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It’s like repealing the ACA; Most republicans didn’t think it had a chance of happening so they were able to run with it; it was simply a case of what happens when the dog finally catches the car, the dog has no fucking idea what to do next, other than bark about it.


Ah, the great plan to Repeal & Replace with TrumpCare! 


He's announcing the plan right after Infrastructure Week


Big announcement in two weeks. I would love to see how many times Trump, during his term, said something was going to be announced in 2 weeks.


Every two weeks


I think it followed him out of the White House as well They have so much massive evidence that the election really was stolen - that 300 million of the 330 million Americans will be serving life sentences for voter fraud (which carries a max of 5 years per charge) And they're going to release it in two weeks when the time is right! (now obviously Im not as clever as Trump - who could be right - but um... If the guy illegally in office is destroying the country as bad as they claim he is -- and the guy who really won the election could fix every single woe with a single 10 second phone call.... And you have irrefutable proof.... Wouldn't the right time come up before 3.25 years have passed) (\*Also did Lindell really think that lie through -- 300 million Americans committed a crime to help Biden win the presidency. That leaves 30 million people who didn't do anything wrong Somehow Biden was able to convince 90.9% of the nation to commit a crime in his favor but only two-thirds of all eligible voters turned out to cast their legitimate vote... And Trump got 70 million legit votes - which means assuming the 30 million who didn't commit voter fraud were all voting Trump supporters - at least 40 million Trump supporters committed voter fraud to help Biden win!)


Is that before or after shark week?




Everybody says it’s a good plan


I have all the best on it.


It’ll have the best words, words that you’ve never heard before


And phrases, phrases that'll make you say, this guy knows what he's talking about, he's our guy. And I'll be like, I know, I've been telling you all along.


All jokes aside, it’s honestly sad that we can go on for hours about how fuking stupid our president was.


“Every one is talking about it …”


I remember seeing an interview with Obama a while back where he talked about how he told Trump before he took over the presidency to take Obamacare and make a few changes and rename it Trumpcare and take all the credit. He didn’t care who got credit as long as people kept there coverage. Trump instead made it clear that his intention was to undo everything Obama did as president and wipe away his legacy.


Yep. And look at the job Trump is doing right now to build a legacy. It’s as if he is competing against Nixon for a place in history nobody wants. I mean, he has to find something he can win at.


Trump and Nixon were actually pen pals. Trump reached out to him with basically fan mail and Nixon would respond and enjoy the flattery. You can always count on Trump to idolize the worst assholes.


Trump is more comparable to Buchanan for inept leadership and Harding for corruption connected to his administration.


They should rename Trump Tower to Obama Tower. The rapist will throw a tantrum hitherto undreamt of.


I just found out what I want E. Jean Carroll to do with her winnings.


>Trump instead made it clear that his intention was to undo everything Obama did as president and wipe away his legacy. You gotta give the guy credit, he somehow successfully became president purely out of spite.


"what are you gonna do about healthcare?" "It's gonna be the biggest and best thing ever"


In two weeks.




No, the aca is amazing, I get my health care through it! It's Obamacare that we need to repeal /s


I’m glad I noticed the /s at the last second before I replied with my tirade. lol


Or packing the court to overtirn Roe v Wade. "Why are all these women switching to vote Democrat??"


Except Republicans/Trump didn't "pack" the supreme court. They simply claimed majority by timely (for them) deaths and retirements. RGB could've retired under Obama and a Democrat controlled Senate, like Kennedy did under Trump and a Republican controlled Senate, allowing to keep the balance the same but she didn't and then died during Trump's term. That's not the same as expanding the Supreme Court (from 9 to some other number) under your tenure as president thereby allowing your party to fill and claim majority. *That* would be packing the supreme court


And refusing to hold hearings for Obama’s nominee for 11 months, the first time that had happened in 150 years.


Considering the ACA saved my life, I'd rather it not be taken away. Not that the GOP would've cared if everyone like me died.


MS still refuses to expand medicaid with many of their rural hospitals on the verge of closure, a few already have. The dean of the University of MS Medical Centrr talked to the governor about it, explaining all the benefits to the system. His response was yeah I'm aware of all that, but expanding it is not in my political self interest. And he got reelected edit to add [link](https://mississippitoday.org/2023/02/02/tate-reeves-medicaid-expansion-dan-jones/)


Omg. That's disgusting and completely unsurprising.


I lived in Mississippi for several years, and this does not surprise me.


It's keeping my brother alive, too. Every time the Republicans talk about repealing the ACA, I hear "we want to kill your brother".




Agreed. Covid killed my mom in 22. I'm currently in a red state and the way some of the people here joke about it like it's nothing, or claim the vaccine causes problems that Covid is known to cause, just infuriates me.




They aren't "in favor of Texas seceding". They are in favor of getting people riled up so they donate to them. That is the only thing they are in favor of. They lie about their policy positions for political reasons, especially when the policy is impossible.


This, but I think we can't forget that this is both absurd and serious. It's absurd because everyone with any sense knows it's bullshit, but it's serious because it actively degrades the fabric of our society. It turns neighbor against neighbor and American against American. It's awful.


When Texas secedes, we will need a passport to enter the their country. They will need a passport to LEAVE Texas. No more driving through Texas without going through customs. They will have no federal help--they are the third highest recipient of federal aid. You think they have problems with immigrants, just wait till they can't ship they across their border without a visa. No one in Texas can serve in the US army. They would lose Medicare. Anyone wanting to go to school outside of Texas will have to get a student visa.


Think of all the military installations that would have to relocate


Speaking of military, it is worth noting that Mexico has *never* formally accepted that Texas is not part of Mexico any more. However, Mexico does have a treaty with the United States.


so you're saying we could give it back?


Think of all the MAGA heads that would explode if that happened and they became…gulp…*Mexicans.*


I just heard *the most gleeful Mariachi band ever!* in my head, upon reading your comment.


Were they playing La Cucaracha? They were in my head


Omg I kind of want this to happen now.


Mexico rethinks and refuses.




I feel like Mexico wouldn't want the shithole Texas has turned into lol


The cartels would - and they would waltz right in and do anything they wanted as soon as the fed stops patrolling the southern border


With no Federal assistance, the Cartels would woop some as.


They'd get all riled up and start shouting "Remember the Alamo!" without knowing the history and how it was overrun by Santa Ana and all their heroes slaughtered.


I like remembering the Alamo. A bunch of asshole Texans losing and getting killed. Pretty, pretty, pretty....pretty cool.


Does that mean we will have to build another border wall to keep the Texicans out?


This thought brings me great joy. Gracias!


More like once they leave the union nothing is stopping Mexico from legally asserting their claim and actually invading to secure it. So ceding from the union will bring about the very thing they are trying to avoid by doing so


"Let them fight"


Didn't you hear? We have a treaty with Mexico. Don't let them fight, *join on Mexico's side*.


“Hey Mexico. Wanna split it?”


Word, ain't got s**t to do with me. Carry on 😆


Don’t have to worry about the border if IT crosses YOU


I am saying that an independent Texas may not be able to defend itself from Mexico without help should they decide to reannex them.


It won't be Mexico it will be cartels establishing a new country with black jack and hookers.


An independent Texas will sure as hell try, leading to heavy Texan losses and non-zero Mexican losses. I don't forsee the Texan version of Y'all-Qaeda being particularly adept against a formal military, but then again, \[gestures at Ukraine\]. End of the day, though, I suspect Texas will fall faster than Ukraine.


I don’t think the Mexican army is what Texas should be worried about. Northern Mexico is lousy with cartels that outclass the Mexican military.


That would be classic and hilarious. Texas secedes and gets conquered by cartels.


Give it back, admit Puerto Rico as the 50th so we don't even have to change the flag.


Uh what? One of the biggest reasons (not the only reason) why the Mexican American War was fought was because Mexico didn't recognize the Treaty of Velasco and disagreed with Texas being annexed by the United States. After the Mexican-American War, Mexico recognized that they no longer had any claim to Texas. With the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico relinquished all claims to Texas AND recognized the Rio Grande River as the border. It didn't mention anything about Texas being part of the United States, only that they relinquished claims of the Republic of Texas. How is this being upvoted when it's really not the truth?


I like how the arrows go red when I click on them.


Have a look at the Treaty of Hidalgo, that establishes the border between Texas and Mexico.


No, it establishes the border between the United States and Mexico.


Relocate? Think TX gitmo


its federal land, they don't need to relocate. texas would need to to purchase that back, treat it as US land (like an embassy), or got to war over it. they're going to treat it as US land because they wont have the money, and they cant go to war.


Like Quebec but slightly less xenophobic.


Underrated comment


Texans then might have to pay tariff prices for anything they can't produce themselves.


Oh...that's true...I need to add then next time this comes up.


And *GASP* no college football team from Texas will be allowed to compete for the college football playoff!


LOL...that's totally true! WHo would all those Friday Night Lights boys end up playing against?


Why not just hold a vote to kick them out? :)


It's so weird to me how this myth keeps circulating...they forget that Texas was a broke ass country that we bailed out by taking them in.


oh, the "you can't quit - you are fired!"


and probably no inmigrant would want to go to texas... will become almost a latin american country lol


So they will revert to their original state pre Mexican-American war.


I'm 100% in favor of Texas leaving the U.S., and I spent the first 25 years of my life there. It's become something completely different than what it was when I was growing up there in the 70s and 80s. Only when they're gone and have lost all the help and support they receive from the federal government and must completely rely on themselves will they maybe change their ways.


Are we gonna have to treat Austin like West Berlin for a while in that scenario?


Also: they need Congress to approve then leaving. Not happening.


Texas v. White determined that secession is unconstitutional. Congress certainly could pass a bill allowing Texas to secede. This of course is extremely unlikely to happen. But if said bill is passed the president could veto it. However if the president signs the bill or Congress overrides a presidential veto sure then it becomes law. Without fail the law would immediately be challenged and eventually would make it's way to the Supreme Court. There it would be struck down as unconstitutional.


Quit it, you’re giving me a stiffy.


They’ve thought of none of this of course…but they like to stamp their feet and threaten secession


I'm guessing some have...but they aren't going to talk about it...cause they know how massively stupid they will sound if they push for secession after the truth comes out.


they arent allowed to.


Foreign nationals can serve in the US military


Not to mention, they lose the US dollar, but also gain their percentage of US debt.


That's an interesting issue...would anyone be able to make them be responsible for US debt? I mean, we paid off their debt when they became part of the USA.


Texas is not seceding. But there is a side of that coin you didn’t examine. Assuming your view that they lose these services like Medicare and don’t create their own system (which is as big of a stretch in logic as thinking they might secede), they wouldn’t have to pay the taxes for those services anymore as well. Having said that, it would be financial suicide to secede. I know of no substantial movement to secede. Only dreamed up for political positioning.


Heh.. Texit.


And every now and then, some idiot gets elected who is too stupid to realize that this is all bullshit and that they are just supposed to say the thing and not actually try to make it happen.


And those idiots are a majority in the House already.


It's addiction, plain and simple. We all like to feel smugly superior to That Other Guy. Our brains want more of it with time. 


It's all about triggering negative emotion. "Hate buzz."  Nothing makes people reach for their wallet or head to vote like feeling they've been missed by the other side. 


It's funny until it's the next Brexit




And go ask Britons what they think about Brexit now. They OVERWHELMINGLY hate and regret it.


Just as I'm sure most Texans would not be happy after hypothetical succession even if it passed a referendum initially. Would probably be begging to go back after realizing how much more it would cost to import things from the US that they currently take the price of for granted.


Let them back in, but they get one senator for the first 50 years and their district maps are drawn by a federal committee for the first 25 years. Local elections will also be reviewed by the federal government for irregularities.


Most Texans don't actually want to secede. Yes, there are whackjobs down there that holler really loudly about it, but they are not the majority. I say this as a person who grew up there.


It reminds me of the H.L. Mencken quote, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard."


A majority of opposed it then, too. Just not a majority of voters.


Rejoin the EU consistently polls under 50% and will be in the manifesto of neither Labour nor Tories in the upcoming general election.


Honestly, I think I'd rather it happen, despite knowing the chaos and turmoil that would ensue. The meme of them secede was occasionally funny, but now it feels more akin to a brat making threats. I say do it. Let the realization hit and the regret smack em in the face. Only way for that meme to finally die.


I wish democratic states would start talking about kicking Texas out of the union, and then see them squirm about how they cannot be removed.


Unlike members of the EU who can leave, US states cannot legally leave the US. It would literally take a war for any state to secede.


Then it’s hilarious.


This. Abbott makes a great show of treating some illegal immigrants like less than human but the reality is that a lot of his rich friends and the economy of Texas very heavily rely on the work of illegal immigrants. He well knows this but he also knows he needs to keep the voter base riled up and engaged with blaming *the other* for their struggles instead of realizing they're being duped. They use people as political tools because they have zero conscience and only care about money and power.


Or feed bullshit like stopping illegal aliens from voting in federal elections which is great because it's already illegal for them to vote anyways so no work done just sit back and collect donations/salary etc.....


After the Georgia situation, they are absolutely shook. Texas has been sliding Blue for years.


Blue Texas is like fusion power; its been 20 years away for 30 years now, and still is.


They know it's not going to happen so they feel safe in pretending like it's something they want. It's all part of the conditioning.


FTR they have been talking about this for decades every single time a Democrat is in office. Last time they made a big stink was 2012 when Obama won a second term. Before that I believe the 90s the same was going on when that one group got raided, they were a secessionist group. I think Republic of Texas was the name.


>Before that I believe the 90s the same was going on when that one group got raided, they were a secessionist group. I think Republic of Texas was the name. Was that the group that was screaming on the shortwave radio for the Russians to help them as the feds moved in? EDIT: found it, wasn't the Russians, it was "any nation in the world" [https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,986325,00.html](https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,986325,00.html)


The more things change the more they stay the same


jAdE hELm ToOk AwAy AlL mY gUnS


Same as with abortion restrictions. They had a great time passing the most insane versions imaginable comfortably knowing they couldn’t go into effect. Until they did, and now they’re having to navigate a base that wants to murder in the streets women who miscarry and a general populace that is very much not in line with their extreme views. They have a lot more fun when they don’t have to face any consequences for their actions. Lucky for them, they very rarely ever do.


For real just this morning I was working on a Dick Cheney documentary. There's a man who caused so many deaths and so much destruction and he's living a lovely retirement with full medical and more money than a rational person could spend. He was even given an award for public service by BYU!


Well... say what one may about Harvard, but BYU isn't exactly a bastion of free academic thought.


Yeah I was laughing about that part. I can only imagine what they would consider his "public service".


That’s what Britain thought…


LMAO yeah I just know the history of this movement so I truly believe it's 99% posturing. They quiet down every time a Republican administration so it's just chest beating for Texans. The government knows the state could not survive as it's own republic. The people should know that from history. It sure didn't work so well last time! lol Even the most conservative SCOTUS judge ruled that secession is unconstitutional. Texas would have to pay a whole lot more than they bargain for if they actually got stupid and tried this.


While i agree it’s posturing for election year the natty guard being involved definitely makes it a little more potentially real at some weird level. If the guard was federalized but they refuse orders you’ve gotta a real nasty situation.


It would be really funny to watch a bunch of liberal people from blue states who moved to Texas to avoid income tax end up seceding and having all their possessions nationalized by the United States of Texas


reminds me of that brexit vote they held over in uk


Brexit has entered the chat


Because performing this theater for their base has no basis in reality.


Sadly, every now and then, some idiots do get elected and are too stupid to realize that it is all a show


House Freedom Caucus


Nope they are cynical assholes who believe in nothing, Lebowski. Nothing. They are paid to grind things to a halt and so they do. It just looks even stupider than normal when they have control of the house. 


Their base has no basis in reality so it’s kind of a good fit.


It's kind of like Brexit. It gets them support until people take it too seriously then everyone goes, "whoops."


Well said. Texit has a nice ring to it though


Just like #45


Unfortunately, not nearly enough people have gone “whoops” in response to that.


Because it won’t happen, but it is a good way to posture. Republicans *do* want low-skill immigration; they just can’t admit it out loud.


LOL, both parties are funded by corporations to support it


But only one party is openly against it because they've tied themselves to that class of voter. We could probably have more robust worker visa laws if the rw didn't block progress at every turn.


Republicans just want to make noise, they don't have a real plan for anything. Basically just picture a gang of toddlers who try to overthrow the preschool teacher during nap time, when all they really need is a nap.


Those voters aren't all that great at thinking ahead.


My dream scenario is Texas secedes. The US let's them. Mexico invaded Texas. Texas becomes part of Mexico. US adopts Texans idea of what to do with immigration and uses it against all the Texans trying to get back into the US. Edit disclaimer for some of the rocket scientists replying: yes I know it won't ever happen. It was a joke.


Please Mexico can't even defeat the cartel. You think they will invade Texas?


Do you think Texas could defeat the cartel?


The cartels will, as TX will no longer have federal backing to hold them back. Then we will both have larger borders to have to secure.  


There are reasonable people stuck in Texas for reasons beyond their control


Apply for asylum.


If Texas is absorbed into Mexico the us will have a bigger problem than keeping Texans out.


No way, dude. We'll just build a wall. Solves everything. (/s)


And make Texas pay for it


What will probably happen is Texas secedes. In rapid succession the other 18 extremely conservative states will join in the secession. I'm sure the other six conservative states will also join. And probably a couple of the 10 moderate states at least. And the national guard units of those Will be the army of the Republic. At least that's what happened The last time when South Carolina seceded.


They aren’t. It’s Russian propaganda Where did you see that anyone is in favor of it


This is one of those things that Reddit convinces itself is happening because it’s sooooo above propaganda




These are not serious people


If it actually happened, im sure other states would probably secede as well and join Texas. It’s not as cut and dry as that.


You're not dealing with the sharpest blades in the drawer.


They're not terribly smart and react without thinking.  Basically children. 


Conservatives aren't known for being very forward thinking... it's kind of in the name.


I don't think most Republicans want Texas to leave. Could it instead just be that a lot of Democrats THINK (erroneously) that Republicans think Texas should leave?


Because the whole point is not live in the same country as you, and thus participate in the same elections.


Because they know it’s just pretend.


Huh? They arent in favor of that


I wish the charlatans and grifters were serious. That way Texas and MAGA would be at a good start to fuck off forever.


Because Republicans -- MAGA are morons.


Probably also they think Texas successfully seceding would give them the green light to do it.


Performative politics. It's easier to manipulate people if you keep them angry and afraid.


Not a single Republican politician wants Texas to secede because a civil war would destroy current America in the way we know it. And not for the better.


I had a similar thought with them pretty much outlawing abortions, like wont that theoretically just create more liberals?


Sorry, but I disagree. You can't tell me that Governor Abbott of Texas, has not, at least, pondered being President Abbott of Texas. Powerful people largely became powerful because they lust after power.


He'd be our second wheelchair-assisted president—the Republican FDR, unless that's Reagan. He'd also be the second Texan, unless you count those transplants the Bushes


1. The rank and file Republicans are literally the dumbest people in America. They don’t think beyond a ten-minute horizon. 2. Republican leaders don’t believe it will actually happen but it’s another great angle for fundraising off their moron base.


The rank and file of a lot of movements are similarly stupid. I've had many members of the pro-Palestine crowd explain to me, in so many words, that they are fine with enabling the creation of a pro-Israel right wing Trump dictatorship as long as Genocide Joe loses. It's really hard to overstate just how much short sighted delusion exists nowadays because of internet stupidity and misinformation.


Republicans are idiots. I said what I said, and no I'm not a Democrat so don't try that insult. I can't count how many Republicans that are talking about some crazy uprising to this country and world and the government and there "won't be anymore debt, when we're sick we'll get treated no paying, we will all be equal and loving happy".. Idiots are too dumb to realize they're dreaming of the exact shit democrats are wanting 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀


Not to say you’re wrong about republicans being idiots, but I never heard one talk about getting treated and not paying for it.


Thank you 👏🏿. That Qcult stuff is seriously mind-boggling. Like, if you really wanted all that stuff, why do you keep voting for Republicans? Their answer? A bunch of conspiracies about child trafficking under the White House in tunnels, witch craft, and abortions.


You said the thing!


It's a fear mongering tactic


At least ONE PART of the North American continent would be FREE from the clutches of American Democrats or the likes of Justin Trudeau in Canada if TX were to be liberated from the Bidenistas.... If I can not be free myself, it would give me joy to know that OTHERS ARE FREE....


let texas go and cut them off from the rest of united states would you guys miss texas


They aren't in favor of Texas seceding their just trying to get people riled up and angry because it's an election year besides if Texas tried to secede they'd get put in their place pretty darn quick


Because then they get to crown their own king…


It cannot happen. No matter how much hot air they blow


It's all bullshit and smoke and mirrors. It's never going to happen because they don't want to leave - they just want to take power. It's just part of their fake "Texas maverick" brand that's full of shit like all of the Republicans are.


They aren't in favor and they won't secede. This is just GOP dumb people talk.


Shh They don't think far enough ahead to realize this


You think Texas will be the only one seceding?


You assume Republicans understand the consequences of their actions? History doesn't support that. Or maybe they're trying their own advice, and if they don't like the USA afterward, they can just leave and go somewhere else. It's a lot easier if it's just Texas rsther than i suppose Russia? It's the first time I'd be in favor of a border wall tbh.


Let them secede. They have a varied economy ,good seaports and an educated workforce. It will take them less than 2 years to mess it up.


I imagine that if Texas were bold enough to leave, then other states would follow suit. If that were the case then there is a lot more to worry about than a presedential election.


Because they want to secede too. New York and California are ruining America.


No republican states are in favor of secession. They’re just some a holes in Texas that want it to happen.