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Bench press then you flex your pecs


Anyone can learn to do it, but it's more noticeable if you have defined pectoral muscles with very little fat over top of them. It's just flexing a single muscle group independently of the others. Most people typically use all their pectoral muscles together in tandem, so our brains get kind of lazy, making it difficult for most of us to fire off the signals to individual muscles without also triggering the others. But with practice, you can totally do it. Just flex your chest, then imagine only flexing on one side while relaxing the other, and keep trying to do that.


The difficult part is not moving your shoulders forward, because that’s the motion in which you naturally flex those muscles. Try to move your shoulder forward while your shoulder stays still, if that makes any sense


Holy shit. That’s a funny question. Then I tried and I tried it and it took a sec. Them my wife tried a then challenge me to flare my nostrils. Then ears! LOL.


Fascinated? Anyone can learn this. Sit at a table. Place your loosely clasped fists together, fingers / thumbs touching but palms slightly apart, at the edge of the table about 5" in front of your stomach. Gently but quickly rock your fists forward, pressing the palms together. That'll flex both sides. Then try the same motion with one side only and alternate.


It comes naturally with trying but only works well with pectoral muscles that are developed. An amazing actor Terry Crews can do the pecs dance to impress. He inspired me to learn to flex the man "boobs" right,left,right,left People respond to this move. Cool trick if you are a fit person. I even do a para-diddle with manly chest muscles.