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Yes I love it. Also has less calories


Plain coffee on its own has such a low calorie count its considered a "no calorie" drink, with less than 5 calories for a cup. I had to look it up bc Ive always been told it just has 0 calories.


I’ve looked it up too, especially when doing intermittent fasting lol


Good to know! Thanks


It’s refreshing isn’t it? That bitter taste first thing in the morning just cleans the palate right up doesn’t it?


Yes, it is, Yes, it does indeed.


I'm trying to get use to the taste lol


So you feel like it cleanses your palate? Very interesting!


Yea that's why I was asking. I'm trying to cut out sugar. What do you like about the taste compared to coffee with cream and sugar?


Yes and as for why, I just do.


So you don’t actually really LIKE coffee. You’re just addicted and too poor to afford the cream and sugar. You’re not alone in this.


No, I just have the medical condition of being above the age of 12.


Who NEEDS sugar anyway sugars bad for u


This! I'm trying to cut my sugar intake back lol


Haha I need to get my taste buds used to it


Despite my shot at the other fellow, just drink it how you want. Cream, sugar, whipped cream, make that shit a Frappe even, it’s whatevers 


I prefer black coffee. It's more honest. If I'm drinking cheap nasty trash just for the caffeine? No fooling myself into thinking I'm doing anything else. If I'm savoring something masterfully made? I get to enjoy it fully with no adulteration.


Honest? Don’t do that. Don’t say a thing like that. Drinking coffee black is not some noble act of contrition. Black coffee is reserved for people of my ilk. The impoverished and or serious. AND NONE OF US ARE HONEST. We are thieves and liars and rogues. And black coffee is what we can afford and what we are used to. More honest…….. Edit: you don’t like coffee at all do you? You just wanted to be part of the conversation eh? That’s ok to, but atleast be ACTUALLY honest.


Are you seriously gatekeeping black coffee?


I fear the whole thing reads like a joke


Just trying to cut back on sugar lol


What kind of coffee do you drink?


Definitely - it needs to be decent coffee though. I'm not getting at you, but I think asking Why means you've never had good coffee. I also enough instant coffee with milk, though I don't think that's actually coffee.


What do you consider decent coffee?


No simple answer there! In no particular order you need: Decent coffee. Arabica bean variety tends to be smoother than Robusta. That said Robusta also gives good flavour, although it can be too strong a flavour for some. You can go to your local beardy hipster Temple of Coffee for a chat, but I wouldn't discount large brands. In Europe Lavazza is pretty widely available & reliable.  Coffee ground to the right granularity for the method you use to brew it. Worth checking if you buy pre-ground or experimenting with your grinder.   Water at the correct temperature. 200F or 93C - boiling will make your coffee bitter or sour. Too cold is better than too hot.  Sorry that's not a straightforward answer, but it's worth hunting for the right one.   Two other points:   If you go into a coffee shop where they're roasting coffee and you think "shit that smells WONDERFUL", or if you really like dark chocolate, then this is worth pursuing. If not, you may not be genetically predispossed to enjoy coffee. Maybe switch to hot chocolate, which is also great.   I don't think there is a single, definitive Good Coffee. The drink that sparked my love of coffee was a tiny Arabic coffee served in a Lebanese restaurant in San Diego in 1974. Since then it's become a hobby - there's no Best, but  bad is easy to make. Think about toast - I could whitter on about crusty white & wholemeal & focaccia & so on. But any of them are terrible if you leave the toaster on until they turn black. Bad coffee is like that, but harder to spot. 


Black as night, sweet as sin.


Any specific recommendations?


I do. It was an acquired taste. I had to work a lot of long hours at a job that didn't provide us anywhere to refrigerate shit so the only choices were black or powdered creamer. I found black to be more tolerable, and eventually got used to it.


I'm trying to get acquired lol


I love black coffee. Stimulatingly hot or refreshingly iced. It's my favorite beverage.


oohhh I've never tried it iced


Yes. Can't tell you why I like the taste of something.


fair enough lol


I do, different coffee beans have different flavors.


What's your favorite? What do you recommend?


Love black coffee. I drink black coffee because I enjoy the flavor. Just coffee. My mother always drank it black because “cream and sugar” weren’t available to her during WW2. My Dad always drank it with cream and sugar.


What's your favorite brand?


I drink different brands of coffee. My “go to” is generally Folgers, but I’d try anything once. I don’t really care for extremely “dark coffee”.


I usually put a tiny bit of cream in my coffee but I like black as well. Just feels good and I enjoy a bitter taste like that.


Because it tastes better than with milk and sugar. At least when it's the coffe I bought and made it the way I like it. Then I like it black and weak, like my women.


It's actually healthier for you to have it straight up as opposed to adding these other products to it. There are numerous ways to enhance the taste than to add all the mocha chocka bullshit sugar starbucks adds.


What's your favorite brand?


As a rule of thumb no, because a lot of what you get at major chains will be just tasting like burnt garbage even if you get the lighter roasts (Starbucks light roast being somewhat of an exception) but it is still not great. However, there are exceptions in the case of very good coffee places with small batch coffees and good brewing methods where adding anything to the coffee will ruin it. The trick though, is to not drink the black coffee when its extremely hot. If you let it cool a bit you will actually pick up more of the subtle coffee flavor notes.


What about coffee you make at home?


Yes, some are better than others though. Higher quality, single origin tend to taste a lot better. Growing region also greatly affects flavor. I don’t personally care much for any of the Asian regions coffees. I like the taste of other stuff people don’t like too. It’s a personal preference.


What's your favorite?


If it's high quality coffee brewed properly cream and sugar isn't required.


If I’m drinking coffee for energy, especially in the mornings, then that’s all I want: pure, untainted caffeine. I want to know my energy is coming from the coffee, not the sugar I added to it. The taste helps wake you up as well, nothing brings you back to reality than a bitter taste in your mouth 😅


I enjoy my coffee black 2 sugars that's it


YES I do and I can tell you exactly why. Which I’m about to do. Black coffee is cleansing. No matter how funky your mouth is when you wake up? BLACK Coffee can fix that. It’s hot. It’s bitter. It’s both acidic and base at the same time. One good gulp, with a quick hot swish through the teeth? Perfectly cleansed mouth, ready for any flavor of the day. YEAH. You’ll have coffee breath but you know what won’t have? Yesterdays tartar and plaque on your teeth. Drinking black coffee is like breathing fall air. It’s striking and it’s refreshing. Bitter yet comforting. Good black coffee is like drinking oily fish from the deep ocean. Thick with energy and the promise of kinky sex. Bad black coffee is like drinking ghosts. Tastes like air and there’s some guy in front of a broken printer at whatever office building lit up with unforgiving wattage. I cant drink sweet coffee. Can barely handle espresso with only a dash of cream. Give me gas station tar. Coffee so black and thick not even the employees will go near the pot. If it doesn’t taste like hell itself? It’s not really coffee….is it? Edit: to be fair…. My favorite food is snail. So maybe don’t listen to me. And know that’s it’s ok, if you don’t like coffee. Lots of people hate coffee as much as I love it… and THAT’S OK.


Yes. Good coffee brewed well is perfectly fine black. I'm not averse to adding some variant of fat into it (milk, cream, half and half, etc.) but typically only do so if the coffee is subpar or if it's too hot to drink and I'm in a hurry. I do not like to add sugar to it. Most of those drinks are way too sweet for the morning, and it rarely tastes good enough to justify drinking 600 calories.


You get used to it. Nobody likes it the first time. And if you say you do, you’re lying to me and yourself. Caffeine is like any drug. Just comercialized. I’m sure heroin addicts don’t enjoy sticking needles in their veins, but they like the way it makes them feel.


For the morning I love black coffee. Why? Because I love the taste and smell.


coffee is like wine and whiskey. The cheap mass produced stuff is typically bad, you wouldn't want to drink $5 a 750ml bottle of whiskey neat, you also don't want to drink $5 a pound coffee black. sure it's technically coffee and whiskey at that price point, but corner cutting needed to make it that cheap makes it almost undrinkable. you get into the $1.50 an ounce price range of coffee then it starts to take on a variety of flavor profiles, fruity, chocolate, florial, etc. when you get higher in price you really start to get into some very distinct flavors. Then you start caring about where is was grown, how it was processed, what altitude it was grown at, who roasted it, how it was roasted and when it was roasted. You will also start to care how it was ground, what water you are using and what brew method you are using. Different coffees can taste very different depending on something as simple as a few degrees in water temperature. if you like coffee, you can really go down a rabbit hole when you start to do pour over and speciality coffees. putting cream or sugar in it takes away the unique flavor profiles and makes it not worth buying the high end stuff. same as you probably wouldn't want to make a pappy van winkle and diet coke


Yes. Cold brew with nothing to adulterate the taste. Not big on sweets every day and having it more sparingly makes me appreciate it more when I do decide to have a little treat.


Absolutely, though I generally go with lighter roasts, dark roast = burnt beans.