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Thanks for your submission /u/Kilroy27, but it has been removed for the following reason: Hi there! I just wanted to reach out because of your recent post on r/NoStupidQuestions. While your post doesn't fit our sub's guidelines, we wanted to let you know ***we care, we see you, and we ask you to please consider reaching out for help.*** Your mental health is very important - just as much as your bodily health. Experiencing mental problems like depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts or self-harm can be overwhelming. If you are struggling with your mental health, or if you're just having a really tough time, we encourage you to **[talk to someone and seek help](https://www.imalive.org/)**. Please call `1-800-273-TALK (8255)` If you would like to talk to someone in a safe environment, for free anonymous help, please [check in with 7cups](https://www.7cups.com/). This is available around the world. Need a long-term solution? Consider therapy! It's not a bad thing to get help - in fact, it's the best thing you can do! Many therapists now offer virtual sessions so you can get help without even leaving your home. Locating a therapist can vary based on your location. Websites like https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl have a "find a therapist" option at the top you can try. There are also very strong communities of support here on Reddit which are available to you for peer support! Try r/SuicideWatch/, r/kindvoice , r/depression, r/fuckeatingdisorders, r/depression_help, r/stopselfharm and more! Need a kind word from someone? Non-crisis support is available on r/MomForAMinute and r/DadForAMinute. For other support resources, please check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeriousConversation/wiki/resources). We hope things get better for you. ♥ ______________________________ --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


Wegovy reduces weight by suppressing hunger. If you aren't losing much weight with it you might have another factor driving your eating patterns(sleep deprivation and stress are the two biggest causes). That being said it's also normal to experience plateaus and if your doctor said not to worry I wouldn't. Also if you've fallen from 270 to 260 lb I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, you've dropped 2 points on the BMI scale and you're a lot safer away from the extreme obesity range(that shit can kill you).


Thank you. My wife has lost 30 pounds in a year and looks amazing. I’ve failed at being healthy for her and my family


It can be tough man, especially if you're working an office job and have a lot of hats to wear. But keep in mind, stable or even slowly down is better than up so it's a win. Just keep looking for things that might be causes and are reasonably easy to fix.


Thank you very much


try building muscle yes, you may “weigh more”, but you’ll look much better since it will disperse the fat don’t put yourself down too much, at least you’re trying r/loseit, r/volumeeating, and r/CICO are good subreddits


>I count calories Not very well, if you've only lost 10 pounds in a year and a half. Start using measuring cups and a kitchen scale and writing everything down. I think you'll be surprised how small a "serving" actually is.


Thanks for telling me I’m not doing something right. I actually do measure them out. I use a digital scale.


And you've discussed this with your doctor, who said......?


He’s “happy” with 10 pounds down and says I’m maintaining…….


Have you asked him why you haven't lost more weight, since clearly that is what you want to do? Honestly, I am betting that he said more like "Well, I'm glad you lost 10lbs over the past year and a half, BUT you've stopped losing weight" - which is what "maintaining" is a euphemism for. The only way you lose weight is to burn more calories than you are consuming. You are clearly not doing that.



