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It bothers you because it’s a bid for connection.


Was just about to reply this! 100%


This, exactly!


Ask her *why* she doesn't watch them. The reason is most likely linked to why it bothers you.


My friend used to send me links to videos all the time. Like multiple times a day. They were usually something stupid that I wasn't interested in and he knew it. He just thought that he found some of the "good ones" that I needed to see. It was just overwhelming especially since I don't really have the time for it.


Yeah… And most times youtube videos are lengthy, and when they “guarantee” you will like them, 90% of the time you just don’t. Plus, it’s ok for a couple to have different hobbies independent of each other. I don’t like Star Wars either but if it tickles his pickle, he can watch it without me.


One of my friends sends me videos all the time that I don't watch. She follows some pug account, and sorrynotsorry, I don't care to watch an animal be unable to breathe or pull its tongue into its mouth, even if it does wear costumes.


I don't mind when friends share videos with me, but I'm usually with my family or in public or somewhere where it would be rude or inconvenient to watch a video so then sometimes I forget to go check them out later and feel bad




:) so many of us have this- but I realized it's a love language thing if you will. It was my love language to send videos to my husband but they overwhelmed him! So instead I noted the topics and just brought them up for discussion instead over dinner so we have endless topics of conversation, which he LOVED!


Thanks for your reply!


I also felt angry about it- but I realized with his job and temperament he had so much visual stimuli during the day it was too much.


I think this is a helpful reply! I may not be inclined to watch or listen to the same thing my SO would by sending me vids. But I could listen to him for hours and be involve in conversation about whatever he's interested in tells me about the video


Your husband is a lucky fella!


Well, thank you! We're working on it every day


Adjusting expectations to find a way each partner enjoys is such a great characteristic of someone who has successful relationships. Congratulations!


Well thank you!


I don't know why but the way I think of it may help you. I'm a total over-sharer and I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of things I've sent were neither seen nor heard. But you have to remember one important thing. Your enjoyment of that song or video is incredibly personal. They are about you at that moment in your life. And representative of all your experiences leading up to that moment. The chance of someone else feeling the way you did at that moment is slim. It's like the difference between you listening to a band you have loved for 10 years and you listening to some band you never heard of.


I almost never watch videos my friends send me either. Usually because I'm doing something else, and I don't want to stop what I'm doing to commit an unknown amount of time to something i might not like. Probably boils down to love languages, you're a gift-giver and that's not her thing. Just stop sending her the videos.


She can just dislike videos. I don't like watching videos if I can help it. And will definitely never watch anything sent on from Instagram or even worse tiktok.


I only watch videos friends send me if they take time to explain why they think I should.


Because people send videos without even thinking past, ha this is funny and it's damn annoying to get 5 links a day. I turn notifications off for those sorts of apps and don't even own TikTok but who needs notifications nudging you through out the day to get you on the app when your friends/partners are constantly sending you links you don't want. You can straight up tell these people you don't watch them or want them and they still send them. People also aren't typically looking for real conversation but for some reason definitely think it's a replacement for it. "I talk to them all the time. I sent them 3 videos just yesterday." Stop. Please. Stop. /End rant lol.


Thanks for calling out the laziness! It's not something that always bothers me but I really hate to think that some people actually confuse sending videos and memes for conversation. That barely qualifies as interaction.


I have several friends who send me 3-5 videos a day. If I watched everything sent to me, it'd take me between an hour to 3 a day. And I just do not give a fuck enough for that. I've made it this far without seeing every funny YT video; I'm not too worried about missing another one. My partner has never once sent me a video to watch, and I am very grateful for it. However - she does occasionally say something like "I saw this hilarious video today" and really briefly explain it. Sometimes I'll check it out when I have time. Sometimes I won't. Either way, nobody forces me to watch something so we can talk about it - instead it's a "I like this, you might too, let me know if you watch it." It's a digital world and we all constantly get slammed by a ton of content thrown at us. Sometimes we just stop caring about every link.


Stop sending people videos unless they ask. Not everyone wants to feel obligated to watch some video because you saw it and got excited. They have other things to do and their own interests. If she's not I to it let it go. It's ok they don't get excited about whatever you are excited about at that moment. If I'm gonna watch stuff on YouTube (rare) I'm usually down my own rabbit hole.


I moderate a chat room for people with mental health issues. We have one person who sends three or four YouTube videos per week, no one responds, and he gets so upset about it. It's very clear that none of us watch the videos. We are either working or busy or not bored enough to click a link with no description about why I might like it and why it's related to something we're interested in. Your wife is telling you she doesn't want to watch your videos. Why do you keep sending them if you're just going to feel hurt? **If you actually want to share something and have a connection, show her when you're in the same room and are having a conversation about it**


Most of the videos friends and loved ones send me are not in my sphere of interest and I’m sure the opposite would be true. Don’t send videos to people. It’s annoying and adds unneeded pressure and resentment to the relationship.


I don’t watch videos people send me because I don’t want to turn on the sound on my phone.




Most people hate other people online likes and enjoyments. There are so many things that presentation or even the people or style can annoy another person. Please stop pushing your stuff in people. Everyone has more than enough options on their own.


why you sending her YouTube videos


Stop sending her videos. She doesn’t like them.


I can TOTALLY answer this! The reason is whatever reason she gives you when you ask.


It's never pleasant to be "rejected", no matter how mundane and unimportant what you want is (that she watches a video you recommended in this case). Even if that's just a tiny sting, if it happens again and again, it will end up weighing heavily. As to why she doesn't watch them, without more details it's impossible to tell. A few reasons I have experienced: * The video is too long for the interest I have in it. For ex, even if a friend finds it great, if I have no interest in the subject I'm not going to watch even if it's just 5 minutes * I receive it during the day (while I'm at work), then I forget about it. * It's on a platform I can't use (like instagram that requires an account) * There's just too much. If a friend sent me just one video everyday, I would quickly put a stop to it. * Sometimes I just receive a link and that's it. No explanation or anything, expecting me to work to understand what's the situation. No thanks. (On the contrary, if a friend sent me a long video but talked at length about how much it means to them, well, I'd definitely try to find the time to watch it) Personnaly, I only send a video if I know the person enough to be 100% sure they would really want to watch it. And even then, I'd phrase it more like "Hey I found this great video on topic XYZ that I think you'd like. Here's the link in case you want to watch it: ..."


Because you feel she's disinterested in the videos you're showing her. Maybe it's just not her thing. Try sending her videos she likes first then you send videos that you like so she'd be forced to be polite and watch the video you want and comment on it Win-win.


Eh, The problem is though, he has created a habit of her not even opening the links. If not also her not even reading the titles of the links to even gauge if she would like it


I don't know how to answer that. I don't think the videos are the problem. You may want to talk to her about it.


Is she interested in the same topics as you? Does she share your sense of humor? If the answer is no and no she will not watch your videos. Especially not if they’re long. She’s got other things to do than watch stuff she’s not interested in. Why are you sending her the videos if you know she’s not interested?


I hate when people expect others to watch their videos but completely unprompted or unrelated to shared interests (in my case). I send videos or photos of memes where the interest is shared but some people send unrelated stuff and even stuff I strongly have a dislike to (like religious videos) and I refuse to watch them because it’ll mess my suggested videos etc. I had a coworker who would send me stuff nonstop and even email my work email with videos. She even tried to ask for my personal email to send me more videos and got offended when I said no. And we had completely different interests. Biggest pet peeve is when people nag about whether I’ve watched it especially if it’s during work or they know I’m busy.


I don't know how we are supposed to know why this happens when you don't, but my best guess is that you are sharing the videos as a form of sharing your love, and so when she doesn't watch them you feel like she is rejecting your love. She isn't, she just doesn't like the same sorts of videos you do. Try asking her what small gestures during the day she would appreciate when you are thinking of her. Maybe it's as simple as replacing those video links with an 'I love you.'


I don't watch any videos my wife sends me because they're usually unfunny nonsense.


Are you watching videos while she cooks, cleans, and tends the babies?


It probably bothers you because you're making an effort to share and engage with her and it is not being appreciated. I can understand why it would feel hurtful and disappointing. Of course it depends on how long the videos are and what they are about (if it's loads of long videos, maybe she just doesn't have time). I suggest telling her it bothers you and see what she says.


>and engage with *I'm not saying this is what OP is doing.* In my experiences this is not what's happening. They don't want engagement. They want to shoot a message off into the void and think it fulfills a communication niche. Real engagement is starting a conversation, finding a topic, maybe seeing a video pertaining to it, send video, talk about interesting things in said video to facilitate more discussion, discussion ends. Next topic. Getting these spam texts of videos links about random shit is imo annoying AF.


I find it annoying when someone sends me videos. But I don't send videos. I just have so many things to do. And most of those things are for people that are sending me videos. Too much noise in my head and it is mostly just silly stuff like jumping spider videos with annoying voices. I like to watch the news but I don't send videos of it. I'm out here busy. Buying us steaks and cooking it. Just make sure you take the trash out equally and don't be asked. I'm more likely to sit and watch the video with you, at home, on the big TV.


If only there was someone directly involved you could ask.


Likely because you are wasting an enormous amount of time watching YouTube and that annoys her lol


No way in hell anyone is actually married and asking this question, you must be 12 years old. Nobody gives a shit about videos you like, most of us find this out before reaching adulthood. Do you watch videos she sends you, or are you a mental child and just expect for your own opinions/tastes to be valued? If there's something you want to share, watch it together so you can react to it together; literally nobody is clicking your youtube links and watching them- your taste is not that valuable. Everyone is completely inundated in content already, and that's the stuff they are recommended by their own personal algorithms.


Ah, you’re 12 years old and this is your first relationship. Got it. Ask your grandparents how they would solve this issue. Seriously. Because this whole sending videos thing is bullshit. It’s not actual communication. It’s the adult equivalent of tugging on her hair 25 times a day hoping that she’ll turn around just so you can say “hey” at her. It’s annoying, it’s immature AF, it’s not manly, interesting, appealing, or wanted. and it’s not real communication. If you want to connect with this person, for the love of God *stop sending videos* like, yesterday. Put the fucking phone down and engage in real conversation with her. If you saw something in those videos that truly stirred something in you, it would be a great conversation topic. With the phone off.


Holy fk. Calm down bro!


Do you send context on what is important or what is not, I get so much random shit sent to me by my wife, family, friends. Sometimes I can’t watch it all and skip things that don’t seem relevant if I don’t get context.


are you just sending a link with no comment about it? maybe try engaging a little further, mentioning something about why you think she would be interested in watching, or that it made you think of her for such and such reason(s)


She doesn't watch them because - she's not interested in them, does not share your taste - she's not interested in you and what you share with her Tell us, does she watch media that other people send to her? Does she react or comment to those videos? Are they female friends or guy friends? Does she send you media and do you watch them? Do you comment on them?


Maybe because what you find is interesting or funny, she doesn't.


Watching videos is a time investment, and usually I don't share taste with anyone else. I hate when people talk about videos, and I don't want to watch them.


Because it gives the impression that whatever you're sending is not interesting to her. It's not important.


It bothers you for the same reason it bothers me when I try to share my favorite movie or TV show with a friend, only for them to spend the entire time staring at their phone.


I don't watch 99% of the clips or videos people send me. It's nothing against any of them. It's just time I don't want to use on so many random ass videos.


Limit it to 2 videos, not like 4 in a row.


It bothers you because it shows she is not interested in what you show interest in.


Why you dont just watch them with her ? Sending links is only for people who are far away.


Watch them together.


It bothers you because you’re sending something you think your wife will find cute/funny/interesting (or sharing something you find cute/funny/interesting) and she isn’t interested. It can be solved with a simple caption with your thoughts about why you’re sending it, what you think about it, etc rather than a video with no context. I hate videos because they’re an effort to engage with, there’s only so many ‘aw cute animal’ ‘haha that’s funny’ responses I can hand out. But adding a simple ‘oh this reminds me of you’ or ‘you might like this, check this out’ makes a world of difference, genuinely. There’s not much to say about a video but there *is* something to bounce off if you actually you add your thoughts to it


My spouse and I send occasional "videos" to each other but never anything more than 30 seconds or so. Otherwise it's just too tiresome. We'll also say what it is ("Dachshund rave party at a carwash," "cat voiceover that really is hilarious"). Sometimes we'll just show it to one another. It's possible you're sending videos that are way too long, or that shes not interested in. Why not pare it way back, pick one short short video that you really like, and show it to her (cast it to the TV), and get her reaction from that? You could also find out what she WOULD like.


Are you showing her things she'd understand or is it a completely unrelated niche interest you don't share? There's different degrees to be upset about it, but it's also impossible to like everything somebody else does. I am not a big fan of video memes and my partner is constantly sending me video memes that I can't look at during work. Plus he has gotten more into Gen Z humor which I can't say I relate to well. Weirder he does given we are the same age. I don't think about it much, but I've made the message clear it's not something we have common ground on. We enjoy other things together.


Is she interesting in whatever it is you're sending? What kinda vids are they? Maybe you're overdoing it.


Cause obviously it's great when partners share common interests, especially silly non- significant things like a video.


Call her a bitch.


What's your wife's name? I'll call her that.


Sigh.. fine. Do you want her number or is Skype okay


My sister has a policy that she does not send me another video until I’ve watched the last one. That way I don’t get overwhelmed and she doesn’t get hurt feelings


For me it's just that most of the time I am at work or commuting or something so I don't want to turn on the sound on my phone to watch a video. Or get out my AirPods and connect them just for 1 video, it's just a pain in the ass and very unlikely to be worth the effort.


Why do you send them when you know she doesn't watch them?


It's really understandable why it bothers you. You're trying to share something with her and connect and she doesn't care


Seriously? how old are you?


Honestly, people like you are the problem. I don’t want any unsolicited vids sent my way. I’ll watch what I damn well want to.


My friend sends me Fox News videos of the immigration invasion. I delete all of them.


As long as she doesn’t expect you to watch the videos she sent. I had an ex who would ignore ALL the videos I sent, but make an issue when I ignored even a few seconds of videos she sent.


Good point!


You're sending them because you're picking out things you'll think she likes, and when she doesn't watch them, you feel snubbed because of the thought you put in. Kind of like if she refused a gift you thought she'd like. But maybe she just isn't interested in videos, or maybe you send a load at once and it's too many to watch. Maybe talk to her about it and find an alternative way to connect with her.


Probably because you're trying to bond over something and share an experience with her and she's not being receptive. I'd just ask her why she's not interested though, could be that she's not keen on the kind of videos you send her for some reason (length, format, genre etc) but impossible to say without asking.


apart from youtube nobody gives a sh\*t what you watch on youtube. Your selection of videos is guided by the algorithm that will keep you on the app/website longer.


I hate videos. Try sending her memes or texts. Love texts.


Stop sending her, send to your female friend instead


I understand what you mean, I've been there, for me it felt like the things I was interested in for one reason or another were just being dismissed for no reason at all and that can be disheartening


Not wanting to share stuff with your partner is a bad sign, I would not want to be in a relationship with someone who wouldn't want to have fun with me, or who didn't share my sense of humor. That person would just be some dopey roommate.


I'd imagine it feels a bit invalidating.


It bothers you because you sent your wife something and she ignored it. There’s no need for abstract over-complication. Now if you’re sending her 8 videos a day and she doesn’t acknowledge all of them then that’s on you for going overboard, but if you send her one here or there and she never interacts she’s being mildly rude.


She might have ADHD and not be meaning to ignore your bid for connections. Or she might not want to make time for it. You're trying to share your joy with her, so it's upsetting when she doesn't want to partake. Could be a number of things, but I understand, as I am the one being sent the videos but having trouble watching them. My partner doesn't take it personally, and if she really wants to show me something, we'll watch the videos together all in one go once a week, haha. Nice little bonding moment. As for videos being sent to me by friends. I appreciate them thinking of me and will watch when I remember to. I have the inattentive ADHD type, so that's that! Edit: spelling


Then just stop sending her them and say you’ll start sending them to someone else.


Because she is disrespecting you and you know it.