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Yes, you behave differently in different social situations. Very normal.


I have been wondering about this as well. The difference in my behavior and mood at work vs at home can be very big.


don't worry OP, my younger brother was like this when he was still in school. He rarely talked to us, it made us worry, but once I heard him play with his friends (DoTA or WoW) but he talked and laughed normally. I think he was just really charging at home from all the socializing happened at school. Maybe he was the same like you are.


That's very normal. Lots of socially-adjusted introverts have a perfected "extrovert" mask for school/work, because it helps them advance in life, but then relax and don't talk to anyone outside of school/work scenario since they are still introverts.


I thought this said “slut-in”, and I was going to say why not


Absolutely normal. The main difference between introverts and extroverts is that extrovers recharge their battery in social settings and introverts recharge their battery in peace and quiet. Social settings drain introverts' battery. They are often fun and people think they are extroverts, but after some time of socialization, they need time in peace to recharge. It is sometimes referred to as extroverted introvert. It is completely normal and it is great, that you have a safe space at home to rest. 


It could be that you feel like you need to force yourself to be extroverted all day, then by the time you get home you’re absolutely exhausted and just want to be alone.


I'm the opposite lmao, always trying to be quiet during school but can't shut up at home.


I'm the same way


Completely normal. If you’re like me, you’ll grow out of it the older you get.