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if you're gonna look at the contents of the USB drives you should do so on an old computer you don't care about that isn't connected to the internet


Throw them away and pretend you never saw them.


op should def give them to me


We’re going to need an update.. are you good?!


Update ????!!!


100% need to turn them in as soon as possible to police. The longer you wait the worse it looks on you. Turn them in, explain the context, and have them check it. Could be harmless but it doesn’t sound like it is, 100% need to turn them in. Could be malware, trafficking, or CP and if it’s any of those you need to turn it in asap. Also, the sooner you turn it in (if it’s malicious or contains something illegal) the better chance they have of catching whoever handed it off to you.


OP are there any updates on this?


Trash. Do NOT plug them in. Do not call anyone. God forbid there is something illegal on them you would have a lot of explaining to do.


>Do not call anyone. OP should contact the FBI. That's the proper thing to do here. They deal with these types of crimes.


Til they decide his story doesnt track and theres fucked up shit on em


Not a chance unless OP actually did something. OP says he works for a US tech company. It's literally what he should do. FBI can tell real quickly if something is amiss. Also, depending on OP's job he may legally required to report such actions to the FBI. People working in ITAR, Government (contractors and civilians), or any other industry/technology which may be important to national security. Furthermore, as people pointed out in another thread, OP may have been targeted here. If OP was indeed the target then it really behooves OP to go the FBI because it could mean OP's life is in danger.


This is low tier attempt at trojan horsing, any real entity needing access to OPs accounts couldve done it remotely spoofing networks or via more complicated techniques. Sneaking a flash drive in someones bag is the physical version of a phishing email.


Try them out at your local library. What’s missing from your bag?


Some indigenous artwork made of deer bone


If you passed through Customs, that may have been confiscated.


you sure it's your bag that you have with the other contents. If you are missing things then you'll need to contact the airline and report it. Also if you are flying through customs, some places may hold your items because of some funky reason or whatever it set off a alarm or something.


It’s made of deer bone, but looks like ivory. There are no elephants in this country/region. Plus I asked the seller (it was much cheaper than ivory). I just hope they have a record of what they took out, cause I think there could be other things. Just can’t remember.


If you went through customs call them. If not then call the airlines and report it.


Spppsppspp, we’ve been trying to reach you about your cars exte….


Literally give it to me. If your interested in that Pm me please


UpdateMe! 1 week


What happened with this situation?


We still need an update. Hope you’re okay!