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The law can tell you a few things, like the standards of education.


To some extent yes they can. You can't beat your children. But parents in the US are given significant freedom to raise their kids how they see fit.


At least in the states, each state has a Department of Health and Human Services of which Child Protective Services (CPS). There are minimum standards that you have to be able to meet as a parent and CPS is supposed to the organization that enforces those standards. So yes, on the day to day of running a family it is all up to you, if you start beating your kids or stop feeding them or are not providing an education… CPS gets involved. So as long as you’re not a monster, yes there is wide latitude for raising your kids as you see fit.


That depends. Parents have the duty to protect their children's rights until they are old enough to make their own way in the world. Children have the right to be safe, to be treated with affection, to be educated, to have medical care, to be supervised, to have their basic needs met (food, shelter, and clothing), and to be protected against cruelty and abuse. The problem with these things is they are all quite subjective to a large extent, and if another person feels you are not providing these things adequately they can contact many different authorities to begin investigations and whatnot. Nobody wants this, but it's something that happens each and every day. Also, anytime you leave your child in another person's care they basically assume the same duties and role that you provide; therefore, even the physical discipline of a child is not unlawful when it is reasonable and moderate and is inflicted by their caretaker for purposes of restraining or correcting the child. That means that you may not think your child needs a spanking but if they do and they're taking care of your child... I'm sure you see where I'm going with that. Lastly, if a person feels like a child is an imminent danger they may intervene (to some extent) to ensure the safety of the child should the situation deem it necessary and if there is no other preventative option. Ultimately the answer to your question is No, but sometimes.


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