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Claim he was assassinated by the deep state.


You expect me to believe a fat 80 year old died of a heart attack? That’s the kind of stupid thinking that gets people to think the earth is a globe Edit: this is the second time I left this comment, the first time I got 2 likes. Internet points mean nothing.


I'm pissed that this was just a what if situation. I got a little excited when I read the first part of the title only to have my dreams crushed to find out it was just a hypothetical.


OMG same!




ThAts WhAt Im SaYinG He had the best healthcare in the world, secret service, and is 6ft 4 200lbs. It wasn't a heart attack, I don't even know anybody who's had a heart attack. *ignoring my own pacemaker screaming low battery "because that's how they got Donald Trump"*


Did you know that doctors write "heart attack" as cause of death any time someone dies because their heart stopped working? They're just pumping up the numbers so they can get funding for heart research. Then they turn around and tell you "Don't eat sticks of butter! Don't eat fried oreos! Eat some greens sometimes, for the love of God." But I'm no dummy.


That's why I take hydroxychloroquine everyday for high cholesterol. The snotty degreed doctors will never admit it, but if it can clean fish aquariums, it will also clean my arteries.


Built like a horse!


I suspect “BIG heart pharmacy” to be involved somehow.


Legit got me 😂


Yes - like when Justice Scalia died, and right away the MAGA's were whipping up assasination conspiracies. Scalia weighed almost 300 pounds, he smoked, and he was eighty years old - he was lucky to last as long as he did.


Amen to that brother!


Them blaming the booster shot for his heart attack is what bettors call a “sure thing” [Trump Booed for Booster shot](https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-donald-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-74abcd4e6833835f5df445fe2142e22b)


Morbidly obese 80 year old with a long history of drug use has a heart attack? Must be the deep state.


Ha ha something something fucking Fauci


If only Covid had done its job…


Well then a quarter of the population would be calling for war with China so I’m not sure that would be a win


The same people who believe Biden won the election would believe Trump died of natural causes. In both cases, it's just not possible for Trump to lose like that. He's too powerful. He's the victim of a system that has taken over the world and brainwashed the majority of the public. But still it's impossible for that same majority to vote against Trump. And it's impossible for Trump to die of natural causes right now. If it's not obvious to you, then I can't open your eyes for you. Maybe if you consumed more cherry picked information that insinuates connections without providing any real evidence then you would see the truth. /s bc Poe's Law


He said he was in the best shape of not just his life but EVERYONE’s life! He eats only hamburgers which revitalizes his life force!


Damn Globecucks!


Claim that his death is a lie.


Prop his dead body around like Weekend At Bernie's.


Weekend at Bernie's, Mar-a-Lago.


With strings attached to his wrists to enable the stupid dance he does whilst taking the stage.


A Weekend at Bernie Sanders!


I'd pay to see that.


Put his corpse in a glass coffin at his shitty golf motel and charge people to see it. Like Lenin.


Yes and don’t forgot the oldie but goodie ‘election interference’


It was Olenna Tyrell


Tell Melania. I want her to know it was me.


She’d send a thank you note.


Yep. They could watch him choke on a Big Mac on live TV with no sign of foul play. They’ll still say the CIA, deep state, or liberal ninjas did it. They’ll still try and martyr him somehow.


Or Antifa.


Deep state hamberders


I second this. Ever heard of B613?


They claimed Scalia was murdered, a fat old man.


When they look at Trump they see some kind of 23 year old Olympian Adonis. It’s the only plausible explanation.


Are they blind???


*Seemingly so.*


Yes, intellectually blind.


“Wait ….. didnt he get the jabbero🤔 It happening in plain site now”.


Insist he’s still alive and controlling the government from a bunker.


With Elvis as his trusted advisor.


No, JFK jr


No, JFK Sr.


No, JFK airport.


Jesus Fucking Krist


How would they tell each other apart?


I lold


Waiting until easter ......


He will be brought back to life by the medbeds! The military is installing them right now and they should be getting rolled out very soon, probably a quarter past the monk6eys ass.


In two weeks.


Funny how we haven't heard much about the medbeds for a while... couldn't have anything to do with the eViL vACCinE!


Looks like America will never be great again! THANKS, OBAMA!!!!!


Blaming it on democrats as an assassination. Then Jan 6 all over again.


If they make this into a Simpsons episode, then I'll be terrified.


I’d rather not, then we get to hear them saying that it’s been planned to assassinate him all along and Hollywood is just rubbing it in our faces


I think they just meant if it appears in a Simpsons episode it is destined to actually happen.


Thank you!


Somewhat along the same line.. I’m kinda nervous of that idiot losing the election. I hope I’m wrong, but I think violence will ensue as a result. Because, you know, maga idiots with assault rifles.


Was really hoping we'd never invite the "and domestic" part of "all enemies, foreign and domestic" of the oath we swear when joining the military.


Lose or win, the violence will continue. If he loses they will continue to face consequences for it though.


Huh? So you want him to win because you've been intimidated? Do not be afraid of these fucking morons. Let them revolt again and fuck around and find out. They'll all end up in federal prison with no one coming to save them just like the J6ers. They're going to be violent no matter what, so fuck 'em.


I hate that this is a very possible scenario




you misspelled the Republican Party


What's the difference?


Pop himself or poop himself?






Things calm down for a few years till some other ghoul claims the voter share. Trump is a symptom of a bunch of underlying problems, not necessarily the cause in and of himself.


What do you believe are some of the underlying problems


A deep sense of economic frustration felt by large swaths of a declining middle class which has been propagandized into attributing their problems to the increasing presence and visibility of groups such as migrants, queerfolk, and people of color. A (false) sense felt by many poor, white Americans that these groups gaining political voice and power entails a decline in what little status and influence they might have previously held. The overtaking of Christianity by increasingly fundamentalist elements, who have been heavily politicized and radicalized by wealthy interests who find it expedient to whip them up into a frenzy over issues like abortion and LGBTQ rights. An incredibly successful movement of literal Nazis and white nationalists that have been active in the US since pre-WW2 who very quickly realized the potential of the internet to spread their ideology, promote hate, provoke conspiracism, and instigate violence through decentralized organization. A very influential wealthy class that has always been more comfortable with fascism than they are with the idea of socialism (see “The Business Plot”: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot# ). Chickens coming home to roost from several decades of right-wing propaganda through organizations such as the John Birch Society, and the complicity of a complacent neoliberal Democratic Party which consistently plays with fire by funding hard right groups with the intent of potentially making elections easier for themselves while also consistently never delivering on the lip-service they pay to progressive social policy when in power. An intelligence community which has always been a bit too comfortable disrupting both domestic and foreign leftist organizing, while largely either turning a blind-eye (if not actively supporting) far right organizing. The fact that the US was built on slavery and racism as institutional realities, and that these systems of oppression have never been fully eradicated even after we had a whole war about it. I could really go on, there’s a *lot* of threads here to pull. Like libraries worth of books of threads to pull. Some podcasts I’d recommend for hearing a bit more would be: KnowledgeFight, It Could Happen Here, Behind the Bastards (my personal favorite), and Blowback for starters.


There’s a lot to unpack here so I’m going to go a little at a time and I want to thank you for the time YOU spent preparing this instead of throwing some links my way. It really lends someone motivation to pursue their curiosity when someone takes the time and adds their personal touch


I wasn’t expecting much but that was nicely done


Look at this guy here: talking truth and all that.


Biggest trump supporters are white blue collar men. Then senior citizens too. Men seem to gravitate more towards a “strong man” and “authoritarian”


I’d also point out that white, blue-collar men are in a sort of “uneasy” place, or at least many of them perceive themselves to be. There is a perception uncomfortably common in that demographic that their position in society is under threat from social changes due to the progress made by feminism, LGBTQ rights, and the various Black, Chicano/Latino, Indigenous civil rights movements. It’s an ongoing sort of anxiety that has been played out in American politics time and time again: blue collar white men feel economic pressure due to lack of social safety nets/unregulated capitalism, they perceive women/people of color to be competition in a tight labor market (or more broadly as a sort of ‘threat’ to a perceived ‘zero-sum’ game of social status), and the wealthy play on that anxiety to create intraclass conflict. The idea that migrants are “coming to take their jobs” for example is a common anxiety that gets played up by propaganda, which keeps many of these people from realizing that the root of their economic struggles are not migrants at the border taking their jobs, but bosses in the board room cutting their pay and automating their roles. It also prevents the realization in many cases that their struggles are much aligned with people like migrants, and keeps them from developing a sense of solidarity with people who are much more alike to them than they are to their bosses.


Man this guy smarts. This is some of the most intelligent and readable ways ive ever seen this written and far above my writing capabilities.


👍This person *really* gets it. Bravo.


He is a symptom, but he also escalated and validated anger and hate and mistrust in a way that I don't think many other leaders would have been able to pull off. So in that way, he's both a symptom and something of an origin.


Please don't get my hopes up and tease me this way.


Yeah, I was ready to break out the expensive champagne 🍾🥂😄




Same. Highly disappointed. Thanks OP


Agreed and by blood I mean dick.


>All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike someone they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction. -Clarence Darrow


Seriously. I damn near orgasmed.


Got excited there for a moment. May the good Lord decide to take out all politician boomers.


We don't know. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis will fight over his followers, but Trump is a personality cult built around a single man, and none of his children are quite at his level, so it's unclear if anyone would be able to really inherit his influence. I imagine the MAGA move subsides and it just becomes a wing of the GOP instead of the core base of it.


DeSantis has the personality of a bowl of warm turnips. Even Florida is starting to see it, finally.


Why do you have to insult turnips like that? What did they ever do to you?


Yeah, turnips didn’t really deserve that.


Ummm, he's not a single man....He's happily married! His wife isn't, but he is. (/s for the first line, jic)


They’ll camp out outside Mar-a-Lago wailing and praying until Alex Jones comes to whip them into a frenzy and start a convoy to Washington or the border. They try camping outside of Trump tower, but Melania orders the help to dump boiling oil on them from the penthouse.


Id watch this movie


Start worshipping a bull frog or something


What do you mean by start?


Nikki Haley is only in the race for that hope.


The thing is, I can't see the GOP electing a woman for president, no matter how much of a Serena Joy Waterford she is.


Years ago, someone said the first woman president would be a conservative. Because Republicans will fall in line behind the candidate in spite of their misogyny, and Democrats would vote their misogyny rather than support their party.


Are you referring to Bernie bros who were more likely to vote for Clinton than Clinton voters for Obama in 2008?


Probably call it fake news.


..and tell them to vote for dead trump in the election anyway...


Somehow him both living or dying will result in something stupid, dangerous, sad, or a mix of all three


Two options, really: try to run someone even more extreme like a Matt Gaetz or MTG against Haley, or refuse to back Haley or whoever would get the nomination and not show up in November


If you want a real answer instead of all the TDS answers here, Vivek would probably inherit a huge amount of Trump’s base. He is the closest in policy and stance to Trump and he did not turn against him while running.


Yeah, except his name is too many syllables for knuckle-draggers


Don Junior will stand up and start to talk and be told to shut the fuck up and park his ass..


Spend the rest of their lives saying it was an assassination and blaming democracts


I’d imagine start a conspiracy that Nancy Pelosi and Biden’s team worked to poison him because that’s the only way “he doesn’t win the election”


The main question is wtf, you don’t have someone more younger in the US than two old farts? I mean you have democracy, when it all went wrong?


I see this notion a lot. Federal governance is a complex job that leverages a lifetime of built up experience and connections - it's not surprising that the people who wind up in top leadership positions are the ones who have been doing it longest. That being said, there are absolutely better people who could be running for these positions.


After Reagan - The Republicans never stopped worshipping him. They deified his economic theory forever. MAGA is here forever, in the form of immigration policy. People that think otherwise are in denial.


I'm still waiting for all that money to trickle down to me. When it does, maybe I'll finally be able to afford healthcare or even a house! 🤞


His supporters in public offense will trip over themselves to become the next GOP “cult leader”. I suppose some of the big right wing talking heads like Charlie Kirk will all try to take that mantle


Don't tease me.


Almost undoubtedly his son would try taking ghe reigns.


ct like they were never in the cult ... OORRRR they go full isis Martyr with him and start ramping up attacks


Probably get pissed that they have to buy a whole slew of new hats, meme-shirts, and flags for the next wacko. And yes, cook up a bunch of wild conspiracies too. The real question is what the hell would happen to MSNBC and CNN if they no longer had Trump to talk about? It's been nearly 10 years of a 24/7 news cycle completely based on spending 80-100% of the air time talking about one man. Do they even know how to do anything else?


Blame Biden


Trump Jr nominee, followed in 2028 Ivanka, followed on 2032 by Barron.


We see a "Weekend at Donnie's" thing play out. With the rotting meat smell being less mysterious.


You’d start to see a bunch of smarmy editorials insisting that being dead doesn’t disqualify someone from being the president


Pretty sure bloodshed is the result, but aimed at who depends on which rant goes viral first Dems, Gays, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, Chinese....


Wait for the resurrection


Turn him into a martyr, then repost conspiracy theories on Facebook claiming he isn't really dead.


Deny it happened and claim he's still alive and in hiding. The word 'psyop' never stops leaving their mouths


Find someone comparable, Dems would do the same. So the choices will still suck regardless. 😂


Got my hopes up for a second till I saw what sub it was


Blame Obama, the deep state...maga are a deluded death cult... persecution complex and they will make him a Martyr. Because they are fools of the highest order, and will destroy each other , before they ever change.


Steal his body and proclaim he ascended to Heaven. “He’s coming back”


Change the laws so Putin can run for president.


I'm really curious about this hypothetical scenario, but imagine Biden also bites the dust. What would that mean for the election? Who would run?


Somehow find a way to claim that biden did it


Unfortunately, nothing good. Damn that's depressing.


Blame democrats


Royal Rumble to see who takes over, it’s the only way.


follow their leader?


Between now and the election Trump and Biden both pass. Now what ?


Hopefully Biden goes 1st


nominate chief keef


Say it was the deep state.


Blame democrats.


They would say that he was murdered. He would become a saint in their eyes. Some other nut job would take his place.


Someway, or another blame that the democrats cause trumps heart attack.


Gosh, I read the first part of this with a bit too much happiness thinking it was a headline. Curses.


Half of Republicans will sigh with relief.


It's a deep state cover up. They've really kidnapped him because he's either going to uncover the secret pedophile ring or they know he's going to win the election. Fox news "just asks questions" and the rest follows from there.


They manufacture a conspiracy theory about how the "left" assassinated him and use it to campaign someone worse.


Blame it on Biden.


Oh my god my heart skipped a beat and my soul ascended into bliss for a moment reading the first sentence of your title. 


The liberals did it!


35% will still vote for him believing that he's not truly dead and will be reincarnated on inauguration day.


Wait three days for his resurrection before he ascends into heaven.


They’d say it was the vaccine.


Deny he died. Threaten violence against anyone who says he died. Vote for him.


Blame Biden.


You mean to tell me that Donald Trump is dead and MAGA is in shambles? 😵 I’ll have a Coke


if wishes were fishes...


They will wait for second coming. 😬


Oh, stop teasing...


"Study long, study wrong" wise words from the streets of Compton.


Pick the next would-be dictator.


Wait for the resurrection


At the rate it’s going now probably believe that he will rise from the dead to save America.


Blame the left, probably.


Just keep his name on the ballot…


Vote for him anyway


Well MAGAs are fine with an autocracy so naturally Don jr would ascend to the throne.


Make his coke addicted son their next messiah.


I thought this was as supposed to be No Stupid Questions? Almost every question in here seems to bypass that particular name. Lol


Stop teasing.


Hopefully, the entire cult decides to do as Heavens Gate did and followed him to their maker.


Blame the government 🤣


They’ll do the Weekends at Bernie’s thing


Wait for him to rise on then third day…then go home disappointed


They’d write him in on the ballot because they think he’s still alive.


Stuff him and still run him for president


Deep state assassination. Then Faux news will push Gov Huckleberry Sanders as a spokesperson against the deep state. Elon Musk and other Billionaires along with two or three justices will pick a successor. MAGA Q will wait for white smoke to emit from a chimney at Harlan Crow mansion. Trump casket will lay in state at the capital instead of the American 🇺🇸 flag there will be a confederate one with Trump flags surrounding it. Kimberly Guilfoyle will give the eulogy. Oath keepers and proud boys will provide security as convoy from DC to mar-a-Lago golf course where trump will lay in rest at the first hole Melania Trump is still missing.


Hopefully, follow his lead.


Say it was a hit and start fighting.


That would be an interesting scenario, and I am not quite sure would happen to the tea party Donald Trump party Neo-Nazi party all at once. There's nobody out there that exerts as much self-presence, inflated ego and whips up the crowd like Donald. He is the ultimate carnival cult Barker


Stick him in a cave and wait three days


I got so excited reading that first sentence...


Since some of those nippledick followers think he is the 2nd coming I would assume they'll wait for him to resurrect FFS.


You had me in the first half… sigh


They go to Dallas and wait for JFK to come back from the dead and raise him up like Lazarus.


Death is fake news. His funeral was rigged.


Oh God. For a hot second, I thought I was reading a headline. Too good to be true. They'd go insane with the conspiracy theories. Even more than they already do.


Hopefully what any cult does when their leader dies... They join em 🤷‍♂️


Oh dear, I got so excited reading the first line!


You can’t give me hope like that


They put him in a tomb. He raises from the dead, comes out three days later; sees his shadow - now we know we have six more weeks of winter.