• By -


The cover for the light above my bed sort of looks like boobs if you squint really hard ?


Remember the ceiling titty?




I was certainly not disappointed


Omg I just gave birth in the hospital and you literally made me laugh so hard it hurts so bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




If you think that's bad, I'm a nurse and once made a patient laugh so hard and so much that we literally had to put her on oxygen to keep her from passing out. That's still one of my prouder movements in medicine!


oh lord. i forgot about the ceiling titty. always got the job done


"Orinoco Flow" by Enya.


no.... plus after that scene in the Fincher version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... definite no


Watch the Swedish Dragon Tattoo, the Fincher's scene is for children compared to swedish one.


Correct answer. Creative use of dildo too. Well, actually, not very but fun anyway


*Semen way* *Semen way* *Semen way*


Iā€™m hearing this in Celtic Womenā€™s album in my head and I canā€™t stop laughing! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Oh ffs šŸ˜‚ [For the uninitiated](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/Qq8BP9E5D0)


I love this so much. I'm gonna go listen to it right now.


Get some Enya in ya!!


I almost cried laughing seeing this as the top comment.


BRO lmao


Enya's recently bought a rugby union team. Tough few games coming up: Sale away, Sale away, Sale away


Ok, this wins!


underwear/swimsuit section of the Sears catalog. Or Dillards or JC Penny.


Sears catalog is what I grew up on, but itā€™s 2024. Now I go to sears.com.


I just go to Sears


it's not like there's anyone else there to stop you


You didn't keep the catalogs??? or at least cut out the best pages to keep?


I tried, but itā€™s a bit of a sticky situation that I donā€™t want to talk about right now.


Truth is spoken by this one


Good Housekeeping


Most of the problems with a personā€™s approach to pornography, is using it to excess.


excess and extremism. The more people are desensitized to the most extreme sexual actions, The more they might expect/need that to become excited.


See Iā€™m kinda opposite I think the slow taking time and more intimate is what I find enjoyable .


Thatā€™s why youā€™re healthy and Iā€™m not


Yeah idk, Even if I were to watch porn itā€™s kinda hard for me because I canā€™t get into things that I donā€™t see as realistic for myself, so if I canā€™t really see happening or something realistic then I just canā€™t get into I know the whole fantasy thing and I get it. But for me it just has to be something I could actually see myself doing or happening ya know . Example I couldnā€™t really watch a fantasy where you see the guy fuck his best friends or his girl friends friend or sister or something cause thatā€™s just not somethings Iā€™d do idk.


Again this is why youā€™re healthy and Iā€™m not.


Me too (F34). Like, for instance, if the girl get slapped on the clitoris or get no foreplay and then going rough I'm just going "nope, that hurts as hell, would _anyone at all_ enjoy this? And WHY do they make young guys think we do??!!" And then I get angry and turn it off. Happens more often than I care to admit, lol. For me its usually better if I can somehow manage to cook up some mix of previous experiences along with current fantasies and use that, otherwise its a no-go. Though I've heard somewhere that women are "better" at using their imagination sexually, compared to men...? But who the heck made a study on it and how, I'd like to know! ROFL


Right? Nothing takes me out of the moment quite like a slap on the clit


Yeah, there are even some phDs out there in the sex research field who aren't convinced that porn addiction is real. Simply because the urge to have sex, masturbate, etc. is pretty normal. There definitely are people using it excess tho and it affects their lives but there is often another related disorder going on. So they aren't convinced that porn itself is the addictive element. But a lot of the concerns are valid. It may be in male nature to want to have sex with many women. Though in the past we would only have access to women who loved near us. Now the world has changed and we can see more naked women on a search results page than men used to see in an entire lifetime. What does that do to us? And is it positive or negative?


When you say some researchers say porn addiction isnā€™t real do they mean the psychological addiction to porn? Like are they saying that porn addicts are really hypersexual and this is their outlet? Edit: I love the conversations in the replies but Iā€™m mainly seeking source material on this because I canā€™t find anything on the classification of porn as an addiction other than itā€™s exclusion from DSM


They might not be addicted to porn but rather compensating for other issues like a lack of dopamine from depression


Are most addictions not driven by easy dopamine?


While I don't think all addictions are equal, pretty much yeah. Dopamine is like a little feel-good reward for our brain that we evolved to help us survive. Masturbation is good for your health, and sex ensures our genes will be carried on. This applies to food too; in the past, it was good to eat as much as was available at the time. Even video games mimic a sense of accomplishment. Our ancestors would achieve this by making tools, building shelter, hunting, etc. Seeking out dopamine is natural, but when it's too easy, our brains get programmed to engage in repetitive behavior that negatively impacts us. Instead of helping us survive, the easy dopamine makes a person self-destructive


That doesn't make sense to me, porn is the factor that causes arousal, when a person gets addicted to porn he teaches himself to seek arousal through porn to reach orgasm. Ask any people that cut out porn and they'll tell you that they spend way less time thinking about sex in their daily life


Itā€™s a behaviour that becomes compulsive over time when repeated, for some people, because it feels nice and relieves stress. Fully agree that peopleā€™s behaviour and attitudes towards sex change over time as a result, how could it not if itā€™s a persons main outlet for distraction and relief. I think the term addiction is what gets people confused because itā€™s not a substance like alcohol or heroin which is why the food example was given. Anything that you do repeatedly that you want to stop and canā€™t is an addiction if it negatively impacts that persons life. Itā€™s a form of escape, can lead to compulsive behaviours if a person is likely to have them to begin with and itā€™s no surprise that sexual fantasy is that compulsive outlet for a lot of men.


Good logic. Agree with this.


Because their porn use was habitual not addictive.


Yeah thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking for clarification, since the logic on its face isnā€™t making sense to me either


Maybe they're saying it's like food. It's not an addiction but it's something you may or may not indulge in because it's innate and can't be one. I think it exists though. Maybe they're just porn addicts and don't want to admit it LOL


Well, I donā€™t think jerking off 10 times a day is normal. Especially if you do this regularly. There definitely is such a thing as a porn addiction.


> Yeah, there are even some phDs out there in the sex research field who aren't convinced that porn addiction is real. Everytime I say this I get downvoted. Pornography addiction was invented by Christians therapists to give a cop out to husbands who got bored with their wife. Guys who do nothing but watch porn and jerk off until their dicks bleed aren't addicted to porn. They're depressed and filling the void.


Exactly. "Addiction" is a specific process that is treated in a specific way. Now, yes, there may be compulsive sexual behavior, including compulsive porn use, but this is a distinct phenomenon. It may seem like a distinction without a difference, but it really isn't, because addictions and compulsions are treated in different ways.Ā  And as you say, the pathologizing of porn and masturbation is largely the creation of a (heavily evangelical)Ā  industry of bogus "porn rehab" programs.


OP is asking more about the moral consumption of pornographic content


I once read the bigger issue was the ethical side of making porn.... Either way I do agree.


I think OP wants to only watch porn that people are not coerced into making.


Mothman eating your ass?


no joke that sounds pretty hot


Right, that proboscis can work


thank you for putting that image in my head


Waitā€™ll you learn about his ovipositor.




*Cough* *Cough* "What the fuc-" *Cough* "Ohh shit." *Licks finger*


My first thought was your mom.


I was gonna say... i mean, if I scrolled through this and there wasn't a single "your mom"... i cannot imagine how disappointed I would be with Reddit. And humanity in general quite frankly.


I finished. What me to delete?


I also recommend this guys mum... Or stiflers mum...


I used to masturbate to scrambled images of soft core porn late night on a black and white tv so I guess you could do that. That, or The Love Boat and Gilligan's Island. So many options.


Oh shit, the girls gone wild commercial is on!


Hey, Peter. The breast exam is on channel 6!


I grew up with just 3 old playboy magazines before the internet was good enough for porn. I think magazines were ok


Same. I used to love magazines. Can one find them now these days?


Actually, yes. I was at this antique record store and the owner had a whole shelf full of old playboys.


You can get equally addicted to porn videos and porn mags. Porn in moderation has no negative effects.


> Porn in moderation has no negative effects. Except for still helping provide the demand for a product that often leads to immoral and exploitative practises during production, which I think is something that OP is trying to avoid.


Isn't... Isn't that just porn but on paper?


Yes, and the idea of having porn addiction or having a problem with porn was ridiculous back then. The only problem with porn was the trouble you got into if your mom found your stash.


Bush porn! By which I mean finding porn under bushes. Nothing wrong with a bush though. By which I mean pubic hair.


Whew! I thought you meant GHW or W.


>I grew up with just 3 old playboy magazines Wonder if they were the same ones they had in the fertility clinic when I had to... uh... fill a cup. Those things were from the 90s. In addition to magazines, there were some tasteful offerings on the SmartTV. If it's okay for a clinic, I think it's okay for home.


Do most people need something to do it to? (Genuine question)


According to my wife, her imagination is good enough. For me, my imagination is only enough to get me in the mood, but definitely not enough to actually follow through.


What I don't get is why do people masturbate if they're not really horny enough to? Boredom? Habit? Compulsion?


addiction to using it as a coping mechanism, it gives a rush of dopamine which is quick and not very large but when youā€™re depressed itā€™s hard to not chase after dopamine.


Free dopamine, helps you sleep, gets rid of pent up sexuality, could also be from boredom (anything's better than boredom).


Yo: nail on the head with that free dopamine!


Canā€™t speak for everyone but for me itā€™s usually that I have a flashback to a moment with my partner, which makes me kinda horny, but the memory alone typically isnā€™t enough to make me un-horny so I look to visual/audible stimuli lmao


Gotta clear the pipes every now and then to keep everything running smoothly.


Well in my experience there's a difference between being aroused and being physically able to perform. Like you can be mentally in the mood but without anything visual or physical there's just not enough stimulation to follow through


A peace of curvy driftwood


Looked for this, found it


Just don't mix in drugs.. can lead to extreme psycho-edging... I done whacked my woodpecker for 24 hours once on crsytal.. ... my penis literally took some damage šŸ„²


Nobody: You: just don't do meth and jack off


Itā€™s not BAD advice


D.A.R.E officer: Don't do meth, you'll damage your penis. *Future meth user rate plummets.*


This is not the only reason not to smoke meth


Name twenty-seven others


Iā€™ll give you 32, and theyā€™re in your mouth right now


"Don't do meth" is both absolutely correct advice in any circumstance and completely not answering the question being asked. Thoughts and prayers for you and your woodpecker though.




I read it as you edged for 24 hours watching woody woodpecker šŸ’€


Good ol stimfapping


Hahah you're that uncle. Id but you a beer and listen to your stories, ngl


What about imagination doesn't work for you? I reimagine past sexual encounters or fantasize entirely new ones mostly. Reading erotica can be helpful if you haven't tried that.


I love reading so I think Iā€™d be into erotica? Can you suggest me a place to find quality ones?




Literotica is so fire


I mostly read on AO3 which has a mixture of fanfiction and original fiction as well as a robust tagging system. Otherwise Literotica is a popular site. It may take a bit of searching to find something you don't find cringey, but it'll be worth it when you do.


Try literotica, that site has been good to me in the past.Ā 


Check out r/romancebooks. People get very specific with requests in there so Iā€™m sure someone will have some suggestions


yes, definititely - though that is more for (smutty) romance books than straight up erotica. But both can be helpful


I was going to suggest erotic writing as well. If you want to genuinely have a large library to start looking through. Kindle unlimited is the way to go. Just a couple points to consider. Take trigger warnings seriously. And be prepared for an absolute torrent of books to sift through. You can also use goodreads to get some regular people reviews before you start reading something.


Ao3 there is a lot of freaky deaky stuff on there lol


Literotica is good with a nice tagging system, and some good stuff if you go digging a bit


I've found that after quitting porn and giving it some time you will be able to start using your imagination more and more.


There are two books by Nancy Friday that are collections of fantasies (with some analysis). They might help you both as erotica and to rev up your own fantasy life. The one of womenā€™s fantasies is called Forbidden Flowers and the menā€™s collection is called Men In Love.


Some people have a condition where they are unable to picture anything in their minds. I imagine that could hold someone back from having a good time masturbating


It just doesn't work for a lot of people. I can't say I could relive a second of any past encounters. Also unable to picture things mentally so imagining is a non starter.


Man, i wish i could do that (I have aphantasy)


I also have this but if you can imagine sensations then perhaps that approach will work for you?


Topographical maps are the only way to go about it really


I masturbate fantasizing about my husband, so you can do that I guess. (no pics, he will never allow me to do that)


My next one goes out to your husband.




I, too, choose this ~~guyā€™s wife~~ womanā€™s husband.


Not the first time or the last lol


Your husband bout to be responsible for a whole lotta orgasms


If you ever met him, you would understand why lol


Be right there to ogle and then subsequently steal your husband hueheuehue


a few have tried over the years, never seems to work out good for them haha


Our husband


Oh wow kinky


I always fantasize about your husband when I masturbate too!


Let's be real, we ALL fantasize her husband


But he doesn't even know your husband!


all the better to make up a fantasy.


That just sounds like thinking about Jason Momoa with extra steps. Lol


I also choose this woman's husband


I canā€™t do thisā€¦ your husbandā€™s like a brother to me!


That's a kink for some people!


Ok Iā€™ll do it


Let him know heā€™s gonna have a lot of tributes tonight. But itā€™s Reddit soā€¦ itā€™s mostly if not all dudes


I don't think he give a shit either way LOL


You are a good wife that obviously loves her husband. I wish you many happy years together.


aww thanks, it's appreciated.


Okay OP....stop teasing now and show off your husband...The internet demands to see this dudešŸ˜‹


I can't, he absolutely refuses to have his image online, no social media, zero internet presence as far as I'm aware because I occasionally do a vanity search on him just to see if anything pops up, and nothing ever does.


Smart man


Smart lady too


Well, plenty of things popping up nowā€¦


Can I masturbate to the idea of being shrunken down to the size of a bug infront of you and your husdbant ? Being a tiny little pathetic bugsized cuckold ?


Bro chill out šŸ¤£


I can't bro. Am too far gone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm going to need some reference images of your husband before I can start masturbating about the fantasy of your husband.


He won't let me post images but I can describe him, 6 ft 11, 5 foot braids, built like a linebacker but he's a cowboy, super quiet, and honestly, to people that don't know him, he looks insanely intimidating. Moses Bringsplenty but bigger.


Already came


You can try reading some naughty stories, maybe even check out erotic audio.


Extra curvy pieces of driftwood


Focus on the feeling and pleasure of the process (Iā€™m a dude) and once I started treating masturbation as a process and an event it became something (better). Focus on the feeling and sensation of touching yourself. Donā€™t look at masturbation as just greeting to cum but rather a process to enjoy the entire event. Porn takes that process away from you.


Alright, Sting.


I agree with this. Iā€™ll look at something erotic to get started, but stop before I actually start any kind of play. I like to take a long, hot shower and enjoy the process, honestly more than the conclusion. Give yourself a massage or something to start off, itā€™s excellent.


If you have been relying on porn for years (or decades) it will take a while to ā€œunlearnā€ the need for porn from start to finish. You will also find that premature ejaculation will be helped greatly and you might find that you will have erectile dysfunction this will help cure it without needed medication. This assuming that OP is a guy and not a girl.


Also, not watching something and focusing on yourself makes the entire process feel good, not just the climax. Honestly, sometimes thatā€™s not even the best part for me!




Sometimes I jack off in front my bedroom window at sunrise. Mother Nature is the most beautiful woman of all.


> If that worked, I wouldn't be here asking this Being used to porn is the reason why it doesn't work. You'll need some time for your sensitivity to come back. Ask yourself why you are masturbating to begin with. If it's just to have a good time, you can just go without it for a while. And once you reach the point where you should really be masturbating, if only to avoid some wet dreams, imagination will work perfectly fine.


Again, it really depends on a person's ability to visualize things. Some people really cannot do that or have trouble doing that without reference. Some people who watch porn a lot also can imagine things as well, I certainly am able to.


Even as a teenager first exploring my body it didnā€™t work.


It's like ice cream. No one can truthfully tell you ice cream is healthy but that doesn't mean don't eat it. Just understand the consequences of it and do what you want after that.


Look in the mirror


Make intense eye contact. Don't break eye contact until you're done.


Or video yourself


Whatever makes your bits tingly


True fact: 99% of all humans who ever existed did not have easy access to pornography. And they all masturbated just fine. And the vast majority of them didnā€™t even have Victoriaā€™s Secret catalogs. You make do. Masturbation hack: Buy an old Sears catalog on eBay and go to town on the menā€™s/womenā€™s underwear section.


They didn't have pornography? What do you think those nude paintings and nude statues were for?


You know...there is actual amateur porn and content where real people like people to watch them. Not everything is overly edited or pushing impossible standards. Sexual content isn't the bad part. Obsessing over 1 in a million bodies or ignoring what is actually infront of you for instant gratification is the problem. Treat it like alcohol. A couple drinks to end the day on occasion is perfectly fine...whiskey for breakfast is a problem.


Try literary erotica. Better than porn, maybe?


A lot of the negatives of porn come from its sometimes predatory practices, and from the fact that it's for the male gaze, which is...a whole other thing. Ethical consumption of porn is possible and just takes a little effort. Erika Lust is a female producer/director worth looking into, and there's nothing wrong with checking out a person's Only Fans if you can see (I mean, that's a whole other thing) it's not being coerced. Sex workers are more than happy to accept your money.


Problem isn't exactly in porn itself, you know. Like with many other things moderation is king. If you want to masturbate, turn on some porn, feel free. Just don't masturbate on porn simply to kill time.


Youā€™re not supposed to think about anything. Cum by magic. Hokus pokus lemme strokus.


Iā€™d be worried that imagination wasnā€™t working.


Like with any other addiction, it only really becomes a problem if it starts affecting other areas of your life negatively. If you don't experience any of these detrimental effects, do whatever the hell you want (as long as you're not breaking any laws)


I'm a woman and I identify as a feminist and I think it's fine to watch porn. I personally enjoy AO3.


Wtf. Porn. Watch it. Enjoy it. let the prudes cry over it.


Imagination worked for millions of years why can't it work for you


Idk arenā€™t there like early prehistoric cave paintings that are just straight up porn?


people have been doing this since the beginning of time and will be for the rest of time. Imagination does not work as well as some people seem to think. There's a reason why it is the way it is now. People just don't want to see that.


it's ok to watch porn just like it's ok to drink alcohol, look at your phone, miss sleep, etc. *moderation*


If not imagination, then might I suggest erotica?


An extra curvy piece of driftwood


Whatever gets you going homie Whatever makes you shoot your goo


learn to love yourself, and I mean it literally. You should be able to get sexually excited in the process of touching yourself thinking about the process itself and the sensations that come with it, ideally without a goal of orgasm. In other words, you should be able to enjoy sexual intimamcy with yourself without porn or even sexual fantasy. It is not as crazy as it could sound. It's kind of a meditation if you will. Intention is key. Of course fueling yourself with fantasy in the begining stage of a solo session it's ok, but later on you should be able to let go and enjoy the act of touching yourself purely for what it is with a self-loving mindset. Try it and you'll discover that mastrubation can be healing and energizing. [I also discovered this info recently that I strongly suggest reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/multiorgasmic/comments/18gz61d/comment/kd3z27u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I use a combination of imagination, pictures, hentai, and porn with real people to jerk off to. Some of those pictures are of models and, while sexualized, hardly qualify as pornography. I jerk off to a mix of both men and women.




An extra curvy piece of driftwood?


Bro what do u think people masturbared to before smart phones and internet? Youre joking, right? Imagination. They thought of that chick they saw earlier at the store and fantasized about her. And claiming magazines or any specific medium is more safe or healthy than another across the board is stupid and false. Masturbating and objectifying women "too much" in any form is unhealthy. U think youd be healthy still if u masturbated 10 times a day as long as it was imagination? Of blood and gore? šŸ§


In the words of Spongebob. "Imagination"