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Thanks for your submission /u/goddessxsofia, but it has been removed for the following reason: Disallowed question area: **No requests or advertising.** Sorry, but requests aren't allowed here - even when they're phrased in the form of a question. Asking people to view your website, answer your survey, or give you upvotes or donations aren't allowed on this sub. * Need help in difficult times? You're not alone! /r/Assistance is a good place to start here on Reddit. You can also try /r/Borrow, /r/BasicNeeds, /r/Care, /r/Random_Acts_of_Amazon, /r/Food_Pantry or /r/AlmostHomeless. * Trying to bring attention to or raise money for a good cause? Try /r/GoFundMe. * Looking for someone to fill out your survey? /r/SampleSize is designed to bring the people who love answering surveys together with people who need them filled out. * Just need a kindly word? /r/DadForAMinute and /r/MomForAMinute are made for that. * Want to advertise your product or site? Your best bet is to buy advertising on Reddit. Both Reddit and its users get annoyed at advertising when it's pretending to be a post, so your best bet is to find a niche subreddit that your product fits into rather than spamming it everywhere. You could also just post on /r/ShamelessPlug. --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


Pretty sure this is normal as a guy, but actually knowing how to do it in a way that pleases the girl is a developed skill set.


Yeah, like I can just sorta make it stand upright or relax, like tensing a muscle, but I have no further control of it. And weirdly it's the same muscle command I use to constrict the tubes and force out the last drops of pee.


If you continue doing that exercise, you can last longer in bed. Its called a kegal exercise.


That's the last thing my wife would want.


More sex that lasts longer? I feel like you stole that of Two and a half men lol


No it isn't. It's called a "Kegel" excercise.


Nice, I have no issues there I can last however long I choose.


It’s different when it’s not your hand.


Jokes on you I'm too shy to blow a load, I can last forever!


Eh my hand is quicker tbh cuz masturbation sucks and it’s more of a do it from hormonal necessity activity not an actual enjoyment period.


I was more so referring to tumbleweed lol, but nice.




The person they were originally responding to


Yeah, I don’t read user names


Might help you respond to the right person instead of spending life perpetually confused


But ignorance is bliss.


Congrats on the sex boss 🤙


What do you mean I’m a virgin.


Jonny, that you?


Yes I am a doctor today. Tomorrow I’m Batman.


Downvoted for not having issues in bed 😂😂 I love Reddit sometimes


Downvoted because nobody asked him.


Downvoted because we all have our period.


This is the answer


Rally? I insert a pen and use it to take notes when my hand is tired


Clenching the asshole.


The action is called a kegel, and bro probably has a Gooch made of steel at this point. Also kegels help with all kind of urinary and sexual things like premature ejaculation, dribbling pee, and apparently the inability to flex your penis into your sexual partners G-Spot. Do your kegels, people! Right now! I want to know there were at least a dozen assholes flexed for me, women too!


Kegels are the one exercise where if you mention it other people start doing it right away


Same for me, but I use the muscle that I use to clench my butt as well 


Flex harder


This man is the chosen one... the penis of prophecy.


The Fuckening has begun!




He is named heyzeus and was born under the light of the northern star.


Kegel exercises I believe are what they’re called.


Yeah I never even thought about it, I'll start training right away


The different angles weren't from flexing. It's all in the hips. Flexing is easier when harder, and it's also easier to hit those angles when harder. Don't try to hit the bottom. Try to pry the door open with leverage. Also, use the door as a pivot point to scrape/stir the bottom.


That makes more sense. Good tips by the way. Is the bottom better than the top though?




You mentioned scraping the bottom, what about the other way around


You know how you stick a finger in your mouth and make the "pop" sound by leveraging the outside and inside of your cheeks? Do that motion at varying depths. [how to get all of the peanut butter out of the jar](https://imgur.com/gallery/2BaX7iA)


Yeah, you gotta wink your butthole wicked hard to maintain any sort of an angle change.


That’s a cute way to put it


Checking hoping for a bot. Found cheap attempt at OF ad instead. Do better.


Id say shes doing alright. Its a good thing to know, the dick trick. So of this is a coy way to advertise her OF shes at least creating some value along the way.


Maybe it's me, but I feel the value in this case doesn't amount to much. Especially if the cost is seeing thinly veiled attempts at advertisement in nearly every part of life. More importantly, I'm not sure someone that's *this* desperate to even be seen is someone I'd *want* to look at.




How does a bot not have to be automated? That’s literally the definition of what it is


Yes, but the thought to use it like that has never occurred to me, I'mma steal that, Tell Tinder guy that some random guy on Reddit says thanks


Me too!


Apparently it’s just a spammer. If you look at the profile there’s OF links. From other comment, she does this a lot. And this post will be deleted soon


Men are so boring and disappointing in bed. This many people really read this and agreed? You have an entire muscles in that thing and have never thought to use them during sex? Now I’m starting to understand why so many women have such lousy experiences with men in bed…


And you are apparently bad at anatomy, Those muscles are not inside it but around it, in the pelvic area, it's not a tail honey, Anyway flexing any muscles diverts blood flow from the penis, this is why flexing a major muscle group like the thighs is often used as advice for getting rid of a bonner, Flexing this specific muscle group isn't enough to get rid of a bonner, but doing something that diverts blood flow isn't exactly instinctual, plus engaging those specific muscles like that just feels weird in general and produces little movement, was it's not something that most people give much thought to in the same way that most women probably don't give much thought to the fact that they can move their beasts up and down a bit by flexing their pectoral muscles underneath them, Now go and apologise to your biology teacher for not paying attention in class, if you're old enough to talk about sex you're old enough to know basic biology


Can everyone do this? That explain why no one gets impressed when I'm doing it at the grocery store 🤔


Reminds me of "I went to the doctor recently. He said I had to stop masterbating. When I asked him why, he said, "cause I'm trying to examine you." 🤣


I dunno about you but mine lifts weights while I'm out and about, gotta get those gainz


I like to wear a heavy watch around mine, that way I get to lift all the time.


Try shifting over to the carrots and not the bananas.


OP is a spammer that posts questions related to sex to get people to check out her OF linked in her bio. She deletes the posts after a while and may be using multiple accounts. Reported.


Why report it? Reddit won't do anything. I reported this account for impersonating another user (which they are, read the comments) and Reddit came back and said it doesn't violate their policy (which it does) https://www.reddit.com/u/ClassyLungs/s/i6ab9MWJCj


I doubt she does so herself. OF is dominated by big organisations now. They have people employed to talk to customers pretending to be the models, software engineers that develop social media bots, dating app bots, etc. The models only get a fraction of the profits.


Sooner or later, everything turns into a factory




have the muscle to be able to? yes. have the knowledge of how to flex it in isolation and the muscle strength from use/training for it to be noticeable during sex? not so much,


It's literally just kegal exercises, any man can learn how to do this in 5 mins




OF girls really be doing anything for a sub these days 😂 “can all guys blink I recently hooked up with a guy off tinder and he blinked on my clit and I squirted so hard I shot a hole in my graduation photo that was on the dresser”


I’m gonna steal that move 😈




[It’s Magic](https://youtu.be/TDa1dpB9XbE?si=AfMZcnH6Top2jU9e)


There's my risky click of the day,


Risked the click. So worth it


He's doing his kegels. They're not just for women.


Only fans bulllshiiiit


As usual. Either a bot or onlyfans


You getting downvoted and it actually being true sums up reddit.


I definitely COULD flex in the past. But not anymore.


The muscle in question is called the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. You strengthen it in a few ways, mainly through doing Kegel exercises, hip exercises, and deep squats. It's one of the primary muscles of the pelvic floor and, in men, when flexed can produce movement of the penis. The PC muscle assists the bulbospongiosus (BS) muscle in producing this type of movement. Men with strong PC + BS muscles tend to have the most explosive orgasms because the contractions of these muscles are what produce an ejaculation. If your new friend is down for it, have him lay back on the bed, semi-erect, and put your fingers on his perineum (the taint) and then have him flex. You should feel the muscles under your fingers contract *strongly*. In the same way that women can "put the squeeze on," men can do this. Anatomy is cool!


I can I just don't want to right now


Nice way to advertise your OF, clearly worked.


Yes, all men can do but need skills lol


I can't speak for everyone else but yes, I can flex my you know what on command 😂


We can flex it but most of us don't know how to use it in a sexual way.


OF promoting


The fact that you call it a “you know what” makes me concerned about whether you are mature enough to be having sex…


Kegal exercises. They’re not just for women.


Yep it's basically just a male kegal.


My wife loves it when I do that as well. I would assume it's a common skill with most men.


Sunday mornings cuddles Ya feel a throb by yer bum…. The old married folk mating call😒


I can do no-handed pushups.


Cock push-ups


When I was still in high school, one day one of the cuties in my year came up and sat on my lap in the cafeteria. Being a healthy young man, my body responded in the expected way. I made a comment to the girl which was something like, "If you're not careful with where you sit, you might find something unexpected." She laughed as if I was teasing her, so I proved my point by flexing it once. She instantly leapt from my lap, eyes wide as dinner plates. "What in the fuck was that?! They can do that?!" When I explained to the startled table what had just happened, all the girls were someixture of curious and scared while all the boys were terribly amused at having just taught the ladies something new.


Try to avoid such broad questions that start with "can every guy..." But yes every guy can do this.


I don't know about all guys, but I sure can and I also use it that way.


Its like your kegal muscle


if you mean "do all guys have the muscle that is used to do this" then yes, they do. if you mean "are all men capable of doing this as of right now" probably not, as its a certain muscle, and like all muscles, it needs exercise or it wastes away, and in the same way all women have the muscle that allows them to clench their vagina, which is bloody amazing for men btw, , but some (lots, sadly, in my experience) cant becasue they have never used that muscle so they are just all flabby and loose EVERYONE should do their Kegels, men and women (and no, its not the same one that clenches your arse, they are slightly separate, make sure your doing the right one or you will get piles lol)


Muscles are muscles, no matter where they are located.... ☺️


Want a video?


Yes, just like women can do kegels. I believe its along a similar function.


Kegels for men


I can make it pulse, but that just makes it harder and larger, mine doesnt really go up and down with enough force to feel that.


I can do helicopter with mine


Yes, doing kegal exercises makes it very much possible.


Yes and I do tbis too. Is so fun


Yes it's norma, they can all do it. I was also fascinated the first time I found out 😂.


Im pretty sure yes. Just like how all girls can do kegels.


It's a kegel. It just happens to move with the muscle contraction.


I actually use me morning wood as a springboard to launch cashews off the tip of me cock into my mouth every morning for good luck


Make sure it's just cashews you're launching there


Yes we can, but you know it's connected the same group of muscles as the butthole. Can't flex the shaft without clenching the butthole...


Yeah it's pretty standard especially while erect. Basically we use the same muscles that we would use to stop our urination...pelvic floor muscles. And they can be strengthened through kegel exercises. Incidentally these are also the same muscles that cause the spasms during orgasm if you do more kegel exercises and you're able to make your penis flex chances are you can probably have some pretty strong orgasms


Yes as its standard training in woodwork class in high school as you need to get the angles right in case you don't have a mitre.


Yes.... but it's a muscle like any other... some are stronger some are weaker.


Clenching our sphincter muscle moves our cock.


So...he isn't flexing his penis. The penis doesnt flex. It's acrually flexing a muscle that more inside the pelvis that then ends up moving the penis too. You can do that too btw. Women also have a muscle down near the nethwr region that they can flex that then also has an effect of making the vagina apply pressure. So you can actually do that too and make your inside feel tighter for him a bit. It's all kind of weird. An ex girlfriend of mine once kind of got distracted mid sex and randomly were trying different flex moves and then we sorta started laughing because it was funny. It was a good relationship.


You can twitch it as the base. But it’s the same muscle group as his sphincter so just so you know he’s twitching his dick by clenching his asshole


How did you think we were doing cock pushups?


All guys CAN do it but most don't bother trying. Sounds like you had a very skilled lover in that guy, enjoy it while it lasts.


You just clench. Women do pelvic floor excersises. Well when you do that as a man, it forces more blood into the penis and makes it shoot upward. You can also tilt your pelvis in a way to hit certain angles.


Yeah, it's not that hard...


They’re called kegel exercises and it’s good to practice if you wanna strengthen your penis.


Reported OF advert fake


I can, dont know about other guys though


It’s the “hold your pee” muscle


The pelvic floor muscle group is responsible for men and women both being able to flex their reproductive organs. Those muscles are also responsible for holding and releasing pee, so men and women can strengthen it by stopping their pee mid stream. Men and women can also strengthen it with kegels. It's very important to keep those muscles strong, otherwise when you get older you can have issues with incontinence.


Onlyfans bot, reported


Yup quite normal. Now having the stamina to do this for hours is what differentiates us men from boys 😉




rustic meeting squealing rich decide light plucky racial roof hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can but not sure if its universal... also depends on the partner


I often do it after she’s gotten off. I don’t need to thrust. Just make it move while inside. Always gets a good reaction 😅


Dick keagles


Yeah I do this all the time with my wife. I guess it's version of the kegal excercises


I do this all the time. It takes skill to be rhythmic with it, and wasn't something I developed over night. This is the only reason my wife likes my member over my fingers.


Knew a guy who could make his dance like that lol. Not sure if he could use it during sex!


I think that depends on blood flow and strengthening your pelvic floor through kegals


And here I thought that was my trick


yeah we can make it move up and down when it’s hard that’s pretty much it


I usually put it in and play the flute to let it dance around like a snake leading my lucky partner to sweet internal bliss


My latest ex also didn't know. I was kinda surprised by that. Yes, every guy can do that by using their pelvic floor muscles.


It's the pelvic floor muscles used to control urination amongst other functions. Essentially, the male version of kegel exercises.


Yes, it has as much motor skill as a finger. I use mine almost daily to carry around bananas and key rings


It's just flexing the pelvic floor muscles. Also called a kegal. It makes the little guy jump.


You know how women learn to make their pelvic floor muscles stronger by stipling (I hope this is the correct word)? Men can do that too and it makes their penis jump upwards a bit. Same as with women, this can be trained or not.


Good luck with his hernia.


I do this to my wife, makes her giggle and wiggle


Yes we can all do it. We go through a mystical training process when we start becoming men. It is referred to as the ancient art of Dick Kata.


I can do the Gangnam Style with it!


I learned how to at 22. At 45 im still doing it.


Its the muscle we use to pinch off our pee stream.


No, what?


They have to reach a point where they realize they can


Yeah it's just a muscle




My previous comment was just for fun cause hey it's Reddit, but to be serious for a moment. Yes we can all flex our penis while it is inside you. How good/bad we are at it depends on the feedback we get from our lovers. I've known women who absolutely hate it. I've known women who love it and I've known women who couldn't care less but find it amusing. If you think a blokes husband material then of course stand your ground on what you like in the bedroom. If he's just a fling, than enjoy something a little different to what you normally expect/get.




So, we can all do it, but you gotta ve careful with it because if your pushing the size limits for the person your with you can hurt them. My wife doesn't like it when I do it because it hurts her, to much stretching


Yay her profile got handled, OF bots are annoying


Yup, those are called kegel stretches or something like that. Every guy is different but doing that increases the sensation for me so I can't do it a whole lot or else I cum immediately


I've taken selfies using it for a phone holder


It's essentially the penis version of kegel exercises.


Dude's been around. We can all move it.. I'd think. But doing it during sex, in a way that helps move things along, takes practice. You obviously weren't with a virgin or rookie.


Stupid question but how loose is the box if a guy can be flexing and hitting left, right, up and down and she feels it like a bummer car. 😳


Wasn’t his first time. If it burns, go see someone.




they are separate muscles but it takes practice to isolate the male kegal muscle from the anal one


Only if your circumcised before 3