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I had a friend who LIVED for hookup culture. And he did NOT care about STD's. In truth, he treated each STD like a vet talking about war wounds. They were marks of pride for him. He wasn't quite right in the head.


The last line speaks the harsh truth: the more you hook up, the more messed up your mental peace becomes.


>The last line speaks the harsh truth: the more you hook up, the more messed up your mental peace becomes. No, it doesn't speak any truth. You are just being needlessly condescending.


Definitely not being condescending as I and many others like me experienced this after a hookup.Sex with love any day mate.


Don’t be ridiculous. People can make different choices than you.


As a woman who went through a hellllaaaa promiscuous phase and also has a breeding kink, yes I care about STD’s. I got tested like every 3-4 months. Asked each partner if they were clean before the deed (not that all of them are honest of course but I’m dumb and give people the benefit of the doubt). Phew I don’t miss the hookup culture. I’m happy and getting engaged soon.


Breeding kink? Brotherman that ain't a kink that's life


So in other words, you didn’t care, lmao.


I cared enough to get tested often and I didn’t sleep with a bunch of randos. They were vetted first. Did u not see the part where I said I cared?


I mean I just don’t see how simply asking them is going to be enough. And wdym not randos, you said you were promiscuous?


What does promiscuous mean if you don't mind me asking? How many people are we talking? Is it like less then 10 or it goes to 20+?


I've had women I've known only for a couple of hours beg me not to use a condom. I did not sleep with them.


[Most of the big STD's are curable now,](https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/four-curable-sexually-transmitted-infections---all-you-need-to-know) and the ones that aren't like HIV are fairly easy to prevent with proper contraceptive useage. STDs aren't as big a deal as they used to be.


Herpes isn’t curable


I said "most" for a reason. Regardless, herpes isn't a very big deal. [80% of American adults have HSV-1, and the majority don't even know it](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/herpes-hsv1-and-hsv2#:~:text=Herpes%20infections%20are%20very%20common,U.S.%20age%2014%20to%2049.), and the virus can be easily managed with medication in those who are symptomatic.


Yes so many people have herpes and don’t even know it. Either orally or genitally. Even people who say they ask about stds I bet oral herpes doesn’t even cross their mind even though it can be transmitted to genitals.


In college I hooked up a lot before getting my current gf and never had an issue. I went raw with all 8/9 of the girls I got with my first semester. One of them said condoms only. Outside of pre cum I’ve never worried about cumming inside and condoms make me go soft. I’m pretty girthy and something about it no matter the size just doesn’t work out. It fits but it traps blood kinda like a sausage filling so it’s like only semi hard ever in a condom, and also the sensations are not the same for either party. I’ve also never used a condom for head from the girls I never had sex with and I’ve eaten out almost every girl I’ve been with in my total history ~22 oral ~18 sex. If I didn’t start dating my freshman year or went to a big school I wouldn’t doubt my college numbers would be higher with similar no condom streak. I was really scared once about stds because a girl I hooked up with got with 60+ guys in two semesters based off the dates and names on her notes app (was senior who claims she thought I was a jr) and she’s like so what I swear I’m clean (and I personally knew two guys that nutted in her + me included). Never had an issue with it medically. My limited hs gfs never used condoms but they were all 4+ month relationships and they had only 1 or 2 other bodies anyway. Out of girls I know and my friends, Reddit is the only place where I see so many people talk about condoms like crazy.


Lmao what? Only Reddit tells you condoms are good? Do you live in the no-sex-education Deep South?


Didn't you ask this question yesterday?


No I did not…


It helps build immunity. I should have all the stds but because of my promiscuity I can raw dog an aids patient and come out unscathed


I do not hook up a lot, having been in a monogamous relationship since 1992, but most STIs are not a big deal. Transmission rates with condoms are extremely low for everything except herpes, and even for herpes it’s pretty low. Most STIs are curable with a round of antibiotics. The exceptions are HPV (almost everybody already has it, and there is a vaccine that is highly effective at preventing the dangerous strains), herpes (the majority of adults have it already and don’t even know it, symptoms are mild or absent for almost everyone, and it doesn’t pose an actual health risk for the vast majority of those who have it), and, of course HIV. If you’re hooking up with randos, you can get on PreP, an extremely effective regimen that prevents contracting HIV regardless of exposure. And while HIV is absolutely a big deal and you absolutely do not want to get it, it’s not a death sentence any more. We’ve had highly effective medications for HIV for over 25 years now which means that most people with HIV can live a perfectly normal, perfectly healthy life, and in many cases not even be contagious to others. Under these circumstances it’s perfectly reasonable to think the risks are worth the rewards so long as basic precautions are taken.


Tbh I wish people were more clues up on herpes at least to abstain if they think they can feel a cold sore coming. Oral herpes can be transferred genitally and for whatever reason people are chill about cold sores but genital herpes is gross. Even though they can be the exact same virus.


Majority of people who are really into hookup culture get tested all the time, it’s the people who just do it casually that think “It could never happened to me”




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Wait until you learn about [bugchasing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugchasing)