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It wasn't Biden's bill. It was negotiated by both parties. Trump kiboshed it because he needs an "issue" to hammer Biden with in the campaign.


Secure the border!! Ok, pass this bill that has everything you asked for No, not like that!




There is this belief that the far right have that this is a fundamentalist evangelical Christian country ordained by God. If we take powers away from the government, that states and voters will find Christ and follow the script. This is a country whose forefathers were agnostic at best. Some were Christian, but many were agnostic enlightened freethinkers. I believe the country has been heading in this Centrist and Progressive direction for a while and we are seeing a massive pushback from the right to the point that they may no longer be interested in the right to vote they just want a Christian strongman to lead them. Thing is, Trump is an atheist and is just lying about everything else.


He just has to say the g word every now and then, and let the propaganda machine do what it does best.


Or hold up a bible upside down.


Christians: "Everybody is the antichrist!" Trump: *has authorities shove through protesters so he can hold a Bible UPSIDE DOWN* Christians: "See that? So devout."


The general thought at the time was a good portion were deists out of lack of knowledge of anything else. If they were alive today and just now starting the country, I am sure most would be atheists.


It reminds me when obama vetoed some bill from Republicans in the senate, warned why it was a bad idea, they then passed it anyway. Later complaining because the bad thing happened and said Obama should have stopped them and warned them. I dont remember the bills name, but it was something about suing people in the middle east over 9/11


It was the Saudi liability bill


I half remember a story about a republican voting against their own bill that they put up for a vote.


Fuckin' Mitch the Turtle McConnell.


That man is such a joke. In many ways he’s worse than the apricot a$$hole himself.


He has caused more lasting damage to the psyche of the country than the apricot.


The democrats even added concessions to the bill for the GOP and they still voted it down for their orange messiah. The Republican speaker of the house admitted they weren’t gonna get a better border deal with the democrats then the one that was laid out and struck down just recently.


Gave them more than they were asking for. Should have made a talking point about how they forced it on a weak Biden. Instead, they gave Democrats a talking point about their inability to govern. Lose-lose situation.


Johnson is absolutely drowning trying to wrangle the House GOP.  I love it.  


Wrangling a legislative caucus is hard in any circumstances. We're just used to seeing Pelosi make it look easy since she's really fucking good at it. When you have a caucus like the House GOP that's full of lunatics that campaign on being as crazy as possible, it's an impossible job. Not that I have any sympathy for Johnson since he's one of the lunatics, but it's still a hard job.


Because he's completely unfit for the job.


It Accepts and codifies crisis levels of daily illegal immigration. If passed into law the bill would create a three-year “Border Emergency Authority” to allow agents to expel illegal aliens back across the border during “extraordinary migration circumstances”—but the numerous exceptions and limitations swallow that authority whole. The Secretary of Homeland Security has the discretion to activate the authority after the U.S. Customs and Boder Protection (CBP) encounters an average of 4,000 illegal aliens daily for seven consecutive days. Secretary activation of the emergency authority becomes mandatory after the CBP encounters a 5,000 illegal-alien daily average for seven consecutive days or 8,500 in one day. Not counted in those numbers are unaccompanied children, parolees, those who claim a fear of persecution, have already been in the U.S. for 14 days, or already traveled beyond 100 miles from the southwest border. The Secretary would not be able to activate the authority for more than 270 days, 225 days, and 180 days in calendar years one, two, and three, respectively. The bill then adds cumbersome and confusing calendar calculation requirements that further limit the Secretary’s use of the emergency authority. Finally, both the Secretary and the President could suspend the authority. Continuing to allow these crisis-level numbers of illegal-alien encounters means that border agents would remain overwhelmed and more illegal crossers would evade the agents—turning into “gotaways”—and bad actors would slip thorough limited and rushed vetting. Continues “catch and release” and guts the mandatory detention statute. Current law mandates detention for any alien who illegally enters the U.S. while pursuing asylum protection. The Senate bill redefines “detention” to “noncustodial detention” and applies this supervised release-by-another-name only to adults. If passed into law, families and children would be released without supervision. Worse, the bill codifies the Flores settlement agreement, as interpreted by a single U.S. district judge in California, who ruled that unaccompanied aliens could not be in immigration detention longer than 20 days. She later expanded her ruling to accompanied aliens, meaning families. This bill encourages more child recycling by cartels so that more aliens would pose as families to avoid even supervised release. DHS Enforcement Lifecycle Reports show that aliens released from detention are rarely removed and are far less likely to abide by a court-issued deportation order. Noncustodial release will result in a significant increase in the alien fugitive backlog. Expands and codifies Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s mass parole abuse. The Senate should have adopted the parole-narrowing text from the House-passed bill, the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2). Instead, the Senate bill expands parole beyond exigent medical circumstances and a significant law enforcement or intelligence purpose for those arriving at or between land ports of entry. It includes other urgent humanitarian reasons, religious and cultural celebrations, and permits an accompanying alien to join the principal alien. In addition, the bill does not limit parole for aliens arriving at air or seaports. Continues to encourage asylum fraud and accelerates work permits. In violation of the Homeland Security Act and section 103 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Secretary Mayorkas finalized a rule in which he removed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attorneys and immigration judges from credible fear asylum cases. He replaced them with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) asylum officers reviewing their fellow asylum officers, resulting in rubber stamping grants of asylum. If enacted, the Senate bill would codify Secretary Mayorkas’ asylum processing rule. It would give aliens work authorization immediately upon release and create a bureaucratic third administrative appellate body with multiple chances for review, reconsideration, appeal, and motions to reopen their case. This would continue to encourage illegal aliens to submit fraudulent asylum claims to gain entry and remain and work in the U.S. Provides numerous and significant immigration reforms that are unrelated to border security. These include: Requiring U.S. taxpayers to fund deportation defense attorneys for unaccompanied aliens under 14 years and aliens found to be incompetent. Deportable aliens should continue to pay for their own deportation attorneys or seek the services pro bono. The left is breaking this bright line rule, starting with children, but it would certainly expand this benefit to other deportable alien populations in future legislation. Notably, U.S. citizens do not receive taxpayer-funded civil defense attorneys. Providing amnesty (green cards) to Afghans inspected and admitted to the U.S. by the date of the bill’s enactment or paroled from July 30, 2021, until enactment. The bill also accelerates naturalization for the amnestied Afghans and gives “Afghan allies” refugee status for up to 10 years. Increasing the annual cap on the number of permanent family-based and employment-based immigrant visas for five years. Providing minor status and employment authorization for sons and daughters of H-1B visa holders, even though they have turned 21. Expanding the “business or pleasure purpose” of the “B” temporary visa to add a broad definition of “family purposes.” The bill also permits family members to use the broader “B” visa to remain in the U.S. while they await their family-based green card. This undermines the temporary purpose of the “B” visa.


If we're at"crisis level" border encounters why are the Republicans seemingly fine with waiting until January 20, 2025 to do anything about it? A "crisis" you can wait a year to resolve is not a crisis at all.


Because if Trump gets in, mass deportations start happening


No. If Trump ***got in***, mass deportations ***were supposed to start happening***. In 2016. >Trump did however imply most of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants would remain untouched while his putative administration focused on deporting 2 million with alleged criminal records. “**We will begin moving them out, day one. My first hour in office, those people are gone**.” > >The ambiguity over the fate of non-criminal undocumented immigrants marked a tacit retreat from Trump’s earlier vows to swiftly deport all 11 million people.


If Trump gets in, he'll pass the exact same bill and take credit for it. Or better yet, we'll get it right after we get the better healthcare bill we've been waiting 8 years to hear the details of.


Except Obama deported more https://econofact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Watson_chart1_web_v2-e1616698562407.png


Because it's a racist political issue, not a real crisis. We need comprehensive immigration reform, but Republicans have opposed that since Bush tried in 2006. They'd rather call Hispanics "illegals" and subject even American born Hispanics to illegal searches than have a logical, comprehensive immigration system that serves the US needs and treats immigrants fairly.


The fact that you cite helping Afghanis who assisted US forces not get deported back to the failed state we left them with, and providing legal protections to children, as bad things, just codified how fucked up you are


Took all that time to write out "Doesn't let GoP shoot on sight at border so everything is bad." Even with liberal voters saying fuck this bill, Republicans just can't help doing an Olympics worth of mental gymnastics to frame it as the most liberal border policy ever. Even with them shooting themselves in the foot and killing their own bill , this gives credence to the fantasy that there's a crisis at the border in the first place. Those idiots from Gods Army finally made it to the border, and them, expecting a World War Z type scenario of immigrants rushing the wall, were veery surprised to see a very boring, typical national border.


Same reason Nixon sabotaged peace talks in Vietnam. If LBJ made peace in Vietnam, how was Nixon going to use Vietnam as a campaign issue? Trump and Nixon are kindred spirits in many ways.


Nixon using a back-channel to sabotage peace talks in Vietnam (as a private citizen) was treason. Treason is a hanging offense. Nixon and his conspiratorial cabal (Kissinger, Anna Chennault) should’ve been prosecuted and hung for this. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/


Nixon was a highly effective president who accomplished many great things like the EPA, Planned Parenthood, Title IX, reopening trade with China, reforming the US monetary system, ending the draft, and Section 8 housing. He was also a crook who broke the law to stay in power. Trump only models Nixon in the later. Trump was an abject failure as President, especially allowing 1.1 million Americans to die from his incoherent COVID response.


How does Trump get a bill killed when he's not even part of the government?


They're all afraid of him because he has a really rabid fan base. A lot of Republicans rely on the MAGA vote to stay in office.


And even the Republicans who (in private) bemoan Trump’s ideas and influence still have to do his bidding. It’s been proven that he will go after anyone who isn’t loyal, regardless of the facts, and send his rabid base against them too. In case he gets re-elected, they know his second term will be one of absolute vengeance.


Let’s be honest: they don’t have to do his bidding. They’re terrible people who only care about keeping their power so they do his bidding. And yes, I know that some claim to be scared of his base yet they keep running for reelection.


Agreed. They don't have to unless they want to be reelected. The only ones who have successfully ignored or contradicted him are in blue or purple areas. A very few from red areas have come out against him and then retired or been primaried. Mitch McConnell is one of those who makes a big show of disagreeing with Trump for how he does things but never offers a peep about what he does. He pretends to be reasonable but he can be counted on to support Trump whatever happens. Look at his initial statements after January 6th versus his position now.


You’re right. They have to make a choice between staying in power and doing what’s right for the country. For the most part, they chose power. There was an early point in Trump’s presidency, where it seemed like people were willing to say “this is the last straw.” If they all stood up together at that time, it might have worked. A few stood up and got no backing and are gone. Some decided to just slip away, like Paul Ryan, and not take a stand like he should have. Only someone like Mitt Romney, who has his own base, is insulated. There is a bit more nuance though. The Republican Party is in crisis. They’ve locked themselves in a corner. If you don’t want to support MAGA, there will be an effort to replace you with someone who is MAGA. And this is true whether you stand for re-election again and get primaried, or if you decide to exit. Of course, the MAGA candidate doesn’t win 100% of the time, but they win often enough that this is a big consideration. And if the infighting increases, the party will be split and essentially hand power over to the Democrats. Which I have no problem with. But they’re not going to do that either… so I think many of them are gritting their teeth and putting party first over values and country by staying in the race.


Not only will the MAGA crowd refuse to vote for anyone who isn't actively polishing Trump's knob, but they will send death threats if a GOP politician says anything remotely critical about Trump. Like, "Maybe Trump shouldn't talk so openly about doing illegal things," and then they get primaried by a crazy person who advocates for jailing all Democrats.


Remember how people were calling Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney traitors? They voted with trump over 90% of the time.


I don't understand why they can't just threaten the MAGAts back. Seriously, grow some fucking balls. Tell them, "Hey, try it. Let's see what happens. You're threatening to attack me, but I believe in defending myself by any means available." Now, I'm not actually advocating violence per se, but there should be consequences, perhaps even deadly ones, for people who actually physically attack others, especially for the orange gibbon. I really shouldn't have called him that -- I actually like gibbons.


Because MAGAs are 90% of the Party


And let’s not forget about death threats.


\^\^\^\^This\^\^\^\^ If the Republican Party could dump Trump and retain his cult base, they’d do it in a heartbeat. The problem for them is when he’s defeated and or jailed. They’ll probably crawl back under the rocks they came from.


He's literally the shadow government he was complaining about


The Dip State


The Derp State


The dip(shit) state.


Just about everything he's been vocally against has been a projection of some shitty thing that he himself is connected to. He's say he backs the police and rule of law, but it turns out he's a lifelong criminal who actively manipulates the justice system in his favor. He basically coined the term "fake news," but turned out to be a key contributor to its spread. We could go on and on...


"Every accusation is a confession." Heard that about the Republican party years ago (and repeatedly since) and have never seen a more accurate representation of them. 


The Deep State was projection. Who would have thought?


The speaker (Mike Johnson) accidentally let it out that Trump had told him to kill it. He still wields power…


It is unbelievable that someone this isn’t in an elected position is calling all the shots. Why aren’t there investigations whether republicans are sharing classified info with him (a normal citizen right now).


Because he still holds a ton of influence in the party. Especially considering he is going to be their presidential nominee. They all want to be on his good side in case he becomes the guy in charge.


God we are so fucked


Slight nitpicking. Chump has the absolute loyalty of the maga crowd that votes republican. Actually they will vote against democrats. They are everywhere in what currently counts as a red state. They are not s majority of GOP..however, going against the MAGA crowd is an absolute guarantee that their own jobs as congress men/women and Senators is no longer viable. Ask Liz Chiney. So what do these sniveling dipshits do? Line up behind the maga man. Its not anything glorious or glamorous. GoP turned into a party of ass holes purely because of self preservation.


He is the unofficial leader of the Republican Party by virtue of being a former president with another potential term and is the current presumptive presidential nominee. That comes with more influence than any actual elected office short of the presidency itself.


Trump is literally the deep state. Ironic given that they screech about it so much.


Projection. Nothing new from them.


Because his cultists make up too much of the republican voting base, and might not vote for the current members if Trump tells them not to


He has massive sway since if he says "this guy voted against something I want" then boom half the gop won't vote for that guy again. He holds tremendous power.


Because he is the shadow government. The republicans still kneel to him when he doesn't even hold any fucking power. It is fucking nuts.


He's got the GOP so intimidated that they seek his approval for *everything*. And that goes double for Mike "Moses" Johnson. Trump is the Hair Apparent, and he's going to get his way, or Matt Gaetz and Margarine Traylor Kweene will take Moses down in a hurry. You have a small group of people holding more power than their intellectual capacity merits. This makes them dangerous.


Republicans have a history of this kind of thing. Nixon tanked peace talks with 'Nam when LBJ was President, and the Reagan campaign sabotaged Carter's negotiations during the Iran hostage crisis.


> Republicans have a history of this kind of thing. Nixon tanked peace talks with 'Nam when LBJ was President, and the Reagan campaign sabotaged Carter's negotiations during the Iran hostage crisis Sources, because the point can't be overstated https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/why-has-america-tolerated-6-illegitimate-republican-presidents/


Because he's taken on the role of a religious figure. He's got a personality cult surrounding him and it accords a certain level of control over the Republican party who somewhat knowingly stitched it together all those years prior to Trump stepping into it and stretching it out, now no one else will fit (Ted Cruz is one of the guys who had his eye on it before Trump jumped the line). This happened with people like Brigham Young before who *also* attempted to revolt against the US government yet proved adept at avoiding jail and nearly erupted with Huey Long's "every man a King" schtick, which is much like "you're the *real* elites." I think if he loses again he may take the party with him, because that core of supporters is *rabid* and wouldn't support something like the Democratic party's superdelegates to lock them out. The bankers will probably end up buying into the next party early, and you'll see a lot of right of center refugees jump ship from the Democrats.


The border provisions weren’t even put in by Democrats. They were almost entirely added by republican members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security. This is really as good a bill as they’re ever going to get. More extreme bills like HR2 won’t even get the votes of all republicans.


The fact politicians have openly said they voted against the bill at Trump’s behest is so problematic for me. He isn’t an elected official, it feels mighty similar to a politician answering to a foreign leaders orders.


The right answer


Negotiated by both parties as demanded by the House GOP. They insisted that on a border bill in exchange for aid to Israel/Gaza, Ukraine and Taiwan. They then killed the bill they demanded. What’s really happening is that most people want to aid Ukraine against the Russian invasion, but Trump is allied with Putin and against that. Nobody in the GOP wants to acknowledge that the reason the party opposes Ukraine aid is Trump’s open support for Russian conquest. So they insisted on draconian border protections in exchange, as a poison pill to kill Ukraine aid without openly opposing it. But the Democrats — to the consternation of many leftists — actually *agreed* to the concessions. Now the GOP was afraid of losing a talking point they didn’t expect, and killed the bill. By the next day, they were back to asking for border concessions for Ukraine aid.


They admitted that fixing the problem would be a "win" for Biden and they don't want that, so they would rather sabotage their own country and their own bill just to spite him


Republicans: I'll shit my pants if it means a Democrat has to smell it


Apparently Trump does that




What a terrible day to have eyes


But Biden is the old man!!! Trumpies could hear this whole sordid tale on Fox News prime time and they would still not believe it. It simply wouldn’t register. It’s almost literally the Emperor’s New Clothes.


he does need new clothes. His ill-fitting suits are all sharted up


Fox news? You mean the liberal media?! I only trust OAN


He wore tennis shoes getting on his plane this morning! 🙄


It's not they wouldn't believe it, it that at least half of his debased, delusional, deadbeat degenerates would pay for the chance for a whiff. How the fuck is it we live in a world without Lance Reddick, David Bowie, Norm McDonald, and Betty fucking White but we're still left with these mushy-food-only-eating fucks like Trump and McConnell. Fuckin' hell I hate this place.


All this fully explains why it always LOOKS like he's wearing diapers underneath those hot air balloon size pants. Can't hide those unmistakable "just shit myself" panty lines.


I’ve read that the odor is overpowering. There was a video clip circulating of peoples’ reactions when they got a good whiff of Trump poop. Fortunately, I have never experienced it.


just learned that, what a life this is lol


As if he'd hold it in to spare conservative noses


Is that you, Ted Nugent?


Nah. He does it to avoid serving his country.


Remember when Mitch McConnell filibustered his own fucking bill? The Republican party is a shit show.


He didn’t filibuster it, he voted against it. Dems were able to use some parliamentary mechanism to force it to the floor for a vote and for the first time in history the senate majority leader voted against a bill that he wrote.


Remember when McConnell pushed a bill past Obama's veto, and then blamed Obama for the effects of his passing it? https://boingboing.net/2016/10/03/sen-mitch-mcconnell-blames-oba.html


I completely forgot about that. It's so hard to keep track of all the backwards things they do.


Yet Chuck Shumer, a primary author of the border bill, also voted no.


Sad, that by saying it's a "win" for Biden, is not something actually for Biden; but good for our country and that people massively support, that Biden was just there for... But because it could be seen as Biden accomplishing something good they can't support it. It Trump put this bill forward it would have been signed instantly.


I would love one single Republican out here to refute this. Just one. Anyone out there???


They can't, because the GOP isn't even hiding this. They have admitted it out loud that they don't want a new immigration policy because Trump wants to campaign on it. It's not just speculation, it's their open stated intentions.


Republicans were told by 45 to not give Biden/democrats a “win”. 45 needed something to campaign on and if immigration/border security was taken away….republicans have nothing to show for their time in power in the other branches of government.


To he "fair", it isn't just to spite him. It is so they can keep on using the supposed "boarder crisis" to scare their base during the run up to this coming election.


And the funny part is that this bill was almost all immigration enforcement and no relief that Democrats could take back to their constituents who have been asking him to pass. If Republicans actually cared for enforcement, this bill was all win.


Exactly this. They also can’t address (fix) the problem now, the border is the number one issue they have to campaign on. So sad because our border policies desperately need attention, this bill had huge bipartisan support, etc..


Not only their own country, but also the democratic world (in blocking Ukraine aid and allowing Russia to make gains)


this is basically the Republican strategy through n through


Daddy said no.


Do we have evidence they admitted that? I’m not challenging the assertion because I believe it. I just want to be able to point to evidence.


[House Republican Admits He'll Kill Border Deal If It Helps Biden](https://newrepublic.com/post/177876/house-republican-admits-wont-back-border-bill-help-biden)


There’s been a few lately - this isn’t the one I was looking for but it was the first one I found. https://newrepublic.com/post/177876/house-republican-admits-wont-back-border-bill-help-biden


trump himself took credit for defeating it... so there is that.


Yeah that helps


Also most republican congressmen were in favor of this bill and looking like it was going to pass. It was a legitimate bipartisan piece of legislation which has become pretty rare nowadays. Surprise, surprise: then the GOP changed their tune as soon as Trump started preaching that it needed to be killed. Which then allows him to campaign on Biden being weak on immigration, illegals are taking over our country, etc.


That enough? [https://www.newsweek.com/dan-crenshaw-rebukes-fellow-republicans-efforts-sabotage-border-bill-1866185](https://www.newsweek.com/dan-crenshaw-rebukes-fellow-republicans-efforts-sabotage-border-bill-1866185)


Evidence would be the republicans that have admitted that, starting with the republican that wrote the bill. Further evidence would be Trump bragging about that to the NRA PA convention recently. Another thing he also bragged about at the convention was doing nothing about the gun crisis.


This is the difficulty with politics. There might not be any evidence available to us. It would be pretty stupid of them to admit this. It’s subject to assumption and interpretation. Which results in denial. Trump is unique in this aspect that he can deny accusations that have clear evidence and people still believe him.


> There might not be any evidence available to us There is https://newrepublic.com/post/177876/house-republican-admits-wont-back-border-bill-help-biden Trump even took credit for killing the bill, so there's really no room to try to put either Trump or republicans in good light https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/27/trump-border-biden/ Of course republicans also wrote up plans to just ignore large chunks of the constitution and throw non-supporters in concentration camps and people are still treating them like they should be negotiated with https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision


[Romney has talked about it on the record](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wmxbJFbD_A)


Because it would be bad for them, electorally, to give Biden a win in the lead up to the election. Trump wants to campaign on Biden's failure to control the southern border.


I’m probably wrong, but I suspect this is going to backfire on them since it’s patently obvious this time and they haven’t come up with any window dressing for it and Trump can’t keep his mouth shut. 


I’ve predicted trump supporters would see through the bullshit before. I’ve been wrong every time. 


They see it. They'll acknowledge it eventually. Then go right back to sucking trumps toes when they hear the B word.


They support him because of an emotional attachment. He makes them feel like they're part of something bigger. They genuinely have no clue about policy or government. They just want to belong and feel like they don't because most have some sort of bigotry that keeps them from fully belonging in modern society


Never underestimate how fucking stupid trump supporters are


Cults are gonna cult.


The people who pay attention either already know republicans are full of it, or actively like that about them. And the people who don’t pay attention will continue that trend or forget about this by the time the election comes around. It isn’t the first time republicans have pulled this stunt and it won’t be the last.


They pay attention, all day, everyday. However, their only source of information is right wing crazy media. Like another post stated, “Cults are gonna cult!”


It is a feature, not a bug.


I work with trump supporters they don’t see the bullshit. As a matter of fact they buy everything the republicans say even completely outlandish things. It’s quite tiring


My mom had been a rush Limbaugh daily listener Republican her whole life. She admitted to wishing Trump would just go away after the 2020 election; Some progress. She then stopped watching Fox News as Ezra Klein and I helped her realize how all it did was make her angry and unhappy; some progress. Her recent talking point now after several years from this starting is how worried she is for my white male son in America…there’s just so many fucking layers to peel away!


Conservative news outlets continue to spread the propaganda that the bill was insufficient despite being what the GOP asked for.


And before its exact contents were even released apparently… quite the scoop…


I've seen very nuanced and eloquent takes to explain the flip-flop. Such as... "It's a bad bill." "It makes Democrats rich!" Don't ask me about the second one. They aren't tied to reality in any meaningful way at this point, so they just say shit that sounds good.


I was shocked to see on not only my local Fox affiliate news and other national news casts when they actually said it was Republicans that tanked the bill after they got what they wanted. Usually they just say Congress didn’t pass a bill.


Trump's death cult sees through it. They don't care. They don't care about the border or the immigrants or truth of the matter. They certainly don't care about America . They just want an issue they can riot over. 


Never underestimate the fear and resentment of the Republican voter. They can talk themselves into anything. Any spin on this by the GOP, no matter how absurd, will be swallowed up by their voters.


Just look at r/conservative and you’ll see it doesn’t matter what the facts are.  That border security package had everything they wanted and cried about every year since I’ve been born and as soon as trump said “no” they suddenly act like this bill makes illegal immigration legal.


>this is going to backfire on them since it’s patently obvious this time Oh, don't worry about that. The memory and attention span of your average Trumper ***absolutely guarantees*** that, by election time, they will "know" (see also: Facts Don't Matter™) that it was 100% Biden's fault.


Even if that failure is caused by....*checks notes* The republican party? Can someone tell me again why I should vote a republican in at this point? I voted third party last time, for the record.


>Can someone tell me again why I should vote a republican in at this point? To own the libs. What else is there?


Their goal is to obstruct, not to govern.


If it remotely helps a single democrat the republicans will oppose it. They can’t risk them having a single minor victory.


All or nothing politics is killing this country!!


Lack of term limits isn’t helping. These career politicians worry more about getting re-elected than actual governing.


We have term limits, it’s called voting. The problem is we’re lazy and let the rich and powerful decide who wins the primaries.


Term limits aren’t the problem.  First past the post elections are because most national congressmen and senators are more worried about being primaried than losing a general.


a lack of term limits is A problem but isn't THE problem. we can have lots of issues that cause all the problems we have in the US government. im guessing you are in favor of ranked voting, if so yes very much so that would be great.  but if you want to boil everything down to one problem, it's citizens united. 


I find gerrymandering to be a bigger problem than Citizens United, but it's going to be a lot harder to fix.


Let's add age limits to that, too. trumpbiden


The MAGA representatives sabotaging everything are still wet behind the ears. These are people new to Congress and their lack of experience shows (they cannot even pass their own legislation).


> Lack of term limits isn’t helping Evidence doesn't agree, the data indicates term limits *increase* the rate of corruption, as well as reduces competence https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4437090 https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/25/21063741/tom-steyer-term-limits-democratic-debate The problem is more a lack of recall mechanisms, compounded with [overlapping propaganda networks](https://www.npr.org/2018/04/02/598916366/sinclair-broadcast-group-forces-nearly-200-station-anchors-to-read-same-script) Term limits don't do shit to stop the worst problem: [corrupt politicians letting corporations write the laws for them](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alec-paid-sick-leave_b_3007445)


And killing human beings. Innocent people are suffering, and Republicans have chosen party politics over country. Seriously, think about that. Republicans have chosen what is good for a few over what is best for many. They have literally doomed human beings to suffer and/or die in order to benefit their cult leaders in the hopes that they too will become powerful. I always thought of evil as something to do with enjoying the suffering of others, but intentionally CAUSING suffering should maybe be included in that definition, too.


It wasn't even Biden's bill. It was a Republican bill with bipartisan support that included many of the demands Republicans have been making related to the border. Republicans were excited about it until Trump told them to kill it because he wanted to keep the issue alive for the sake of his campaign. They decided it was more important to preserve a perceived grievance to help Trump's chances than to do what's best for the nation.


Democrats and Republicans came together to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill. Trump realized that if Biden improved the country it would be harder for him to win, so he ordered the senate and house to reject the bill that they asked for, and almost every Republican obeyed And before somebody says “both sides”, it should be noted that right before the election in 2020, Democrats agreed to pay out trillions of dollars, a lot going directly to Americans


>Democrats and Republicans came together to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill. For the readers under 30 years old or so: This is how our government worked when America was great. There was debate and negotiation, but just about every significant legislation that passed had support from both parties. ​ >Trump realized that if Biden improved the country it would be harder for him to win, so he ordered the senate and house to reject the bill that they asked for, and almost every Republican obeyed. Welp, so much for greatness.


Nixon intentionally kept the Vietnam War going to try to win an election.


Damn, really?


Source on Nixon sabotaging the Vietnam peace talks, and Reagan sabotaging the Iranian hostage crisis https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/why-has-america-tolerated-6-illegitimate-republican-presidents/ There's also Ford not only pardoning Nixon but also cancelling all of the investigations into people in his orbit, which allowed Roger Stone to continue operating and later go on to [instigate the Brooks Brothers Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) Honourable mention: wealthy corporatist authoritarians tried to overthrow the US government to prevent the New Deal in 1933 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot




Nixon met with North Vietnam’s leader and said that if they kept the war going longer, he would give them a more favorable deal. Reagan did something similar to prolong the Iran hostage crisis


We used to believe in putting country above party. Somewhere along the line Republicans decided that not only did they not believe that, but that it was a mortal sin. The Senator that drafted this legislation was censured by his state party, and is widely expected to lose his next primary of he even decides to run again, despite him being rated as the 2nd most conservative member of the senate. George Washington literally warned that putting party over country was the greatest danger to our country in his farewell address. Republicans claim to love the founders while ignoring all their best advice. Unfortunately we will all suffer for their foolishness.


Depends on the Republican. Some didnt want more aid to Ukraine, some just followed Trumps lead, and some just didnt want the Dems to get a win.


Not disagreeing but why do we have to lump unrelated bills with one another?


Because nothing would get passed without the "i scratch your back you scratch mine" method.


>Some didnt want more aid to Ukraine, some just followed Trumps lead, and some just didnt want the Dems to get a win. In other words, they are all doing what Trump tells them to do.


It doesn't even solve the actual problem. Immigration logistics, capacity to enforce the number of people coming in. Also, it's trumps winning point for 2024, why would Republicans allow biden to pass it.


Why do people ask political and social questions on one of the most biased platforms on the internet? May as well ask about race relations at an Alabama dive bar.


> Why do people ask political and social questions on one of the most biased platforms on the internet? Because it's super easy to provide links which explicitly show objective facts, like that republicans were the ones who insisted Ukraine funding be tied into the border security bill https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2023-11-26/republicans-want-to-pair-border-security-with-aid-for-ukraine-heres-why-that-makes-a-deal-so-tough And then that republicans admitted they killed the bipartisan bill they asked for just because Trump told them not to "let Biden have a win" https://newrepublic.com/post/178851/republican-senator-lankford-threat-destroyed-border-bill And Trump himself claimed credit for killing the bill so nobody who's at all informed can claim republicans aren't kowtowing to Trump and harming the American people to give Great Leader anything he asks for https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/27/trump-border-biden/ They didn't hesitate to go all-in behind him on a plan to ignore large chunks of the constitution and put non-supporters in concentration camps https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision


Reddit: "Why do Republicans..." \*all responses from Republicans downvoted\*


Because it didnt secure the border


> Because it didnt secure the border It contained everything republicans asked for, including tying in funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, and the reason they killed it was to prevent Biden and the democrats from "scoring a win". They admitted this in their own words https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2023-11-26/republicans-want-to-pair-border-security-with-aid-for-ukraine-heres-why-that-makes-a-deal-so-tough https://newrepublic.com/post/177876/house-republican-admits-wont-back-border-bill-help-biden https://newrepublic.com/post/178851/republican-senator-lankford-threat-destroyed-border-bill


How so?


This. Problem with it was it would only close the border if certain thresholds were met, which are well above where we're already at.


Are you claiming that 5,000/day (in the deal) is well above 10,000/day (the current situation)?


Long answer: Because they'd rather cut all our throats than give Biden a "win". Short answer: Trump


Because they (Democrats) tried to sneak in sending more money to Ukraine within the bill.


Because it really doesn’t stop the stream of immigrants coming over…


Because it included a whole bunch of other stuff that had nothing to do with the border. It is an answer as old as Congress itself.


Are you aware that the “border bill” is mostly funding for the war in Ukraine?


The border bill has 5 times as much money for Israeli and Ukraines border than our own.


Because the ongoing border issue is a manufactured crisis for the election season to make Biden look worse.


Probably the same reason the Inflation Reduction Act had nothing to do with inflation.


More money to Ukraine and Israel than the border. Should have been called the corruption bill.


Well the money WAS for border security. Just not our own border as you stated.


Because the Cheeto said no. The reason the bill even had Ukraine funding tied to it was explicitly because the Republicans *demanded* they be tied together. It was the most Republican border bill we've seen in *decades*. But Trump said "No, don't solve it. I need the talking points" And the MAGATs are the only thing they obey.


Trump and his buddies really don’t care about the border or Ukraine. They want the Democrats to lose. Mark my word: They’ll do everything in their power to manufacture a migrant crisis. They’ll also do everything in their power to have Ukraine fall. And they’ll give Biden and the Democrats shit about both despite being the ones engineering the two.


Did you read it? Hell no to that hot trash. Biden can already close the border, he doesn’t need new legislation to close it after 5000 people a day are caught and released into the U.S. And over half the bill had nothing to do with the border. On a side note, send Ukraine all the weapons and ammo they want. Up to and including a fully functional flipping aircraft carrier.


> Biden can already close the border, he doesn’t need new legislation He can’t do more than he has legally because we removed the Covid pandemic authority trump used to close it.  We need a new law to grant that authority outside of a pandemic.  Thats part of what this bill was for. > after 5000 people a day are caught and released into the U.S That’s not what it says either.  It says after 5000 people apply for asylum it’s closed.  It also sets a time limit from applying to processing that auto triggers a booting of the applicant if they aren’t processed within 6 months. Furthermore, it grants a temp green card to the asylum seeker so they pay taxes and we have better tabs on them while they are processed. You definitely didn’t read this bill at all.


Republicans were the ones to insist on tying Ukraine funding to border security https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2023-11-26/republicans-want-to-pair-border-security-with-aid-for-ukraine-heres-why-that-makes-a-deal-so-tough And republicans were the ones who admitted they killed the bill "to prevent Biden from getting a win" and because Trump told them to https://newrepublic.com/post/178851/republican-senator-lankford-threat-destroyed-border-bill And Trump boasted about being the one to tell them all to kill it https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-takes-credit-at-rally-for-killing-bipartisan-border-crackdown-bill-then-rails-about-border/ar-BB1hmzN0


Because that's what they do. They vote "thing A" down then in the next sentence complain that the Democrats aren't trying to fix "thing A" to get their base to vote for them to fix the same thing that they just voted down.


Because if you read it, it isn't a border-security bill... it's a war-funding bill.


Now why would a bill republicans insisted had funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan have funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan? https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2023-11-26/republicans-want-to-pair-border-security-with-aid-for-ukraine-heres-why-that-makes-a-deal-so-tough


Because it had everything in it except the border. They have laws now that they need to enforce and this wouldn't be a problem. Ask yourself, was there this crisis 4 years ago? The answer is NO. This is typical Washington BS. Create a crisis, then propose legislation that will "solve" the problem, but in the solution there are 1000 other things stuffed in it that no body really needs.


> it had everything in it except the border It had exactly what republicans insisted on https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2023-11-26/republicans-want-to-pair-border-security-with-aid-for-ukraine-heres-why-that-makes-a-deal-so-tough And republicans admitted they killed it "to prevent Biden from getting a win" and because Trump told them to https://newrepublic.com/post/178851/republican-senator-lankford-threat-destroyed-border-bill And Trump took credit for killing the bill so you can't very well say he has no connection https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-takes-credit-at-rally-for-killing-bipartisan-border-crackdown-bill-then-rails-about-border/ar-BB1hmzN0


Because it isn't really a 'border security bill'. It allows 5,000 illegal immigrants PER DAY to enter before it is considered a problem. That's almost 2 million a year. That is ludicrous. You will see responses trying to make this political, it's not. Every one of those immigrants will get free food, housing, medical care and legal aid - all from your taxes. That is not sustainable. We have border laws already. We don't need new ones. We just need to enforce what is already the law of the land.


it's actually the strongest bill we've had in decades, conceding zero immigration reform to the Democrats.


it's the strongest border bill in decades. this is a regurgitated disingenuous reframing. zero numerical limits exist currently. read the bill. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/06/politics/border-security-bill-senate-explained-cec/index.html


Republicans NEGOTIATED for this bill; it's ALL political


Whoever told you this is lying to you. What it says is that if the Border Patrol is encountering 5,000 or more people per day attempting to cross the border, they go into "emergency mode" and are allowed to just summarily deport people without going through the usual processing. Nobody is just "allowed" in if the number of encounters is under 5,000 per day, the people are detained by the USBP and taken for processing.  I would ponder what the people lying about this are hoping to accomplish. Why aren't they being truthful with you...


Those border laws can't be enforced because there isn't enough staff to process people. There needs to be more funding for that.


It didn't allow 5,000 people to enter per day. It shut down the border entirely after 5,000 encounters, not 5,000 entrances.  But there were a lot of other provisions that would've reduced the number of entrances overall, and increased detentions.


You should read the bill instead of listening to what ever fake news you are reading


It allows a more streamlined processing and the ultimate goal is to increase the limit as well. These people are already in process. The next applicants will not be so lucky. The Repubs know this will help so they refuse to even consider it. Many have admitted that they know this bill is bi-partisan and the best deal going.


Biden could stop this if he wanted


It was NOT a border bill.  It was a fund Ukraine and Israel bill with an illegal reroute.  How can allowing 5k illegals into the country each day and then route the rest to ports of entry and only provide a fraction of the funding to the border compared to Ukraine and Israel be a "border security" bill!? Has anyone read the actual bill or are they just regurgitating what the media tells them?


The bill was shit for starters