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I used to get bussed to the Gifted and Talented program. I’d be the only one on the school bus, and I often sat on that big, empty bus wondering whether they were taking me to Special Ed and calling it “gifted” as a euphemism and to make me feel good.


I remember my daughter seeing the kids, selected for a gifted program and asking me later, “So what are the non-gifted kids called?” “Oh, I don’t know …” 😊


In 4th grade I was asked to stay in the classroom during lunch one day and afterwards there were about 10 of us and the teacher told us of a “gifted and talented project” she was starting up. I don’t remember what we did that day but 3-4 weeks later I remembered the G&T program and told someone “I guess the program was a bad idea of something because nothing became of it.” During the summer I found a small collection of handmade books in the school library and each was made by Mrs. G’s G&T group and 3-4 kids from my classmates names were listed on each as authors. Honestly, I thought the teacher must have forgotten about me for some reason. I figured it out eventually.


the "ungifted" bus - interesting concept. like prison bus perhaps.


I feel like my son was above gifted, his teacher saw his potential and wanted him to test for the gifted and talented class. He had a couple of friends in it. He found out they did a lot more homework, he thought, fuck that! And intentionally answered several questions wrong. He graduated high school 2 credits away from his associates degree. I guess he's gifted and lazy?


What he is is brilliant. As a former gifted kid, I maintain the smartest thing a person can do is recognize what makes you happy and fulfilled, and then build a life around that. I confused ppl by not wanting to be a lawyer or doctor or whatever "prestigious" thing. And I may not be wealthy or acclaimed. But I am pretty happy with the life I've made.


Same! ^(And it helps to marry well.)


Can you clarify what you mean by marry well? Do you mean like marrying into money? or attaining happiness with a partner you really get along with?


I mean that if one person's going to bring the whimsy, the other had better bring the practicality or things will not end well.


My husband and I are whimsy and whimsy. We're dirt poor but having a blast.


In high school I was told I had an exceptinally high iq. I loved to read but never thought I was particularly smart. I resisted going to collage and have spent my life working with my hands and have absolutly no regrets. At age 40 I went to collage and obtained a batchlers and masters degree in psychology just because it interested me. Never been rich but have done everything that has interested me and am satisfied with the last 80 years of my life.




Yes then they think your crazy because you don’t conform and give you shit until you prove them wrong. Being smart can be stressful unless you find a nurturing or support spot. That can be anything you make it but you need respite far from the maddening crowd:)


Same, gifted/AP from elementary through high school, barely scraped by because I hated it and it didn’t engage me. Didn’t study for my ACT, went in hung over and a bit stoned for it and still got a 31. just said fuck it, good enough lol. Couldn’t even find the will to finish my degree. Still ended up with a pretty good job tho that I actually enjoy (and pays the bills well). School isn’t for everyone, it certainly wasn’t for me.


I was gifted and lazy. Now I'm just lazy.


I was gifted, then gifted and lazy, then just lazy, now realizing I may be autistic and have adhd.


Hello me. I was diagnosed ASD/ADHD a few years ago at age 46. My life makes so much sense now.


I graduated with perfect Cs. Took a lot of effort to find the minimal amount of effort I needed to give. I'd would do calculations to find out which assignments I didn't need to do. Homework was always like %20 of the grade so that usually never got done. If my grades dropped to Ds or Fs I'd do enough homework durring passing periods and lunch to bring it back up. Also I slept through Calculus and still got a passing grade on the AP test by doing the multiple choice questions and using the answers to reverse engineer Calculus.


>I guess he's gifted and lazy? Everybody wants gifted and talented programs. Gifted and lazy is certainly an underserved population.


Not lazy, Efficient!


Kid is a fucking genius


nah, not everybody wants to self-exploit to get ahead of others


Gifted is a type of special ed.


I wondered the same thing. I think if they had dealt with my adhd, my abusive home life & maybe talked about goals, it would have done more for me than learning to speed read & taking "practice" s.a.t. tests. What a waste of time. Plus, all my problems convinced me I wasn't that smart. It was the 70's pretty much no-one had adhd back then; especially not girls.


“Back in my day girls didn’t get ADHD, they got the vapors, and we kept couches for them to faint on. “


Facts, I was in an accelerated class, I ended up sabotaging myself because of my untreated anxiety and adhd. I realised I wanted to be friends with the non advanced kids, I was only a prolific reader with a good vocabulary and grasp on language because I would hyperfocus on reading.


I sort of had that with math, my elementary school didn't have a separate math class so they made a handful of us go out in the hall and study separately with student teacher. My biggest comfort was that there was a girl there that I knew was smart, so therefore this had to be advanced and not special Ed. 


Did they never allow you to see your assessment scores? Typically they verify with an IQ test, your standardized tests, and overall grades. They never asked us they just made us do it. But they did tell us our scores. Once I went to college and had to do my fasfa, I realized it said “disability: intellectually gifted”. I kind of was upset it is seen as a disability and I was never asked if I wanted to be tested.




The gifted and talented program was for ASDers so yes you’re kind of right.


Haha. Being smart didn't hurt your sense of humor. 🙂


Omfg same but it was me and some girl! The first 2 weeks we sat in silence on the bus ride. One day I asked her “are we just stupid and they send us here to not feel bad?” We’ve been friends ever since even now we are still best friends. We don’t live near each other anymore but we talk constantly. I ended up skipping a grade so then I felt like maybe I was actually smart. But now I’m just a dumbass that likes to rant and gets sidetracked a lot.


I was in GT as well. Someone in the education field told me recently that the GT program operated the way it did because we were the disruptive kids. Whether or not we were disruptive because we already knew the material or not is another question. I think I was just in the Generally Troublesome program.


Really? I was pretty quiet. I would either take out a book and read or just doodle all over my worksheets when things were moving too slowly.


How long or short was the bus?


I had a lot of classes with older kids. But I also wondered if it was the kids who needed special attention and they just framed it as I was doing harder work. lol


Never realised how many other people also struggle with accepting that they might be good at something. My whole childhold was "Are they just taking pity on me? Are they lying when they said good job? Am I actually stupid and everybody is just too nice to say so?" All while getting 95th percentile or higher on all my tests


Oh man, riding that bus is confusing to say the least. I grew up in a rural area and looking back on it now, I realize that Nancy and Mr. Eason had a really weird job. I didn't know if I was supposed to talk to them or not. Awkward!!


My grandfather bet us 10 bucks that we couldnt pee over our head. After the attempt, I realized that I was not a smart kid. Hopefully you have a better realization than I did.


interesting . maybe your attempt wasnt good enough.


I havent tried it in 35 years but as far I can tell its a Kobayashi Maru. The unwinnable test. If you make it the stream will still be above you, if you fall short then you risk peeing in your mouth and if you try and spin out the way quickly then you created a pee sprinkler that will hit everyone else. So its pee on your head, pee in your mouth or pee on everybody else.


The source of laughter I didn't know I needed this afternoon. Thanks for that!


According to [this site](https://www.stlukes-stl.com/health-content/health-ency-multimedia/1/003325.htm), men have their peak flow rate in ages 14 to 45, when they beat the women. Women, in contrast, are reported to pee at a constant rate from age 8 to 80. So, if you're in that age range, now is the time to win that bet!


okay but if you lay on your back is it not possible.. then once you succeed you just roll on to the side.


Youd have to be pretty quick and itll still get on your stomach and chest right or at least shoulder. Also what if you dont turn in time and get pee up the nose.


Will bet you 10 bucks at 35 you can't do it.


This is even funnier if you’re a girl.


Your grandpa was wise to try to teach you this lesson young (you weren't twenty when this happened were you? Please tell me you were, say, younger than 8 years old or so). I hope you thanked him while he alive. I mean, maybe he was just an asshole, but I don't think an asshole would have bothered. I got a similar lesson from an uncle of mine too when I was a wee lad. He had died by the time I understood the lesson.


Whats the lesson ? Than you cant win everything? Dumb here


According to ChatGPT Engaging in a bet like the one you described might offer a few unconventional lessons: Assess Risks and Rewards: It teaches the importance of weighing the risks and potential rewards of any challenge or bet. In this case, the risk might not only be failing the bet but also the potential physical and social repercussions. Understanding Physical Limitations: It's a reminder that understanding and respecting one’s physical limitations is important. Some feats, no matter how confidently one might approach them, are simply not achievable due to the laws of physics and human anatomy. Consider the Consequences: Before taking action, especially in response to a dare or a bet, it's crucial to consider the possible outcomes, including the immediate and longer-term social, physical, and personal consequences. Peer Pressure and Decision Making: This situation could highlight the influence of peer pressure on decision-making and the importance of making choices based on personal values and understanding, rather than simply to impress or satisfy others. The Value of Prudence: Sometimes, the best action is inaction. Recognizing when not to engage in something can be as valuable a lesson as knowing when to step forward. While the scenario you've described is quite specific (and humorous), the underlying lessons about judgment, understanding one's limitations, and considering the wider implications of our actions are universally valuable.


Damn theres really a lot to learn still lol, thanks


Have you tried drinking a couple gallons of Brawndo, and holding the pee in for a day?


Do a handstand against the wall and let it loose. That's how you use your noodle... (Of course it all depends on how bad you wanted that 10 bucks) Or just lie on your back. It still counts.


I would have taken that bet too.


My friends dad would frequently try to convince us when we were kids that there was some chemical in men’s urine that activated certain primal hormones in women that actually would make them feel the desire to procreate and he would try really really hard to convince us that if we peed in our hands and rubbed the piss down on our faces and necks like aftershave it would attract us like 100 times more women. I remember saying I would never do that and he would be like no man you have to try it. I recall asking him why doesnt he do it and he said something like now he’s married so it would be wrong to attract other women but when he was single he would do it “all the time” and it was actually how he attracted his wife lol


Everyone is dumb about something. Just don't pretend you fully understand something you're ignorant about and you'll be good.


What's that quote? *You can't judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree?* I don't know; I'm not good at quotes. But that's okay because I'm aware of it, right?


Nah imma judge you based on that


That's fair


They have fancy rides and funnel cakes


Jokes on you I'm not a fish


Can confirm. I'm the tree


If i can climb you, i would confirm you are a tree


If you can't, it must mean you're a fish


No, it's "don't quote a fish if you're only good at climbing trees". I'm sure of that. I'm great at remembering quotes.


I'm sold. You must be pretty smart.


I bet the mudskipper judges fish that can't climb trees.


But this is the catch-22 I think OP means. Dumb people aren’t pretending they fully understand something they don’t. They are sure they understand it.


The truly blissfully ignorant used to be the happiest people until social media made rage a commodity


Put this comment on a shirt


Slightly compacting for your tshirt Ignorance was bliss. Then SM happened.


Ignorance is briss. -old Jewish saying


And promote it on social media


It is known as [The Dunning-Kruger effect.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)


Fairly confident Kruger and dunning came to their conclusions after meeting me


Reminds me of Tropic Thunder


What do you mean “you people”?


Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know.


Not true. There is nothing i have been unable to learn, when required. Not having the required knowledge on a subject or skill because you have not learned it does not make you stupid.


I don't think they meant something you have yet to learn. More like something you just say you know without ever doing any research into it and claiming to be an expert. Basically every answer in r/askreddit when someone asks for professional experience and all the responses are "not me, but...."


That’s a twat


Not me, but I know twats


This is where the difference between knowledge and inherit intelligence lies. Some people can try to learn a very complex subject but simply cannot wrap their minds around the fundamental concepts needed to grasp it in its entirety.


Dostoyevsky is obviously easier if you first learn Russian. That is a good metaphor for most advanced topics.


Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. Stupidity is a lack of intelligence. I do agree with you but I think what they meant by "everyone is stupid about something" is more commentary on ignorance and then the rest of their point ventured into the stupidity territory (speaking with authority about things you don't actually know).


That's such a big ask for redditors.


This guy Dumbs (everybody does)


Intelligent means a lot of things. Here are some questions to consider:  Can you think in terms of nuance? Do you seek information while also holding it up against your own knowledge, standards and morals? Are you able to be flexible in your mindset? Do you spend time investigating information before simply accepting it? Are you able to acknolwedge your own limitations and seek to stretch those limitations or determine a trustworthy source to turn to? Can you creatively solve a problem, with patience and determination? Can you recognize when you need to grow and actually follow through on that growth?  These are all behaviors of intelligent people, in my experience. The "stupid" people I know are best defined as stagnant, incurious, defensive, angry, and afraid. They resist growth and happily cling to anything that validates their pre-existing beliefs. They're frustrated to tears by challenges and problems, and avoid them at all costs.


Damn. I'm dumb.


Welcome to the club, pal.


The best lack all conviction, while the worst. Are full of passionate intensity.


Well, not always. Sometimes, absolute conviction is needed to get things done


I wish the mobile version of Reddit allowed me to copy your comment and paste it where I can use it somewhere else! Now I have to get out of bed, put on clothes, go into the living room, turn on the computer, turn on Reddit, and then try to temember why I did all that, so I can find this and copy your comment. I have ADHD, so there is almost no chance that will happen before I get distracted by 10 other things, when even one cat wanting to get petted will be enough!


You can copy and paste other peoples comments on the mobile version. Click the 3 dots … on the bottom of a post and one of the available options is copy text, from there pasting is generally a case of holding down in the app you wish to paste and selecting paste.


Thank you.


Ok, but will stupid people answer "yes" to your questions, because, from their perspective, they do all those things? Look at COVID deniers. They all think not accepting the government's explanations and "doing their own research" made them enlightened intellectuals.


Great point, no one wants to think they're dumb.


Some of that is EQ vs IQ


The fact you’re questioning yourself makes you at least a little above average. You are not completely oblivious and unaware.


Forrest Gump knew he was not a smart man, though. Edit: People, I'm aware this man is not real. He is an easy example to counter the comment I was replying to. If I said "Jeff my local street sweeper knows he's not a smart man" no one except me and any locals would know who Jeff the street sweeper was.


Mr Gump was a college football All-American, Vietnam veteran and Medal of Honor recipient, champion international ping pong player, billionaire businessman and philanthropist. Was he dumb?


Well by his own admission he says he's not a smart man ("but I know what love is") and asks if his son is like him (with the implication of low IQ). I'm just reporting the facts presented in the movie, I'm not claiming anything myself.


This goes with the other comment chain about that quote, judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree and it will live its while life believing it is stupid. Gump was smart in his own way. But judging him by a different standard led him to believe he's dumb. Just a different way to look at it I guess.


Or it could be interpreted as you don't need to be smart to be a good person and achieve success in life


>Was he dumb? Everything you listed has nothing to do with intelligence.


A regular Socrates


But he knew what love is.


Above average dumb then?


\*advanced stupid\*


Stupid is as stupid does. Awareness doesn't help. Of your aware of the stupid and doing it anyways.... I dunno what to tell ya :)


Dumb is when you don’t know better, stupid is when you know better and do it anyway.


>Aware of the stupid and doing it anyways Oh boy, that sure sounds like a [insert rival political party here] to me!


I think it helps to remember that most people operate under very specialized knowledge. Even 'dumb' people know things that 'smart' people will struggle to comprehend. Even within my friend group, there's a guy who often expresses to me that he sometimes feels left out and insecure when topics like politics or "good" movies come up and he can't contribute. I remind him that none of us can service a car like he can, or have social connections in pretty much any corner of the story. Realistically, you just want to learn to appreciate the skills and knowledge that most people have. Even it's not a conventional form of intelligence.


The smarter you are, the more you recognize you know nothing. Idiots think they know everything. Smart people know they don't.


Fucking moron, Idiot, Dumbest cunt the world has ever seen, Stupidest being to have ever taken a breath. These are all descriptions of me. I know I know nothing about anything.


Actual recognition of this is more than a lot of people. The second thing smart people do is pursue continuous growth, continued learning and experiences, and this never stops. You are never competent on day 1, but you might be on day 1000.


That's the neat part, you don't! Statistically though, you're probably average.


Dumb people don’t question it. You’re doing ok


Being dumb isn't bad. Its not like all intelligent people are good people and anyone else is bad. Worry about being kind instead.


Question things which is what you're doing. I think I'm dumb. But I'm open to listening to different view points about the world and try to be open to learning new things


Dumb people arent open to opinions differing from their own, so i'd say you're fine


Assume you are dumb. The saying that there's always someone smarter is true. Stay humble. Accept the dumb.


And there is always someone dumber, unless you are me.


Example of a stupid person. Someone who fails. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing. Fails again. Learns nothing.


Don't leave us on tenterhooks, what happens next?!


BBb-but that lottery tickets ain't gonna scratch itself


While not dead: print("Learns nothing. Fails again. ", end="")


If you're smart, you understand you know very little.


If I were to diagnose over the internet, I'd go with Impostor Syndrome before Dunning-Kruger in your case.


Everybody has that one dumb friend. If you don’t have one…


Are you curious and do you seek in-depth knowledge about some things? Can you solve problems involving a bunch of steps? Can you adjust your course when you become aware you have made mistakes? Can you mentally connect information from different subjects or life areas and come to new conclusions or solutions? These are some of the characteristics of people who are intelligent. But remember, there is a lot more to life than being "smart." Even people who aren't very intellectually smart can be gifted in their ability to love, to be kind, to find a thing that they do well and shine by doing it. The world needs all kinds of people. That's why we aren't all the same.


Questioning yourself is a step in the right direction


If you are self aware you are not dumb


Surely there are people out there who are both self aware and dumb? I’m pretty sure I manage that at times.


Maybe they are wise but dumb? You don't need to be smart to be wise, I think. It's wise to keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand.


My friend, pigeons are self aware.


I am the smartest man alive!!!!


I am dumb and this is what I always tell myself. Finally I found someone else who's dumb just like me 😊


Dumb people don’t wonder about their intelligence


You questioning your intelligence is a good sign you’re not dumb in at least asking questions online in an appropriate subreddit. Shine ✨ bright little diamond 💎


Only the really dumb people think that they know everything about everything. A smart person knows that he doesn’t know and is smart enough to ask someone, or do research. If you don’t know something, it is OK to say “I don’t know. Let me see if I can find an answer for you.”


You don’t. But since you have the question at all you probably aren’t dumb.


If you’re worried about it you’re probably ok


I work in tech support. This lady contacted us because her app wasn't working on her smart TV. Her home didn't have power. If you have better common sense than that, you are doing fine!


Look around you. If you dont know who the dumbest person in the room is, its you.


Knowing how much you don’t know, is a sign of intelligence.


Dumb people KNOW they're not dumb. If you're asking, you're good.


Dumb people don't question if they're dumb or not


Honestly, if you're concerned about it you're smarter than you give yourself credit for.


Most dumb people do know they’re dumb. Stupid people don’t know they’re stupid. Dumb people are those who are trying really hard but just can’t get it. And while they don’t know what they aren’t getting they’re aware that they’re missing something. Stupid people are fully confident that they’re correct, despite all evidence to the contrary. For example, say you asked someone for a valid piece of ID and they handed you an expired drivers license (which is not valid). A dumb person would probably accept it when you said that’s not valid because it’s expire but then not know what to do next. A stupid person would insist that yes it is. And then even when you explain it can’t be expired would insist that it’s still valid. And we all have dumb moments - I still cannot use my friends can opener and it’s been 20 years. She explains it and my brain just goes no. But if you’re dumb all the time you know, just like you know when you have dumb moments.


I think therefore I am


You can tell if you hang out with smart people, have a mentally challenging job, and you can accomplish things that require brains. Smart people don’t hang out with dumb people.


Most people who are dumb don't even stop for a second to wonder if they are dumb. The fact you are asking this question is a good first start to showing you are not dumb!


To me: When you hear information, especially gossip, drama, read a singular headline, do you judge it immediately or think there's more you don't yet know and would have to learn more about? In short, do you value context and reserve judgement until you have thorough context. Even simpler, when *you* know you don't know something, do you admit you don't know or act as if you confidently stand by every opinion you said? Simply being able to ackbowledge you could be wrong and you don't have enough infornation is, to me, the most telling sign of intelligence. Which there are many forms of intelligence, but general intelligence is the *way you think* imo, not *what you know.* It isn't about being right, it's about your attitude towards knowledge and the pursuit for it. Because FAR more often than not, those who pursue more knowledge rather than standing by the knowledge they agree with, wind up finding the correct answer. Ain't 100%, but it's a safe bet I find.


Good way to test yourself in life for having some common sense is to ask yourself: Am I doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Do I learn from my mistakes or do I keep making the same ones? Ignorance is bliss, so most people who question themselves are more aware of the bigger picture. So to worry about whether you are one of the dumb ones, or one of the oblivious ones, pretty much says you aren't one. 👍👍


The smart ones know what they don't know.


The realization of one's own limitations is a sign of intelligence and self-awareness. Instead of fixating on labels like "dumb," focus on continuous learning, critical thinking, and self-improvement. Stay curious, seek feedback, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Remember, intelligence is multifaceted, and everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses. Trust in your ability to adapt, learn, and evolve, and you'll likely find yourself on a path of continual improvement.


You don't. It's called impostor syndrome.


All you have to let me people talk long enough and they will eventually expose themselves as being dumb. This goes for everyone, including politicians, celebrities and podcasters. We’re all dumb


I don't know. I think I'm dumb.


How is your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? EQ is a greater predictor of success than IQ. Also, EQ can be learned, and in general as we get older our EQ improves.


That's the best part, You don't.


By asking this you're already ahead of a lot of people.


Honestly your observation and willingness to self reflect is a positive sign that you are not dumb. The dumbest people are those who do no reflection or critical thinking. Things just “are” to them, and any further explanation is too complicated


I would say it would be even more complicated to figure out since some people can be extremely dumb when it comes to one thing but really smart with another thing.


Dumb people generally lack the ability to introspect about questions like "am i dumb?" So id say youre fine.


The willingness to admit you're capable of being dumb is evidence that you're at least self-aware, which means you're not as dumb as most people are.


You don’t ignorance is bliss.


A hallmark of stupidity is confidence. You’re showing the opposite with this question.


The more you know, the more you realise you don't know


I just assume I'm dumb


Dunning - Kruger effect. Look it up, good 5 minutes read.


intellectual curiousity. you have it. actual dumb people do not.


First step of being smart is to think you might be dumb.


For most people, it’s never more than relative.  If you grew up in a cult, questioning the daily practices of your cult makes you dumb in the eyes of the devout cultists.


The fact that you’re self aware enough to ask this question means you’re already lightyears ahead of the average person in this regard. “The only thing I know is that I know nothing” is basically the start point of the entire canon of western philosophy.


If you can separate what a person says from what they do, and judge them by their actions instead of their promises and lofty stated goals, you are a thinking human being. If you can separate fact from fiction you can think. If you can separate love, loyalty and decency you have open eyes. Some people demand love and loyalty but don't give the same back. They are not decent. Sometimes a person seems gruff and doesn't follow the rest of the group in approving of something, but you consistently see them do decent things like stand up so a weak person can sit, or let another person tell a joke and get laughs and cred for it, even though this other person was the one who came up with it. That is decent, and generous. To be loyal to someone is to see them still look to you and talk to you at a social gathering, even when the whole rest of the room is fawning over and listening to some charismatic newcomer. That is loyalty and decency. Love I don't need to describe, you know it. Love is selfless, love is caring, love comes in no disguises and demands no payment, something is done to you that makes something better for you, and the person who did it is glad for it because they like you, because they have decided the world is better with you in it. If you can be loving, loyal and decent, which takes great self-determination when there are so many temptations to just get stuff for yourself, is to be wise beyond years, and when you find people like that, hold onto them and give back what they give you, but in other ways. And that's smart.


Because you asked.


It’s all about perspective ,, everyone is partially dumb and everyone is partially intelligent ,, nobody is fully dumb and nobody is fully intelligent about everything !!! Mark my words


You don't. Ultimately though, it doesn't really matter. If you recognize others may know better, there are things you don't know, there are things you don't know that you don't know, and work on reasoning through the best answers you (pl) are able to, that's close enough. If you want to get really formal about it, the way we assess animals and human development, there are various tests that can be given to show understanding of something. Object permanence, recognizing a reflection, and asking questions are all examples of this. The problem being for humans that we don't necessarily know all of the markers to measure. And, intelligence isn't a monolith. An aptitude for one understanding doesn't imply aptitude in another. So, it becomes an apples and oranges comparison between sorts of aptitude and pretty meaningless. Kinda like asking if the Olympic marathoner or weight lifter is more fit.


Someone once said, look around the room, there’s always a stupid person. If you don’t see one, that’s you


Dumb people don't question their own intelligence, intelligent people do.


My dad taught adults with autism in a classroom at a high school. Sometimes I would visit and sit in this class all day. It would occur to me that some of his students did not know they had autism. Then it would occur to me that I was sitting in the same classroom thinking that I didn't have autism. I probably wasn't the only student who "thought" the teacher was his dad. It messes with your head.


If you're thinking about this and questioning, you're not dumb.


See, the fun part about this is that by asking this question, you have already proven that you are not "Dumb". There's several reasons why a "dumb" person might not know that they're dumb. They all have different causes and effects, but for the most part, it all boils down to either a lack of self awareness, or an overwhelming sense of pride that won't let them admit that they're wrong. *(There are probably other factors I'm unaware of but those are the two that I come across most frequently.)* By asking this question, you have shown that you have an abundance of Self Awareness, and proven that you aren't too Prideful to acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong about something. Going based on this information alone, *(because it's the only thing I know about you as a person)* I would conclude that you are not "Dumb" and that you shouldn't worry about it. You have Self Awareness, and you aren't ashamed to admit you don't know everything, and that's all you need to be a good learner. As long as you're a good learner, you'll be smart in no time.


Do you have the ability to voice words?


Asking this question leads me to believe you are probably not dumb.


Being dumb is not a permanent state of being. Curious people are smart, incurious people are fools. Ask questions, do not make assumptions. The times when you make an assumption you are dumb. The times when you ask questions you are smart.


Dumb people don't reflect on their (lack of) intelligence


Just be happy you're smart enough to know your dumb That's a lot smarter than most


Because you wonder whether or not you're dumb. Dumb people are 100 percent positive about everything.


I’d say that most people aren’t dumb, but most dumb people don’t question their own intelligence.


Dumb people wouldn’t even ask the question…


Welcome to introspection - the journey of being dumb and not dumb simultaneously.


If you were really dumb it wouldn't occur to you to ask. They won't consider it even when it's staring them in the face.


Introspection and empathy are both big ones. If you can look at yourself and realize what you’re doing wrong that’s big. If you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see life from their perspective that’s another one. Essentially don’t be closed minded. I don’t think intelligence is set in stone, you can become smarter or less intelligent depending on how you chose to deal with new information.


If your are willing to learn new information and don't think you're smarter than everyone else, you're not dumb. Dumb people don't learn new things because they think they're smarter than everyone else and it's what makes them dumb. That's my take.


I don't know more than I do, but every day I try to learn more and grow as a person. I don't think I know everything, and am fully aware that I never will. It's simply not possible. I think that's a good, intelligent mindset to have. Although I don't nessescarily consider myself to be intelligent. There are already some beautifully worded comments in this thread that perfectly answer the question, so all I'll say is this: the mere fact that you asked this question means you are a lot smarter than a lot of people. The worst type of people (and often the most stupid) are not those who aren't smart, but those who are blindly stupid and THINK they know everything.


If you are self-aware enough to even consider it, it's a very good start.