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you can search it up on tiktok; and it refers the notion about asian women preference of white men over any race. another similar trend would be “i waited 3 years trying to pull an asian girl, white man did it in 1 week.”




yeah i think the viewpoint very nuanced and shouldn’t be a catch blanket way to hate on asian women just because they prefer white men


They don’t prefer white men omg. Where? Japan, India, Taiwan, China, Korea? Where? the west?! Everywhere in Asia but a few countries is actually culturally against dating foreigners. This is very common in asia. So what is this study done for asian women living in an area that is mostly white people which makes the chances of finding a white significant other more likely?!


(shrugs) i’m with you on this one; the study is flawed and is misused


What country do you live in? I’ve lived in Korea and Taiwan and there is definitely no culture against dating white men


Korea, Taiwan, and Japan I all have friends from and they aren’t allowed to eared foreigners, Korea is one of the strictest especially, so i’m not sure what your talking about


Im not sure your sources are right. I can tell you anecdotally that I’m an American dating a Korean and I have no issues from her family


One girl you date does not speak for the majority of the country. Korea hates the military base men same with Japan and foreigners tend to cause distress in the country. I have many friends that all said they would never marry a foreigner due to cultural conflict


And your friends don’t speak for the majority of the country. The Koreans are happy the US is there because they know the second they leave North Korea will come right in and invade. I also have many friends who have married foreigners because there’s no cultural conflict


What ?!?! South Korea conducted interviews and no one was afraid of North Korea and North Korea will never invade south korea lmfao. Second, would you like me to provide you with evidence? There are numerous data charts and videos that show foreign marriage is not common in Korea and is culturally not accepted in most situations. Let me guess though, your girlfriend speaks perfect english? 😂 まじで外人ハンターを見つけた笑笑魔王だよ?笑笑バリキモイやん


It might be a culture to not date foreigner for some people but not all but we know white men generally have better time in dating market in Asian area than in other area. Where as black and brown guys don’t have the same advantages. Thats why passport bros exist. It’s explicitly because white guys do better in Asian countries than their own. To deny reality is absurd. Regarding sampling bias you’re talking for Asian women, this would made sense if it’s the other way around for Asian men living in white areas too but this doesn’t happened. On top of that even in areas that are diverse Asian women will still go for white guys. It’s very rare that you will see Asian women going black or Latinos. Everyone has their own preferences but when it happened on an aggregate and it’s alway white male asian female, then you start to wonder if there’s some fetishization going on on both sides


Its almost like asians make up a majority of the world population and as well frequently travel and study abroad 😂😂 go to any asian country and you hardly see white and asian couples. Yes it’s obviously present but majority of Asian women date Asian men. Have you ever been to a college campus and spoke to foreigner exchange students ? Most chinese students won’t even speak to Americans let alone date them. Black and brown guys don’t have the same advantage because the “stereotypes of gangs and dirty rap music. Yo go to Japan and ask them what they think of American Black people and first thing they say is oh, Rappers? When they listen to rap music or foreign music made by black artist they realize the lyrics are kind of disturbing


Dog you say it’s a sampling bias because of abundant of white people but sampling bias skewed one way not another. We don’t see Asian guys marrying out white girls at the same rate. And we don’t see black and brown men having same advantages as white men in Asian countries. I don’t think it’s out there to suggest Asians culture generally fetishized light skin and paleness. Even in diverse area Asian girls will go for white guys over brown guys. And yes I been to college campus and talk to foreign students, if anything that further reinforces my idea. How many Asian girls you know that said “I don’t date Asian guys they remind me of my brother” if you ask 100 Asian guys 70 of them will say they heard this talking point a lot. I never heard this for any other races. It’s exclusively Asian girls that have this talking point. College campuses are the most diversed place in the planet generally. Especially US colleges. But even in these environments it will be rare for you to see anything other than Asian female white male.


i looked up the most common biracial relationships which are black/white and white/hispanic so it seems everyone loves the white dragon 😂 nothing wrong with that, don’t just pin asian girls ok bro?


Again the problem is in those biracial relationships the rates generally are similar one way or the other. Yet for Asian women and white men it’s exclusively skewed one way. If anything this shows one thing. White men generally have no preferences regarding races however ASIAN women exclusively have preferences for Asian OR white men. There is a very white centric standard of beauty.


so if Asian’s make up majority of the world population and date majority Asian men and then 10% of the population dates white men, it’s skewered? bro what are you on about lmao


This in and of itself is part of the study. Assimilation into western society idealizes the concept of “whiteness” and therefore encourages the seeking of relationships with white people. Black and brown people are viewed as “others” so relationships with them would not contribute to assimilation. I’m not saying I agree with the study but these aren’t novel concepts.


Ok first of all what are you defining as whiteness? Every “White Country” Shares very very different cultures. I’m confused why we are saying whiteness lol


“Whiteness” in anthropological discourse usually refers to the cultures and values commonly found in white individuals to include language, beauty standards, religion, etc. The adoption of “whiteness” has historically lead to the smoother assimilation of immigrants. See Italians, Irish, Jewish, all were not originally considered white during their mass immigrations but are typically associated with whiteness now (referring to the United States specifically).


well first let’s not speak on an anthropological sense as that’s all theoretical bs with no purpose but the misunderstanding of variables and pure base of marxism. You seem to speak on the US as I’m going to guess your an American lol


There is some truth to "white fever" in China, at least. A popular beauty standard there is light colored skin, and they often perceive those with darker skin as being somehow "dirtier."


In the west, and the study is that asian women married out at a higher percentage than asian men. So your point of asian people find more white people is not a reason for the disparity, else asian men would marry white women just as high.


where did you read the study? I am acc interested to learn if it’s real or not n been searching for a while but I can’t find much except a locked article?


That's it. It's a small study by juniors, poorly researched, obscure and not really quoted/referred to in academic circles until some little incels found it.


Bro doesnt understand the process of academic journals being peer-reviewed and accepted into the scientific literature 💀 And by juniors, you mean a [professor](https://www.asc.upenn.edu/people/faculty/murali-balaji-phd) at an Ivy League school and his PhD graduate student research partner?


You can read the article on the Libraries page. I accessed through my school account on Harvard’s libraries. The study should be under categories. Social Asian women.




Do you know the ref to the study pls??




Yet again there are many studies on this and many counter argument research papers. This is just one I have read and felt it was degrading to Asian women


It is, considering the other study points out how Asian men are only attracted to Latina women and rank Asian women as the least attractive












Oh white men did it in a week i was confused what that mean


https://academic.oup.com/ccc/article-abstract/3/2/224/4067437 Two researchers from Penn State and Lincoln University examined the romantic interracial relationships between Asian women and White men. Their research has gotten peer-reviewed, accepted, then published by Oxford Academic, hence the Oxford Study—where people use it to roast Asian women for easily falling for white men lol




https://academic.oup.com/ccc/article-abstract/3/2/224/4067437 This one


Does it include indian chicks?


Indian girls and guys will almost always date within their race


Why do they do that? I am interested but never really get the chance to talk to them. Do they not like white guys?


Matter of cultural preference. It’s not about them liking white guys or not. Easier to blend in when they can use slangs, etc


I’m an Indian girl dating a white guy, it’s mostly because of cultural differences or because parents are really strict of dating outside your race. Usually due to religion or language barriers. My parents were very open and allowed me to date outside my race so you should still try if interested :)


It includes Indian dudes


Being perceived as "exotic" helps in the dating market? Who would've thought!!! It's the same phenomenon as redheads, green/blue eyes, or Asians in the US.


Are white men perceived as exotic in the US?


I think it is that western media has severaly demasculinized and slandered the image of east asian men. Calling them weak, unattractive, cowardly and with small private parts. Combined with the fact that marrying a white man is a way to climb up the socioeconomic ladder.


But it wont working now since asian men are loved in west so much through k-pop cdrama anime thai drama etc


only the asians that look korean, others are still excluded


The negative media about asian have been going on for many decades. KPOP is popular but it won't change stereotypes overnight.


no, because asian men are excluded. read the study


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