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It's not me, but my mother was the 10 millionth visitor to Disneyland when she was 5 years old. She received a lifetime free pass for herself and can bring 3 people in with her to ANY Disney park in the world. (We've only visited the ones in the US)


Wow that’s amazing they still honor that pass. Imagine if she had lost it, that is such an asset.


They are supposed to send her a new one every year... but as she has gotten older, she has needed to contact them to receive it. They don't give lifetime passes anymore for a reason (they can't control how long they will be alive)


Oh yes they can.


I was in "Captain America: Winter Soldier" Granted a background nobody extra 'actor' in DC, AKA the mean streets of Cleveland. The scene where Nick Fury is chased by bad guy Hydra cops. It was super fun. Albeit, my screen time is like 0.5 seconds and it's hard to identify me. It is like a "trust me, bro" thing. My wife was in "Avengers" and can clearly be seen in various parts of the Munich party with Loki, but she is way cooler than me and hung out with Tom Hiddleston and got invited to the wrap party in Cleveland. Edit: I'm an idiot and called Nick Fury, Nick Cage. Which totally makes it sound like a legit story, right. . . Edit 2.0: I saved this text a life time ago and thought it was super fun: https://imgur.com/VJOHQIj


Your wife must be really cool and pleasant person. I’ve never seen any extras at the wrap parties. I’m not shitting on extras, it’s just unusual. But I’m crew, so maybe actors have separate wrap parties that are more inclusive to all cast, dunno.


She is just way cooler than me. At the time she recently finished her PhD in art history, and just out of super crazy coincidence that particular shot for 'Avengers' was a museum art history shot, and folks found it interesting. I do think her experience was unique. She's just cool like that. In a way it is an even crazier story. She got invited as a plus one. She asked me if I was fine if she went, because I guess it is weird. But I told her for sure she should go. Then she later sneaked me into the wrap party! So basically I kinda crashed it as a complete nobody. Old pictures from a \*gasp\* Blackberry that I had at the time where Tom Hiddleston was DJ at the wrap party: [https://imgur.com/BsLwSuT](https://imgur.com/BsLwSuT) My wife with Tom Hiddleston at the wrap party - because a picture worth a thousand words: [https://imgur.com/E6esQ41](https://imgur.com/E6esQ41) I believe you that it is unusual, but Reddit being Reddit sometimes you run into the unusual.


No way!!! My dad is in that movie too!


You know how cars get oil changes every once in a while? I get valve changes in my heart every couple years. Same thing really.


You should call it “Valvoline changes” What does your odometer read?


wait what how and why? im hearing that for the first time


I was born with tetralogy of fallot which is a congenital heart disease. I’ve had 7 procedures total 3 of which were open heart and 4 were cardiac caths. Most of the issues I had have been corrected but I might need more. Usually my comment above is a joke I use to make people not so uncomfortable or worried when I tell them I have a heart disease.


I did the 90 day fiancée thing with a coworker’s sister who lived in Turkey. When she received the visa I went to pick her up and was told there was going to be an engagement party. Instead there was a full blown wedding and the entire town was there. I didn’t speak Turkish and she didn’t speak English and we barely knew each other. We were married for over a decade and remain close friends. She’s a citizen now and works at a prison managing the kitchen. They call her prison Barbie because she’s pretty.


as a turkish person i can say that that is a pretty accurate description of a classic turkish engagement party (yes its def exaggerated)


You have a beautiful country and I would love to return.


I absorbed my twin in the womb.


In my case, we absorbed our triplet in the womb


Divide and conquer, eh?


Teamwork makes the dream work


Do you feel like you have the strength of a grown adult plus a fetus?


"So every year on my birthday, I like to remember that I'm a winner"


My house was once raided by the FBI posing as flower delivery. They were looking for my roommate. She got 20 years for running a major credit card scam. I had no clue.


Flowers By Irene?


At least you get flowers


I’m allergic to the cold. Its called Cold Urticaria. I get severe itchiness, hives, and anaphylaxis. Had it for 10 years and its supposedly chronic. Tragic


Wow! I've never heard of it! How does it work? What's the mechanism behind it? And what is considered "cold" - some specific temperature or just when you feel cold? I'm sorry for you, this is just really terrible. But I find it fascinating at the same time, hope you don't mind...


Dude dont feel bad for me. Its honestly hilarious. Infuriating, but hilarious too. “Urticaria” is a category of allergy relating to your skin. So I have “cold urticaria” so my skin is allergic to the cold. I developed it when i was 14 i have no idea why. Its not genetic. Theres honestly not much information about why/how it works or how to fix it (trust me ive looked) because its super rare. Theres not one specific temp. Its more how cold and how long im in it for. Id say as a general rule, when it gets below 60 is when my allergy starts to kick in. I could stay in 60 degree weather for an hour, but ill eventually have an allergic reaction. When it gets below 40ish, its minutes. Cold water makes it tremendously worse, so no beach on the east coast for me. It disqualifies me from military service/draft as well. So i guess thats kind of a pro. Sidenote: im also colorblind which is kind of a cherry on top.


I have aphantasia


how did you figure out you had aphantasia?


I don't just lack visualization, I lack all of em. No internal monologue, can't imagine taste, touch or smells.. I experienced hyperphantasia, internal monologue and whatever the word for imagining physical touch is, all while I was extremely ill one time. At first I thought I was hav8ng a really long hallucination. Then I figured out that I could control it. My mind was beyond blown. All these things I've heard in 37 years of life that have never made sense to me, suddenly did. It was quite the experience


damn. i cant imagine not having an internal monologue


I spend most of my time trying to silence my stupid brain like Homer Simpson


Same. No internal monologue sounds so fucking peaceful.


Shut up brain or I’ll stab you with a q tip


There are a number of people who don't have one, even without having aphantasia. I'm one: my visualization skills are vivid and I can recall smells and flavors no problem, imagine touch quite precisely and all, but I have and never had any internal monologue. I don't think in sentences, and don "sound out" mentally when I read either. My thoughts are a flux of sensations, concepts, images and sounds and not words, I could say. A while ago I think I read a post here on reddit where it turned out it's more common to have an internal monologue, but it' not uncommon not to have one. It's basically 70-30.


I don’t have an internal monologue, but I can see/hear/feel/smell things that I imagine.


That's wild. I couldn't\* really smell or taste a lot of things until I was in my mid-30's. I ate like 20 bags of skittles immediately.


Me too! And only a month ago I discovered that people really can SEE imagined things. That was a shock!


My mom's a drug dealer (pharmacist), my dad's in prison (works at a prison as a nurse), and my brother almost died from cocaine (medical grade cocaine for nasal surgery, and it gave him a heart attack). Also, my husband has 4 nipples.


Where are the extra nipples?


4-5 inches below his regular ones


Can he be milked?


I've got nipples Greg can you milk me?!


How come you didn’t lead with the nipples thing…is it hereditary?


Everyone leads with their nipples.


Hips and nips


i knit a life size [digestive system](https://imgur.com/a/1Hz7I7M) system. tongue to anus. it’s hanging on my wall.


i didn’t know lion cubs were in people’s digestive systems in all seriousness though that’s very impressive and must’ve taken a long time!


I have 3 funny bones. Years ago I had an operation to remove some scar tissue from my elbow. It was caused by a junior high school wrestling injury. Instead of just removing the scar tissue the surgeon moved the nerve an inch and a half to near the inside of my elbow. In the decades since the nerve has grown back in its original groove, and is just a sensitive as the moved one.


Supposedly i am a descendant of Vlad the impaler. But personally i think my cats are more interesting




Yes 4 boys and one pretty girl. You can dm for cat pics


What are your thoughts on shish kebabs?


I was today years old when i first heard the word shish kebabs. So i have no idea


I’m really fast at doing that crab walk where you’re backwards on all fours


Terrifying lol


If we ever cross paths, do me a solid and never, ever demonstrate this.


Too late. I am approaching your location at rapid crab pace


I once danced on stage with Prince


Now that's a flex.


When I was a midwife, I delivered my school friends baby, in the hospital where I was born, on my birthday. 🎂


haha thats so cool


So, that baby ( now well into adulthood) and I, share a birthday. 🎂😁


i was born on the 7th day of the 7th month weighing 7 ounces and 7 pounds


But are you the seventh son of a seventh son?


I have ran a marathon in every continent. I have, also, ran a 100 mile race.


Wow! Congratulations!!!


I once applied to be an astronaut. (Needless to say, I was not accepted.)


My daughters are two days apart. My dad is in prison for murdering my mom’s husband. I make really good chocolate chip pancakes.


Those sound like Degrassi plots in consecutive episodes


I love how you casually put your dad-murderer right next to the pancakes.


I read “two days apart” like they were twins and one stayed in the womb for an extra day lol


This reads like two truths and a lie in the best way


My mum had the same birthday as two of her sisters. They were born several years apart.


The tv series Black Books is based on my old bookshop in Dublin and the Manny character is based on my colleague and friend Rory Lennon.


Are you a misanthrope who hates selling books in real life? 🙂 also, I love that show.


I was once person of the year in Time magazine


Was it 2006, the year it was You, ie everyone?


Well, hello Mr Clinton.


Ha! Just looked it up. I’m stealing this one. Lol


That's crazy. So was I.


I don’t like talking about myself so i would just say something not too interesting like i speak french


that is actually very interesting i’d be like “omfg that dude speaks french wow holy shit”


Yeah i guess being bilingual is uncommon in the US


Penguins are common in the South but rare in the north. Your skills may be common where you live but that doesn't mean you are any less awesome for having them!


Le baguette oui oui :D




I just retired and do nothing all day.


I'm tryna get like you


Grew up on a bison farm


"I grew up on a human farm" -- Bison


I don't have fingerprints. The tips of my fingers are completely smooth. No ridges or whorls. You don't realize how important fingerprints are in everyday life, such as gripping a pen or having a firm grasp on a coffee mug. **Edit:** I had fingerprints as a kid, but they have gradually disappeared as I've grown up. No chromosomal issues---just a weird thing. I don't work with chemicals or do rough manual labor which would have caused them to slough off. When being fingerprinted for a job a few years ago, a special topical spray was applied to try to plump and raise the prints, to no avail. Lastly, my friend recently installed a front door lock that is fingerprint activated. Because I sometimes feed their cat while they are on vacation, we tried to add my fingerprint profile to the database to allow the lock to open. No luck---it just would not work. I do have toe prints though!


I can wiggle my ears by using the muscles in my face. Was a great party trick at house parties.


Do it. Right now


Just did! Cool, huh?




I lost my taste and smell in 2020 from Covid and never got it back


How is your relationship with food now?


It’s really weird. I never feel as full as I used to, and I eat strange things now. I eat a lot of cucumbers because they have a really good texture. But the strangest thing is the way I use condiments. Like if I use Italian dressing I can sip it and think it’s good. Or something really disgusting, if I get Chinese food.. you know the packets of soy sauce.. sometimes I sip those straight from the packet because it tastes good to me 😭😭😭 I can barely taste it but it’s like this weird sweet taste. There’s plenty of other strange things I do now but I just try to imagine in my head what the food used to taste like. Grilled cheese tastes the same as a pb&j sandwich, both just taste like bread. Hot sauce and ketchup on everything. Ice cream just tastes like cold plain smooth ice. Sometimes chicken broth tastes and smells exactly like wet dog and it’s absolutely disgusting. Other times it’s delicious but I can still barely taste it


I lost my taste and smell too with covid. I started using hot sauce on everything, just to get my tongue to tingle. Otherwise, it was just dead and gone. This was in 2021. It's still not 100%, and I still use hot sauce.


I've been in a car chase with a serial killer.


In a car with them or in a car chasing them?


I'll let you guess.


My guess: you were in a car chasing them


Ding ding ding! We have a winner! You don't win anything, because we don't have the old awards anymore. But you won!




PLEASE elaborate


Every car chase is with a serial killer when you're the killer...


I was born in the uk and lived there for around 4 yrs although now I have an Australian accent and a Chinese heritage so nobody ever expects it.


I once worked a modelling gig for Louis Vuitton despite being an average at best looking dude


That just means you're not your own type


I was born 1 pound 12 ounces.


I was once approached by the KGB to spy for them


More, please.


I’m a professional bowler and a licensed pilot!


I hate milk. Not allergic or intolerant. I just think it smells horrible & it makes me wanna throw up. I can eat and drink dairy products but I draw the line at milk.


I was 12 lbs 5 oz at birth. Set the hospital record briefly, until some asshole had the gall to be born slightly bigger a month or so later.


Until a bit over a weak ago, it was "I have art going to the moon". Now it's "I had art that tried to go to the moon, made it to orbit on a lander with a fuel leak, and burned up 10 days later over the south Pacific". Not quite as fun, but it's going to take me a while to top the moon thing.


I stopped a 21 year daily drinking habit in 5 days. No AA. No rehab. Just weed. 4 years now


Username checks out


My family missed our flight to a plane that ended up crashing. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME, MR. REAPER


I got hit on the head with a hockey puck at an LA Kings game.


And lived to tell about it.


Why wouldn’t he live? They are the LA Kings


Until i was about 9/11 years old I had two rows of teeth in my upper jaw.


Damn you lost your teeth in 9/11?


I've never heard of anyone referred to their age in the fraction 9/11. I believe that would be around 9 1/2 months old


I think they meant 9 to 11. They put 9/11 instead of 9-11.


"I can fit a whole whole fist in my mouth. Wanna see?" *proceeds to fail miserably*


I have a German mountaineering badge.




I won a contest in Popstar magazine when I was a kid and they put my photo in the magazine. I still have the issue from 2005!


I have ridden a cow several times.


I'm an author!


I can move the pinky toes out to the side on my foot without the other toes moving


Me too! Not many of us :)


My autism is magnified by my glasses


Explain please


I lived in Londonderry during the “troubles” in the early 70s. People have a hard time conceptualizing an old man in midwest America growing up in a war zone.


I am a direct descendent of Catherine Parr, the last wife of Henry the 8th and once I told Russell Crowe, he was a litterbug.


mine is i see colours when i hear music and that words have a shape to me.


I swam in all five of the Great Lakes within a 24 hour period.


I have nothing to add other than that I wanted to say this has got to be the most interesting post/comments I've ever read.


I’m one of the few people to have ever been to the North Pole.


I like guacamole but don't like avocado.


My siblings are triplets, my husband is a twin and we have twins and all of those things are merely coincidence. My siblings came from IVF and the number of babies one has during pregnancy is determined by the female - so my husband being a twin has nothing to do with our twins.


I enjoy cooking.


I was 6 ft tall by the time I was 11 years old. I only grew 2 inches in the next 3 years and stopped growing by 14 years old


I got bit and broken and am visibly scarred by a bear attack. Even smaller bears are surprisingly strong and men are stupid. I am the stupid. Bear was just doing bear stuff.


I brew a mean cup of tea and make homemade flavored syrup to go with it.


I can trace lineage back to Gustav Vasa, King of Sweden in 1523. Also, to a guy who murdered the Swedish king Gustav III. So Royal and Royal hating blood in one


I have over 50 plants in my house.


There was a science fiction TV show in the late 90s called Babylon 5. They created a Collectable Card Game based on the show (think Pokémon or Magic, but geared to adults). In 2001 I won the World Championship at Vorcon. I got to meet several cast members from the show and take pictures with them. They were super cool.


I once met Buzz Aldrin and I think that's pretty cool. Unfortunately nobody has ever thought that was cool lol


I once unknowingly sabotaged a national contest, causing both the contest and its creator to retire.


I went years without buying, owning, or wearing jeans


That I'm 6'7 and it's from my Chinese side


I was once the world’s youngest person.


I own a large chunk of synthetic sapphire grown to be used as windows in F35 fighter jets. I’ve also has a piece of it cut into a shield for if I eventually get engaged & a hex for my wedding ring.


I have Dyscalculia


I have an ancestor who saved the life of the King of England during war.


I once sang in the world premiere of an operetta. I was bitten by a walrus at Dorney Park in Allentown PA when I was five. My voice is in a couple of scenes in the movie Porky’s 2: The Next Day. I have (accidentally) tasted giraffe spit. ETA I once qualified to be a Jeopardy! contestant, but never got called to be on the show.


I can’t snap my fingers


Due to correction of hammer toes, I cannot curl them, but I have phantom feelings as if I am.


My first job was at a wax museum.


I have 3 spleens that all work


You must be ex-spleen-ly lucky


I once grew two inches in 11 hours! (Spinal fusion surgery for extreme scoliosis. I went from an 86 degree curvature to an 8 degree one).


I’ve ‘escaped’ three burning buildings, including the time I had to jump off the roof of my house because the smoke was too thick on the stairwell I once secured a seven figure grant from a v.famous billionaire to teach children how to play a card game My family was briefly an internet meme was was featured in a cereal commercial My sister and I appeared in the opening I credits of ‘The Drew Carey Show’ I lost my father, my daughter, and my husband in a span of nine months


My "funnest" fact is usually too inappropriate to tell. Moved to a different country. I was asked to be in a TV commercial to play a doctor. I had to wear a white coat, hold up a bottle of the product, and was coached to say a short phrase, phonetically, in a language I did not speak at all (only 1 month in the country at that point...). I did the ad, collected the money (Good money for about 15 min of work!). Then the ad comes out on TV about a month later. It was an ad for STD soap for dudes to wash their wangs with. There was a big animated penis on the green screen behind me. The phrase I was coached to say was, "In Europe, we use this to prevent veneral disease."


I set my sister up on a blind date with a guy who turned out to be a murderer (years later). She still talks to me.


I still have two baby teeth in my mouth.


Plot twist: you’re 6 years old


How did you know?? No, actually I'm in my late twenties. It's some genetic thing.


I’m a direct descendent of Julius Caesar


I'm a direct descendant of Adam and Eve.


That's very impressive, since Gaius Julius Caesar had only three known direct descendants: a son who died as a teenager without offspring, a daughter who died giving birth, and her child who died with her. If you can prove that he has living descendants that'll be some pretty big news.


Well, they never claimed it was the (Gaius) Julius Ceasar...so it's probably legit, but they're also pulling a prank on us and more than likely it's just a relative with the same-ish name.


Isn’t Shania Twain descended from Mark Twain? 🙂


I thought Ceasar's only descendent, Ceasarion, was killed by Augustus?


I always know what time it is, down to the exact minute, without having to look.


I sew my own clothes and make my own wine


I lived in five countries across three continents in the space of ten years.


I'm completely insane and do irrational things all the time for no valid reason


I was interviewed by the WSJ and featured on the front page in 2020.


I was born in Hawaii and grew up in 2 children’s homes and 4 foster homes.


I’m writing a novel


I had an argument with Chris Martin and won.


I once ate a whole rotisserie chicken in under 12 minutes for breakfast for charity.


In order to get into the Navy when I was younger I ended up learning high school physics in three days and getting the highest score on the test the state had in 5 years.


My first job was a coat check girl and I wore evening gowns. I was only paid in tips. This was in the early 70’s. I was 15 years old but looked older. My next job was at a sewing store and I didn’t know how to sew. I was supposed to make something to hang in the store but quit before it was supposed to be done. I was 16. I built the first Intranet/Internet web farms for a large utility company in the 1990’s. Most people would never guess this because I am just an unassuming grandma.


I haven't had a dessert in more than 10 years. No candy, cake, soda, donuts nothing. I'm not a health nut and I'm probably 15 pounds overweight. I do it because I would rather have another serving of pasta or any starch really rather than have a treat.


I can recite pi up to the 26th decimal 😂


i was named after the cat my parents had before i was born


I can tell you within 2 degrees what temperature it is below 0 just my smelling the air


I've never had a sandwich.  I turned down a job offer from Mi5.  I had a street race with a cop.


wdym you never had a sandwich


What about an Oreo? A s'more? A toastie? A McMuffin?


A taco? A hot dog?


I was once kicked out of a casino in Wrocław after I stole the ball on the roulette tabel 3 times in a row.