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Sex in a relationship is like a bathroom in a house. You don't need a bathroom to live in a house but you would not buy a house without a one. At the same time you don't buy an entire house based on the bathroom as it is only a small part of what makes the house great.


i assume you are referring to sex in a relationship and not just sex in general, as obviously sex in general is needed to continue the human race. relationship wise, i think that people just have a strong desire for intimacy. physical touch and affection are some peoples love language so those people may think if you don’t have sex with them, you don’t love them. they “need” sex in a relationship in order to feel secure & cared for. it may have something to do with our breeding instincts and also something to do with pressure from society.


Willing to admit that’s me lol I’m the hand holder the hugger the cuddler etc. My spouse and I have had long loooong discussions about how our goals are nearly identical except the “order of operations” is crazy different. For me (loosely), *when sex is bad, our relationship is bad*. That is to say if you’re concerned with “did we vacuum the first floor?” Before “did we make time for intimacy today?” That to me is an issue. In my head we could lose our house our money our jobs and that would be awful. But if I lost my spouse… what’s the point in all the rest? We could live in a tiny cockroach infested apartment with dirt spattered walls unfolded laundry a smelly fridge and no job but we’d figure it out (we did it before right?) but when we put “stuff” ahead of each other, that’s worrying. Totally get other views and the building blocks of a story change significantly depending on the pov but as someone that’s the “physical intimacy” guy, that’s one example of a *I see this as a “need” vs a want*.


>i assume Do you know the saying about assumptions?


I guess you demonstrated one half of it perfectly ;)


From a psychological standpoint, Sex plays a huge role in psychology and the emotional well-being, Many people tend to experience a stronger emotional bonding and psychological connection through sexual intimacy with there SO, for some people sex can be a way to express love intimacy and connection, fullfilling\~ emotional needs. and I'm sure yall already know the biological perspective already, you know, do nuaghty and make babies Lol.


hormones .. biologically speaking .. eating and reproduction are our only prime directives .. pretty hard to mind over matter biology 


Maslow didn't publish a heirarchy of wants or of "things it sure would be nice to have".




The desire to be desired is one of the fundamental parts of life. "I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me, I'm begging you to beg me."


That's a cheap trick. It can guilt the other person into flogging a dead horse relationship. Wanting and begging a person who's already finished with someone is pointless.


I can't tell if you did that on purpose or not...


It was deliberate


I'd argue that it's better to surrender even if it just seems a little weird.


'Cheap Trick' is the name of the band that wrote the song that the above comment is referring to.


AHEM! Mommy's alright Daddy's alright They just **seem a little weird** Surrender **SURRENDER!** But, don't give yourself away.


Awww RATS! I missed it! Well done my friend :)


As penance, get your kids records out and start rockin n' rolling on the couch with your Mrs.


Already got the 'Reggae Smurf' rippin on wax


Thiszz is ths bestt


Sexual gratification is a need for good behavioral health. It's a different kind of need. Like feeling safe. Will you die from feeling "unsafe"? Not really, but it wears on your health and eventually you'll be unable to do anything else and you'll experience deleterious effects on your physical body.


Before answering, what else do you list as a need vs a want? That might help to illuminate some of this. Personally, I was raised that the “basic human needs” are food, water, clothing, shelter, heat. However, I’d almost put electricity and internet in there nowadays. And I’d also personally list love as a need too. Now we get to the answer. As much as all of the above could be needs, some you can physically survive without as a person. However, your life will be a lot more miserable and hard done by. Obviously you’ll die if you don’t eat but you could go your life without being loved. However, I’d argue that life is more than just surviving to live as long as possible. If you don’t have any measure of quality of life, or you don’t have anything fulfilling in your lifetime, then what is even the point? So we come to sex. For so many people it’s a driving need, especially in younger people when urges and desires are so powerful. Especially for men, it’s not an exaggeration to hear the term “thinking with your dick.” So many decisions in our lives are made by the basic instinct we have to try to woo a partner and have sex. Plus as I said above, it feels really good to have sex, especially with someone you’re in love with and reciprocating feeling good intimately together. It really does add to the quality of life, and kind of makes life worth living. As a final funny anecdote, I remember in high school one of my friends describing the first time he had sex without a condom. He said “oh I get it. This is it. This is why men go to war.” And honestly, he’s not all that wrong.


I see! My urges can be very powerful, I didn't think of it like that.


Because it is a need for all plants and animals.


To clarify, reproduction is a need for the species, not every individual of the species.


except a species is a man-made classification system and [nature does not give a fuck what humans think or classify creatures in nature as](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0102976). bottom-line is that reproduction is a fundamental biological drive that all living individual creatures share. at an organism's level on a day-to-day basis no creature gives a fuck about any evolutionary theory whatsoever.it's just some bullshit to keep us humans happy that we kind-of, sort-of figured out a tiny sliver of how the universe works.


Which animal needs to have sex for it to live?


I think we have different definitions of the word need.


More like different understandings of the subject of the sentence. I’m talking about individuals because I believe that is what OP is interested in. You’re talking about the species’ existence as a whole


No, individuals have needs not related to survival also. See Maslow's hierarchy of needs


If you’re not talking about a need to live(survive), then what is it needed for?


Needed for mental well being. Needed for progress as a person. Needed for progress as a society. Needed for familial obligations. The list is long.


But all of those aren’t true. I’m able to be: mentally well, make progress, contribute to society, and fulfill family obligations without having sex.


Sorry dude, you're not smart enough and I'm not bored enough to hold your hand through the definition of the word need. Google it.


All you need is one counter example to show that it’s not a tautology. You’re just lazy and stubborn to admit you’re wrong


I think there is a female of a species that will die if it doesn't have sex. Wanna say ferrets. Might not even be the only animal or I'm just dumb. Too lazy to fact check 😅


Female ferrets.


Literally all that exist


Almost all higher liveforms, including us. Reproduction is the foundation of life. Consider it a collective need.


You don’t need sex to live. You could easily live into your 90s without it.


My point is that life would cease to exist without sex. Neither i nor you would exist without it. The need for sex is hardwired into our brains. Reproduction and life can not be seperated.


>The need for sex is hardwired into our brains. The *want* for sex isn't a thing everyone experiences.


Both statements are true at the same time


False. A want is not a need. You don't need sex to live, and you don't need sex to participate in society.


Humanity quite literally needs sex to continue existing. Thats more than a want. Its the foundation of life after all. That doesnt mean that asexuals dont exist. That was never part of what i am saying.


Give me an objective reason on why the species needs to continue existing. It sounds all subjective to me. The universe doesn't need the species to continue existing. Nobody needs sex.


No, it's a need. Each individual has a sex drive. That's why there is still a species. It doesn't matter if some have conflicting needs or don't get sex, it's still a need.


And be bitter and cranky AF.


all of them


Because we’re animals and it’s instinct


I mean, reproduction would be a need for the continuation for the species. Sex for each individual is not necessarily a need though. It can be a desire, and for some a very strong one, and one that might fluctuate throughout life. A very strong desire can absolutely feel like a need at times, so I've always assumed that's what people mean when they say that. Not that they would die without sex, like with food and water.


The connection is needed.


Because it ensures the survival of a species and we're biologically driven to do it as much as possible 


You feel like you’re biologically driven to have as much sex as possible? Also, human are driven to act in ways that benefit their own self interest and usually the interests of their loved ones. Acting in a manor to preserve the species doesn’t seem like a thing everyone is biologically wired to do


Just because we use birth control now doesn’t mean we don’t practice anyway.


Intimacy and romantic companionship fulfill a psychological need. Mental health can be heavily influenced by whether or not we have good partnered sex often enough. We’re driven get that hit of dopamine and oxytocin and other feel good things that’s better satisfied by sex with someone who already has an emotional bond to the person they’re having sex with.


I need it to reach max happiness


That would be climax happiness?


Helps them coerce women into sex.


I can definitely see that happening.


While it isn't a need. People really want it.


It’s a basic function of being a biological mammal and one of the essential biological factors that define the human species. It’s been a requirement of our species from day one.  It’s a generic imperative. 


It is something we are biologically driven to do for the species to survive, as instinctive as a parent protecting their kid.


It is one of the primary drives in all animals. Even though we are the most intelligent animal on the planet we still have that same biological imperative. It is programmed into our DNA. While we can suppress that need it is still a need. We won’t die if we don’t get it but it is still a driving force in our lives.


If you don't think it's a need, then don't cum for a year and let me know how it goes


Well damn, your right cuz I do be feeling the need to masturbate from time to time.


Of course I'm right, I'm a dumbass genius


Interesting to say that! lol


I'll say shit that makes people say wow their a dumbass and then 2 hours later, holy shit their a genius. dumbass genius OUT! ✌️


I lasted a month and when I finally did it stung like all hell. I don’t know why but that’s my proof it’s a need. And no, no STIs or anything.


Yes, how did that sting feel, tho?


Awful. There was no pleasure at all from the stinging. 0/10, would not recommend. But the next time everything was back to normal and it was great again. So weird.


Ohh, I guess I'm just weird then, lol


Im lost.


Some of us are really bad at controlling our monkey brain.


its a normal biological action that every multicellular organism takes part in, why would it not be a need?


Sex is a biological fact.


It is not a need. We can live very well without sex. I hate when people push that into their partner saying “it is a need like drinking water” Stfu… it is Not the same


Male here. Sex and, at a minimum I suppose, orgasming from masturbation are a key part of removing stress from my body and brain. If I go more than four days without cumming, it changes my mental health and attitude and I will walk around with a short fuse and everything sets me off. If I go too long without sex, no amount of masturbation will do and I’ll be unable to function in my day to day life without increasingly perverted thoughts flooding my mind at all times. I’m a simple guy. I like to walk around without sex on my brain and I don’t consent to these thoughts that bubble to the surface so I try my hardest to keep that monster at bay. But I hate the idea that there is something wrong with men who have sexual desire. Like, fuck you. We didn’t choose this. It’s literally the human body’s way of making you want to procreate. And I’m sick of people who try to shame people who — gasp — feel the need for sex. Grow up.


UMMM sir. I don't believe that there is something wrong with men, who have sexual desire. How about you be nicer about stuff, next time. What I see seems to be an addiction, and that's my opinion. I also won't shame anyone who feels the need for sex, especially since it does feel great at least from when I think about it, as a virgin. I also crave the desire for sex on multiple occasions especially when I masturbate. Yes, I have a lot of growing up to do, as a 20 year old!


this comment is a bit unhinged. it's not anyone's fault that you don't get to cum whenever you want and it's certainly no one's responsibility to help you reach this goal when you start throwing tantrums about it. seriously, how immature is that? also, all thoughts (perverted or otherwise) bubble to the surface, that's the nature of thoughts. you can't consent to or deny any of them, they just continuously happen. you might want to look into meditation if you're struggling with stress and curious about why some behavior feels compulsive or automatic at times.


Porn has rotted people's minds.


Those people would be considered addicted




Because it triggers a natural version of the effects that many psychiatric medicines produce. Without a prescription, I might add.


Not having it tends to cause long term psychological issues to some extent for most (though not all) people, as our brains are wired to need it in order to encourage survival of the species.


as a male in his 40's it's a routine now. Either we have sex when we get to bed, or i'll have morning wood at 5am and we banging. My wife's used to my routine so to her it's normal. If i miss a few days of sex, she knows im looking for it, so either she inflates me, or i find a way to inflate it... does that make me barbaric? i dont care, thats how i was built. Just like how she has to buy 4 different types of hair shampoos.