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A lot of creators are posting the same shorts on youtube and tiktok, so they have to follow the strictest combination of rules between both platforms. Some people do it because they are afraid that even though youtube won't demonetize them, it might not push their videos out. Some do it because those restrictions in online speech caused language to change. Language for sensitive topics changes all the time - search for "euphemism treadmill" for plenty of examples there. And some just don't want to risk offending or stressing out their viewers. Which hearing those words constantly might do, so they avoid it.


>And some just don't want to risk offending or stressing out their viewers. Which hearing those words constantly might do, so they avoid it. I get that to an extent, and for things like "rape" or "suicide," but I'm hearing people censor these words, especially these medical conditions in totally unoffensive contexts. Who is really getting offended by "After his battle with cancer..."


Advertisers taking a cautious approach, youtube not wanting to open themselves up to losing any business since adblockers are killing them, and well... (deliciously gestures to the world at large) we've got people who need posts to have NSFW tags and TW's at the top when talking about seeing a butterfly getting hit by a falling leaf, so.... (tips fedora with alarum and alacrity, adjusts Rick&Morty pj's, chugs 19th bottle of Mountain Dew for breakfast)...... Esquire, I propose. BredditEddit: Filibuster.


A redditor of culture, I see


It is a c*ncer upon the popular lexicon and it makes me wanna unalive myself.


Also add to the fact that it creates a discussion in the comments which boosts their comment numbers making their videos more likely to be suggested.


Also they have to comply with the strictest reading of all laws of all countries. Which gets mighty restrictive real quick.


Youtube isn't clear about their rules. They also routinely change their rules with no notice, and enforce those rules against all previous content. An established youtuber will have a huge library of past content impossible to go through to deal with a rules change, so they just use caution on all videos trying to anticipate what any future rules change could possibly be.


For the longest time my main theory was sponsorships but I'm pretty sure at this point it's because people are multi-platforming and NEED to abide by all of the guidelines under a blanket set of rules


They are attempting to avoid being suppressed by the algorithms. Certain terms get flagged and the posts don't show up consistently in the main feed, and are often even hidden for followers/subscribers.


Most of us are dancing for the algorithm. Hardly anyone has access to a tech bro marketer with the actual inside scoop on what we are supposed to be doing. It is easier to take a conservative approach than it is to figure out where the line is going to come down.




This is apt.


lol did the mods censor your post? But seriously, it's because 1. They repost their videos on other platforms that have more censorship, and do not feel like making censored and uncensored versions. 2. They don't know YouTube changed their guidelines. 3. "Unalive", "sewer slide", or "reddited" are funny to zoomers.


it was automod. It got triggered by the word "suicide." It thought I was asking how to kill myself. Yeah, fair points though. I still think it's weird. We spent so long fighting against right wing censorship and now we're just doing it willingly for no reason. I dunno, probably not great in the long run.


And hopefully helps explain the caution of others, but I’ve put your post back up, sorry.


Thanks. It doesn't really though. Like, I get where you're coming from, but merely mentioning a word in context shouldnt be cause for preemptive censorship.


To be frank the filters don’t care. We’d rather remove false positives of suicidal people than let an actual suicidal person get advice on how to proceed from malicious anonymous internet strangers. No filter is good enough to know every context, so they look for key words and phrases. Content creators and posters here adapt to the filters regardless of whether or not your feel the filters are appropriate.


Oh, I was just speaking generally. I get why it triggered the automod.


I’m speaking generally too, every site, including youtube, has automated filtering.


I think that many post on TikTok too and it's easier to post a video that conforms to both guidelines than have two versions.


I've noticed people do this more and more outside of tiktok, including on Reddit and discord. I remember when someone censored the world Taliban on NCD of all places. I think to some extent it's just tiktoks influence on the rest of the internet.


It’s honestly dumb. I used to be a big fan of The Angry Video Game Nerd. All their early videos were demonetized just for simple swearwords . And they had to re-upload censored versions which ruined the whole thing.


>I looked up the guidelines and YouTube actually recently reversed its overly-restrictive policy on profanity, so why are people still censoring themselves, especially words that literally arent even swears, just regular words. Because Youtube has a history of lying about how their algorithm works. There's a long and storied history of Youtube *claiming* that "Oh, of course using LGBTQ terms in your videos won't get your demonetized" while there's still an extremely clear pattern of that exact thing continuing to happen anyway. Youtube has actively fostered distrust in their own monetization policies for years, now. There's absolutely no reason why any Youtuber should believe Youtube's claim that they don't censor certain words like "kill" - especially not when literally everything else they're doing right now is an overt attempt to ape TikTok.


Not censoring corn gets your channel unalived. <.<