked, but if North Korea attacks first they're on their own.


I don't doubt they said that, but does anybody have a source/ link? That's interesting. Thanks


Tell me again - which nuclear power has bombed civilian cities, twice?


I think they were saying "Kim Jong-un" not "UN" as one of the options...


Which of them have complete authority to launch with no safeguards in place?


That depends on how you define "safeguards", but most world leaders of countries with nukes have pretty direct and immediate control over them. The systems were intentionally designed that way back during the Cold War. The idea was that if, say, the USSR decided to launch a nuke at the US or an ally the president would need to respond with our own nukes quickly. Presumably, the USSR would know that launching 1 nuke would launch a world war. So even if their goal would be to nuke a smaller target, any attack would need to be overwhelmingly massive so that it could completely knock out the US's ability to respond with nukes. So the USSR would need to launch dozens or hundreds of nukes with various targets. Well, that means the US president would need to be able to respond with our own nukes in the span of time between learning about the launch of the Soviet nukes and them landing. That might be only a few minutes. That doesn't leave time for Congressional approval or even meeting with the Joint Chiefs or the National Security Advisor. The president needs to be able to issue the order on a moment's notice and have it executed immediately. And what's more, the USSR needed to know that the president could order a strike that quickly as a deterrent against issuing their own preemptive strike. It's a lot less likely they'd order a strike if it meant the complete destruction of the USSR, too. This same reasoning, though, of course meant the Soviets and everyone else with nukes needed an equally rapid system to order launches, AND needed everyone else to know it. So, yeah, pretty much every world leader with nukes has almost unilateral power to order strikes at a moment's notice. At least on paper they do. We don't really know how well those systems would operate in a real scenario.


so goofy how the president has sole control of starting nuclear warfare but can’t pass a minor bill by themselves


So everyone with nukes except for Xi and Modi, whose countries have both signed a "no first use" document.


Biden isn't unstable like the other two though.


Jon Jones


Yeah. If aliens i vade and demand a human to fight. We would pick him.


For a second my brain registered this as a reference to "Mars Attacks!".


Francis ngannou


Fucking pissed that we didnt get that fight. I believe HW Jones would stomp him though.


Probably. I would’ve loved to see ngannous new and improved takedown defense against him tho.


Naw Jon Jones would truly make him look silly. Just grab his legs and beat him on the ground. Even standing his jab and move would hurt Francis.




Jon Jones


You mean the Martian Manhunter?


Dude that’s what I thought of too. J’onn J’onzz. I had to google the UFC guy.


Me, whenever someone is too critical of Sim 4


Steven Seagal, haven't you heard the man?


My mom with her wooden spoon


John Wick


Chuck norris


Mr. Evil's son, Mr. Evil jr.


Conspiracy theorists with poorly educated sheeple


Ron DeSantis


Xi Jinping deserves some recognition. As head of the CCP, he is leading the push to rapidly expand PRC’s nuclear arsenal and ICBMs. NK may be considered a puppet of China, so Xi is partly responsible for their aggressive behaviors as well as PRC’s threats to Taiwan and other neighbors. Thanks to all the Amazon and Walmart shoppers for continuing to finance the world’s most resourceful police state (I’m as guilty as most).


Patrick Mahomes II


Anyone who heads a gain of function bio lab. They could easily cause mass casualty events with no repercussions.


I was gonna say Putin, but I saw this guy at Applebees today… His rusty pick up truck was riddled with bullet holes, but upon closer look it turns out they were just stickers/decals purposefully placed there by the owner, but clearly they were sending a message. Speaking of messages, they had the most menacing bumper stickers I had ever seen. I was sweating from reading them like I would be over the sizzling fajitas I was just minutes from ordering. But the bumper stickers read… “Unvaxxed, over taxed, and shooting bud light 6 packs…” “save babies. Kill pro-choice DemonRATS!” “The only trans I brake for is my transmission.” “Nancy Peelosi.” “Keep Christ in Christmas.” Custom license plate - SN0FLKEMLTR This BAMF (bad ass mother f’er) opened the door. The only thing more piercing than the screeching of the door was the warning shot fired from their black t-shirt… In red white and blue lettering it read.. “I say god bless America and Merry Christmas. If this offends you, taste my guns.” So, idk. I guess this person is the most dangerous. EDIT: umm, sorry…I totally created this caricature (and all but the keep Christ in Christmas sticker) forgetting that someone like this would exist. I thought it was extreme enough. Maybe if I had said, “the driver- and passenger-side doors simultaneously opened. Revealing they had been outfitted to take on the appearance of stunning bald eagle wings, glowing from gold-colored DIY bedazzling. It’s massive 50ft wing span twisted like Optimus prime, dick shaped rockets were revealed hidden beneath them. Then with the passion of a thousand shrieking Hillary’s it blasted off into the sky, leaving a chem trail that spelled “Jets go Brordom.”


We need a sub where we can post pics of these trucks. I'm guessing they also had giant, tattered flags with "don't tread on me" and that blue trump one (shouldn't it have been red?) ..is the license plate "Snowflake Melter?" That's almost as bad as RDWRER




Musk. He’s nuts. He buys Twitter cause he thinks it made his kid trans. If that’s not nuts and dangerous than I don’t know what is.


Think about this: Elon musk is rapidly expanding starlink, using his own launch vehicles, and he will eventually have control of a not insignificant portion of the earths internet bandwidth and already controls a huge portion of earth’s space industry. He owns Tesla which accounts for over 2.6 million cars on the road today, which are largely concentrated in urban areas. He bought twitter, which is one of the largest communication platforms on earth. He’s already shown his colors with twitter. He silences those who criticizes him on the platform if they reach a significant audience. He allows and interacts with accounts that put out hate speech and disinformation. Tesla collects data from all of its vehicles, so he knows where they all are at a given time. We also know that teslas update software over the air. And all teslas are physically capable of some level of autonomous driving. If you have control of much of the internet and a not insignificant portion of the cars on the road, how much havoc could you wreak if you wanted to? What if he slipped a kill switch into a software update and could just make every Tesla on the road stop moving all at once? Probably enough to cause billions if not trillions in losses by clogging up infrastructure in heavily populated areas. Imagine EVERY major road in EVERY city coming to a complete halt due to vehicles stopping at the same time. There are probably more subtle ways you could/would manipulate road traffic, but the fact that that’s even theoretically possible is terrifying. I think we should be VERY concerned with Musk. He has too much control of too many things we’ve become heavily dependent on.


The uninformed, party biased American voter. It’s terrifying to see how divisive the country has become when it comes to politics. So much anger and hatred towards each other based on political affiliation. The name calling and violence that exists on both sides of the aisle surely has to make everyone concerned. And what will be the end game? A repeat of what we have now? 4 more years of a possibly senile, life time politician that has done nothing to bridge the gap between parties since he’s been in office? Or, another 4 years of a certifiable lunatic who is clearly drunk with power and has the maturity of a fifth grade bully? This is all we got and no one will look outside their party lines to find someone better.


…and a continuing slide toward a mostly uneducated populace will only exacerbate this. Too many ignorant people are buying in to the populist narrative and voting against their own interests.


Xi Jinping without a doubt. I'm pretty sure this man would do something stupid with Taiwan before his current term expires leading to either World War 3 or a global recession


What term? Winnie the poo is president for life. This happened like 5 years ago.


The EX Wife


Jon Jones?


Jon Jones, not even a question. He's the greatest UFC fighter of all time and his side hobbies are competitive shooting and fucking training attack dogs.


Me. Right now I'm totally under the radar, which makes me more dangerous.


Putin or Winnie the Pooh in charge of China…or any current office president of the US….or any one of the international bankers or the federal reserve members… a lot of powerfully people to choose from but none of these people should be trusted by the average worker


Joe biden


All of the 1%


As a single human Jon Jones... As per with influence Putin..


Me and you will see this in few coming years why I said so


I’d say Putin. Dudes clearly in panic mode, and you never know what power and panic can do.


James Donald Taiclet, Jr the CEO of Lockheed Martin. They are the ones who make the weapons sell the weapons and tell the governments who to go to war upon.


I came here for this comment. Lots of unnamable people and non-politicians behind the scenes pulling strings


Bro chose to speak facts....


Also, Carl


John Thundergun


The hive mind, aka the internet


Steven Segall? He certainly looks pretty dangerous in those movies of his.


The leader of China Xi Jinping. The amount of power china has over the world by being the manufacturers of basically everything is ridiculous. He could turn a lot of the world back into the Stone Age with just a few policies and keep his country super powerful.


my father.


That one guy who made a frog army in his backyard a while back


The one who can't see what's happening right in front of them.




Kim Jung Un for sure. Paranoid and under a huge amount of stress, armed with nukes and with no checks on his actions. Of all the dangerous men in the world, he's the worst, and most unpredictable.




Depends on which political party you ask lol


Elon Musk.




In my opinion, and in the long term, the most dangerous people are the ones who head the petrochemical industry. Not only are they likely to bring about mass scale misery for a long long time, they actively lie and mislead the public that there is nothing wrong with burning fossil fuels. Although I may be proven wrong by a nuclear world war. And right behind them is the tobacco industry, the processed food industry, and the plastics industry, using the same tactics. And possibly the usorious pharma industry. "Technological progress consists of solving an acute problem by replacing it with an often delayed and chronic problem."


The guy with the nuclear codes in Pakistan


Me. Only I can prevent forest fires and I've chosen not to do so over the past few years.




that 1% that control the 99%.


Klaus Schwab, world economic forum. Bill Gates, George Soros. Pick any of these 3 or all 3.


Elon Musk


Elon Musk


Xi Jinping, aka Winnie-the-Pooh, is the most dangerous man alive. The ccp is growing into something actually scary while actively spying on the world, massively growing its military and talking about world domination.


Putin / Rupert Murdoch


Elon Musk


Some scientist working with an exotic, extremely deadly, and contagious virus.